Montreal Escorts

2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello BOYZ!

Jacoby Ellsbury has been a disappointment this year until fairly recently. I thought surely he would perform like 2009, maybe close to 2011 since he is in a contract year and his agent Boras will be looking for something over $125,000,000 long term. The guys has great gifts, but his year has been subpar by any measure. Lately he's been heating up...and then some dummy made the fatal mistake of motivating Ells by hitting him. STUPID!

PHILADELPHIA -- Jacoby Ellsbury, modern art collector?

In a manner of speaking, yes. A highly specialized form, but one for which Ellsbury doesn't have to worry about outbidding anybody. You can be Warren Buffett rich and have no chance of lining your walls with the personalized pieces Ellsbury is assembling.

The Philadelphia Phillies, in a gesture made up in equal parts of graciousness and respect, added to Ellsbury's collection Thursday night, giving him a 15-inch square white canvas bag, filled with soft material, to match the two he already has at home.

The bag has a name: a major league base. Ellsbury was given one by the Red Sox when he broke Tommy Harper's club record of 54 stolen bases in 2009. The Sox gave him another after he stole his majors-leading 70th base that same season. And Thursday night, the Phillies gave him a third, in recognition of the club-record five bases he stole in Citizens Bank Park during Boston's 9-2 win over the home team. This one he didn't have to steal; it was a gift.

"Pretty neat," he said. "Nice of them."

And yes, Ellsbury said, it's suitable for hanging.

"You can cut off the bottom and stick it on the wall," said Ellsbury, indicating that's what was done with the first two.

Power wash them first?

"Leave 'em dirty," Ellsbury said. "As they are."

Ellsbury reached base on his first five trips Thursday night and came within a whisker of his fourth hit on his sixth plate appearance, a lunge by Phillies rookie second baseman Cesar Hernandez sufficient to collar his ground ball in the ninth.

He led off the game with a single, took third on a base hit by Daniel Nava and scored on an infield out by Dustin Pedroia. He walked and stole second in the second, singled and stole second in the fourth, then was hit in the back by a chest-high pitch in the sixth, for which he obviously took some umbrage, stealing second and third in the span of a four-pitch walk to Nava.

Ellsbury admitted as much, though he said he didn't know whether Phillies pitcher Jeremy Horst, who drew a warning issued to both teams, had deliberate intent in his heart.

"I had a different opinion," Farrell said. "If it was that blatant ... "

He left the sentence unfinished, the rest of the thought being, Miller should have given Horst the heave. "I can't say it was intentional," Farrell said, "but baseball etiquette allows it to play out."

But Farrell obviously loved how Ellsbury added injury to Philly's insult.

"I think he responded to a hit by pitch the way you should," Farrell said. "Consecutive steals of second and third. He responded in a good way."

Ellsbury then singled in the eighth, stole second and took third on a throwing error by Phillies catcher Erik Kratz.

"Usually when I get to three or four, the game gets out of hand and I have to shut down the run game," Ellsbury said. "It was nice be able to get a fifth one."


If Ellsbury stays motivated and hot it's a much improved lineup.


What happened to the god of the cutter the other night? Not only did he fail to hold, he blew the game with extreme ineptitude. He gave up 3 hits, 2 runs, and didn't even get 1 lousy out. This is not the stuff legends are made of. The Yankees had better hope it's a fluke with Robertson, and Sabathia also failing recently, among others.

New York fans???

"Pride and Guts":

The Yankees lost four straight to the then 18-29 Mets, scoring a bare 7 runs in those four games. Peeeeuuuuuuuu! Bad enough they got swept, but one would expect with both New York City teams playing each other the teams could draw from the total population. Yet no matter what stadium they played at there were plenty of empty seats each game with an average of about 37,000 attending. Where is New York pride? If Lester and Sabathia can't sell out a game tonight it's hopeless.

Sox Rising, Yankees Falling.

PHILADELPHIA -- Takeaways from a night on which Jacoby Ellsbury went home with a new record and a souvenir to commemorate it, Franklin Morales stuck his first win in his back pocket and the Boston Red Sox headed up the Jersey Turnpike to face the suddenly reeling New York Yankees, losers of a season-high five straight, including four to the crosstown (and heretofore harmless) New York Mets:

"That doesn't mean they're not going to play against us," said Jarrod Saltalamacchia, who warmed up for the weekend with two RBI doubles, missed a home run by no more than a foot and threw out an attempted base-stealer, the only catcher to do so on the night Ellsbury stole a club-record five bases.

"I always get pumped up to play those guys," he said. "What does Pap say -- if you want to be the best, you got to beat the best?"

At least Jonathan Papelbon, who had saved Philadelphia Phillies wins each of the previous two nights, was limited to just being quoted. The Sox jumped on the Phillies with four in the first, expanded their lead with solo home runs by Jonny Gomes and David Ortiz, then tacked on three more in the eighth, rendering Papelbon no more useful than the Phillie Phanatic.

"The Yankees have been at the top of the division a long time," Saltalamacchia said. "I'm looking forward to going in there for a good series. Looking forward to playing the chess match."

The Sox and Yankees haven't played since the first three games of the season, when the Sox won two out of three despite missing Ortiz and pinning their hopes on a rookie with one full year of pro experience, Jackie Bradley Jr. The Yankees, meanwhile, have been playing short-handed all season, though two missing regulars, Mark Teixeira and Kevin Youkilis, are due to return Friday night.

Before the season started, New York injuries and Boston's extreme makeover had the smart money speculating that the Bombers and Sox would be bringing up the rear of the division. What would Gomes have said in March if someone had told him Sox-Yanks would rank 1-2 entering June?

"You nailed it," Gomes said. "I think we talked about it in spring: The AL East was going to be a five-team crapshoot. We've seen it in the past -- big teams, big payrolls, big everything, go into the season and not work out, and then there's the other side of it. The AL East is the Beast.

"I didn't think there was going to be a five-way tie for first."

Gomes, a newcomer to the rivalry, likes the added cachet that comes with it but says no one should read too much into what takes place.

"I don't think who wins these three games or who wins the series tells anything," he said.

But he saluted the Yankees for persevering under daunting circumstances.

"It's awesome, it really is," he said. "I think it says a lot about their secondary players. I think their manager [Joe Girardi], it says a lot about the ship he runs and the organization.

"It doesn't matter who they run out there, they're expected to win. It comes from the past there and definitely Joe Girardi. Just because all their guys are banged up, I don't think they're going to lay down. And granted maybe they're secondary players now, but you're talking Vernon Wells, [Brennan] Boesch, Lyle Overbay. These aren't no-names. These aren't Triple-A call-ups. These guys have track records, too."

Gomes has a point, although of the three guys with "track records" he cites, Overbay and Boesch were other people's discards this spring, while Wells was a consensus choice as the most-overpaid player in the game.

Still, the Yanks are coming, with Tex and Youk back in the fold. Derek Jeter remains a speck on the horizon (All-Star break, perhaps?) and Alex Rodriguez is a salvage job with a very uncertain outcome.

The Sox used two emergency starters against the Phillies this week, Alfredo Aceves on Monday and Morales on Thursday, and those are the two games they won in the four they split with the Phils. Aceves gave the Sox six innings and allowed just a run, and Morales, after giving up a two-run home run in the first to Delmon Young, tacked on four scoreless innings before giving way to a four-man bullpen shuttle that put up four more zeroes.

You can't overstate the value of being able to call on guys like that who deliver that caliber of performance. Bobby Valentine used Zach Stewart for two emergency starts last season: He went 0-2 with a 22.24 ERA and lasted a total of 5⅔ innings. Yes, Allen Webster was knocked around in an emergency start earlier this season, but Webster, Morales and Aceves offer depth that was lacking last season.

What difference does defense make in a game decided by seven runs? Plenty. A key play Thursday night was the double play turned by Stephen Drew and Dustin Pedroia on Erik Kratz with the bases loaded and one out in the fourth, when it was still a two-run game.

"A huge play," Sox manager John Farrell said. "It wasn't a hard-hit ball. Stephen gave him a firm feed, and Pedey [Pedroia] hangs in tough with [Kevin] Frandsen right down his throat. A momentum shift."
Ellsbury's souvenir? The Phillies gave him a base to commemorate his five steals. "Very nice of them," he said.

BTW: While I don't put credibility in public opinion polls, it is fun to see the poll on this website favors the Sox winning the division with 81%. It doesn't mean anything except to indicate the fortunes of the teams lately. Still, right now it looks like the Sox may well exceed my assessment of winning 85-87 games. It not even June yet and the Sox are already about halfway to their win total for all of last year. If they win half their games the next month they will be close to 50 wins.




New Member
Oct 3, 2008
crickets................ oups. ooops or ouuuuuuuuuuuups! :)
As is usual with One Mr. CC Sabathia, the BIG MAN heats up when the weather does.......... Great Win By The Empire! lose 5 in a row and still ready to take OVAH first place......... :thumb:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Not Really as the NY-Metr0-poli-Tans caught us at the right time and woke up the sleeping GIANT of the AL East, THEE NY YANKEES :D

Nice to see Tex BACK, Youkilis BACK, and Ichiro getting BACK to getting hits towards 3K (which will be in PINSTRIPES and ADD to more YANKEES "LORE") :thumb: ........

I smell a SWEEP (Mr.T told me not to worry about game #1 and he was SPOT ON as usual!) Joe, you should quit ur day job bro and move to Vegas, totally serious as you ARE that damn good and you are THE GAME.... bless you my provincial friend :thumb:

(i swear he said "iggy" at the 30 sec , 42, 57th, 61st and 100th sec mark of the vid, HAHAH)......... damn, and i thought i drank alot!... melow, bottoms up bro!, CHEERS! :lol:

Same crickets that were around when the Yanks got swept by the LOWLY Mets. What a disgrace that was!
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Wow!! Huge offensive night for the light hitting Yankees. Four (4) runs by the "sleeping giant." And they did get a whopping seven (7) hits. OK, OK, let's be honest. Yes, they put up a huge, for them, four runs. But, if not for control problems by Lester and a misjudged fly ball, we're looking at their usual two-spot.

You do have to hand it to CC, though. He pitched a very nice game, though he certainly will from time to time. He's still going to be a good pitcher, just not likely the CC of old. Hell, you don't think he's going to turn into Dillon Gee overnight.

As for Ichiro and 3000 hits, let's see. At the rate he's going, he ought to reach 3000 by the middle of 2015. Do you really think the Yankees are going to keep a .250 singles hitter around for three years, iggy.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And a win against the poor pitching red sox, nice we can agree, HAHA!
Goes to show when you put a CC in hot and humid weather against a chicken eating fat and not made for hot weather jonny boy lester, well............. ya'll saw the results! ONE of 3. lets get the BROOMS out, boys:) BWhaahaahahahaah

Wow!! Huge offensive night for the light hitting Yankees..
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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
CC SABATHIA is a BEAST when it gets hot and humid, even EB would agree with that one, hell even the good Dr would agree..........:lol::lol::lol:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
And a win against the poor pitching red sox, nice we can agree, HAHA!
Yup, Lester was off his game and, yet, the light hitting Yankees could only muster six hits and four runs. Pathetic. Usually, when you get a pitcher who has nothing working on a given night, you score 7 runs off him, just like Sabathia's last start. Of course, CC wasn't facing the light hitting Yankees.

Yup, CC's on a roll. He's got a one game streak going.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Well, fellas, I'm gonna make a confession. I can't believe I'm saying this, but...but...but...OK, I'm happy for iggy. I've never seen anyone so excited about a one game winning streak. I suppose after the four game humiliation at the hands of the Mets, winning even one is quite a thrill. The Mets. The Mets. Imagine.

There's someone else I'm happy for. Dillon Gee. Poor guy is having a horrible season. His poor wife, his parents, must be suffering something awful. A 6.35 ERA, uuuugly. Thanks to the light hitting Yankees, he's now got it down to a still bad, but less than miserable 5.68. I understand that Joe Girardi received a thank you card from Gee's mother last night.

You know, it's shaping up to be quite a race. But there's another race in the making. The race between the light hitting Yankees and the pathetic Houston Astros to see which team will score more runs this year. Right now, it's the light hitting Yankees by two.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Finally, someone in New York who doesn't have his head in the sand: Joel Sherman of the NY Post.

"Yanks are relying on old players, not players of old


What if the saviors aren’t?

What if the guys the Yankees have built their whole hold-the-fort mindset around so far this season ultimately are not good enough or healthy enough to make a dramatic difference?

It has been such an accepted line of thought the Yankees will be better when their injured cavalry begins returning en masse that no one has stopped to examine who those guys actually are in 2013.

The influx began last night with Mark Teixeira and Kevin Youkilis and continues Monday, when Andy Pettitte is scheduled to start against Cleveland. Each should upgrade the team. But here are hard truths: Each is a declining player who now must be considered a red flag physically. Let’s put it this way, it is probably more likely all three will go on the disabled list again than all three won’t.

Teixeira is back from a serious wrist injury and “wrists are tricky” has been Brian Cashman’s mantra. Youkilis has a chronic back condition. Pettitte, two weeks shy of his 41st birthday, has morphed from one of the most-durable starters of the generation to a more fragile state.

Teixeira (0-for-3 with a walk and run) and Youkilis (1-for-4 with an RBI) should help the Yankees’ patience (the team had four walks yesterday or as many in its five previous games combined) and in lengthening the lineup, particularly against lefties. Which was the case last night as the Yankees beat Jon Lester and the Red Sox, 4-1.

Still, the Yankees won for the same reason as usual in 2013 — strong pitching. CC Sabathia used his best fastball/slider combo this year to hold Boston to one run in 7 1/3 innings with 10 strikeouts and no walks.

Even with Teixeira and Youkilis, the Yankees were outhit (8-7) and out-extra-base hit (3-1), and failed yet again to crack their unofficial scoring ceiling. This was the 37th time the Yankees have scored four or fewer runs, second in the AL behind the offensively atrocious Mariners.

And before you say it will be much better now, remember Teixeira’s OPS has fallen every year since 2007 (down to .807 in 2012) and Youkilis’ has dropped three straight seasons (down to .745 last year). What happens if those numbers continue to dwindle?"



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I smell a SWEEP
Now that's what I call a good old fashioned country ass-kicking.

Oh, and by the way, since drubbing the light hitting Yankees four straight, the lowly Mets have lost two games to the Miami Marlins.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I still say Joe Girardi will get fired before the season's over. Won't be his fault, though. I think he's done a masterful job so far, but you can only do so much with a geriatric team.

The Red Sox were impressive today. But of course, they were facing the Yankees.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The big race is on. As of this morning, the light hitting Yankees still hold a one run lead over the pitiful Houston Astros. 223-222. The Red Sox, leading the AL in scoring, lead the hapless, get this, "Bombers" by 63 runs.

Actually, Doc, I don't see Girardi getting the can. He didn't make this mess. If anyone is to get the boot, it should be Brian Cashdollar, the guy who raided the senior citizen's home and tried to assemble a professional baseball team.

And you know, it ain't just the lifeless bats. The Yankees have a lights out bullpen and a short starting rotation, with only two arms on which they can count. It's become pretty clear that Phil Hughes and David Phelps are second division talent and that Andy Pettitte, shutdown three times in the last three months with back problems, just can't cut it for the long haul.

The big question in Yankeeland: who goes back on the DL first: Pettitte or Youkilis?


Red Sox Nation
Jan 28, 2009
Man...was it me or did Vernon Wells look extremely slow, fat and old chasing flyballs as they fell all around him for hit after hit last night...:lol:...



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Man...was it me or did Vernon Wells look extremely slow, fat and old chasing flyballs as they fell all around him for hit after hit last night..
I noticed that too, Jman, how slow and tentative he looked going after balls that wound up being very costly and looked catchable. Back when Wells was a competent MLB player, he was a fine defensive outfielder.

Here's a piece from Craig Calcaterra on Wells' return to Earth after a very strong April:

"Vernon Wells: back to reality
Craig Calcaterra

Part of the reason the Yankees were so good in April and much of May was because they were getting great performances from unexpected players. Like Vernon Wells, who was smacking the ball around to the tune of .300/.366/.544 in the season’s first month but came crashing back to Earth to hit .221/.250/.365 in May. Last night he went 0-for-4 in a horrendous loss to the Sox and that season-long OBP is now at an even .300.

If I’m the Yankees I want Wells to think that he can get back to where he was the first month. Indeed, I don’t want my players ever looking back over their career numbers to assess whether or not such things are likely or possible. I want them to do their job and feel like they’re capable of an All-Star performance every day out.

But we’re not Wells or the Yankees. And we all can look back and see that April was an anomaly. And that while he’s had some good seasons here or there, the new normal for Wells is a lot closer to what he’s hitting now than what he was hitting a month ago. Indeed, the best indicator of what a player is ever going to do is what he’s done a lot of recently.

It’s great for the Yankees that they got a great month out of the guy, but now it’s back to reality for Vernon Wells."



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The Mets' last two weeks:
Reds 4, Mets 3
Reds 4, Mets 0
Reds 7, Mets 4
Braves 7, Mets 5
Braves 6, Mets 0
Mets 4, Braves 2
Mets 2, Yankees 1
Mets 2, Yankees 1,
Mets 9, Light hitting Yankees 4
Mets 3, Yankees 1
Marlins 5, Mets 1
Marlins 8, Mets 1
Marlins 11, Mets 6

Mets against the field 1-8
Mets against the light hitting Yankees 4-0


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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I still say Joe Girardi will get fired before the season's over. Won't be his fault, though. I think he's done a masterful job so far, but you can only do so much with a geriatric team.

The Red Sox were impressive today. But of course, they were facing the Yankees.

Such non-sense. Girardi is not going to get fired before the season is over. Girardi, if anything, could win the AL Manager of the year if his team makes the playoffs. If the Yankees don't, the Yankees will welcome him back next year.

The big race is on. As of this morning, the light hitting Yankees still hold a one run lead over the pitiful Houston Astros. 223-222. The Red Sox, leading the AL in scoring, lead the hapless, get this, "Bombers" by 63 runs.

Actually, Doc, I don't see Girardi getting the can. He didn't make this mess. If anyone is to get the boot, it should be Brian Cashdollar, the guy who raided the senior citizen's home and tried to assemble a professional baseball team.

And you know, it ain't just the lifeless bats. The Yankees have a lights out bullpen and a short starting rotation, with only two arms on which they can count. It's become pretty clear that Phil Hughes and David Phelps are second division talent and that Andy Pettitte, shutdown three times in the last three months with back problems, just can't cut it for the long haul.

The big question in Yankeeland: who goes back on the DL first: Pettitte or Youkilis?

As for Cashman, I don't think you can blame him for anything. The only really bad contract the Yankees have is A-Rod. The Steinbrenners were very involved in resigning A-Rod. Cashman would have let A-Rod leave if it were not for his bosses. As for Sabathia, you Red Sox fans and us New York Yankee fans have different opinions. Besides the last year of his contract is 2015, when he is 35. I doubt he will get any long term contracts after 2015 from any team.

I noticed that too, Jman, how slow and tentative he looked going after balls that wound up being very costly and looked catchable. Back when Wells was a competent MLB player, he was a fine defensive outfielder.

Here's a piece from Craig Calcaterra on Wells' return to Earth after a very strong April:

"Vernon Wells: back to reality
Craig Calcaterra

Part of the reason the Yankees were so good in April and much of May was because they were getting great performances from unexpected players. Like Vernon Wells, who was smacking the ball around to the tune of .300/.366/.544 in the season’s first month but came crashing back to Earth to hit .221/.250/.365 in May. Last night he went 0-for-4 in a horrendous loss to the Sox and that season-long OBP is now at an even .300.

If I’m the Yankees I want Wells to think that he can get back to where he was the first month. Indeed, I don’t want my players ever looking back over their career numbers to assess whether or not such things are likely or possible. I want them to do their job and feel like they’re capable of an All-Star performance every day out.

But we’re not Wells or the Yankees. And we all can look back and see that April was an anomaly. And that while he’s had some good seasons here or there, the new normal for Wells is a lot closer to what he’s hitting now than what he was hitting a month ago. Indeed, the best indicator of what a player is ever going to do is what he’s done a lot of recently.

It’s great for the Yankees that they got a great month out of the guy, but now it’s back to reality for Vernon Wells."

So Wells is slumping? So? Teams and players slump. Teams and players have good, bad and mediocre months.

The Red Sox, who have a mere 2 game lead over the Yankees and the Orioles and a 2 1/2 game lead over the Tampa Bay Rays. It's a 4 team race in the AL East, and it's surprising it's not a 5 team race.

Wells had a very good April, and a not so good May. Guess who had the best May in the AL East?

Not Boston.

Guess again.

The Tampa Bay Rays. Boston had a mediocre May, where they had a 2-9 stretch. Look at the April and May records for the AL East:


Tampa Bay1214


Tampa Bay1810

I know Boston fans #1 pastime is blasting the NY Yankees, but the season is only 1/3 over. Each team will have it's slump and hot periods. The Yankees have some potential weapons on the DL.

While the Yankees are ranked #11 out of 15 in the AL in batting, they are ranked #3 in pitching. I suspect that they will improve in the hitting department as their heavy hitters like Teixeira gets more at bats and when Granderson returns.

As far as runs go, look at Detroit. Detroit is ranked #2 in pitching and #3 in batting in the AL. They have a run differential of 66, 9 more than the Red Sox. The Tigers are 30-24, .545, only 1/2 game ahead of the Cleveland Indians.

Why is the Tigers' record not as good as their batting and pitching statistics? Because they simply won as many games as they won. The winner of the game scores the most runs at the end of 9 innings or the last inning in an extra inning game.

If the Yankees win tonight, they will be only a game back of the Red Sox. If the Red Sox win tonight, the Red Sox will have a 3 game lead. It doesn't matter how many times the Mets beat the Yankees or how many times other teams beat the Mets. There will be a game or 3 games separating the 2 teams and a little more than a 100 games to play. Meanwhile, any team in the AL East can get hot or slump. It's a 4-team race and the hottest team at the moment over the last month are the Tampa Bay Rays.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The only really bad contract the Yankees have is A-Rod.
Teixeira and Jeter.

So Wells is slumping? So? Teams and players slump.
True, but three years is a pretty long slump. Wells' "slump," as you call it, has been going on since the beginning of 2011, with the exception of this April.

The Red Sox, who have a mere 2 game lead over the Yankees
I've posted several articles, including one from the NY Post's top beat writer, and have made numerous references to statistical indices, all of which clearly show that the Yankees' record to date is a house of cards. And this house of cards is clearly crumbling.

Wells had a very good April, and a not so good May.
Actually, that would be an awful May, and a May consistent with his performance over the past two+ years.

heavy hitters like Teixeira.
Teixeira hasn't been a heavy hitter in several years. Coming off a serious wrist injury, the kind that lingers, he's likely to be a downgrade from Lyle Overbay.


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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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Teixeira and Jeter.

How many times do I have to repeat this? Jeter is in his last optional year. The Yankees will probably deal with Jeter 1 year at a time from now on, just like Bernie Williams in his last years.

Teixeira's last contract year is in 2016. After this year he has 3 years. Give the guy a chance to prove or disprove himself.

True, but three years is a pretty long slump. Wells' "slump," as you call it, has been going on since the beginning of 2011, with the exception of this April.

Let's compare Wells with Jacoby Ellsbury.

In May, Wells has 4 HR, 11 RBI, .221 BA, .616 OPS. Not very good. He is in a slump.

In May, Ellsbury has 0 HR, 9 RBI, .254 BA, .669 OPS. Not very good either. He is in a slump.

So do you want to trade away Ellsbury? Do you want to call him a corpse?

I've posted several articles, including one from the NY Post's top beat writer, and have made numerous references to statistical indices, all of which clearly show that the Yankees' record to date is a house of cards. And this house of cards is clearly crumbling.

Those articles haven't proved anything, because the Yankees have remained competitive so far this season. They have had slumps like other teams, including Boston, Tampa Bay, Baltimore. The stats are crap and mean nothing.

If you look at Pittsburgh, who is 10th in offense and 2nd in Pitching in the NL, they are tied with Cincinnati and 2 1/2 games behind League leading St. Louis. The Pirates have a run differential of +22 and they have a win percentage of .615. Then you look at Detroit (and I am repeating myself) and they have the highest run differential in the AL, and they have a winning percentage of .545. It's all about scoring the more runs in a game, not the most runs cumulatively. You will win 1 game if you beat your opponent 25-0 or 1-0.

Plus, I did not see any of the Merb Red Sox 4 post any articles when the Red Sox had a 2-9 slump 2-3 weeks ago saying that the Red Sox House of Cards were falling. After all, the Red Sox won only 69 games last year.

Actually, that would be an awful May, and a May consistent with his performance over the past two+ years.

Actually, Wells had a decent season 2010. But he's been brought here as a fill in player, like Andruw Jones and Raul Ibanez, because of the Yankee's injuries (like Granderson).

Teixeira hasn't been a heavy hitter in several years. Coming off a serious wrist injury, the kind that lingers, he's likely to be a downgrade from Lyle Overbay.

You can't give someone coming off an injury some time to get started? You have no idea if Teixeira will do well or not. You're trashing of him and other Yankees is getting to be a broken record.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
How many times do I have to repeat this? Jeter is in his last optional year.
Maybe until you get it right. Jeter has an $8 M player option, with a $3M buyout. Since nobody but Joe.T would think of giving Jeter $8 M, you can bet he's going to exercise it.

Teixeira's last contract year is in 2016. After this year he has 3 years. Give the guy a chance to prove or disprove himself.
Actually Teixeira's had the last four years to disprove himself and he's done a fine job of turning into a below average performer.

So do you want to trade away Ellsbury? Do you want to call him a corpse?
Wells is a once good player who has turned into a below replacement level player. Ellsbury's had one good year. The difference is that Ellsbury might have a future, though it will almost certainly be elsewhere.

You can't give someone coming off an injury some time to get started? You have no idea if Teixeira will do well or not. You're trashing of him and other Yankees is getting to be a broken record.
I'm not judging Teix on what he's done so far this year (7 Ks in 9 abs), but on his consistent decline over the last four years, to the point where the last two years he's been a slightly below average first baseman at a superstar salary.
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