Montreal Escorts

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  1. O

    Olympic sex scandal

    Directement de la fédération de volley: Pour les filles, il y a effectivement un maimum de 7cm à la taille, alors que chez les gars c'est juste 15cm au dessus du genou. On...
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    Tattoo design suggestion

    My view is that if you don't already have a strong idea, don't get a tattoo. In a couple of years, the idea you found most probably won't be original anymore, and won't look so interesting. How come everybody looks for interesting and original tattoos, but yet they all look the same?
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    Has hobbying f**ked up your life?

    Hence the advantage of not being very sociable to begin with. Can't get any worse!
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    Vie d'une escorte

    Going back to the original post, if you want to separate your work life from your personnal life, just use different phones, different email addresses, different msn profiles (some msn compatible programs let you be connected to both at the same time). I'm not a support guy and I don't want my...
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    29th Montreal Jazz Festival

    Like... every night?
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    Canada Day in Montreal July 1st, 2008

    If you're a Québécois, chances are you don't give a fuck about Canada Day, so if you're not moving or helping someone move or enjoying your chalet by the lake in the Laurentians, you'll probably brunch on a terrasse in the Plateau then have some beers and head for the jazz fest to see...
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    Cities with the Most Beautiful Women

    Great food? Prince Arthur? I sense an oxymoron Seriously, in Montreal, don't ever turn your head to follow a girl, you'll miss the next one!
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    Wanda opening their doors for Grand Prix

    Just to those who came for the GP, then? Honestly, it's not that different from all the F1 pitounes, or the dancers on the stage on Crescent last night where they sang Madonna hits.
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    Wanda opening their doors for Grand Prix

    Or their windows, or their terrasse... in any case, you could see the show from the streets, and the masses here for the Grand Prix seemed to enjoy the view. Or be repulsed, depending on one's feelings on the matters of protitution...
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    Post Game Rioting

    Damn right; no need to panic, those wannabe rioters were just amateurs who should ask their cousins in France for some tips! Seriously, check the videos, and you'll notice that there was very little violence, one or two guys banging on the police car and lots of bystanders who were not...
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    From the National Post - great article about the sex trade

    I believe the transaction in marriage was not cash for sex, however; it was more money/food/protection for housekeeping/children raising, as having children was the common way to ensure somebody would take care of you when you'd get old. And also a way to join families to increase your chances...
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    NY Gov Spitzer linked to Prostitution Ring

    US Weekly pics We've got better here in Mtl:
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    NY Gov Spitzer linked to Prostitution Ring

    Funny ref on Mirror's cover I noticed a small character note below the logo on last week's Mirror's cover: "NY Gov. see p.61"... where are the ads for escorts agencies. Also "Client 9" tshirts are showing up on
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    WI-FI in Montreal

    Or subscribe to FON:
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    Hidden charges on everyday things

    Or you can just think of it as a 7.875% tax instead of the advertised 7.5. The irony is that the reduced federal tax actually means they collect 7.875 instead of the 8.025 they used to, so taxing the tax actually has drawbacks for them in the end.
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    BBFS and Requests for Same

    That should have been reported to the management of the FKK, and on the various forums dealing with FKKs. A large part of their customers are regulars, and I'm not sure girls offering bb would be seen very kindly.
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    Taking care of our own - meaning SPs

    References I can't see the reference system becoming the norm in Mtl. It may work in some places where it's a way to avoid police operations, but how would you convince agencies who get impulse calls for mindless 18 yo chicks? - sorry sir, you need to wait 24h while we perform a background...
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    Question for fellow hobbyists and operators

    Or you just agree to use the 'do not disturb' sign on the door during the sessions, and if one comes before the end, he'll just wait at the bar till he sees the lady go out.
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    China Executes FDA Chief For Accepting Bribes

    Yeah, and too bad if you happen to be found guilty by mistake. As for the effectiveness of death penalty on the crime rate, just compare Canada and the US...
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    Eureka! An anti-addiction pill hits the market

    I've been using this pill as part of a test program for the past few months, and despite a lot of effort, I can't seem to get off it. I looks like I've become addicted to the anti-addiction pill! Was there a quote by Churchill about that?
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