Trump 101
He wants to reindustrialize the United States and create jobs for his Maga base.
Although I agree with most of your post, I would change the above sentence to say he wants to create jobs for "those who will vote for and support him or his agenda" as opposed to the MAGA base, many of whom are not employable in those jobs.
I think you also left out the minerals tie in with the endgame in Ukrainian War. Ukraine has received a tremendous amount of USA aid and military assistance for nothing in return and I do not find it unreasonable to ask for mineral rights in return in order to end the war, if in fact that can be accomplished. I see nothing objectionable about it at all. The concept of "trade" stems from one country having something another country wants or needs, and the other country wanting something in return. USA needs minerals and Ukraine needs military weapons, assistance, intelligence and force in return. There is no duty by any country to provide Ukraine with anything, even if some have chosen to do so. What Trump is doing is saying "wait a minute here, what are we getting out of this something for nothing arrangement? The USA needs to get something in return."
I would expect not just Trump but any President we elect to look at things monetarily in terms of what is good for the country as a whole. That is what Trump is doing.
As far as the bullying of Canada, some of it has been dialed back, but some of the rhetoric I think is to start a dialogue on Canadian statehood. As I mentioned in another thread, Puerto Rico has had two national referendums in which they have overwhelmingly voted for American statehood, so the idea of any sovereign nation being welcomed in as a state is neither novel nor repulsive. However, Puerto Rico has not become a state, because I believe that they are viewed as a net negative and will pull out more federal money than they will bring in as revenue. And you cannot have a situation like that, like some have accused Quebec of doing with Canada and "not pulling their weight". So the Puerto Rican referendum votes have not been acted upon.
What Trump is trying to do is stimulate a dialogue on referendums in Canada and in Greenland. There is nothing wrong with that, in my opinion. If the referendums are held and statehood is rejected, the votes will have to be respected. If statehood is accepted, as in Puerto Rico, then the USA then has to evaluate whether the affirming nation is worthy of admission as a state. Puerto Rico was not deemed worthy. That Canada would be should be thought of as 51st state is flattering, not insulting, if we purge notions of nationalism and look at things in a more modern and intellectual manner in which nations are purely economic as opposed to sociopolitical unions. Your post is rooted in ideals of nationalism and nationalistic pride, but in the modern world we are trending away from sociopolitical unions to economic unions, and the thinking really has to be revised and modernized accordingly. The same type of sociopolitical unions and nationalistic pride led to the 20th Century Wars and we have now moved beyond that into a more global world where this kind of thinking is slowly dissipating. This is exemplified by the European Union and the vote on Brexit. The United States is taking a step towards a North American Union.