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2014 / 2015 Official NHL Thread

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hi Doc. Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed this post of yours from yesterday:thumb:

What can i say? Babs finally came to his senses, or his wife told him that there was no way they were moving the family to Buffalo, of all places! Sure, Buffalo was still a better place to live than crappy desolated Detroit, but when you can live in a mansion instead of a hut, you chose the mansion! ;)

Kudos to the Leafs for grabbing the best coach available. They can afford it and are willing to spend some of their billions, so why not? At least they're not as cheap as Mike Illitch, who could have signed Babcock anytime he wanted. But he's cheap! :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Really? "Me" thinks that McLellan will have FAR more success in Edmonton than Babcock will in Toronto.

Well, Edmonton can't be any worse than they've been over the past 20 the odds of McLellan (whom i consider to be a very good coach) being very successful in Edmonton is a no-brainer.

By the way, this is the smartest thing that you've ever made on this board, my dear friend! :thumb:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
A little sensitive are we? Wait and see what happens with the Leafs the next couple of years. Personally, I'm REALLY looking forward to the next soap opera unfolding. How long did it take for Toronto's love affair with Burke to turn sour? Kessel? Phaneuf? Komi? Clarkson? Carlyle?

You should stick to making comments about your crappy European team in Detroit, my dear friend. With Datsyuk and Zetterberg on their last NHL legs, and with the best coach in hockey finally gone from that North American garbage dump a.k.a. Detroit, tough times are ahead for the Red Wings.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Yes, with the Leafs he'll be earning about a million dollars a month: 6.25 million per "year"...but a "year" for the Leafs is normally about 6 months and then it's off to the golf course. Pack an extra set of clubs Mike!

Bitter, bitter, bitter........i love it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Canadiens (please note correct spelling): no Cup in 22 years.

Leafs: no Cup in 48 years.

Red Wings: No more Cups for at least another 50 years. I also predict that within 20 years, there will no longer be an NHL hockey team in Detroit, one of the worse places to live in North America. The team will have relocated to greener pastures.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Rumour has it that Guy Boucher and Paul MacLean might be coming to TOR as assistants under Iron Mike.

MacLean was once an assistant under Babs. Guy Boucher would like to get a head coaching job in the NHL. He's approached the Devils, but Ray Shero is remaining patient. I wouldn't be surprised if he hired Dan Bylsma. They were together in Pittsburgh.

Word is that Boucher may be heading back to Switzerland if he can't land a head coaching job.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Will the NEW "dynamic duo" have as much "success" as the PREVIOUS "dynamic duo" of Burke and Nonis? Yes, I'm guessing that the great Leaf tradition, now a proud 48 years old, will continue:thumb:

You gotta feel for Kenny Holland. I saw his interview today and he looked like someone who just had to put his dog to sleep. He reminded me of the kid in the movie "Old Yeller" when he learned his dog had rabies and he'd have to go and shoot him.

Sad times for Detroit hockey fans. They should blame that stingy old man who owns the team. He had the money to keep Babcock in Detroit and was too cheap (as usual) to keep him there. Now he'll probably go cheap again and hire the bum who coaches their farm team. Cheap, cheap, cheap!! :rolleyes:


Jul 21, 2005
just wondering who babcock will choose as a gm? I know usually the gm pick up a coach but this is toronto


Active Member
Mar 18, 2005
The Rangers continue to play erratically

We better wake up

Best Regards



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Shanahan should just take over, he has been making all the important decisions anyways the last few months. Ken Dryden did it before. Hunter would also make an excellent choice as many "in the know" (no not you this time Smuler) say it was he who helped to persuade Babs to leave crappy detroit, screw buffalo and head to the Promised Land of TO.

just wondering who babcock will choose as a gm? I know usually the gm pick up a coach but this is toronto


Jul 21, 2005
Shanahan should just take over, he has been making all the important decisions anyways the last few months. Ken Dryden did it before. Hunter would also make an excellent choice as many "in the know" (no not you this time Smuler) say it was he who helped to persuade Babs to leave crappy detroit, screw buffalo and head to the Promised Land of TO.
Good choice shanahan the guy who fired randy carlyle to replace him by even worst. the same who just give 50 millions for 8 years to a coach who did not take his team past the second round in the last 4 years excellent choice.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Shanny replacing Carlyle with Horachek as interim coach was in what way bad? It got us a #1 franchise pick at #4 in the 2015 draft (this draft is so strong that any of the first 5 or 6 guys would be the top pick in most years past) and Babcock was not available during the season, nor was Dick Irvin, Scotty Bowman or anyone else. I do feel bad for Peter H however. He should be compensated by MSLE for being put in that lame duck situation.

With what Babs had to work with in detroit the past 2 seasons, i would say he was a miracle worker with that old team and kids not ready for prime time minus a handful of decent players.

Babs is the best coach in the world and his legacy will be defined by his tenure in Toronto and i would bet Joe that he does great things there but only Joe because he pays me everytime i win a bet against him.

Let the BABCOCK ERA BEGIN! :thumb:

Good choice shanahan the guy who fired randy carlyle to replace him by even worst. the same who just give 50 millions for 8 years to a coach who did not take his team past the second round in the last 4 years excellent choice.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Lol...... listening to Leafs Lunch just now, a fan posted something like Babcock is like a modern day Clint Eastwood with his grit and confidence.... good comparison :thumb:

Babs cautioned in his presser that it is gonna take time to do what he intends to do and for one I am happy to see he is embracing the rebuild. Burke had things going in the right direction until Bell/Rogers Frigged everything up but it got us the best coach in the world and some young talent via the draft and what looks to be a great management team now in place.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
just wondering who babcock will choose as a gm? I know usually the gm pick up a coach but this is toronto

What i've been hearing is that it's possible Mark Hunter (currently in a VP position) might be given the GM title. Or maybe not. One name being mentionned is Mike Futa, who is currently the VP of hockey operations for the Los Angeles Kings. Other names being mentionned are George McPhee (former Caps GM) and Sean Burke (assistant GM in Phoenix).


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
By the way, who cares what they are paying Babs or what ANY other coach on any team is paid? It is reported that he got the same dollar amount from Pegula in Buffalo and he CALLED and CHOSE Toronto, that is all that matters, he WANTED to come back to Canada and as i said all along, he wanted the biggest challenge out there, he thrives on that and that is one of the main reasons he CHOSE Toronto. Babs is a proud yet humble guy and nobody cares how much money he is making except the haters because that is about the only thing they can find fault with, with Babs coming to Toronto and in the end, it is not a fault at all, ANY of us would like to choose our job and salary and anyone who says they are fine with making a lot less money is a pure hypocrite and liar. (no i am not calling you a liar voyageur, just a general statement about human nature)

If he signed in Mtl for that amount of money (or even more) it would never be talked about from Canadians fans ;)

the same who just give 50 millions for 8 years

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Hunter would also make an excellent choice as many "in the know" (no not you this time Smuler) say it was he who helped to persuade Babs to leave crappy detroit, screw buffalo and head to the Promised Land of TO.

What you heard is possible. However, Shanahan met with Babcock recently when both were in Prague for the World Championships. Babcock actually met with a few team representatives there. From what i've heard, he went back to Detroit last Monday and asked them for permission to speak with other teams on an official basis. He wanted to check around to see how much he could get fetch on the market. After speaking with a couple of teams (Buffalo and San Jose), he asked Detroit what their final offer was. It was rumoured to be $20 for 5 years. Babcock wanted longer term, but was denied. He spoke with the Blue & the Sharks and they were out of the bidding because of money (and term) reasons. He then spoke to the Sabres and Terry Pegula offered him $50 million for 10 years. They were also willing to give him the power he wanted in regards to player personnel & player movement. What i also heard was that Shanahan had told him in Prague that he'd want Babcock to get back to them once he got Buffalo's final offer since MLSE might be willing to match the top offer he got. Tuesday night, Buffalo was nearly 100% certain they'd be announcing Babcock's hiring on the following day.

So Wednesday morning, Babcock went to visit Ken Holland at his house and told him he'd be leaving the Red Wings organization. The Wings were unwilling to match Buffalo's offer. Shortly after, word got around that Guy Boucher & his agent were in Toronto negotiating Boucher's contract to become the Leafs' next coach. Babcock spoke with his family and i'm sure he wanted their input. Did Maureen Babcock prefer moving to Buffalo, or would she prefer Toronto if they chose to improve on Buffalo's offer?

After speaking with his family, Babcock contacted the Leafs and told them about Buffalo's final offer. He told them they'd have his name on a contract if they improved on Buffalo's deal. So the Leafs interrupted their meeting with Boucher and started looking at numbers. The MLSE board was contacted and they gave Shanahan and his team their okay to go after Babcock. So the Leafs came up with an 8-year, $50 million offer where the first two years of his contract would be front-loaded where Babcock will earn $8 million per season in his first two contract years. Other items were discussed including how much input he'd have in player personnel decisions & at 11:30 am, Mike Babcock called Ken Holland and told him he'd be signing with the Leafs. He also told the Sabres about his decision, which supposedly totally pissed them off & they supposedly felt he'd been using them all along as leverage in his negotiations.

What this means is that it's not only a victory for the Leafs & Babcock, but a huge victory for the coaching fraternity. The current second-highest paid coach is Joel Quenneville at $2.75 million. Next on the list are Claude Julien and Darryl Sutter. With Babcock's huge raise, coaches contracts will go up and because of this, many teams will start doing like Philadelphia did and hire coaches in the university or junior ranks in order to save $$.

And meanwhile, poor Guy Boucher is still looking for a head coaching job. He's supposedly approached the Devils. My guess is that the Devils will look elsewhere, possibly at Dan Bylsma, who was Ray Shero's coach in Pittsburgh. The Leafs are rumoured to have offered Boucher an assistant coaching job, but currently he'd rather take his time and see what happens elsewhere. I was told he'd likely head back to Switzerland if he can't find a head coaching job in the NHL.


Babcock said it himself at the press conference,there's pain to come. Meaning Leaf nation must be patient. They'll be better then last year but by how much? But things will be more interesting in division play. Mtl. Tor. Detroit, Buffalo. Looking forward to it already.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
By the way, who cares what they are paying Babs or what ANY other coach on any team is paid?

Very, very true. It's not our money that they're paying him, it's theirs. And they're a billion dollar corporation who sacrificed itself when they went along with the NHL and many of the owners by siding with them in the hard salary cap issue a few years ago. The Leafs, being the most profitable NHL franchise, had nothing to gain with any salary cap. So i have no problem if any such franchise choses to invest its returns on non-cap issues. That's why the best system is the one MLB has. A luxury tax system. When wealthy teams want to spend a lot of money on players, they are taxed and the lesser teams share that revenue. MLB is also the sport with the least number of labour issues/stoppages of all professional sports. That's a system the NHL should have since the current salary cap system never solved anything and actually made things worse for many teams who continue to struggle financially.

Good for Babs for maximizing his earning power. Good for the coaching fraternity which will gain in the long run because of Babs. Good for up n' coming coaches from the junior and college leagues who will get a better chance at making it to the big show since many teams (like Philly) may chose to go that cheaper route instead of the more expensive 'established' NHL coaches route.

And good for the Maple Leafs. They just signed the top unrestricted free agent this season! :thumb:
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