Are you kidding.
Having a President who can’t find his way off a stage and has to be hand led is not dangerous. Someone who babbles incomprehensibly through a whole debate.
Having a party lie to the American public for years about an incompetent dementia ridden President is not dangerous.
What world do you live in. The Dems were a bunch of lying scumbags all through the Biden Presidency and deserved to get their ass kicked the way they did.
Unfortunately Trump is proving to be dangerous as well but not for the same reasons.
Mince my words about that cackling word salad DEI loser, nah she proved it by losing everything that was possible to lose in the last election.
The worst candidate the Dems could possibly ever have. Spent almost 2 billion to get the Dems wiped out and she is your hero lol.
Your words about Biden that can't find his way off a stage and in France has been proven lectured videos by cheating Republicans. According to Republicans, Biden was not running the contry but Obama was. If true you should aknoledge that it was much better than Trump first presidency.
Biden inherited the disastrous Covid 19 management by Republican Governors who denied the seriousness of it.
Remember also that there was proportionnaly more deaths in the Republican population. Why ? Disbelieve in vaccin (lower vaccinnation % in Republican population).
So go back to 2021 to 2024 and explain what was so bad.
Yes inflation was high not only in USA but across the planet. Was it Biden's fault ?
I know you're to intelligent to think that !
At least I hope so !