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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Francisco will soon be released and Dave Adams may be called up, from what I heard. I agree with you Daydreamer that right now Boesch is a better player than Francisco is, but Francisco will be gone very soon, and the Yankees had an option on Boesch which is why he got sent down.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I see Joe Girardi took my advice and is playing Grandy in left, Gardner in center, Ichiro in right and the DH is Wells. If the Yanks win this game do you think he will send me my cut? :whoo:


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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The Blue Jays are on a roll(just like I predicted), meanwhile the epic collapse in Sux land continues, god, does this team ever stink to high heaven, Lackey is a walking corpse at this point and a shell of his former self, all that hope gone down the tubes so fast.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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The Blue Jays are on a roll(just like I predicted), meanwhile the epic collapse in Sux land continues, god, does this team ever stink to high heaven, Lackey is a walking corpse at this point and a shell of his former self, all that hope gone down the tubes so fast.

If you actually watched the game you would know that not be true Joe. On a side note, looks like Ibanez is haunting the Skanks tonight. Lol.


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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IP- 4.1, H- 9, R-5, ER-5, ERA- 4.05

This is hardly a line to write home to mother about, sorry K but the line tells it all, John Lackey sucks monkey balls big time.

Nice comeback by the Yankees tonight, and with the big guns coming back the AL East might turn out to be a runaway route for the Yankees.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Again, you didn't see how the runs were scored Joe. 2 on and 2 out, TB hit a booming fly ball way up into the rafters that Napoli couldn't find in the dome, the balled landed helplessly near the first base line in front of first base and Pedroia was urging it to go foul when it stopped right along the foul line. Take those 2 shit runs away and he leaves giving up 3 runs. No error charged because it never touched a Sox glove which I also think is an asinine ruling.

I'm glad you think it'll be a runaway 1.5 months into the season. Be sure to let your bookie know now so he can retire by the all star break!! Hahaha.

Here's that shit hit.

and there was this MONSTER DOUBLE by Luke Scott. Lol.

Apparently I can't link directly the vids but click on Joyce's single and Luke Scott's double.
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Grandy did not do anything but understandable being his first game back and all, but Robbie C delivered big time, and Mo was Mo, notching his 16th save already.

The way i see it, any night you get a win against King Felix, is a great night.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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They didn't win against Felix they won against a guy with the best name in baseball..Furbush!! Lol. Check the vids I put in the previous response Iggy. Lackey didn't pitch badly at all. Enough with the blinders already.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
The Yankees certainly did get a win against King Felix. Did he pitch tonight? Did the Yankees win? Is King Felix gonna pitch again this series? Oui, Oui, and Non.

The other part i am not sure what you are talking about. I dont wear my sunglasses at night .... (sing along....) I wonder if Mr. Furbush has ever been to Bangkok :lol:

They didn't win against Felix they won against a guy with the best name in baseball..Furbush!! Lol. Check the vids I put in the previous response Iggy. Lackey didn't pitch badly at all. Enough with the blinders already.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Again, you didn't see how the runs were scored Joe. 2 on and 2 out, TB hit a booming fly ball way up into the rafters that Napoli couldn't find in the dome, the balled landed helplessly near the first base line in front of first base and Pedroia was urging it to go foul when it stopped right along the foul line. Take those 2 shit runs away and he leaves giving up 3 runs. No error charged because it never touched a Sox glove which I also think is an asinine ruling.

I'm glad you think it'll be a runaway 1.5 months into the season. Be sure to let your bookie know now so he can retire by the all star break!! Hahaha.

Here's that shit hit.

and there was this MONSTER DOUBLE by Luke Scott. Lol.

Apparently I can't link directly the vids but click on Joyce's single and Luke Scott's double.

Sour grapes, K. Luke Scott's double was a classic slicing ball towards the left field line. It was a legitimate hit.

And Joyce's single was fair according
to the rules. Any Red Sox player could have hit a ball that hit the catwalk. No crying in baseball, K, including fans. :violin:

Yankees picked up a game agains
t both the Orioles and Red Sox. May is looking good so far for the Yanks. Not so good for the Red Sox.



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I have a sneaking suspicion that Grandy will go yard tonight.
I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll be spending Saturday afternoon mowing your bookie's lawn.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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Sour grapes, K. Luke Scott's double was a classic slicing ball towards the left field line. It was a legitimate hit.

And Joyce's single was fair according
to the rules. Any Red Sox player could have hit a ball that hit the catwalk. No crying in baseball, K, including fans. :violin:

Yankees picked up a game agains
t both the Orioles and Red Sox. May is looking good so far for the Yanks. Not so good for the Red Sox.

It's not whining or sour grapes, it's pointing out facts DD41, but as we all know, you prefer to express yourself in constant hurling of insults instead of facts, etc.

Hey look, Sox picked up a game on both the Skanks and the O's tonight...Looking better for the Sox now but not so much for the Skanks. LOL.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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It's not whining or sour grapes, it's pointing out facts DD41, but as we all know, you prefer to express yourself in constant hurling of insults instead of facts, etc.

Hey look, Sox picked up a game on both the Skanks and the O's tonight...Looking better for the Sox now but not so much for the Skanks. LOL.

Insults, Me? No, you and your buddies are the kings of insults and shit disturbing, K.

Anyhow, look the 3 Red Sox fans are out in force, since they finally won a game.

:rolleyes: You mean you're apartment! It has to be because this is another rules infraction if you mean anything else. Good thing the mods don't give a shit.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Not unless his bookie's name is a European Goddess named Valentina.... lucky you Mr.T !

The way Hughes has pitched the last 2 starts, Vidal Nuno just might get some time in the rotation sooner than later.

Anyone know the timeline for Pineda's return?
I have a sneaking suspicion that you'll be spending Saturday afternoon mowing your bookie's lawn.


Active Member
Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I learned it from watching you, dd!! ;)

You lie, K. You watch your little buddies, rumps and merlot.

Not unless his bookie's name is a European Goddess named Valentina.... lucky you Mr.T !

The way Hughes has pitched the last 2 starts, Vidal Nuno just might get some time in the rotation sooner than later.

Anyone know the timeline for Pineda's return?

Hughes either pitches great or pitches horribly. Hughes has had 1 very good year, but has not repeated.

Pineda is supposed to be back late June or early July:


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Before Brett Marshall gave up the homer to Ibanez tonight, the Yankee bullpen had gone 28.1 innings without allowing a run. That's pretty impressive and yet more evidence that Joe Girardi is good at running a bullpen.

A lot of people have by now forgotten that in the beginning of the 2009 season in which the Yankees won the World Series, the Yankees had one of the worst bullpens in baseball. Girardi and Cashman quickly released the two main culprits (Jose Veras and Jonathan Abaldejo), rebuilt that bullpen, and have not looked back. I think Girardi has an excellent ability to read the body language on a pitcher and know when someone can go past the pitch count he has in mind, or not. He keeps the relievers fresh whereas Joe Torre had a tendency to overwork them, Scott Proctor being the prime example of that.

One of the reasons Mariano Rivera has had success and longevity is that Girardi has used him in a way that keeps him very fresh. It is sort of like the task of managing roasted chickens that come off the rotissary, you have to keep them warm under the heat lamp but you do not want to dry them out. Girardi knows what the right temperature is for his chickens. A lot of managers just do not know what the right temperature is, and things get too hot or too cold. You have to have a pulse on your team.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
There's so much interest to see Rivera there's 10,000-15,000 empty seats every home game.
Actually, Merlot, I was at the House that Ruth Didn't Build a couple of weeks back on a gorgeous Friday night. Despite the fact that the team was on a good streak at the time, there must have been 25,000 empties. Most of the seats sold to the 1%, the $500 boxes, while sold to the wealthy likely paid for by us thanks to the huge tax breaks bestowed on said 1% by the Bush administration, were empty. The rest of the house, those available to the "rest of us" were about half full.

Meanwhile, there were a mere 15,767 in the house in Tampa last night to watch the streaking Rays lose to the slumping Red Sox. Montreal is watching.
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