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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
More terrible news for the light hitting Yankees. Eduardo Nunez, saviour of the offense in waiting, has been transferred to the 60 day DL.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
I'm currently looking at the boxcore of the Yankees/Angels game. I see a T. Neal in right field, and a D. Adams at 2nd base. Who are these guys?? I also see a R. Brignac at shortstop hitting .129 and an A. Romine playing catcher and hitting .135. Who the heck are those bums??

On another note, Mark Texeira is hitting only .157. What are they waiting for to have this guy undergo season-ending wrist surgery on his ailing wrist? He's obviously not helping the team!! Jayson Nix is playing third and hitting only .244. However, he may actually still be an upgrade over A-Rod.

Awful, awful team!!!

I feel sorry for the pitching staff. I really do!! :rolleyes:


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
And yet 7 games ahead of the Jays, ooops..........:lol:
I'm currently looking at the boxcore of the Yankees/Angels game. I see a T. Neal in right field, and a D. Adams at 2nd base. Who are these guys?? I also see a R. Brignac at shortstop hitting .129 and an A. Romine playing catcher and hitting .135. Who the heck are those bums??

On another note, Mark Texeira is hitting only .157. What are they waiting for to have this guy undergo season-ending wrist surgery on his ailing wrist? He's obviously not helping the team!! Jayson Nix is playing third and hitting only .244. However, he may actually still be an upgrade over A-Rod.

Awful, awful team!!!

I feel sorry for the pitching staff. I really do!! :rolleyes:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I'm currently looking at the boxcore of the Yankees/Angels game. I see a T. Neal in right field, and a D. Adams at 2nd base. Who are these guys?? I also see a R. Brignac at shortstop hitting .129 and an A. Romine playing catcher and hitting .135. Who the heck are those bums??
They're a bunch of minor leaguers, Doc. Seems the Yankees thought they could throw millions and millions at a bunch of old worn out guys and contend. Kevin Youkilis $13 M? Ichiro Suzuki $6 M? Vermin Wells? Travis Hafner? They managed to fake their way into second place, but they're really being exposed now on their way down.

It appears that they've still got iggy and the Beav fooled, while Daydreamer and Joe.T have finally found rocks to crawl under.

Now the Wall Street Journal is informing us that ratings on the Yankee's cable network, YES, are down 38%. Seems the Yankee fan base isn't interested in watching a minor league lineup.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The Blue Jays are heating up and should get their spark plug, Jose Reyes, back in a few weeks. The Yankees are running out a lineup of minor leaguers and their smoke and mirrors game has about run it's course.

After four more games on the coast against the disappointing LA teams, the schedule gets much tougher for the team once called the Bombers, a team that has scored one run every four innings over the last week.

Let's project here. Pick the date the Jays pass the Yankees, dumping the $228,106,125 failures into the AL East cellar. I say July 3.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Actually, 6 1/2. It should be down to 5 1/2 after today's games.
You hit that one on the head, Doc. Looks like the hapless light hitting Yankees might be a little bit improved tomorrow with Teixeira's limp bat out of the lineup.

BTW, you think the light hitting Yankees suck now, just wait until next year when they have no Pettitte, no Kuroda, no Rivera. Ouch. The light hitting Yankees will be the light hitting, pitching poor Yankees.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Even though the Yankees are in a freefall, there at least were some good news that came out of this weekend's series against the Angels. The team announced that Mark Texeira was sent back to New York in order to have his ailing wrist re-examined by a specialist. As i predicted long ago, Texeira no doubt needs to undergo season-ending surgery in order to repair his damaged wrist, the same type of surgery Jose Bautista underwent last year. Mark DeRosa also underwent the same type of procedure & claimed that he's never been able to hit the ball the same way since. The good news is that a healthy Texeira should be back in the lineup come next spring training.

Now with Texeira likely out for the year, Lyle Overbay will re-claim his spot as the team's regular first baseman. Sure, he's barely hitting .250 and doesn't have much power, but at least he's in improvement over Texeira & he's one of the league's better fielding first basemen. So as long as A-Rod, Youkilis & Cervelli are still out of the lineup, the Yankees have a chance to win a few games next week. Granderson should give the light-hitting lineup a bit of pop when he returns (even though he does strikeout a lot), and the eventual arrival of Derek Jeter won't provide much in terms of offense or defense, but he'll give the team a long-needed dose of leadership, something that has been missing drastically from this team since his stint on the injury list for the most part of this season.

Do not despair, Yankee fans, things could be a lot worse! At least Mariano Rivera is having a very good season & Andy Pettitte is still somewhat healthy!


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
As i predicted long ago, Texeira no doubt needs to undergo season-ending surgery in order to repair his damaged wrist.
You're getting good at this, Doc. You could make a lot of money selling picks to Joe.

The good news is that a healthy Texeira should be back in the lineup come next spring training.
The bad news is that he'll be even a year older and that much further along into his rapid decline. The badder news is that they'll still be paying him $22.5 million. The baddest news is that they'll be paying his diminishing ass that much through, gasp, 2016.

So as long as A-Rod, Youkilis & Cervelli are still out of the lineup, the Yankees have a chance to win a few games next week.
Well, except that they're playing major league teams with a minor league lineup.

QUOTE=Doc Holliday;700436]Andy Pettitte is still somewhat healthy![/QUOTE]
Don't speak to soon, Doc.

In other news, the Yankees run differential is down to +4. They've now scored 2 runs in each of their last four games. I wonder what the record is for most consecutive games scoring less than three runs.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The bad news is that he'll be even a year older and that much further along into his rapid decline. The badder news is that they'll still be paying him $22.5 million. The baddest news is that they'll be paying his diminishing ass that much through, gasp, 2016.

I meant it's good news for the rest of the AL teams who will be facing the Yankees. They're a worst team with the aging (and struggling) Texeira in the lineup, healthy wrist or not.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I see Johnny Boy Lester is back into fine form like last year. EB you are borderline genius, the first of the "dead arms" have begun for the rEd sOx, now lets see that vaunted depth (that only exists in rumples mind) Nice call amigo!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I see Johnny Boy Lester is back into fine form like last year. EB you are borderline genius, the first of the "dead arms" have begun for the rEd sOx, now lets see that vaunted depth (that only exists in rumples mind) Nice call amigo!

The Red Sox are top heavy and if they had had the DLs the Yankees have had, they would be deeply in last place by 5 plus games. A few DLs and they go into free fall. The Yankees get 2-3 bats back and Cashman will trade for another. The Yankees will hang in.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
and looks like Pineda could replace Hughes soon if Phil does not get it going consistently. Pineda is a ways away yet tho so we shall see.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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and looks like Pineda could replace Hughes soon if Phil does not get it going consistently. Pineda is a ways away yet tho so we shall see.

Hughes and/or Joba could be traded for a bat with Pineda inserted into the rotation. I actually expect this to happen. The others just do not get the depth issues, but they will become apparent in the second half so long as the Yankees can stay within 5 games of 1st which I think they will.

Hughes has value to teams with parks where fly ball pitchers can succeed, and Joba is a closer in waiting for some team, which probably will not be the Yankees.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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The lowly 3rd place Yanks must have gotten a W today, let me check that box score (yep dd41 you can come out and play now)...Oh wow, they did but they sure did try to give it away in the 9th and Mo again, far from stellar? Is his dead arm starting to kick in? He is 72 years old.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The Jays are playing great ball these days, having won 8 out their last 10 and sweeping the Texas Rangers in a 4-game series in Arlington.

The Red Sox, on the other hand, have played .500 over their past 10 games and aren't playing great ball these days. Looking at their lineup, it's easy to see why:

Jonny Gomes .208
Wade Middlebrooks .199
Stephen Drew .215
David Ross .185

Daniel Nava was off to a great start, but has since been slumping and his average has now sunk to .288.

Pitching-wise, the ace of the staff has been Clay Bucholz. However, other than him, there aren't many starters providing all-star manager John Farrell with quality starts. Jon Lester has been struggling of late, and the other starters have been inconsistent. However, i'll admit that Canadian Ryan Dempster has pitched much better lately.

I was surprised to see that all-star 2nd baseman Dustin Pedroia wasn't in the lineup today. Is he injured?

The two hottest teams in the division currently are the Jays, followed by the Orioles. The Rays & Red Sox are currently playing similar ball, while the Yankees are predictably downright awful.

The division race should be interesting come July. The Jays are expected to be healthier by then, with the return of Jose Reyes, Brandon Morrow, Josh Johnson, Jose Santos & Brett Lawrie. And will Adam Lind continue be among the league leaders in hitting? He's been on a torrid pace of late!

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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I'm in total agreement with you Doc regarding Gomes, WILL Middlebrooks and Stephen Drew, however, Ross has been key in quite a few situations this season and he is the "back up" catcher, check out Salty's stats. Nava has been a huge surprise all season and should have been included on the ASG voting ballot. As for as Pedey, well, most everyone needs a day off once in a while. He's been playing with a complete tear of his ulnar collateral ligament in his left thumb since OPENING DAY. I think he's deserved his day off today. Hahaha.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
The Red Sox are top heavy and if they had had the DLs the Yankees have had, they would be deeply in last place by 5 plus games. A few DLs and they go into free fall.


An injury excuse is an ugly thing. Aren't the same players you and Iggy called Cashman a genius for picking up like Wells, Hafner, and Overbay still playing. Aren't these the same guys you two declared would be a boon to your "playoff" run...and you still want to cite injuries. Didn't you two also declare how a returning Teixeira would help boost the Yanks to the top. Ahhhhhhhh, how I love the art of your double-speak. Besides, be careful. Iggy declared injuries are no excuses...oh, he meant when it's any other team but the Yanks...of course. :lol:

The Red Sox additions are making the Yankee ones look like a bunch of talentless old men.

The lowly 3rd place Yanks must have gotten a W today, let me check that box score (yep dd41 you can come out and play now)...

The Yankee bandwagon may not be so lonely...for a day or so. As for the prodigal Yankee fan, the mod told him "there's no crying in baseball". End of posting motivation.

I was surprised to see that all-star 2nd baseman Dustin Pedroia wasn't in the lineup today. Is he injured?

A couple of weeks ago it was reported Pedroia was the only player in the MLB who had not missed a day of play. How does one get a baseball-tiger like Bustin Dustin to take a day off:

BALTIMORE -- Red Sox manager John Farrell showed no visible scars when he strolled into the dugout Sunday morning to conduct his daily media session. That came as a mild surprise, given that his lineup card did not include Dustin Pedroia’s name for the first time this season.

But no, Farrell assured one and all, it didn’t take a steel-cage match to persuade the Red Sox second baseman that a day off was not the end of the world.

“Pedey was, I think, a little more willing to take today and tomorrow,’’ Farrell said of Pedroia, who is just 4-for-23 on this trip and admitted Saturday that the baseball has looked like a “baby aspirin” the last few games.

Besides, there was no guarantee that Pedroia wouldn’t find a way to inject himself into the action before the day was through, keeping alive his undeclared goal of playing in all 162 in 2013.

The most games Pedroia has played in a season is 159, in 2011. He has played 154 or more games three times in his career; injuries have gotten in the way in other years, but Pedroia didn’t let even a torn UCL muscle in his left thumb, incurred in the first game of 2013, stop him from playing every day this season.

Jose Iglesias made his first professional start at second base, after appearing at the position a total of four innings in two games as a late-inning replacement.

Iglesias takes a 16-game hitting streak into Sunday’s game, the longest by a rookie in the AL this season and longest by a Sox rookie since Jacoby Ellsbury hit in 18 straight in 2008. Iglesias is batting .439 during his streak and has nine multihit games in his last 13 games.

Farrell had acknowledged on Saturday that Iglesias may force the team to review its plan of Iglesias playing three times a week, mostly by spelling Will Middlebrooks at third and Stephen Drew at short. Middlebrooks has a double and two singles in 18 at-bats since coming off the DL Monday, while Drew is batting .147 (5-for-34) in his last 10 games, though he hit a tie-breaking double in Saturday’s 5-4 win.

“I don’t know if we’re at that point today,’’ Farrell said, “but he’s certainly making a strong case for it. As we continue to go through, before the first half is complete, those things will become a little more clear. In the meantime, he continues to do a very good job.’’

This will be Iglesias’s fourth start since Farrell announced the rotating arrangement. Iglesias is 5-for-11, .455 in his previous three starts.

It might be foolish for Pedroia to ignore an injury for so long, but no one will ever be able to say he doesn't have drive and guts. He needed the rest, but no one could blame Farrell if he was reluctant to relieve matter if it was his value or fear of trying to sit him. ;)

And how about Jose Iglesias? It's mid-June and he's still doing great. maybe now he's become the Real Deal.




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Feb 9, 2004
NY State
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The lowly 3rd place Yanks must have gotten a W today, let me check that box score (yep dd41 you can come out and play now)...Oh wow, they did but they sure did try to give it away in the 9th and Mo again, far from stellar? Is his dead arm starting to kick in? He is 72 years old.

Haha, K, did you read the sports standings. Your Red Sox are only 1 1/2 games ahead of the Orioles, who won the series 3 games to 1, and only 3 games ahead of the New York Yankees.

3 games, Sr. K. Not very much. So if you are calling the Yankees lowly and your Red Sox are only 3 games ahead, it doesn't say much for your team.
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