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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Anyone have any idea when the last time a Yankee hit a HR was? Hmmmm...I can't think back that far!! Hahaha.
Nor can I, but I will say this: Alfonso Soriano has been a huge addition to the Yankee lineup. I predict, do I sound like Joe now, that he will get a hit before the end of next week.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Let me chime in.....

I also wouldn't be surprised to see the Red Sox wind up in third place, considering how good the Rays & Orioles are playing.

As for the Yankees winding up in last place, i'm not so certain about this. You never know what the addition of a Bucky Dent can do to a struggling ballclub. He'll be like a player-coach out there & will be a good asset for the younger players on the club to have around.

And then there's A-Rod.....if the Yankees let him play, of course.

A-Rod is probably done.

My bet if he gets a long suspension like the year and a half the sportswriters are predicting, the Yankees will move to void the rest of his contract. The Yankees may end up making a settlement giving A-Rod maybe $20 million to avoid a court battle. There's a $100 million left on A-rod's contract over the next 4 1/2 years. The suspension if it is a year and a half would take $35 million off of it.

It will be good news for the Yankees, as it will free up a lot of cash that several Red Sox fans here have been complaining about the Yankees spending.


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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It's funny but when I watched that clip I was thinking "roid rage". It looked like Pedroia actually started yelling at him on the ESPN clip of the same incident, and telling him to stop, but roid rage is like Angel Dust, you stay away from the person who is on it. I recall a case in Connecticut of a guy on Angel Dust who kept charging an armed cop with a knife. The cop had his pistol out and told him to stop 3 times and the perp kept advancing and it took about 5-6 shots to drop him because he kept charging, even after being shot multiple times.

Ortiz obviously needs professional help. And the call was not that bad, on a 3-0 pitch you expect the pitcher to be around the plate and to possibly groove a pitch. Ortiz should have swung or took the pitch and shut up. It was also a swinging strikeout so how is that the umpire's problem?
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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
I'm not sure that I've ever seen a "Major League" team so thoroughly out-classed as the light hitting Yankees have been the last two days by the Tampa Bay Rays. Are they even in the same league? It sure would be nice to see the fading "Bombers" actually win a game against the Tampa club. Will the Yankees continue to look like an 8th grade girls softball team against Matt Moore today?


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Feb 9, 2004
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Let's see how those Roid-rage led Red Sox have done against the Rays. Rays won 2 out of 3 and could make it 3 out of 4 on Monday.

Do you think the Red Sox organization will put fake phones in the dug out and put the real phones in safe place so next time David Ortiz has a Roid fit he won't smash the phones with his bat?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Let's see how those Roid-rage led Red Sox have done against the Rays. Rays won 2 out of 3 and could make it 3 out of 4 on Monday.
Yup, and the Sox are 10-5 on the season vs. the Rays, but we know from your posts and your signature that history isn't exactly your forté.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Entire Yankee Team = DFA, the fans demand it. ;) Goddamn, they sure are f'n awful. What an embarrassment to the city of NY!!


Not only are the Yankees an embarrassment to the city, so are their fans here, if you can call them fans any more. They're all in full failure mode hoping and praying the Red Sox will fall so they can ease their pain with pathetic consolation. And never underestimate Igna (Rantius Hypocritus). If the roles were reversed he'd be crowing how wonderful his team is for being ahead, just like he did all year in the 2011-2012 hockey thread against Montreal. But now that the Yanks are a humiliating suckfest he and .t can't do any better than act like vultures hoping others will fall.

They have a shot? In what universe?

Talk about not dealing with the facts and being lost in space. In iggy's world the team 0.5 games out has no chance to make the playoffs, but the pathetic walking dead 8 games out Yankees still have a chance. Iggy must have worked all his life making pretzels, there's nothing he won't shamelessly twist.

Ortiz obviously needs professional help. And the call was not that bad,...

Now from the profession of twisters, what does that mean..."not that bad". You mean the call was wrong, but close enough to create "reasonable doubt". Lawyers parlance for...I'm sure I can get away with it.


We know Alex Rodriguez turns 38 on Saturday. What’s unclear is how old he will be when and if he steps onto a big-league playing field again.

The MLB officials preparing to discipline Rodriguez for his involvement in the Biogenesis doping scandal are in the driver’s seat, and some reports on A-Rod’s saga have floated the name of Pete Rose, citing the possibility of a lifetime ban.

A lifetime ban is not impossible, but a negotiated settlement of somewhere between a lifetime and 100 games is possible; Manny Ramirez got 100 games, and A-Rod is in much deeper trouble than Ramirez ever was, so that would seem to be the floor.

The most interesting number is 222 — the total number of games between Friday’s outing against the Rays and the conclusion of the 2014 season. One source familiar with MLB’s Biogenesis probe said that would fulfill what the league is looking to accomplish.

The big question is what cards MLB is holding in its showdown with A-Rod, and how confident the embattled Yankee and his attorneys would be challenging MLB’s evidence, given that some of it came into play during a criminal investigation.

Rodriguez, after all, was also linked to Canadian sports medicine guru Anthony Galea, who pleaded guilty in 2011 to introducing mislabeled drugs into the United States. Galea treated countless athletes, including A-Rod and Tiger Woods, before his assistant was stopped at the border near Buffalo with human growth hormone and other medical supplies in her car.

That 2009 incident led to MLB interviewing Rodriguez in 2010, and if the league determined through its Biogenesis investigation that Rodriguez lied at the time, that would provide one of the aggravating circumstances it uses to justify a longer ban.

The inside word is Rodriguez has gone well beyond using roids, he's been active in tampering with evidence conspiring to cover it up. Many sports analysts have declared there's more than enough to justify a lifetime ban. Of course if A-Rod was hitting at all Cashman and the Yankees would be fighting tooth and nail to save him. but because he's such a useless damaged lump they're fighting to dump him and his contract. The SHAME OF THE YANKEES goes on and on:


“As you know, it is the Yankees’ desire to have Alex return to the lineup as soon as possible. And we have done everything to try and accomplish this."


“As always, we will follow the rules and regulations set forth in the Basic Agreement, and will again re-evaluate Alex in Tampa tomorrow, as our goal is to return him to the lineup as soon as he is medically capable of doing so.”

Yeah right. :rolleyes:

When one has to emphasize following the rules he's feeling very guilty that he isn't.

The Yankees are desperate to make sure they are seen as the innocent party in their gigantic mess, this after the knowingly exploited a know cheater for profit and are using every angle to betray a contract they eagerly made with only because Rodriguez is far too damaged and despised in New York and everywhere to profit from any more.


BALTIMORE — A sellout Camden Yards crowd of 44,765 had to wait through a brief rain delay before Saturday night’s game, and while the bad weather held off for the rest of the evening, Boston’s Stephen Drew provided some unexpected thunder. The light-hitting shortstop went 3 for 4 with two home runs and five RBI in a 7-3 Red Sox win.

The Orioles (58-47) scored single runs in the fifth, sixth, and eighth innings, but left nine men on base and, thanks to Drew and a seventh-inning shot from Shane Victorino, could never close the gap.

“You’ve got to give [Red Sox starter Ryan] Dempster some credit too,” Orioles Manager Buck Showalter said. “Veteran pitchers especially use your aggressiveness against you, especially when you’re down.”

Dempster (6-8) went 51 / 3 innings, holding the Orioles to two runs on six hits. He outlasted Baltimore starter Scott Feldman (2-2), who departed after yielding four runs on six hits in five innings, raising his ERA to 5.12 in five starts since he was acquired from the Chicago Cubs on July 2.

“I thought [Feldman] was okay, we just didn’t score many runs,” Showalter said. “The three-run homer [Drew’s first] was a big blow, but it was a competitive outing.”

Drew entered the game hitting .223 with five home runs and with one hit in his previous 15 at-bats. But he went deep twice on Saturday, once in the fourth and again in the sixth. Both balls were hit to right field, the latter barely clearing the fence and needing a confirmation by video review.

When I heard the lineup for the game I thought Farrell was taking some big risks inserting Carp and Drew into the lineup. Thanks to Farrell the Sox hold on very close to the top, and the only reason they aren't in first place is the Yankees CAN'T HIT TO SAVE THEIR LIVES!!! But what else is there to expect from those bums.

...we know from your posts and your signature that history isn't exactly your forté.

Ask him how President Romney is doing. :lol:




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
the only reason they aren't in first place is the Yankees CAN'T HIT TO SAVE THEIR LIVES!!! But what is is there to expect from those bums.
Yup, and I'm afraid that the 8th grade girls softball team masquerading as The New York Yankees don't stand much of a chance against Matt Moore. The Beav will probably consider it a success if they get three hits today. Hell, that's a 50% upgrade from yesterday.

Ask him President Romney is doing. :lol:
Shhh! Don't tell him. I have on good authority that DD just sent a $50 donation to the Committee to Re-Elect Calvin Coolidge.

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
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Shhh! Don't tell him. I have on good authority that DD just sent a $50 donation to the Committee to Re-Elect Calvin Coolidge.

Wait...DD's back? The DD41? Really? Couldn't take being under that rock any longer and decided to get some sun, or did his mandatory psych evaluation / committing finally end?


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
So what happened to the collapse, Joe. Or are you too busy squirting all over your computer screen over a one game hitting streak to have noticed just who's on top again?

I must admit, it wasn't easy rooting for the Yankees this weekend, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and certainly the Rays are the team the good guys have to beat. I'd like to personally thank the light hitting, pitching poor Yankees for squeezing one win from the vastly superior Rays this weekend.

OK, boys, trivia time. John Lester is the Red Sox worst starting pitcher this year, with a 4.26 ERA. How many Yankees' starters have a better ERA than the worst Red Sox? Tell you what. I don't want to interrupt your Yankees One Game Winning Streak Circle Jerk, so I'll give you the answer right here. One. That's right: 1. And no, DD, it's not Allie Reynolds.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Yup, and the Sox are 10-5 on the season vs. the Rays, but we know from your posts and your signature that history isn't exactly your forté.

Gee, commenting on my knowledge of history. How nasty, rumps. Do you have Writer's roid rage?


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Feb 9, 2004
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Wait...DD's back? The DD41? Really? Couldn't take being under that rock any longer and decided to get some sun, or did his mandatory psych evaluation / committing finally end?

Eh, K, dealing with mental cases who are Red Sox fans (what a duo) on here taxes anyone's senses - why wouldn't I have to take a break. No, I don't have any mandatory pysch evaluations.


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Feb 9, 2004
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So what happened to the collapse, Joe. Or are you too busy squirting all over your computer screen over a one game hitting streak to have noticed just who's on top again?

I must admit, it wasn't easy rooting for the Yankees this weekend, but a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do and certainly the Rays are the team the good guys have to beat. I'd like to personally thank the light hitting, pitching poor Yankees for squeezing one win from the vastly superior Rays this weekend.

OK, boys, trivia time. John Lester is the Red Sox worst starting pitcher this year, with a 4.26 ERA. How many Yankees' starters have a better ERA than the worst Red Sox? Tell you what. I don't want to interrupt your Yankees One Game Winning Streak Circle Jerk, so I'll give you the answer right here. One. That's right: 1. And no, DD, it's not Allie Reynolds.

The NY Yankees still have a better pitching staff ERA at 3.72 than the Red Sox at 3.87.

And what about Alan Webster (remember that sensation?) has an ERA of 9.86 and Alfredo Aceves had an ERA of 4.86? Both started 6 games.

Plus Dempster at 4.24 and Lackey at 4.27 aren't too much ahead of Petite at 4.39, Hughes at 4.58 and Sabathia at 4.65.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Ask him how President Romney is doing. :lol:



President Romney would have been doing a lot better than President Obama and his 6 or 7 scandals. There's a new one every month.

But that's NOT BASEBALL, Merlot.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Gee, commenting on my knowledge of history. How nasty, rumps. Do you have Writer's roid rage?

Yay! Mr. Angry Dude is back. Yay. Oh. Not yay. (Actually that would be lack of knowledge about history, but keep daydreaming.)


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
President Romney would have been doing a lot better than President Obama and his 6 or 7 scandals. There's a new one every month.
Gee, DD, I just adore your sense of humour. You be one funny funny guy.


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Feb 9, 2004
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Yay! Mr. Angry Dude is back. Yay. Oh. Not yay. (Actually that would be lack of knowledge about history, but keep daydreaming.)

Angry? Not me, rumps. You got the prize in that department.
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