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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


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Oct 3, 2008
No clue, i am not glued to the enemies games unlike how red sox fans are with the Yankees games.

EB, you forgot Brett Gardner as one of your stars.... He has been a key Yankee all season not just today. Not just his bat, which is starting to come around, but his speed and defense.
(e.g. Andrew Miller ... didn't he walk a batter with the bases loaded today after loading up the bases?)


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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EB, you forgot Brett Gardner as one of your stars.... He has been a key Yankee all season not just today. Not just his bat, which is starting to come around, but his speed and defense.

I only gave out 3 and Nix was the clear cut 3rd star, but if I gave out 4, Gardner would have been the 4th. You can only give out 3 stars, except when it is tough to pick #3, and today it wasn't.

Honestly, Gardner's base stealing is a bit disappointing considering his speed. He also needs to do a better job bunting for base hits and although the rest of his game is sound, his bunting and baserunning are not as good as they should be. He is one of the fastest if not the fastest white guy in the game. The YES announcers have actually criticized Gardner on the air for his poor bunting skills. He is leaving bunt hits on the field.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
By the way, the Angels are having a bad year so far. They have a lot of good and powerful hitters, i.e. Albert Pujols, Jeff Hamilton, Mark Trombo, Mike Trout, Howie Kendrick. Sometimes teams with good lineups don't hit as well as they should or can.
Actually, Jeff Hamilton retired after the 1991 season. More proof that you know as much about baseball as you do about politics, not that we need any more.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Actually, Jeff Hamilton retired after the 1991 season. More proof that you know as much about baseball as you do about politics, not that we need any more.

I meant Josh Hamilton. I made a mistake. I know plenty about baseball. I have been following it since I have been 6. Aren't you getting a bit arrogant, rumps? Besides, rumps, you know zilch about politics. Should I make the same correlation about you?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The Yankees have better pitching depth plain and simple.
Bullshit, plain and simple. If the Yankees have better depth, why are they running out stiffs like Hughes and Phelps every fifth day? Only a team utterly lacking in pitching depth could be waiting with baited breath for a guy who a) has pitched well for half of one season and b) hasn't faced a batter in 20 months.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Only a team utterly lacking in pitching depth could be waiting with baited breath for a guy who a) has pitched well for half of one season and b) hasn't faced a batter in 20 months.

That is exactly the point. They are not waiting with baited breath and don't need to. Hughes is a good pitcher but he is a fly ball pitcher and he is not well suited for Yankees Stadium. Phelps was on a roll until he was hit with a liner, had one bad start thereafter (also hurt by his defense) and pitched 6 innings of 1 hit ball last time out. They are very good back end rotation pitchers who have squeezed out Nova and Nuno who both are back end starting pitchers. That is depth. Pineda is not even needed at the moment, but he is a potential #1 starter and that is FACT, Jack. Simply put, the Red Sox have no such depth and this will be exposed in the second half. As their poor depth has been exposed for 4 years running.
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Feb 9, 2004
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No clue, i am not glued to the enemies games unlike how red sox fans are with the Yankees games.

EB, you forgot Brett Gardner as one of your stars.... He has been a key Yankee all season not just today. Not just his bat, which is starting to come around, but his speed and defense.

I just happened to catch the end of the Red Sox game on espn scoreboard and notice that Andrew Miller was pitching. So I looked up how he did. He gave up a couple of runs. I remember accolades of Andrew Miller somewhere. What's an accurate description of Andrew Miller. A Stiff? He sucks mOnkey balls? or is RhinO balls a better description?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Bullshit, plain and simple.

Is it bullshit that the Red Sox are 2nd in the American League in bases on balls issued and, if you don't count the Houston Astros which are not a major league pitching staff, lead the AL in walks issued, and have issued 73 more walks than the Yankees pitching staff? Do you have any idea what this statistical data means? More walks means more pitches, higher pitch counts, and tired arms come second half. When arms get tired, ERAs soar. When pitchers throw strikes, on the other hand, they have lower pitch counts and stay fresh. So not only do the Yankees have more good pitchers, their pitchers also happen to be throwing a lot more strikes, thus preserving wear and tear on their arms. It is not bullshit, it is statistical fact if you bother to check the team pitching statistics. I am wondering if you even know what is going on with the team you purport to be a fan of.
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Hughes is a good pitcher but he is a fly ball pitcher and he is not well suited for Yankees Stadium.
Good pitchers don't have 4.80 ERAs.
Phelps was on a roll until he was hit with a liner, had one bad start thereafter (also hurt by his defense) and pitched 6 innings of 1 hit ball last time out.
Excuses, excuses
They are very good back end rotation pitchers who have squeezed out Nova and Nuno who both are back end starting pitchers.
Nova and Nuno are both minor leaguers. Nova hasn't pitched well since 2011; Nuno is a non-prospect who has made two major league starts. Neither of them is the equal of Alfredo Aceves. In addition, the Sox system is loaded with high end starting pitchers in Webster, de la Rosa, Barnes, and Ranaudo in the high minors
Pineda is not even needed at the moment, but he is a potential #1 starter and that is FACT, Jack.
Pineda WAS a potential #1 starter who is coming off of serious shoulder surgery. Pitchers don't come back from shoulder surgery nearly as often as they come back from elbow surgery. That's a bunch of facts, Jack.

But pitching isn't the Yankees problem. Their problem is that they have no bats and, other than Granderson, none returning from the DL. They remain near the bottom of the AL and will continue to do so.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Not really, i never doubt a Steinbrenner owned/Cashman led Yankees team, not for a second. I believe in great leadership first and foremost and they give us Yanks fans just that.

Pettittes 250th career win was a gem.... who was chirping for him to retire recently :confused:

What does this have to do with you saying the Yanks were going to take "OVAH" first place when they swept the Sox in the Bronx a couple weeks back? Stick to the subject, son.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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I just happened to catch the end of the Red Sox game on espn scoreboard and notice that Andrew Miller was pitching. So I looked up how he did. He gave up a couple of runs. I remember accolades of Andrew Miller somewhere. What's an accurate description of Andrew Miller. A Stiff? He sucks mOnkey balls? or is RhinO balls a better description?

You sure are infatuated with Andew Miller, dd., beginning to think you may have a crush on him or something. So he has a below average outing, that's pretty much every one of Joba's outings. He sir sucks Rhino Balls!!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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My 3 stars for last nights dominating win over the LAA.

#1: Clay f'n Buchholz, he of the lowest ERA in the majors!!
#2: Big f'n Papi, Nuf CED, is that how it's written, Iggy?
#3: Tie between Dustin f'n Pedroia dominating as usual and the incredible hitting Jose "the real Iggy" Iglesias just batting .443!!

Now them's 4 f'n stars!!!

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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10 more wins and at least one more in postseason play and he will be a HOF'er for sure. As it stands right now, he may very well be already.

He may well have the stats now to be in the HOF but will the writers vote in an admitted STEROID ABUSER!?!?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Nuf CED, is that how it's written, Iggy?
Actually, K, "Nuf Ced" is another one of iGgy's lame attempts to mock me. I've used the term a couple of times. Michael "Nuf Ced" McGreevey owned the Third Base Saloon on Huntington Avenue back when the Sox played at the Huntington Avenue Grounds. He was also the leader of the Royal Rooters, whose theme song was "Tessie."

The bar, McGreevey's, on Boylston is named for Nuf Ced.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
"light hitting" Yanks again this afternoon!!
Dunno if we can call them light hitting anymore, though, as they've now vaulted (lol) into tenth place in the AL in scoring. Well, King Felix ought to knock them down a notch.

Red Sox pitchers now have 73 more walks than NYY pitchers.
73 you say. Hmm. If it were 76, that would match the number of runs that the hard hitting Sox have outscored the light hitting Yankees by.


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I understand he's got a thing for tall guys with beards, K.

No, women I date don't have beards, rumps. But if guys with beards is your preference, it's your preference. All of the Red Sox have beards. I see the connection for you.
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