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Open Letter: Discrimination Has No Place in This Industry


No!!!! What's in the box????
Jun 18, 2024
Awww, this thread is very sensitive to me...

And i see both sides of the fence too...

I understand Handi's frustrations....

On the other hand, James brings valid points ..

I am being neutral on the matter...

I suggest for Handi maybe to use another service, Euphoria has a great reputation, but they don't seem to align with your needs, there are lots of providers who caters to people with disability, i suggest for you to focus on them, it is Montreal, there are plenty of options

And i believe James did his best to accomodate, his agency is quite busy too, i can understand his side of the story too.

My mother was handicapped too, i witness her frustrations throughout the years, and she appeared to have a comorbid condition of "borderline personality disorder" , it was not fun, let me tell you.

I feel Handi's frustrations, but i also understand how James had to deal with it.

I understand both parties.
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
I don't want to participate in a debate on this forum anymore but I just want to clarify a few things, to the poster above, people do not ''develop a borderline personality disorders'' in adulthood, it has genetic components and is usually diagnosed in teenage years and early adulthood. Things can be comorbid.

I also think discrimination against people with disabilities has no place in any industry, but I'm wondering if similar accommodations and acceptation would be provided for escorts and other sex workers who struggle with either visible or invisible disabilities and chronic illnesses. Obviously no one with a severe physical disability is capable of being a provider, but a lot of escorts have invisible disabilities and joined the industry for this specific reason. I'm wondering if the same empathy is would be extended to them if that was known by clients, employers and colleagues or if it usually is..

Also when it comes to accommodating special needs, there are specific things to keep in mind.. Dealing with individuals who have certain types of disabilities and health problems might require special knowledge or training, and the sex industry isn't the same as the medical industry. It would be great if some providers were specialized in offering this type of service and I know that some indies have a training in nursing for example and might be able to offer a better experience for clients who have certain struggles. I've seen clients with disabilities who were either visible and invisible and it wasn't different for me, I even felt grateful to be able to provide that experience, but if I had to offer certain types of accommodations for someone that I have no training for, I would probably unfortunately refuse even if I wish I could..

The problem that's being named here isn't specific to the sex industry, it's a problem with society in general that doesn't see physically disabled, mentally ill, chronically ill and neurodivergent people as equals and as deserving of the same treatment as everyone else.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2018
Interesting. At least two sides to every story. Perception and perspective.

Tbh, I see this more as an economics mismatch (ie service requested no longer on offer).

The women who work in this industry are entitled to see who they please, however arbitrary and unjust it may seem. It is their body, their choice. If they are too selective, they probably will not succeed long term. The free market influence will see to that.
Similarly, I believe an agency is free to operate how they see fit. Their business, their choice. If they become too limiting or vindictive, it just means their business will suffer long term.

What op is seeking sounds like a business opportunity for somebody else now.


Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
Gotta love Montreal
I don't want to participate in a debate on this forum anymore but I just want to clarify a few things, to the poster above, people do not ''develop a borderline personality disorders'' in adulthood, it has genetic components and is usually diagnosed in teenage years and early adulthood. Things can be comorbid.

I also think discrimination against people with disabilities has no place in any industry, but I'm wondering if similar accommodations and acceptation would be provided for escorts and other sex workers who struggle with either visible or invisible disabilities and chronic illnesses. Obviously no one with a severe physical disability is capable of being a provider, but a lot of escorts have invisible disabilities and joined the industry for this specific reason. I'm wondering if the same empathy is would be extended to them if that was known by clients, employers and colleagues or if it usually is..

Also when it comes to accommodating special needs, there are specific things to keep in mind.. Dealing with individuals who have certain types of disabilities and health problems might require special knowledge or training, and the sex industry isn't the same as the medical industry. It would be great if some providers were specialized in offering this type of service and I know that some indies have a training in nursing for example and might be able to offer a better experience for clients who have certain struggles. I've seen clients with disabilities who were either visible and invisible and it wasn't different for me, I even felt grateful to be able to provide that experience, but if I had to offer certain types of accommodations for someone that I have no training for, I would probably unfortunately refuse even if I wish I could..

The problem that's being named here isn't specific to the sex industry, it's a problem with society in general that doesn't see physically disabled, mentally ill, chronically ill and neurodivergent people as equals and as deserving of the same treatment as everyone else.
Thank you for your message — I genuinely appreciate the thoughtfulness and nuance you bring to this.

You're absolutely right: many sex workers live with invisible disabilities, chronic illnesses, or are neurodivergent — and they too deserve empathy, dignity, and real inclusion. That’s part of a larger issue across society, and you're right to name it. The industry often lacks the structures to support both providers and clients who live with these realities — and that needs to change.

That said, most disabled clients aren't asking for medical-level care or specialized procedures. They’re asking not to be excluded by default. There’s a big difference between a provider saying, “I don’t feel equipped to do this,” and an entire agency policy that silently filters out disabled clients without dialogue or case-by-case consideration. That’s what I’m calling out.

Also — this isn’t about me trying to be “entitled” or dramatic. I’ve been transparent, respectful, and I’ve always offered to cover extra transportation or other fees. I live less than 15 minutes from the agency’s incall location. I’m not asking for special treatment — I’m asking for equal access.

And just for context: I’m not a random anonymous voice. I’m an active disability rights advocate, well known in the media, and I’ll be publicly sharing parts of my life — including my experiences within the sex industry — in a book that’s coming out this fall.

So if James thought he was just throwing “a difficult client” under the bus to deflect criticism — I’m afraid he might have chosen the wrong person.

Again, I appreciate your response. These conversations are never simple, but they’re necessary — and I respect that you took the time to engage with honesty and care.


Active Member
Sep 24, 2018
So empathetic/ respectful of you to respond publicly when a private dm was explicitly requested

You are seeking a public spectacle for a private disagreement.

Why not take your business elsewhere?
Why not be an adult about a disagreement?
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
Interesting. At least two sides to every story. Perception and perspective.

Tbh, I see this more as an economics mismatch (ie service requested no longer on offer).

The women who work in this industry are entitled to see who they please, however arbitrary and unjust it may seem. It is their body, their choice. If they are too selective, they probably will not succeed long term. The free market influence will see to that.
Similarly, I believe an agency is free to operate how they see fit. Their business, their choice. If they become too limiting or vindictive, it just means their business will suffer long term.

What op is seeking sounds like a business opportunity for somebody else now.
Thank you for responding to my comment with respect. I am not condoning that people who work in the sex industry do something unjust (for example discriminating on race which is something that has been brought up countless times on this forum and that is one example why I don't participate in debates anymore, or discriminating on physical appearance or something of that nature...) However like OP said if someone is not equipped to deal with a specific situation that is nobody's fault and it isn't arbitrary. If a client told me he frequently has epileptic seizures and I need to be mindful of that during the booking and didn't give me any instructions on how to deal with it, I wouldn't accept seeing him. (that sounds like a far fetched example but I can't think of anything else at the moment).. Or if a client struggled with hygiene, which once again wouldn't be his fault, but it's not something that I feel able to go through...

SP's don't get extensive training on how to do their jobs. Yes what we do is professional but we don't go to school for this obviously and many of us aren't eqipped to deal with certain things. I can handle a client who reveals to me he has low mobility or a prosthetic arm or autism, or if he revealed to me I need to be careful with certain triggers because he has heavy trauma, but there are definitely some situations I couldn't deal with. Everyone is different. Even when it comes to subjects that are brought up during bookings, everyone has a different tolerance level. I am a very good listener and capable of hearing stories about people's trauma and holding space for people's grief, but not everyone has that capacity. (for different reasons, and I'm not implying I'm better for having this ability)

The sex industry is not decriminalized and while I fully understand that disabled individuals have a need for affection and sensuality, nobody is entitled to the services of a provider. The issue is more societal, there should be more structures in place to make sure that disabled people are less isolated and more fulfilled. And if there was more education and awareness things like this wouldn't happen. While many of my colleagues and I pride ourselves on having a respectful, open minded and caring attitude with clients, we also understand that as sex workers we are not therapists or nurses.
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Active Member
Apr 17, 2012
Gotta love Montreal
I think something happened and you were frustrated and now you're lashing out. Maybe you were right to be frustrated, maybe not.

But I don't think this thread will help anyone and, sadly, particularly not you. From what I understand, you just ruined a relationship with them that was going on for a while. Probably not good in this market...
I get where you're coming from, but let me be clear: this isn't about a single frustrating moment or burning a bridge. It’s about calling out a systemic pattern that affects more people than just me.

If speaking up means losing access to a service that quietly excludes disabled clients, then maybe that’s a relationship worth letting go of. I’m not here to stay marketable — I’m here to push for change.

Sometimes discomfort is the cost of progress. And I’m okay with that.


Aug 17, 2003
Mais si ce que je dis dérange au point de provoquer du sarcasme plutôt qu’une vraie réflexion, alors ça confirme exactement pourquoi ce genre de conversation est nécessaire.

Is it fair to disabled people? Absolutely not. Should providers consider offering a more specialized service? Sure, if the market makes it lucrative enough (+100-200-300?) and if they feel like they can/want... sure. Sounds like a pretty good business model for the right type of person... just not all of them.

I think just the fact that they tried to accomodate already shows good faith. I think by refusing, they are showing more empathy than you think - its just not in your favor.

As Luna mentionned so eloquently in her reply : sex workers are not therapists or nurses. How does one draw the line regarding disabilities? Only physical ? Some mental? What level? Who do you think they can call if something goes terribly wrong during a session? What about people with ostomy bags? Should they give them a bath too ? Don't you think these girls might already have a lot to worry about?

A person I know has severe PTSD and is in a wheelchair. He's super cool 90% of the time.... but at a flip of a switch he can go balistic... you think this is safe for the SW ? I sure wouldn't leave a girl in his presence unchecked.

Pushing for change is one thing. Criticising a bad situation is another... but offering no realistic solution after all that... c'mon.
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What's My Name

Who Are You?
Mar 16, 2014
Thx for sharing. A lot of Indys dont answer back. Dont take it too personal. A girl send me a sexy picture of her in the pool a few days ago. I asked her when she is available. No answer yet.

And for agency girls, they are usually younger, less experienced than indys. It's not really discrimination if they freak-out. Just the lack of experience.

May I suggest Sonia von Sacher. She will make you walk again :)
I do not take it personal when they do not answer back, it's just frustrating because you read on their website that they accept anybody of race or disability, why say that and youo don't answer. i have had much sucess with the Indy, it's just since January 2025 I have reached all ghosted me, and yes I have a great introduction. Sonia van Sacher is out of my range hourly wise.
P.S. Michelle Gunn is very handicap friendly.


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2004
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It’s about calling out a systemic pattern that affects more people than just me.

You mean to say “a pattern that might affect more than just you”. Because, so far, no one else with any kind of condition seems to have had any issue with Euphoria. Until more people show up to voice grievances, we can’t do much more than consider this a personal thing.

In any case, whatever you were hoping, I honestly doubt MERB is the place to accomplish anything. Like I said: vote with your wallet. It’s really all you can do.
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Of the moon
Supporting Member
Jul 18, 2024
I honestly doubt MERB is the place to accomplish anything.
This here... Also like Michelle said earlier a lot of indies would be comfortable providing services to someone who has a physical disability, myself included, if I have the knowledge and experience to do so. There is a website I believe which is a repertory of indy providers who work with disabled clients... Clients go to agencies because the price is lower, but agencies aren't funded by the government :) It's naive to think the work places of sex workers are concerned with things like inclusivity, unfortunately.

I think it's really important to talk about how disabled people are treated in society and how this affects all aspects of their lives, but the sex industry isn't the first place I would call out because it's not decriminalized, and the reality is that sex workers have problems too and aren't there to fix men's emotional problems. I have mixed feelings about bringing up this anecdote but there is a disabled man who has asked me several times for discounts in very entitled ways. It's a touchy subject because of course I have empathy for someone like this, but why ask for a discount if I'm not offering it already? This same person reached out to me when I was offering a discount, and it wasn't low enough for him. I can't imagine what it's like to have a severe physical disability and I have a lot of compassion for people who are in this situation, but I don't owe anyone a sexual service at a low rate...

I know from a client's perspective this might sound callous, but I want to point out all the labor that sex workers already perform that isn't always appreciated. (seeing multiple clients in a row, maintaining physical appearance, being a good listener, acting friendly even if you're sad, doing bureaucratic work, answering messages and texts, listening to stories that are not always pleasant to hear, playing different roles depending on the client, being adaptable, dealing with difficult people, managing yourself after experiences that aren't always the best, managing interpersonal conflicts with colleagues etc)

I would be more inclined to talk about the difficulties of getting treated fairly in different institutions and within interpersonal relationships as a disabled person (depending on the disability because every condition brings different challenges), instead of posting on MERB and talking about the sex industry in particular.


Active Member
Dec 25, 2021
I get where you're coming from, but let me be clear: this isn't about a single frustrating moment or burning a bridge. It’s about calling out a systemic pattern that affects more people than just me.
The only problem is that so far you haven't showed that it actually affects anyone except you

Warmen Sider

New Member
Jun 11, 2024
It's kind of like when your favorite restaurant stops offering delivery. You can still dine in, but the convenience isn't the same. At the end of the day it's up to the business to decide how they operate. Outcalls might not fit their current model and that's their choice.
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Michelle Gunn

Supporting Member
Jan 23, 2024
Accessibility looks incredibly different to different people. Without writing a dissertation on the subject, I can assure you that "has an elevator, and a standard person-propelled wheelchair can fit though the door" gives access to very few people living with disabilities.

Ending outcall services to everywhere except a small radius around the incall will make access impossible for people with a number of different disabilities. I've never been to an incall that I would consider "universally accessible", I doubt that they exist at all.

Whether you think that these types of services should be available to all or not, just imagine living a life where it takes you ten times longer than an able-bodied person to figure out if you can go to a store, restaurant, bar, or your friend's place, and the answer is "no" 9 times out of 10. But over time you figure out your workarounds, like the steakhouse with the underground parking, and the beautiful young ladies with the perkiest of tits from Euphoria get delivered to your door... and then there's a policy change or the steakhouse closes, and then you're fucked, yet again, but not in the fun way. oh, and what's the solution? Wellllll, it's going to cost you double.

(and yes, c'est noté, I promise to use the word "allegedly" when apt.)
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2012
Disabled or not, I see receiving sex services as a privilege, not a right.
Anyone can experience some barriers at a certain point. When I moved away from town, it took me more than a year to find the proper person to have fun with.


Dec 7, 2023
I've been reading something since I joined this hobby: "YMMV".

Your experience with the service won't be the same as others and in the end the girls are not forced to take clients against their will (I really hope so).

If you try to force the situation, you are going to have a bad experience and she's going to have a bad experience as well.

Is their right to refuse a service (for whatever reason) and they don't owe us anything.

If an agency refuses to serve us, just move on. This hobby is not regulated by any entity and so the rules of the "outside world" don't apply.

I've seen many Indy's offering services for disabled people.
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Giselle Montreal

Supporting Member
Sep 28, 2014
I’m asking for equal access.
Sadly, no one has equal access in this industry. Everyone can be refused without any justification, at any time, even if they are respectful and are ready to pay the rate.

The only thing to do is to shop around and see who wants your business because not everyone will (and yes, it can change through time) ; that's the only thing every client has equally.
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