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Has hobbying f**ked up your life?


New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Long Time

Regular Guy said:
Oh Ho! So we weren't the only ones to click into this. Albeit the fact being that you know it under a slightly different variation the time line seems correct.

Now if the Bitchelor reads all this, "Prepare to repel boarders!" Do you think this really might qualify a mysogeny?:eek:

No - according to one of my old CEGEP profs (1969-71 era) it started when women started attending university.


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Ariane Valmont said:
I don't think this theory is still relevent today. :)

There is no pressure anymore to get married and have kids in your twenties. So many women now decide to become a mother in their late thirties.

Also, I think that most women now understand that getting married is not essential in their life, especially if they don't find the right person to do it with. And how many people really do find mr. or mrs. right??

I think women today are much more independent than they used to.

Hello Ariane,

If only most women were that sensible and waited to find the "right guy", especially when having children, or at least get their lives settled first. And "married"...forget about IT! I can not count the number of girls I know having babies between 15-17 without marriage or any consideration of it, it seems. I am discovering that even some upper middle-aged relatives got pregnant long before they were married or truly mature. And YES, it is a bad thing when it seems like it's the norm. I think I have known just two young women actually get married before having kids in the last several years. It's disgusting. Yeah, I know there are women waiting and getting settled with the right guy. But the gulf between children with children and mature women making good timely decisions is very wide...with the majority seeming to be heavily with the former.

Extremely sad,



Active Member
Feb 24, 2005
UHGL said:

I owe you a APOLOGY.

I was just projecting my fears, lack of knowledge of life/women and failures of past experiences, on to you. I don't know you or what you have experienced, enough to judge you. Please accept my apology.]

UHGL: you don't owe me any apology at all! I didn't fee that you were taking your anger out on me at all. Don't worry. And, thanks again for your insight. I agree SPs seem very appealing to marriage at times. For someone like me who hasn't been married, I hope to find someone that will work out. I've been addicted to this hobby for almost a decade. I am looking for change. Yes, divorce sucks and being a man, the courts will bleed you dry and you'll rarely see your kids.

To be honest, I don't know women that well either (I thought I did until I got rejected last week). I thought this girl would go out with me. Although she was reserved and a bit shy, I thought I received the right signals. Well, in the end, I got her phone number and email though but she said she would only go out as friends with no definitive time set. I sense that we won't even go out as friends. :mad:


Oct 30, 2003
Visit site
Genius George said:
If it has not destroyed you, it certainly has severely warped your sense of relationships.
Hence the advantage of not being very sociable to begin with. Can't get any worse!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
Genius George said:
If you are part of the few who have yet to figure out the intrinsic limits of hobbying, then it is time to wake up and smell the coffee! The amount of lies that are spewed in this biz are truly unbelievable. SPs lie, clients lie, agency owners lie, not only to others but to themselves.

This "hobby" has destroyed countless lives, not just SPs but clients too. If it has not destroyed you, it certainly has severely warped your sense of relationships. (Those of you who love hobbying and love SPing are better than the rest of us.:rolleyes: )

The good news is that if you realize the hopeless superficiality of it all, you can one day break free and move on from this dark vortex.;)

GG (the one and only!)

P.S. Olie, how come SPs only tell you the truth?:rolleyes:

P.S.S. Reggie baby, who is conning your ass nowadays?:D

Someone appears to have a lot of gonads, generally speaking!


New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
Genius George said:
If you are part of the few who have yet to figure out the intrinsic limits of hobbying, then it is time to wake up and smell the coffee! The amount of lies that are spewed in this biz are truly unbelievable. SPs lie, clients lie, agency owners lie, not only to others but to themselves.

This "hobby" has destroyed countless lives, not just SPs but clients too. If it has not destroyed you, it certainly has severely warped your sense of relationships. (Those of you who love hobbying and love SPing are better than the rest of us.:rolleyes: )

The good news is that if you realize the hopeless superficiality of it all, you can one day break free and move on from this dark vortex.;)

GG (the one and only!)

P.S. Olie, how come SPs only tell you the truth?:rolleyes:

P.S.S. Reggie baby, who is conning your ass nowadays?:D

What's up my Ninja?

About lies? How is this any different than the so called real world?

About destroying lives? How is this any different than people self-destructing with anything else?

About Life? Maybe we should all try to take a little responsibility for ourselves and stop blaming our failures on our own bad choices or how we view ourselves and the world. The change for the better, starts with you, only you can change yourself.......... like anything else, if you lose control, the hobby can hurt you..... so practice safe hobbying by wearing your braces, pads & helmet..... to be on the really safe side, only book deaf/mute escorts!

Much Love,



New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
Genius George said:
The sad part is that for most of you guys, SPs mind as well be deaf & mute and the same goes for clients in their eyes. People in Hobbyland lie right through each other. I do not blame them; in most cases it is a self-defense mechanism because the truth is too harsh.:eek:


What's up my Ninja?

All it is, is just a fantasy. Like watching a real good movie...... in IMax.... in 3D........with 9 channel sound......... in a empty theater....... with your best girlfriend going down on you......... oh, hello kitty, Hobbying is nothing like watching a movie! It is soooo much better!

So tell me is a world without hobbying a better place? Do you think that gold diggers marrying people for money is cool? How do you feel about open relationships/marriages? How about over weight people suing fast food restaurants? The world is full of lies and harsh truths. All you can do is find a balance and peace within yourself, the world has it's own mind and will crush you, if you let it.



P.S. GG, I wonder when we will both banned again? HA! Oh well, I still love everyone here!


New Member
Jul 24, 2007
let me tell you a true storie...i met this girl from a agency i use to deal with couple months ago...we met two time in the same month via the agency,its was great with alot of great sexe.and then a month later i get a pm from her on merb,she give me her phone number threw merb(big mistake because she had no business sending me a pm)my life was amazing before she send me that pm on we started seeing each other on the side with out the agency knowing about it.we had some great time together and i would spoiled her with alots of gift because that who i everything went well for 3 months...i was so satisfied with her attitude so i decided to invite her for vacation to cancun..(big mistake#2)let me give you a advice dont ever ever bring a girl that you really like to cancun..i mean i brought alots of girls to cancun in the past but nobody ever disrespected me like her on vacation.this girl was born to be a professional sp..this girl had no pitty for nobody but only herself..on vacation her attitude change complety from the first day i met her.i could tell she was 100% fake and a professional liar.instead of giving me her focus she would give her attention to other guys and would leave me behind like a poor dog on the street.(let me remind you that i paid for the whole trip to cancun and she only open her nasty legs 3 times in the whole trip:()so obviousy we werent really getting along because she just wanted to fuck any guys with a cock...the whole trip was a disaster because she would ignore me,she would talk to me with no respect what so ever,and she forgot who she was(a dumb sp who hit the jackpot with some innocent guy)that girl wanted to party all the time party all the time but i told her that i wanted to go on vacation to relaxe and not party but she told me "DONT WORRY WE WILL ONLY PARTY LIKE TWICE THAT WEEK"so i believe her like a stupid naive moron that i was to actually to believe a dumb sp from outside of montreal;)so this was the worst nightmare of my life,i just wanted to be in my bed back home in montreal:)but that wasent possible because that was only a illusion because i was stuck in cancun:(so the last day of the vacation i could tell this "girl" was interrested fucking another man just by the way she was looking at him.i was getting very nervous because i was asking myself how in the world could i bring a girl on vacation and she flurting with another person on vacation and on top of it right beside me:(so the last day she neve came to the room because she was probally getting fuck by that guy and his roomate;)how in the world could i trust a professional sp not to imbaressed me on vacation.well she did and she broke my heart,,,even at the airoport she left with him and dint even thank me for the invitation to cancun:(before we went on vacation things between her and me was love at first sight but i was probally wrong because these girls are always looking for"THE BIGGER BETTER DEAL"i dint really care about the money i spend on her because im a very rich person:)but what i really care that she embarrased me on vacation and most impotrant she disrecpect me:(i dated alots of sp`s in stripper in the past but nobody ever disrecpected me like her in the i ended up with a broken heart and beeing miserable because i actualy like saw the devil in her eyes on vacation she wasent the girl she pretended to be and she was 100% fake..

conclusion of the story
dont ever trust a sp and dont ever love them because they will hurt you with no pitty in a heart now im been very depresse for the last 6 weeks because i actually like on me and i hope god will forgive me for being so stupid and naive)after reading emmanuelle post from eleganza on merb so now we all know what they thing of us, but let me tell you what i thing of them"we paid them for sexe and plaisir,that it that all)

p.s dont ever pm me and asking me for the name of this sp because i dont snitch and that the way i was please dont pm me for question because i want answer!!!!i dont want to fuck up her miserable profession!
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Apr 16, 2005
Changing times!

Ariane Valmont said:
I don't think this theory is still relevent today. :)

There is no pressure anymore to get married and have kids in your twenties. So many women now decide to become a mother in their late thirties.

Also, I think that most women now understand that getting married is not essential in their life, especially if they don't find the right person to do it with. And how many people really do find mr. or mrs. right??

I think women today are much more independent than they used to.
You might be right Ariane. I am sure the trend is changing. But I believe there are still some old fashioned girls out there who are traditional in their thinking. Their world may have a narrower focus. At least I would like to think there are. I always considered them to be very special and treated them so. I still do. As for the others...............Well they have their own worlds to entertain themselves with. I am not sure what this new breed of girl wants out of her man. And sometimes I am not sure she respects the end result when she gets it.
Apr 16, 2005
joelcairo said:
Someone appears to have a lot of gonads, generally speaking!

Thought he had a lifetime ban!:confused:


New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
obvio007 said:
conclusion of the story
dont ever trust a sp and dont ever love them because they will hurt you with no pitty in a heart now im been very depresse for the last 6 weeks because i actually like on me and i hope god will forgive me for being so stupid and naive)after reading emmanuelle post from eleganza on merb so now we all know what they thing of us, but let me tell you what i thing of them"we paid them for sexe and plaisir,that it that all)


I am truly sorry for your past bad experiences. I believe that all women are different, just as all SP's are different. I don't normally recommend dating a stripper or SP...... but there are worse things.

My useless advice: I think if you cannot handle the fact that in a session the SP, will be just acting, you should not book escorts. If you are going to hate yourself afterwards, you should not book escorts. If you hate women, you should not book escorts. If you fall in love easily, not only should you not book escorts, you need to not date them too.

For everyone else, take it for what it is....... temporary fun time with a attractive woman.


New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
Sorry Obvio007, I should have added, I am not sure that I would have done any better than you in your situation. I have not yet even gotten any offers for on the side sex with a escort, so I may never be put in your situation?

The things I want from a escort are things that more than a few escorts, have told me it is what they hate doing the most with clients.......... being affectionate, playful, smiling and pretending to like me. Some do, some don't, some can't........ but, if they can't, I just don't repeat with them. While I believe that I am a awesome guy, most 20 year olds don't see me as such. You should feel better knowing that, for what ever reason, your escort wanted you enough, to see you on the side and even risked going out of the country with you. Do you really think she would go to Mexico with just any client?

Take a break from Hobbying to clear your head, and I believe you will come back stronger than before!


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
obvio007 said:
let me tell you a true storie...i met this girl from a agency i use to deal with couple months ago...we met two time in the same month via the agency,its was great with alot of great sexe.and then a month later i get a pm from her on merb,she give me her phone number threw merb(big mistake because she had no business sending me a pm)my life was amazing before she send me that pm on we started seeing each other on the side with out the agency knowing about it.we had some great time together and i would spoiled her with alots of gift because that who i everything went well for 3 months...i was so satisfied with her attitude so i decided to invite her for vacation to cancun..(big mistake#2)let me give you a advice dont ever ever bring a girl that you really like to cancun..i mean i brought alots of girls to cancun in the past but nobody ever disrespected me like her on vacation.this girl was born to be a professional sp..this girl had no pitty for nobody but only herself..on vacation her attitude change complety from the first day i met her.i could tell she was 100% fake and a professional liar.instead of giving me her focus she would give her attention to other guys and would leave me behind like a poor dog on the street.(let me remind you that i paid for the whole trip to cancun and she only open her nasty legs 3 times in the whole trip:()so obviousy we werent really getting along because she just wanted to fuck any guys with a cock...the whole trip was a disaster because she would ignore me,she would talk to me with no respect what so ever,and she forgot who she was(a dumb sp who hit the jackpot with some innocent guy)that girl wanted to party all the time party all the time but i told her that i wanted to go on vacation to relaxe and not party but she told me "DONT WORRY WE WILL ONLY PARTY LIKE TWICE THAT WEEK"so i believe her like a stupid naive moron that i was to actually to believe a dumb sp from outside of montreal;)so this was the worst nightmare of my life,i just wanted to be in my bed back home in montreal:)but that wasent possible because that was only a illusion because i was stuck in cancun:(so the last day of the vacation i could tell this "girl" was interrested fucking another man just by the way she was looking at him.i was getting very nervous because i was asking myself how in the world could i bring a girl on vacation and she flurting with another person on vacation and on top of it right beside me:(so the last day she neve came to the room because she was probally getting fuck by that guy and his roomate;)how in the world could i trust a professional sp not to imbaressed me on vacation.well she did and she broke my heart,,,even at the airoport she left with him and dint even thank me for the invitation to cancun:(before we went on vacation things between her and me was love at first sight but i was probally wrong because these girls are always looking for"THE BIGGER BETTER DEAL"i dint really care about the money i spend on her because im a very rich person:)but what i really care that she embarrased me on vacation and most impotrant she disrecpect me:(i dated alots of sp`s in stripper in the past but nobody ever disrecpected me like her in the i ended up with a broken heart and beeing miserable because i actualy like saw the devil in her eyes on vacation she wasent the girl she pretended to be and she was 100% fake..

conclusion of the story
dont ever trust a sp and dont ever love them because they will hurt you with no pitty in a heart now im been very depresse for the last 6 weeks because i actually like on me and i hope god will forgive me for being so stupid and naive)after reading emmanuelle post from eleganza on merb so now we all know what they thing of us, but let me tell you what i thing of them"we paid them for sexe and plaisir,that it that all)

p.s dont ever pm me and asking me for the name of this sp because i dont snitch and that the way i was please dont pm me for question because i want answer!!!!i dont want to fuck up her miserable profession!

Hello Obvio007,

Seeing posts like yours I would usually go on about we being grown men and living with our choices and the risks. But in this case I see nothing more than a no class gold-digging true slut. If she told you she was going to be with you, and promised to enjoy the trip with you, then betrayed you as you described...what she did is inexcusable. She's just real TRASH!

Forget her,



New Member
Jun 14, 2008
Wicked Las Vegas
Korbel said:
Hello Obvio007,

Seeing posts like yours I would usually go on about we being grown men and living with our choices and the risks. But in this case I see nothing more than a no class gold-digging true slut. If she told you she was going to be with you, and promised to enjoy the trip with you, then betrayed you as you described...what she did is inexcusable. She's just real TRASH!

Forget her,


Korbel, I have a lot of respect for you. Having said that, I believe as men we should lead, not follow and we do not have to feel threatened by women or make things out to be us vs. them........ not that you have posted anything that would have me believe that you anything but a perfect gentleman.

Still, I would like to offer another option...... maybe as a mixed up young woman, she got scared of the feelings and emotions that she was having for Mr. O? Maybe all the guys in her life had abused her in the past? Maybe part of her decided to push Mr. O away, before she got in too deep, to save herself from the heartbreak and suffering that has been her pattern of her relationships? Sadly, we will never know.

Then again, maybe you are right? Either way, I do agree with you, Mr O should forget her.


New Member
Jul 24, 2007
thank you korbel and uhgl for your support,
just talking about make me feel good but i will never ever trust a sp again...never a girl desrespected me like she did,alots of bad thing happend on vacation that will haunt my convidence and my ego...she had no business sending me that pm on merb,its very rare that i ask a sp for her number because i just like having fun with them during the appointement...but what i dont understand she wassent like that when i was seeing her for the first 3 months ...why did she turned out like that on vacation?i will never know but what is sure right now that she is forgotten.


New Member
May 31, 2008
For my 2 cents;

Been hobbying for more or lest 16 years now started at the age of 16.
As the years pass, i realize how much money i have! It's like a really bad addiction, i started off in massage parlors, going 3-4 times a week, then discovered Grand prix, and other "strip clubs" in marieville. So i added those clubs to my Massage parlour routine in the week!

Pretty soon I was having my buissness meetings with my clients in the clubs, 7 hours +/-.

All this to say that, it really fucked my life in terms of relationship, hard to get attached to anyone "normal" after dating stippers and massage employees.

i became so involved in this DRUG, i opened up my own massage palors, bar de rancontre, and flushed my company that i had to be in this spotlight.

Now started my old life back, because i realized this drug was going to wash me away (finacially).

Now i still hobby, but I try only once every 2 weeks, but i really have to control myself!


Dec 5, 2005
Well said....

Daringly said:

You had a tough situation but the bottom line is that you allowed her to put you in this situation. From the time i have came across merb i have seen dozens of posters claim that they are friends, good friends, best friends, yada, yada,yada, with every 2nd sp they meet, they never learn.

My friends in real life can answer the phone when their family members are present, i can drop into their place unannounced, they can do the same thing at my place. Nothing is hidden, everything is not a secret.

These ladies that we meet in the hobby are for the most part half of our age, we have nothing in common with them, except for the exchange of the envelope, they are selling sex and we are paying for it. The people who can't accept this gets themselves sucked in over, and over again.

The overwhelming majority of these ladies if you met them in the real world would not give you the time of day and that's a fact Jack.

Years ago I found myself in a similar situation, only the girl in question was closer in age. I don’t believe the age difference matters.

We were good friends as long as I was footing the bill; Restaurants, clubbing, shows, clothes, etc…

We were good friends until I discovered I was not welcomed at her place. She lived 5 minutes away.

One day she asked me to sign her passport; I stopped seeing her…cold turkey!

Looking back, I only have myself to blame for allowing her to walk all over me.

It was an expensive lesson

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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obvio007 said:
p.s dont ever pm me and asking me for the name of this sp because i dont snitch and that the way i was please dont pm me for question because i want answer!!!!i dont want to fuck up her miserable profession!

I won't PM you but how about telling me in public? ;)



Nov 25, 2005
obvio007 said:
conclusion of the story
dont ever trust a sp and dont ever love them because they will hurt you with no pitty in a heart now im been very depresse for the last 6 weeks because i actually like on me and i hope god will forgive me for being so stupid and naive)after reading emmanuelle post from eleganza on merb so now we all know what they thing of us, but let me tell you what i thing of them"we paid them for sexe and plaisir,that it that all)

Thanks for sharing your story obvio007. If it makes you feel any better you are not alone in being disapointed by SP's in this way. I have my own experiences that mirror yours...and we are not alone. I bet even agency owners can find similarities in they're stories...many times "friendships" with SP's with continuation of donation payment are not real friendships, they are friendships of conveinece...sometimes we mistake them for real friendships because of the intimate nature of the relationship. But that intimacy is often a illusion.

I dont think hobbying has fucked up my life, I think its allowed me to live an experience... another vice to my many vices....

But, I think it has made me lazy and less motivated to opt for looking for real relationships with women....



Jul 26, 2007
Hobbying has improved my life. For me, it's the best form of stress relief there is.

I would tell anyone who wants to start seeing SPs to undertake three practices:treat the SP(s) with respect, stay within a budget, and don't take things too seriously.

So long as I continue to stay within those parameters, hobbying will never be an activity that inheirantly leads to negative outcomes in other areas of my existence.
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