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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


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Oct 3, 2008
If Romine can produce at the plate he will be the starter over Stewart sooner than later. Phelps will fill in for Nova just fine, he needs more work than he has been getting and will be an improvement over a struggling Nova. Sucks to lose 2 players but also nice to have that depth in the organization.
Austin Romine is getting called up. He is hitting .333 at AAA, and is a solid catcher. He will back Stewart up.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Phelps will fill in for Nova just fine

Phelps has struck out 9 Blue Jays in 4 innings. Granted the BJ hitters are undisciplined free swingers more interested in looking good striking out than putting the ball in play, but they are still a major league lineup with a lot of power.
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Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey Boyz,

Where did all the fans go?

NY only offers a billion more things to do...

Iggy says 19 million people can always find other things to do than go to a Yankees game. I hear the local cockroach derby gets better attendance in New York. That's what's become of "Yankee Pride". :D

Joe.T's definition of "coming around: The Blue Jays have won three of their last 9 games. Hopefully, this weekend against the light hitting Yankees will prove Joe right. The Jays do have a one game winning streak, which by the "Joe.T Metric" is the very definition of "coming around."

Actually, it's now 3 in the last 11. How can a guy (Joe) be so perfectly delusional about the simplest facts. The tough part is it's not caused by his drinking or toking. :crazy: And the Jays lost two nights in a row to a team that's basically playing on crutches. EMBARRASSING.

Are the Jays injured? Is there friction in the clubhouse? Is it just poor chemistry? Something wrong with the coaching. What's happened with this vaunted pre-season favorite to take the division and more???

Rumps, I have to note you were right about Napoli so far. He's leading the league in both doubles with 12 and RBIs with 27 in just 22 games. That's a heck of a production rate. Ooops, now some noodge is going to come in and's only 22 games. Someone tell him one can only enjoy what HAS happened, and it's only natural for a FAN to enjoy a team...when you have the balls to pick one, that's why one who is not a FAN can only keep complaining. :thumb:

Well, Eric Bedard got battered around tonight, just like last year too often. Unlike last year we got to enjoy it as the Red Sox benefited.

Phelps has struck out 9 Blue Jays in 4 innings. Granted the BJ hitters are undisciplined free swingers more interested in looking good striking out than putting the ball in play, but they are still a major league lineup with a lot of power.

That would explain some of the poor start. Impatience at the plate was one of the faults the Red Sox had last year after having been one of the most patient teams for several years. Phelps had only 4 strike outs in 4 previous games this year. So there's no excuse for getting royally used by him. If they keep that up all year they'll be lucky to see fourth place in the East...if that.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Hey Boyz,

Iggy says 19 million people can always find something better to do than go to a Yankees game. I hear the local cockroach derby gets better attendance in New York. That's what's become of "Yankee Pride". :D



Merlot, are you putting words in people's mouths again? lggy would never say something like what you say he said.

By the way, in my last trip I saw this goofy guy, with a very goofy grin, in a Red Sox jersey (how more goofy can you get?), walking in a goofy strut down St. Catherine Street. He looked like a guy in his early 40s. I thought of some of you merb Red Sox posters here.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Who else thinks that Mo can pitch until he is 50, I would not be surprised to see him pitching again next year.

Joe, as much as Mo will miss the limelight, I think he is really going to retire at the end of the year. He will have a good year, but he will retire for sure. But I bet you he becomes a pitching coach somewhere. Although, probably not immediately.


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Feb 9, 2004
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They're saying six weeks for Cervelli. Nova's problem is with his elbow. He's going for an MRI. Losing these two can only improve the team.

I would say the same for 90 percent of the Red Sox


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Quite the impressive display by the light hitting Yankees the past two nights. Consider:

Thursday night they meet up with the corpse of Mark Buehrle and his 6.35 ERA. The light hitting Yankees put up a five spot. Impressive.

But last night really showed their might. Having come upon the luck to see Josh Johnson scratched and finding themselves facing THE Aaron Laffey, still warm from the waiver wire having been released by the pitching poor Mets, the Yankees found themselves the beneficiaries of 10 walks and 1 HBP. One run scored on a wild pitch and one on a passed ball. Quick: how many runs did they score? 10, 12, 14? Nope, 6. Pathetic.

I woke up early this morning and ran 10,000 computer simulations with the following conditions. My Aunt Frederique's Mah Jongg team against the Blue Jays. Given 10 walks, 1 HBP, 1 run on a wild pitch, 1 on a passed ball. How many runs did my Aunt Frederique's Mah Jongg team score? An average of 9.63.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Gee rumps, Aaron Laffey gave up only 2 of the 6 runs the Yankees had scored. What's your stupid point? You're so obsessed about the Yankees' run production. Guess what? Yanks are winning games, despite having half of their lineup on the DL (and Cervelli joins Granderson, Jeter, Teixeira and Rodriguez).


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Guess what? Yanks are winning games, despite having half of their lineup on the DL (and Cervelli joins Granderson, Jeter, Teixeira and Rodriguez).

The Yankees are 5th in the AL in runs scored, with games still in hand, and thus well within run scoring striking distance of the 4 teams ahead of them in runs scored. The Yankees are 1st in homers in the AL (with all their best power hitters except Cano on the DL), and 2nd in OPS. The numbers speak for themselves. Saying that the teams they are playing suck gets a bit tired after a while. You play who is on your schedule and if the teams seem to suck it is because you are better. The Yankees will be getting their injured players back and are going to get better in the second half, so the teams failing to distance themselves from the Yankees right now will have more problems with them later.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Speaking of teams that absolutely suck, is there a bigger, more decrepit team than the Houston Astros, talk about a gift on a schedule, some one was sure looking out for the Red Sox.:rolleyes:

And the Yankees get their crack at the Astros right after they leave Boston. Which will be fun. I hope they bring up George Springer (former UConn star and 1st round Astros pick) soon. Springer is a tall, athletic center fielder with lots of power. He is the career leader in homers at UConn.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Ben Francisco, You Suck

I don't know if any of you noticed the statement that Girardi made today by DHing Hafner against the lefthanded JA Happ, but the statement is very clear: Ben Francisco, you suck. As CCF has noted, Ronnie Mustilier had that roster spot won in spring training until he got hurt, thus giving life to Francisco. Francisco is hitting .103, playing almost exclusively against lefties.

As productive as Hafner has been, I am totally against the pure DH/PH, meaning guys who NEVER see grass (also like Posada was in 2011, his last year). You should be able to competently field at least one position, for at least an inning or two here or there, to be able to play in the major leagues. Otherwise, go look for something else to do. What happens with the pure DH/PH is these guys make you burn through the roster late in games in order to accomodate their "handicap". I understand Hafner was signed as a stopgap for a year and I accept that it had to be done, but I still do not agree with the pure DH concept. Even Marcus Thames was spotted in the OF now and then.

The Major League Players Association will NEVER let the DH go and it may be instituted in the NL, because it does extend playing careers of guys who are too broken down to regularly play good, or any defense any more. But the pure DH/PH goes too far. You have to be able to be spotted for an inning or two on grass; there cannot be a "no grass for him" policy on any player. Otherwise, just get the fuck out of the game. I am going to give Hafner a pass because he is really hitting, but that is the last pass I ever give on a pure DH/PH.
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Feb 9, 2004
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The Major League Players Association will NEVER let the DH go and it may be instituted in the NL, because it does extend playing careers of guys who are too broken down to regularly play good, or any defense any more. But the pure DH/PH goes too far. You have to be able to be spotted for an inning or two on grass; there cannot be a "no grass for him" policy on any player. Otherwise, just get the fuck out of the game. I am going to give Hafner a pass because he is really hitting, but that is the last pass I ever give on a pure DH/PH.

The DH has not been instituted in the NL because baseball purists don't want to see the DH. The DH has been with the AL for 40 years. Don't you think if the NL was going to ever adopt the DH, the League would have adopted it by now?

I personally don't like the DH for several reasons:

  1. The manager's role is limited by the DH. In a close game, the manager is given the decision to pinch hit the pitcher.
  2. The number 8 spot batter is sometimes walked to get to the pitcher. The DH takes away from this strategy. And there are some good hitting pitchers. It gives pitchers incentive to become better hitters.
  3. Position players always have to play the field to bat. The DH allows the player to get out of shape. Plus, a player in the field is probably sharper when at bat than when he is on the bench during the defensive parts of the inning.

I always thought that the DH was a bad idea. Sure, it may extend the careers of some players who have bad knees, but I think the takes away from the strategic qualities of the game.

By the way, the Major League Players Association does not gain any additional players with the DH. Both AL and NL teams have 25 players, 8 starting position players, 12 pitchers, and 5 added position players. The DH just takes one of those extra positions and allows a player to bat in lieu of the pitcher.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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By the way, the Major League Players Association does not gain any additional players with the DH.

The most important thing for a veteran baseball player is to hang on long enough to get a pension. Perhaps you did not know this, but you need 10 years service to qualify for a MLB pension. In some cases the only way some guys hang on is to get an extra year or two as DH. Hafner does qualify already, but others need that DH job to hang on and get a pension. It is crucial. This is why the MLBPA fights for it. Because any union wants to get its members benefits. No DH, no hang on for 10 years, no pension benefits for you. It is that simple. That is why it will happen in the NL eventually. Pension benefits. You either hang on for 10 years or you don't.

However, I look at it from the perspective of a fan, not as the union lawyer. A fucking guy who is allergic to grass and is a pure DH/PH should not be in the major leagues. I give Hafner a pass, partly because he has already earned a MLB pension and could have retired. He is not taking anyone's money and running. He is playing for pride and guts and to show he still can put the lumber to a baseball. And that he has shown. The Blue Jays lefties Happ and Cecil could not get him out, and the results were the game tying HR and game winning hit.

MLB pension earned:
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Feb 9, 2004
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The most important thing for a veteran baseball player is to hang on long enough to get a pension. Perhaps you did not know this, but you need 10 years service to qualify for a MLB pension.

Really, how many players are actually DH to get 10 years service? There are only 15 AL teams and 15 DH spots. And if a player has been i the majors for 10 years, most likely he has had at least 1 multi-million $ contract. What difference is a pension going to make?

I really think the MLB players union should watch out for the minor league players who may never see a major league park. I know of some guys who have several year minor league careers and they never quite make the majors. They may have gone up once or twice or were on the verge of getting called up.

Besides, a 10 year career in the majors is very long. Most guys never see 10 years unless they are among the better players. Maybe, they should let them accumulate a pension for any service and it should increase the longer they play. JMHO.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Gee rumps, Aaron Laffey gave up only 2 of the 6 runs the Yankees had scored. What's your stupid point? You're so obsessed about the Yankees' run production. Guess what? Yanks are winning games, despite having half of their lineup on the DL (and Cervelli joins Granderson, Jeter, Teixeira and Rodriguez).
Indeed, two runs against a pitcher with an ERA over 7.

Speaking of teams that absolutely suck, is there a bigger, more decrepit team than the Houston Astros
The Toronto Blue Jays.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Can't wait for the Blue Jays to demolish the Red Sox next week. I think Toronto will unleash on the Red Sox shutting up some old obnoxious fools they have for fans.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Can't wait for the Blue Jays to demolish the Red Sox next week. I think Toronto will unleash on the Red Sox shutting up some old obnoxious fools they have for fans.

You wouldn't be tossing insults at anybody we know now, would you? Doesn't merb frown on name calling?
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