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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


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Oct 3, 2008
Just watching the post game interviews and Phelps said he will definately not miss his next start.... so we shall see


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I predict that the Jays will have caught up to the Red Sox by June 23rd. Likely sooner.

Red Sox slumping badly....
Back in Toronto, the Jays are playing very good baseball these days. They've found their groove, and the hitting is where it should be.
Let's calculate this. In their last ten games, the "slumplng badly" Red Sox are 7-3. In their last ten games, the "playing very good baseball" Jays are 5-5. Hmmm. 2+2=7, 1+4=12. That makes 23. Add 6, multiply by 4. And you get...June 23. Looks like you nailed it again, Doc.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Don't count Lackey out yet, Doc! Lol.
Speaking of John Lackey, his 2.72 ERA, his 1.13 WHIP, his 11 walks and 40 punchados in 39.2 innings, here's what Nick Swisher had to say about last night.

“Back then, he had 96, 97 (mph) in the tank,” Swisher said. “He ain’t got that no more. But the one thing he had going for him tonight was location. You’ve got to tip your cap, man. We’ve got a pretty good offense over here and we couldn’t get nothing going tonight.”

“Usually you can wait, and he’s going to get you something in the middle of the plate to hit, but tonight wasn’t like that,” Swisher said. “It seemed like he had a little swag going today. Tip your cap, bro. He put it on us pretty good.”

And Jason Giambi.

“He put it on me pretty good early in my career,” Swisher said. “He’s always been a challenge for me. I feel like he really uses his breaking ball against me, and now he’s got a little cutter-slider thing that he’s using a lot more. Every time I go up against him, I’m in for a battle, because he’s been one of those guys that just kind of has my number. Tonight, it seemed like he had everybody’s number.”

“I’ve been in the National League for all these years, but he was back throwing as hard as he was with the Angels that I remember,” Giambi said. “His location was on tonight. That’s what made him so good. He could bounce it in the dirt, cutters in, back-door cutter, cutter that kind of fell out of the strike zone, breaking ball — he just located everything really well.”


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hey Boyz,

Mr. Merlot, neither what I wrote or what rumps wrote is in the crap disturbing category.

Rumps has not made, and definitely not repeated a false accusation over and over for any reason...never mind just to be nasty.

BTW - You're a Mets fan acting like a Yankees fan so you can team up to attack Red Sox fans. I've never seen anyone totally dump his own team in any thread in any sport before and join with arch-rival fans.

What's interesting, Doc, is that the Sox are 1/2 game out despite getting almost nothing from Drew, Middlebrooks, Ellsbury, and Gomes. The offense has been carried by four players.

Lack of offensive punch has been my main concern with this lineup from the start. Yes, they have been able to put to together some potency, but not often enough. Ellsbury has been the biggest disappointment. I don't think anyone thought he would hit less than .275 and be so lacking in SLG and OPS when healthy. Since it's believed he will seek a contract elsewhere next year this really hurts any opportunity to use his trade value before the Sox lose control of him.

Red Sox slumping badly.

Back in Toronto, the Jays are playing very good baseball these days. They've found their groove, and the hitting is where it should be.

The Jays are 6-7 in their last 13 games. The Red Sox are 7-6 in their last 13. So the Jays "groove" is worse than the Red Sox "slumping badly". Part of that...groove was facing Dempster and being lucky enough to get the old Buerhle back to peak form quite unexpectedly during their 4-game run. I wouldn't say losing ground over the same period of time by comparison is being in a groove.

No one player more affects a team's ability to win than the pitcher.

The last two nights have been the perfect example. Cleveland looked awesome Thursday, like crap Friday...because of who pitched for each team and how they pitched.

If not for the early strain to his arm, and some dumb costly fielding, Lackey would be 5-2 right now. His actual pitching performances have been just about good enough to be a #2 on most teams, which he'd be in Boston if it wasn't for the presence of two excellent pitchers ahead of him. I have more faith in him currently than either Dempster or Doubront.

Speaking of John Lackey, his 2.72 ERA, his 1.13 WHIP, his 11 walks and 40 punchados in 39.2 innings,...Swisher, "one thing he had going for him tonight was location"...Giambi, “his location was on tonight."

We're expecting the usual "cream" accusations any moment. It's rumored Hayhrust, Morris, and a Mets fan buddy are desperately reviewing videos frame by frame. ;)




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Feb 9, 2004
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Hey Boyz,

Rumps has not made, and definitely not repeated a false accusation over and over for any reason...never mind just to be nasty.

BTW - You're a Mets fan acting like a Yankees fan so you can team up to attack Red Sox fans. I've never seen anyone totally dump his own team in any thread in any sport before and join with arch-rival fans.


You are full of it Merlot, spreading those lies. What you say is 100 percent false, and it's a personal attack. You have no proof. Don't you have anything better to do?

Guess not. You probably spend 90 percent of your time writing posts on merb.


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Feb 9, 2004
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How about Detroit's Anibal Sanchez. He missed the second No-hitter in his career by 2 outs when Joe Mauer hit a single with one out in the 9th inning.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Jon Morosi said:
Jon Morosi ‏@jonmorosi
Blue Jays are 10-11 since the start of May, during which time their AL East deficit went from 8-1/2 games to 9-1/2.
How 'bout them smokin' hot Jays. At this rate, lessee, they oughta be about 17 games out by October.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Three flames in one post and you say you aren't a disturber. ;).

I've referred to you as a Mets fan in several posts for weeks. You took no offense and made no denial until today.

I'm not originally from Massachusetts, but I don't root for the Rays or Marlins, and I have never switched or betrayed allegiances.



Hey, Merlot, why is my favorite team so important to you? You really have a shallow life. I usually don't read what you write, but I have said I am not a Mets fan before when you made your outrageous statement about me. Of the Yankees and the Mets, I like the Yankees. I have been to Yankees games, but never a Mets game.

And in this thread, no one talks about any other teams than the Yankees or the Red Sox. Sometimes, the Blue Jays are mentioned. I have mentioned other teams or brought up News concerning other teams, but in this thread most posts are either the Yankees or Red Sox and sometimes Blue Jays.

So why would I talk about any other team?

And disturber? No, Merlot, you are the disturber. You are the one who obsessively accuse me of not being a Yankees fan, and falsely a Mets fan, and telling me I am only here to disturb you and your buddies. Sorry, it's not true. You the accuser are the disturber. I just had enough of you.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Who would care if you did start rooting for another team? That team? lol... I know who dd41's fav team is and this i know, he hates the red sox (99% because of their fanbase) and today is the first i ever heard he is a mets fan... wow......

Merlot, you do not have to be from one city to cheer for another, you always act like it is protocol in those regards and i simply do not understand your rationale behind it. It has always been and always will be a weak point. I mean, who really cares who dd41, you or even myself cheers for? Does it really matter?

Now enjoy your day, i am going for a nice long ride in this crazy spring weather, thanks to Rumps and the info he has given me about some good places to ride. (hope none of you had a heart attack reading that last sentence, i had to re read it myself to believe i wrote it!) :)

I'm not originally from Massachusetts, but I don't root for the Rays or Marlins, and I have never switched or betrayed allegiances.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Umpires are having a bad year this year. He was clearly safe. Ump probably didn't see the first baseman's foot on the bag. Maybe, baseball should give in to complete camera review on disputed calls?
The problem here, other of course than the obviously blown call, is that Wedge argued that the first baseman's foot was off the bag. The umps conferred and disagreed with Wedge. Had he argued that the first baseman wasn't even the one who caught the ball, perhaps the end result would have been different.


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Feb 9, 2004
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The problem here, other of course than the obviously blown call, is that Wedge argued that the first baseman's foot was off the bag. The umps conferred and disagreed with Wedge. Had he argued that the first baseman wasn't even the one who caught the ball, perhaps the end result would have been different.

You are correct. I didn't even see that pitcher caught the ball instead of the first baseman and the pitcher was no where near the bag. Wedge, the manager, probably never saw who caught the ball. Rangers got away with that slight of hand.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Good Old Doc Holliday said:
Back in Toronto, the Jays are playing very good baseball these days. They've found their groove, and the hitting is where it should be.
Yes, the surging Jays are closing fast. Three weeks ago they were 10.5 back, now they've closed the gap to only 9.5. At this rate, they ought to be in first place by November.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
You should watch the video all the way through. They show it three times, with the audio and replays from three different broadcast teams. They realize what actually happened at very different points and react quite differently.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Amazing, gritty win by the Yankees this afternoon. 3 stars mushroomed into 4:

1. Lyle Overbay
2. Vidal Nuno
3. Mariano Rivera
4. Ivan Nova

Comments: Overbay hit the game winning homer in the 11th; Nuno went 6 innings and should have only given up 1 earned run but there were 2 bad defensive plays, which should have been made, that led to the 2nd run; Rivera saved his AL leading 18th in dominant fashion; Nova struck out James Loney with the bases loaded and 1 out in the 10th, on the wickedest pitch I have seen him throw this year.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Great comeback win by the Yanks. I got a little nervous when Girardi put Nova (just back from the DL) out on the mound in the 10th inning, as he loaded the bases with 2 walks sandwich with a hit. But Nova pitched out of the jam and Overbay hit the winning HR. Great clutch hitting by Brendon Boesch and Brett Gardner to come behind from 3-1 in the top of the 9th.

Boston also came from behind to beat Cleveland, so Yanks still a game (2 games in the Loss column) ahead of the Red Sox.

Nuno pitched a great 6 innings before being pulled in the 7th inning. And Mariano picked up his 18 save in 18 save appearances. The guy is simply amazing.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Meanwhile, the red hot Jays now trail the Yankees by 10.5 games, equalling their biggest deficit of the season.

As for the Rays, who have seen Fernando Rodney blow a three run lead to the Red Sox and a two run lead to the Yankees in the last ten days, their season will end mighty early if they don't get a closer who can do the job.

As for today's stars for the slumping Red Sox, 7-3 in their last 10, go figure. Mike Carp, Pedro Ciriaco, and, mostly, Jose .481 Iglesias. Well, Pedey, too, but he's a star every day.


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Feb 9, 2004
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The Amazing National League Central Race

The NL Central has 3 teams playing above .600:

St. Louis3116.660-14-817-8225159+66Won 37-389.6
Cincinnati3118.633118-613-12237174+63Won 58-280.5
Pittsburgh3019.612218-912-10192167+25Won 18-245.3

Cincinnati won the division last year. St. Louis, the 2011 WS Champs, made the playoffs last year in the Wild Card.

Pittsburgh had a great start last year, faded like in 2011, but this year it looks like the Pirates are for real. The Pirates have good pitching and good hitting. I don't think they will fade this year, like the previous 2 years. Cincinnati and St. Louis also have good pitching and hitting. This year's race between these 3 teams should be interesting to watch.

Interestingly, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati lead the Wild Card race in the National League by 3 games over the next contending team, which is the WS champs San Francisco Giants. Any of the 3 teams, St. Louis, Cincinnati or Pittsburgh, could win the Division, and the other 2 teams could win the Wildcard.
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