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  1. talkinghead

    Habs ice capades

    No, not a thread lamenting their recent play. Rather a question. I grew up watching college and minor league hockey years ago, but I only saw my first major league game last week. Other than the unnecessary pounding music and flashing lights every time play stopped (a disease common to...
  2. talkinghead

    Newbie seeking advices

    BadChap, I appreciate very much what you're saying and I believe that you are respectful and considerate in your time with the girls you see. I truly think they must be grateful to see you. But I've spent a lot of time thinking about the ethics of being in this "hobby," and I have reservations...
  3. talkinghead

    Newbie seeking advices

    I don't think of myself as cynical but I'm skeptical of the OP. At the very least, if the post is legitimate, then the answer is obvious: any young woman whose first step in entering the business is to ask naive questions on a review site should certainly NOT be posting her pictures and offering...
  4. talkinghead

    Newbie seeking advices

  5. talkinghead

    full disclosure: here we go..

    I think I've heard enough and I'm ready to cast my vote.
  6. talkinghead

    best place to exchange USD > CAD

    Okay, I feel more confident. Thanks to all. And I'm sorry I couldn't find this in the "other" thread. I see that both globex2000 and also BOM are an easy walk from my hotel. And, wow, that exchange rate makes Montreal the best deal in North America.
  7. talkinghead

    best place to exchange USD > CAD

    I hear what you're saying. Am I correct in understanding that both Bank of Montreal and TD will allow me to convert US currency into CAD? If so, then that's clearly my best option. I will also check on what my US bank allows for ATM withdrawals in Canada. Thanks, everyone. This site is...
  8. talkinghead

    best place to exchange USD > CAD

    Okay, thanks everyone. There is a TD in my town but I don't have a bank account there. It looks like I'll try BOM. And it's a good idea about letting my bank know that I'll be traveling in Canada, and see if they can raise the limit of ATM withdrawal. I know that the QE hotel does change money...
  9. talkinghead

    best place to exchange USD > CAD

    I am absolute sure that this has been covered out here, and often, but I can't find the right threads, FAQs, or stickeys. I know that I can change money at some US banks, at some Montreal hotels, and I assume at Montreal banks. I also know that I can take money out from ATMs in Montreal, though...
  10. talkinghead

    An escort who you happen to be really good friends with...

    I don't mean to change the subject but I'm genuinely curious about something. I have not had the kind of "very close" friendships with SPs that some of you are describing; it's not something I cultivate. I have certainly had times when a lady and I have shared many private details of our lives...
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