Montreal Escorts

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  1. N

    Please post of you have been harrased by police

    It is true, a driver of a vehicle has to show his drivers license and registration upon request by the police and they do not need to supply you with a reason. They do not have a right to harass people who are walking in the street without valid reason. If you are arrested, remember this...
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    Welcome to MERB. Have fun hobbying in Montreal. Play safe! Ronnie, Naughtylady
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    How to instructions on using a prostitute

    I have referred people to This web page: How to Use Escort Services. In general, if you are a newbie, the info is pretty good. Ronnie, Naughtylady
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    Reserving a room for a "sieste": awkward???

    Why do you think they offer "siesta" stays in the first place? The h/motels that offer siesta stays tend to have this be the majority of their business. Of course the clerk assumes the reason you are only paying for 4 hours is to get laid. He (or she) doesn't care. Just don't steal the...
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    I caught Gonorrhea from BBBJ

    I see only one good solution: CBJ. (Like this will become the norm??? Wishful thinking!) Either that or quit hobbying (like that will ever happen!) Ronnie, Naughtylady
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    Dream Provider

    The list didn't seem out of reach until: Then I started to chuckle. ...and then I though, "maybe he was referring to half hour rates?" In which case he might actually find. Ronnie, Naughtylady
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    favorite current tv series...

    I am surprised no one else mentioned this one. My roomate turned me on to this show when I mentioned that my mom was hooked on Intervention and that there was something about the show that rubs me the wrong way. Based on true stories. A wonderful blend of reality and entertainment. The...
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    Appropriate Rate for Vacationing w/ an SP?

    You sure know how to pick them. Ever stop to think that the common denominator in all these bad experiences is YOU? ;) Ronnie, Naughtylady
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    Survey - Is Hobbying Cheating?

    Studies show that it is about 50%. I used to think it was more also until I did my own research. As for the money, just withdraw extra cash every time you pop by the grocery store. (or where ever you shop) Ronnie, Naughtylady
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    Appropriate Rate for Vacationing w/ an SP?

    Ooooh!!! Yuck! How not classy can you get! I have travelled often with clients and I couldn't have ever imagined doing something as low as this! Ewh! Either you have travelled with the WRONG SP, or you have one sick imagination. My free time when travelling is spent doing what any...
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    My first STD

    ...and still the SP who insists on CBJ will lose business :o Doesn't make any sense... :( Ronnie, Naughtylady
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    Appropriate Rate for Vacationing w/ an SP?

    You kinky bastard! Ronnie, Naughtylady
  13. N

    How to quit the Hobby/Addiction?

    Sex Addicts Anonymous, “Before coming to Sex Addicts Anonymous, many of us never knew that our problem had a name. All we knew was that we couldn't control our sexual behavior. For us, sex was a consuming way of life. Although the details of our stories were different...
  14. N

    Appropriate Rate for Vacationing w/ an SP?

    When travelling with an SP it is assumed you will pay all travel expenses, (air fare, hotel, restaurants as well as souvenirs) all this in addition to a fee that can range from $500 to $2000 (or even more) per 24 hour period. Obviously the longer the time spent together the lower the daily...
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    Joke Thread

    Find Jesus? Find Jesus? A drunk stumbles across a baptismal service on Sunday afternoon down by the river. He proceeds to walk down into the water and stand next to the Preacher. The minister turns and notices the old drunk and says, "Mister, Are you ready to find Jesus?" The drunk...
  16. N

    Are you more voyeur in the summer than the winter ?

    Definitely! So much more to see and hear in the summer... I also find myself masturbating more lately... or maybe that is just me :p Ronnie, Naughtylady
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    Survey - Is Hobbying Cheating?

    The only way hobbying is not cheating is when the gent is single (yes girlfriends count, you do not have to be married to cheat) or if the wife/girlfriend is aware of their partner`s hobbying activities. If you are lying to her, either directly or by omission, then it is cheating. Is...
  18. N

    Chances of HIV transmission from woman to man

    Found out what a year later? Ronnie, Naughtylady
  19. N

    Psycologist/psychiatrist need for friend

    Denial is a part of clinical depression for a great many people. The person is convinced that they can pull themselves out of it... even if it has been months or longer since they had a day where they did not cry, never mind feel happy. If you believe she may be a danger to herself then...
  20. N

    Escorting is Power?

    While I agree with most of what has been said, I do in fact like this man's web site. I also can see from my personal experience where he is coming from. Being an indy SP (which is what he advocates) can be very empowering. It all depends on your own attitude and POV. I have often referred...
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