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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
However, the majority of Cy Young winners have been starters with 20 games or more won.
Yup, and some undeserving among them who got it on the basis of wins only, despite having been mediocre or worse throughout the season. The name Bob Welch sticks out.

Valenzuela, btw, got it in a strike shortened season. Tom Seaver led the league with 14 that year. (I guess research isn't your strong suit, eh? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, n'est pas?)


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
...99.3% of your posts, on the other hand, are confrontational and in direct response to either me or Merlot. If we were to depart, you'd have nothing left. Again, I invite you to ignore me.

Hello Rumps,

I didn't want to get involved because the stalker will now jump on me...just it comes.

Rumps, you are responding to a guy who has no team and never makes a post in this thread without attacking you or I. He claims you are biased but he never criticizes his bath tub fans.

Just the facts. The Yankees have scored one less run that the Red Sox in 1 less game. Therefore they are averaging more runs a game than the Red Sox. That is including tonight's games.

Yankees lead the AL in homers with 28 and OPS with .781.

How did your stats work out tonight? The Yankees got 4 stinking hits and 0 runs Mr. FACTS boy. That's besides failing to back up another good performance by Pettitte. It's only 1 game but the pattern is poor. Load up stats when you can, but still fail to win more than your key competition. The Yankees are 11-9, the Red Sox are 14-7 despite the closeness in stats. WINS are what counts.

But if you love outscoring the Red Sox then the 2004 ALCS must have made you very happy. The Yankees outscored the Red Sox by 4 runs over all. Well...hey...hey...hey...hey, you win the run scoring prize. Congrats!!! All we got was the World Series Trophy that year. GET IT YET! :lol:


Damn he sucks. Bad enough he couldn't pitch or field to save his life, but then he throws everyone but himself under the bus. What happened to him? He was great in 2011, with a 2.61 ERA. Then he became such a prima donna and a lousy pitcher. As I said at the beginning of the season, get rid of him.


It was another good performance overall, regardless of one bad pitch and the walks. He shut the Athletics down when it counted for 5 of 6 innings. Despite yesterdays temporary disaster, the Red Sox are still looking good.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
But if you love outscoring the Red Sox then the 2004 ALCS must have made you very happy. The Yankees outscored the Red Sox by 4 runs over all. Well...hey...hey...hey...hey, you win the run scoring prize. Congrats!!! All we got was the World Series Trophy that year. GET IT YET! :lol:
And the Yankees won the 1960 Series by the score of 55-27. Too bad they didn't count the composite score, said Mr. Mazeroski to a disconsolate pre-natal EB.

BTW, Merlot, I wouldn't give Lester a grade of any higher than fair for today's performance. You can't walk six guys and be "very good." Thankfully the Red Sox have some lumber in their lineup and can compensate when the pitchers give up a few runs.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Well, excepting their two games against Cleveland where they beat up on Ubaldo Jimenez (10.06 ERA), Brett Myers (8.02) and Carlos Carrasco (17.18 in his only MLB appearance before being farmed and his first game since 2011), the light hitting Yankees are 9-9 with a run differential of minus 9, despite getting very good pitching from 3 of their 5 starters.

In these 18 games, the "Bombers" (lol) have scored 68 runs, a miserable average of 3.77 runs per game a full run less than the Red Sox 4.76 runs per game. While the Sox did beat up on Jimenez, they also saw two pretty good pitchers in Cleveland, Justin Masterson (1.85) and Zach McAllister (3.52).


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I'm not going to mention any names, but there's a major league team that has Francisco Cervelli batting fifth tonight, and Ben Francisco batting second. (I wonder if Joe Girardi has anything down on the Jays tonight.)

Personally, I'd rather take a chance on Francisco in the fifth at Bluebonnets.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Just tuned into the Jays/Yankees game.

Where did all the fans go?

I don't recall seeing so many empty seats at ANY stadium! :eek:

(and there i was thinking how bad it was in Baltimore over the past few days....)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Just tuned into the Jays/Yankees game.

Where did all the fans go?
Well, think about it. How much would you pay to see Ben Francisco. I don't know when you tuned in, but the Jays scored two in the first; that probably sent a lot of fans heading out to beat the traffic.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Yup, it sure looks like the Blue Jays(mine and many experts pick to win the East) are coming around, I say they roll from here on in, good for baseball in Canada.

Trivia - What do you call *two* measly World Series wins in 93 years?, failure, failure, failure, failure!!!!.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
What do you call two World Series wins in 9 years? Success, success, success.
What do you call one World Series wins for $2,000,000,000 in payroll? Just ask the Yankee captain. Failure, miserable failure.

Joe.T's definition of "coming around: The Blue Jays have won three of their last 9 games. Hopefully, this weekend against the light hitting Yankees will prove Joe right. The Jays do have a one game winning streak, which by the "Joe.T Metric" is the very definition of "coming around."


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Somewhere, off in an alternate universe, a Sox-loving Joe.T is predicting a 30 win season for young Mr. Buchholz.

(I wonder if, in this same universe, Doc's little buddy has a sense of humour.)


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Blue Jays will win the division and Buchholz to hit the DL by the all star break, my two sure shot predictions for baseball this year.

One poster in this thread thinks the baseball season is 20 games long. Baseball isn't Football. There's 162 games to be played.

Good prediction, Mr. Joe T. You aren't reading tea leaves or reciting meaningless stats. You are going from past history. While past history cannot predict future events, it can give a probability of something happening. Mr. Buchholz is a very good pitcher, but he has had some injuries in his career.

As for the Blue Jays, they are the best team on paper in the AL East. While on paper doesn't equate to a championship (162 games must be played), I think at some point the Blue Jays will get rolling. While team work is more of a benchmark in sports like football or basketball, I think baseball has a bit of chemistry, as when more players are playing better, players become looser and more relaxed. There's a lot of psychology involved in baseball. Good playing is contagious. That's why some teams get hot and others do not.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
One poster in this thread thinks the baseball season is 20 games long.
And two guys in this thread think that one injury makes a guy injury prone.

Mr. Buchholz is a very good pitcher, but he has had some injuries in his career.
That would be "injury" rather than "injuries." Funny, how a Red Sox pitcher is injury prone after one injury. How about Mr. Pettitte? How about Mr. Rivera? These guys not only missed significant time last year, but they are, by baseball chronology, geriatric and, hence, by definition, at risk.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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And two guys in this thread think that one injury makes a guy injury prone.

That would be "injury" rather than "injuries." Funny, how a Red Sox pitcher is injury prone after one injury. How about Mr. Pettitte? How about Mr. Rivera? These guys not only missed significant time last year, but they are, by baseball chronology, geriatric and, hence, by definition, at risk.

Let's see Mr. rumps.

In 2008, Buchholz had a torn fingernail. Not a serious injury, he was put on the DL for 15 days and sent back to AAA until June.

In 2010, Buchholz was placed on the DL with a pulled hamstring. He was out for 3 weeks.

In 2011, Buccholz had a stress fracture in his back in August and was sidelined for the rest of the season.

In 2012, Buccholz was on the DL 2 times, once with a gastrointestinal problem and another with Esophagitis.

In the 5 years he has been pitching in the Majors full-time, Mr. Buccholz has had 1 major DL injury and 4 less serious trips to the DL. It's not just one injury, rumps.

And by the way, Andy Pettitte and Mariano Rivera have played many more years than Clay Buccholz. How come you always have to bring in some Yankee player or players to deflect the attention away from your hero Red Sox player.

Anyway, the season is young. Time will tell if Mr. Buchholz will be injury free this year. If he is, he could have a very good year. He's off to a very good start. But there are 140 games left in the season. Mr. Pettitte and Mr. Rivera could have very good years also, but you would never recognize them if they did, because you are such a homer, Mr. rumps.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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Let's see Mr. rumps.

In 2008, Buchholz had a torn fingernail. Not a serious injury, he was put on the DL for 15 days and sent back to AAA until June.

In 2010, Buchholz was placed on the DL with a pulled hamstring. He was out for 3 weeks.

In 2011, Buccholz had a stress fracture in his back in August and was sidelined for the rest of the season.

In 2012, Buccholz was on the DL 2 times, once with a gastrointestinal problem and another with Esophagitis.

In the 5 years he has been pitching in the Majors full-time, Mr. Buccholz has had 1 major DL injury and 4 less serious trips to the DL. It's not just one injury, rumps.

And by the way, Andy Pettitte and Mariano Rivera have played many more years than Clay Buccholz. How come you always have to bring in some Yankee player or players to deflect the attention away from your hero Red Sox player.

Anyway, the season is young. Time will tell if Mr. Buchholz will be injury free this year. If he is, he could have a very good year. He's off to a very good start. But there are 140 games left in the season. Mr. Pettitte and Mr. Rivera could have very good years also, but you would never recognize them if they did, because you are such a homer, Mr. rumps.

He was injured in spring training this year, pulling a hammy picking up a baseball of all things, to say that this guy is very brittle would be a understatement.:rolleyes:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The Red Sox have a long history of claiming injury to give pitchers a mid-season rest for a couple of weeks. Such was often the case with Beckett. And that was the case with Buchholz in 2010. He was not injured in 2012; he was ill.

As for the Yankee pitchers I mention, yes, they've been in the bigs a long time. Long enough that they are now what is considered "old." Old players get hurt more than young players.

In 2012, he made 29 starts and threw 189 innings, in 2010, he made 28 starts. You want to see an injury history, check this out:

or this:

Now there's a couple of poster boys for injury prone.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The Yankees lost both Cervelli & Nova to potentially serious injuries within the first 3 innings tonight.

Cervelli broke his right hand & will be lost for an extended period of time. Nova's injury appeared to be to his right arm & his status is currently unknown.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Cervelli broke his right hand & will be lost for an extended period of time. Nova's injury appeared to be to his right arm & his status is currently unknown.
They're saying six weeks for Cervelli. Nova's problem is with his elbow. He's going for an MRI. Losing these two can only improve the team.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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They're saying six weeks for Cervelli. Nova's problem is with his elbow. He's going for an MRI. Losing these two can only improve the team.

Nova had not been pitching well (despite striking out a batter an inning) and is easily replaced in the rotation by Phelps. Cervelli is a bigger loss, because he had been playing well, grinding out good at bats and had a slugging average of .500 to go with 3 homers. He also played solid D although last week, he almost had his gloved hand broken when it was hit with a swing and he got called for catcher's interference. I remember Bill Freehan of the Tigers had his arm broken on the same exact kind of play.

Chris Stewart is a sensational defensive catcher, both in calling games and his throwing arm, which is a laser. As a hitter, even for a catcher, he's terrible. It's a shame because he is a fairly big guy, but he just swings with his arms and no lower body action and thus generates no power at all. Considering his size, he is a waste of meat offensively.

Austin Romine is getting called up. He is hitting .333 at AAA, and is a solid catcher. He will back Stewart up.
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