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2013 Official Major League Baseball Thread.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The main issue, with A-Rod is, he tampered with MLB investigation,i.e. he tried to buy documents from BioGen and not because who is

I've never seen any proof of this (as far as i know, it's just hearsay), but even if true, it's still less than what Melky Cabrera did a year ago & Cabrera only got 50 games for a worse offense. Plus he tested positive for elevated levels of testosterone.

And as far as i'm concerned, what Ryan Braun has done (and since admitted to) was much worse than what A-Rod has ever been accused of. It wouldn't surprise me if A-Rod would only have had a slap-on-the-wrist had he been 10 years young at the top of his game. Same thing if his monstruous contract would be a fraction of what it is. I also have my doubts if he wouldn't have faced a lesser penalty (if penalized at all) had he not been a member of the NY Yankees, who have been desperate to get rid of his big fat contract over the past 2 years, with no takers (no wonder!).

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
The main issue, with A-Rod is, he tampered with MLB investigation,i.e. he tried to buy documents from BioGen and not because who is

MLB investigation? :lol:

More like a witch-hunt in collboration with very dirty characters, where MLB made a deal with them in order to get them to talk (or say what they wanted to hear)......bascially, a deal MLB made with the devil, so to speak.

Anyone in A-Rod's shoes (and with his money) would have done the same thing when faced with such accusations & long suspension.

The NY Yankees organization is as much to blame as MLB. Cooperating (and worse) with MLB was the only way they knew in trying to get rid of A-Rod's contract. They've been trying to trade him for at least 2 seasons, but found no takers due to his huge contract & his declining play.

What's to stop any team from signing any player to such a huge deal, only to turn around & try the same thing once they start regretting the deal? What's to stop them from getting in bed with criminals (like MLB has done) and set-up such a player.....for example, hire a hot-chick to seduce him & then drug him with PEDs when alone with him. The next day or so, the guy gets tested, tests positive, and then is thrown the book at hiim (and more) and the team manages to void his contract. A stretch, but entirely possible.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Wow. 60 Minutes is reporting that A-Rod isn't only A-Roid, but A-Snitch.

Wonder how that's going to play in the light hitting Yankees' clubhouse.

Let's see, a guy who cheated his entire career, admitted it once, got caught a second time, refuses to concede to a suspension, has allegedly obstructed an investigation to cover his own ass...and now might be a SNITCH on others to save himself. Quite a consistent pattern.

Has anyone caught in the BioGenesis sting ever test positive?

You mean 12 guys accepted suspension, the permanent stain of their names, and the loss of $$$millions though totally innocent. Do they also shoot themselves in the foot for kicks. :rolleyes:

The NY Yankees organization is as much to blame as MLB. Cooperating (and worse) with MLB was the only way they knew in trying to get rid of A-Rod's contract. They've been trying to trade him for at least 2 seasons, but found no takers due to his huge contract & his declining play.

I have no doubt the Yankees cared little about cheating as long as A-Rod could keep his name profitable for them, and the team surely would not mind finding any legal avenue to get rid of the contract burden. But a vast conspiracy?????

...hire a hot-chick to seduce him & then drug him with PEDs when alone with him. The next day or so, the guy gets tested, tests positive, and then is thrown the book at hiim (and more) and the team manages to void his contract. A stretch...

I'll say...wrapping the Earth at least 5 times. Who needs the CIA. :D

The main issue, with A-Rod is, he tampered with MLB investigation,i.e. he tried to buy documents from BioGen and not because who is

If A-Rod has turned RAT this would be the big reason explaining why. He's caught tampering, no way out, now turn in others to save his own ass. If it's all true, he must be a worst low-life than I even considered. He's got (400) hundreds of millions they can't take from him. Why not just exit, sparing his friends and fellow players, and live in luxury. If it's all true he'll end up challenging OJ for most hated all-time sports figure.



Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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My pick 3 tonight on my sports ticket.

Yankees over the Red Sox(Soriano who will win player of the week continues to mash the ball like no tomorrow).
Toronto over TB(Dickey pitches a gem).
TB to smash the ridiculously overrated Patriots to pieces.

All three picks come in and I will be heading to Montreal tomorrow to get laid with my winnings.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
My pick 3 tonight on my sports ticket.'re back. Now where are Larry and Moe?

Ironic. Some guy in another thread was wondering how to get rich and I advised him to follow your picks and go the opposite. Now you've got something for him to go on. Hold on while I pass on the word: there's money to be made on the Pats, Sox, and Rays.

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
Ryan Braun sued by longtime friend

A longtime friend of Ryan Braun's filed a lawsuit against the suspended slugger last month, charging that Braun defamed him after the friend provided help in his successful appeal of Braun's positive steroid test in 2011.

Ralph Sasson, 29, makes a number of personal accusations against Braun, saying in the lawsuit that Braun doped through his years at the University of Miami, committed academic fraud and accepted money while a student.

Reached this week, Sasson declined to comment and said the lawsuit speaks for itself.

Braun's attorney, Howard Weitzman, rejected the claims.

"This lawsuit is an unfortunate attempt to capitalize on Ryan's recent press attention for taking responsibility for his actions. The factual allegations and the legal claims have absolutely no merit. We believe the lawsuit will be dismissed," he said in a statement.

Sasson, who describes himself as a law student, says he was contacted by Braun's agent, Nez Balelo, in November 2011 after Braun was notified that he had tested positive for elevated levels of testosterone. Part of his assignment, the lawsuit says, was to conduct background research on the man who collected Braun's urine sample, Dino Laurenzi Jr.

The lawsuit says Sasson was forced to threaten Braun and Balelo with a lawsuit in order to recover $5,000 that he says was promised, and that he was paid last year when he agreed to sign a non-disclosure agreement. But Sasson charges that Braun violated that agreement when he made what Sasson calls defamatory statements about him to undisclosed parties. Sasson asks for unspecified damages in the complaint.

The lawsuit also says that Braun asked Sasson to "prank call" ESPN "Outside the Lines" reporter Mark Fainaru-Wada, who was working with reporter T.J. Quinn on a story in December 2011 that Braun had failed a PED test. According to the lawsuit, Braun wanted Sasson to say, "The original information Quinn and Fainaru-Wada had obtained regarding Braun was part of an elaborate conspiracy to assassinate the character of multiple baseball players and agents including, but not limited to, Ryan Braun."

Sasson says in the lawsuit that he refused.

Ryan Fraud sued by longtime buddy

And this liar only got 60 games??? What a joke!!!! :rolleyes:

Doc Holliday

Staying hard
Sep 27, 2003
My pick 3 tonight on my sports ticket.

Yankees over the Red Sox(Soriano who will win player of the week continues to mash the ball like no tomorrow).
Toronto over TB(Dickey pitches a gem).
TB to smash the ridiculously overrated Patriots to pieces.

All three picks come in and I will be heading to Montreal tomorrow to get laid with my winnings.

As of now, your Yankees prediction seems dead on!!

Dickey has pitched extremely well so far, but the Jays now trail by a run. Haven't checked the Patriots game (i never watch pre-season anything).

p.s. What did i say about Mark Reynolds? I've always liked that guy!! Great power!!! Unfortunately, i think it's a great pick-up for the Yankees and last night i wished the Jays would pick him up!


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Pro Football is evolved now to the point that teams are not having full contact practices any more. They are trying to preserve healthy and fresh bodies for the whole season. The preseason is a joke, teams try to play guys a little bit and no serious effort is made to win the football game.

I think we are going to see expansion of active roster limits. More jobs, less pay. What the NFL is all about right now is churning young bodies. It is a sport for younger men and the key is avoiding injuries.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Agreed Beav,

The NFL is great for Baseball these days as the same young guy who is blessed with enuf talent to play either sport would be a absolute fool to pick pro football over pro baseball as there are many more riches in a MLB contract than a NFL contract plus many more years. Whats the average pro football players career versus the avg. MLB players ....2-3 yrs vs 6-8 for even the average talented player? No brainer!

With that said, GO COWBOYS! :D

(has tommy brady figured out who he is gonna throw his balls to yet, maybe kraft will suit up) :noidea: hahahahaha love it!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
The problem iwth baseball is that it is such a crap shoot. You can spend years in the minor leagues and never make it. In football they now at the time of the draft if you made it! In baseball you can wait for ever.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
I spent a few nights in Manhatten to watch the Tigers series at Yankee stadium (or whateve tehy call it now). That was a great experience. I had a great time. That stadium is an incredible place to watch a game. Of course sitting in the first row of the Delta 360 seats on the second level provided an outstanding perspective. Soriano was terrible. What a difference a week makes in baseball.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The problem iwth baseball is that it is such a crap shoot. You can spend years in the minor leagues and never make it. In football they now at the time of the draft if you made it! In baseball you can wait for ever.

This is true especially if you look at some of the baseball-football guys. John Elway and Deion Sanders both played with the Yankees. Those guys were instant stars in football but not in baseball. Had Deion stuck with baseball I do feel he could have been an all star player. Bo Jackson obviously was an all star player, in both sports, before getting hurt. But he was one of the greatest athletes of the 20th Century and would have excelled in any sport.

More recently there was the case of Drew Henson who failed in baseball and then failed in football. He actually was a dramatic fail in both sports and was very highly touted especially as a QB in football.

I think baseball is the harder sport to master but football is the harder sport physically. So you do roll the dice on a baseball career and if you do not develop quickly you could be in the minors a long time.

This also reminds me of the case of Scott Burrell. Burrell was a homegrown Connecticut player who excelled on the UConn basketball team in the early 1990s. Along with Bobby Valentine, Burrell is one of the top 3 sport athletes in Connecticut history and was all state in multiple sports, his best sport being basketball. He was a 1st round draft pick of the Toronto Blue Jays as a pitcher who could throw 95 mph plus. The problem was he did not have much else in his pitching repertoire. He played 3 seasons in the minors for the Blue Jays while still at UConn. After graduating UConn he went on to play in the NBA where he carved out a nice journeyman career as a defensive specialist and won a championship with Michael Jordan and the Bulls:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The problem iwth baseball is that it is such a crap shoot. You can spend years in the minor leagues and never make it. In football they now at the time of the draft if you made it! In baseball you can wait for ever.
The reason for this is that it takes much longer to develop the skills to play baseball at a major league level. You see teenagers starring in the NHL and NBA. That could never happen in baseball. In football, they come right out of college and star in the NFL. Maybe that's part of why baseball is the greatest game of them all.

BTW, welcome back, Curly, Larry AND Moe.
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