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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2017
Thank you for posting informed opinion on this thread.
Many posts are from experts on escorts, not economy !
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Aug 17, 2003
Thank you for posting informed opinion on this thread.
Many posts are from experts on escorts, not economy !

Appreciate that! Though, to be fair, I do know way more about escorts.
Sadly, this is just basic economics. It’s like how I’m no astronomer, but I don’t need to debate whether the Earth is flat... some things should just be common knowledge.
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Active Member
Jul 7, 2022
Seriously? You should be despaired to write such a comment and pretend to be a proud Canadian.
You should be very sad that the carbon tax will be scraped by Carney.
You lost 90% of your arguments promoting RabbitHair.
And your remaining 10% was PM Trudeau that you hated calling in woke, castro, and other nonsens expressions.

RabbitHair committed a big mistake refusing to get his Secret Security Clearance to be able to continue propagating his lies. In fact he used the same tactic as the Dumb president.
It’s a reflex.


Active Member
Jul 7, 2022
Guessing that 90% of Americans visiting Canada aren’t Trump / MAGA.
Re Carney
I met Conservative Quebecois in Florida.
They were open to Carney because of his banking Goldman background.
It’s also hard to like PP as a person.
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Jan 15, 2022
This degenerated quickly... the intent was rather tongue-in-cheek, more like pointing out that starting a trade war for no real reason is rather silly and hurts everybody. Meanwhile I'll keep pumping gas that contains 10% ethanol because everyone grows too much damn corn...
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Malibu Ken

New Member
Aug 20, 2021
Do you not value your own personal privacy? Or do you use your real name and real phone number and real email in booking escorts? Did it ever occur to you that that information could get in the hands of third parties you may not want to have that information? We are not just talking about booking escorts in Canada- we are talking about booking escorts anywhere since most people do not operate differently country to country.

The message I get on these posts is you don't have a career worth protecting, or perhaps are young and haven't started one?
Wow! Chef's kiss on the passive-aggresive language! Insulting someone while maintaining plausible deniability. A masterpiece!
First off, may I suggest that if you are in a position where seeing escorts could have profound effects on your personal and professional life that perhaps you should reconsider your actions.
Secondly, as for me, my family and my employer wouldn't care. Even if my employer did, I have very sought after skills which would land me a new job within a week.
Personally, I can't imagine leading a life where I had to hide my identity behind burner phones, fake emails and fake FB profiles to do the things I choose to do. I would find it exhausting to put so much effort into obfuscating my real life that it wouldn't seem worth it to me. I guess we are all different though. You do you!


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Yeah, that take is oversimplified and ignores how the real world works - especially in Canada, where certain industries rely on stability over pure free-market chaos.

"Let the people decide with their wallet"
Sounds nice in theory, but in practice, free markets don’t lead to fair competition. The U.S. heavily subsidizes its dairy industry, meaning American milk would flood the Canadian market at artificially low prices, wiping out local farmers. Once that happens, guess what? Prices go up anyway because there's no local industry left to keep them in check.
It is not a free market when subsidies are given. What you described is cronyism. This is an example of government meddling to protect certain industries just as the dairy supply management does. The end result is the same. Only a true free market would bring the best product at the best price. When companies are not protected now they got a reason to innovate and do better.
"Competition drives innovation"
Sure, when markets are fair. But dairy isn’t a tech startup - it’s an essential part of the food system. Small farms can’t compete with mass-produced, hormone-tainted, subsidized U.S. milk. That’s not competition, that’s market destruction. Countries that ditched supply management (like your perfect example Australia) saw their small farms collapse, leading to corporate-controlled dairy and ongoing milk shortages.
Now you paint a overly simplistic picture. When Australia ditched supply management consumers got lower dairy prices and the prices of farmgate went up. Supply management is grossly inefficient and ditching it allowed farms to adapt to changing market demand. Under Canada's supply management, about 6.8 to 10 billion liters of milk was dumped between 2012 to 2021, but I guess you are not bothered with throwing away milk so long as supply management is in place. It is a crime to dump so much milk when we got so many homeless going hungry and the milk could be given to them. That much milk dumped represents about 7% of the total milk produced. The farms got no reason to innovate to adapt and be more productive because government protects them. Same goes for US farms where taxpayers money is given to them. Do you know what innovate means? It does not mean just tech startup. Innovate means to establish new ideas, new methods, and products. Farms got to innovate to be competitive.

Australia's problems began in 2016 when Murray Goldburn cut the price of farmgate, in essence a milk price crash. The price of farmgate dropped below the cost to produce it. Then exports went down because of a changing market like the Ukraine war. When Russia and Ukraine fought over Crimea, that resulted in a trade war where Russia banned Western Dairy from entering Russia. That directly hit Australian farmers because European dairy that would normally go to Russia was now being sent to markets that Australia was a big exporter to. There were stockpiles of excess milk and cheese and prices were just crashing. Also the cost of production has been going up along with a prolonged drought. Farmers were not making money. That caused farms to close or migrate to other industries resulting in a declining production of milk which caused the present day dairy crisis.
"Scrap the CRTC"
The CRTC isn’t perfect, but it exists to prevent monopolies and keep Canadian media from getting steamrolled by U.S. corporations. Without it, we'd have Comcast-tier internet, fewer regional providers, and rural areas stuck using 2400 baud modems. The U.S. itself has strict media protection policies (FCC regulations, local content quotas), but I guess under Agent Orange Krasnov, that’s changing. Funny how the "free market" crowd never seems to mind corporate welfare. Why encourage a system that leads to : astronomical bailouts, tax breaks and loopholes, corrupted lobbying and regulatory favors... while promising everyone about some fantasy trickle-down effect that will never come?
Presently we got three big corporations telecom companies which got an oligarchy. Thanks to the CRTC. Verizon wanted to enter the market and that would have changed the game for the big three but of course they lobbied to keep them out. So as we stand we still got the big three which are the same three corporations. See same protectionism is hurting consumers. Do you even know why there is a CRTC? They wanted to limit foreign ownership. Israel has the cheapest telecom services and one of the reasons for that is because of robust competition and low restrictions. Of course corporations want Socialism for themselves but Capitalism for the consumers.

A true free market person as myself is against corporate welfare, susidies, against supply management, corporate lobbying, and regulatory favors. Anyone that says otherwise is not for the free market. See Bombardier received over $4 billion of taxpayers money because the company was a failure then the executives decided to give themselves bonuses. Such companies that need corporate welfare to survive deserve to shut down.

Canada Post is another one, the crown corporation is loosing money every year because they failed to adapt to changing consumer habits. Yet they just received taxpayers money. Now they got no reason to innovate or adapt. They will keep on getting bailed by the government just as Bombardier was.
"The Amazon Comparison is Dumb"
Amazon dominates because they kill competition, not because people “choose” them freely. They burn billions undercutting competitors, then jack up prices once they control the market. Do a quick search on how many entrepreneurs built businesses through Amazon, only to have Amazon clone their model and erase them from searches. The "free market" doesn’t mean much when giants rig the system harder than any government ever could. I much rather being able to fight the goverment over some conglomerate.
Not dumb at all and you missed the whole point. Amazones started out as a book company, it got so big because it was able to innovate and provide a service that no other company was able to. People preferred ordering online and having it delivered to the convenience of their home vs going to a brick and mortar store. How many retails stores closed down due to Amazones? Plenty. There are other companies like Temu but Amazones was able to rapidly expand the variety of products available and had in house distribution warehouses to be able to deliver product fast and offered Amazones Prime. They were able to engineer the right system to get product online to the peoples homes rapidly, and that is what I mean by innovation. So back to the same topic, Amazones closed their warehouses because of unions, are the people willing to stop ordering from Amazones to go into a brick and mortar store? Only some will and it will not last long. Amazones does not care.
The Bottom Line
Dairy supply management isn’t perfect, but ditching it would gut Canadian farms and leave us dependent on tainted U.S. milk. The CRTC prevents a total American takeover of Canadian media - and if you haven’t noticed, real Canadians DON’T FUCKING WANT TO BE AMERICAN. "Let the market decide" is an idealistic and frankly ridiculous take that ignores real-world economics and corporate manipulation.

This isn’t some rat-infested depanneur you can run on vibes and wishful thinking. And the worst part? This is literally high school-level knowledge... in Canada.
What I said is all basic economics but of course if Socialists understood economics they would not be Socialists. Scarp the CRTC, scarp supply management, and get rid of corporate welfare and subsidies. I stand by what I said, a true free market brings the best product at the best price. Economists understand what I wrote, but politicians implement the policies. Part of their mandate is to get reelected and it seems Canadians want supply management, so they will keep on doing it even though it is bad for consumers.

Since this is an escort board, I will give an example of what I mean. In 2021 at Les Deesses, many girls were charging over the price the club was asking, at that time it was $10 a song but many were asking for $20. I complained to the management and they went hard on the girls. They posted signs everywhere that it must be $10. The result? The girls left, on a Friday night I saw maybe four to five girls only but the week before there were over 15 girls. They reversed that policy and made it $15 a song.
I see you couldn't do what you promised...
I changed my mind.
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Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Wow! Chef's kiss on the passive-aggresive language! Insulting someone while maintaining plausible deniability. A masterpiece!
First off, may I suggest that if you are in a position where seeing escorts could have profound effects on your personal and professional life that perhaps you should reconsider your actions.
Secondly, as for me, my family and my employer wouldn't care. Even if my employer did, I have very sought after skills which would land me a new job within a week.
Personally, I can't imagine leading a life where I had to hide my identity behind burner phones, fake emails and fake FB profiles to do the things I choose to do. I would find it exhausting to put so much effort into obfuscating my real life that it wouldn't seem worth it to me. I guess we are all different though. You do you!
I don't any more. I have not seen an escort in 7 years, for other reasons. However, I had, and still have, a career worth protecting, and for the 20 or so years I actively saw escorts, I behaved accordingly, and never did anything that resulted in compromising my career.

As to your "first" point, I viewed it as a calculated risk, much like the astronauts probably do when they are sent up into space, or even flying on an airplane. You may recall that one of the Apollo missions ended with all 3 of the astronauts burning to death in a fire on the launchpad, and 2 of the shuttle missions exploded, killing all aboard, so we all know the risk is not zero. But most astronauts came home alive and healthy, and they keep going into space because it is a great scientific adventure with small risk if everything is done according to protocols.

As to your "second" point, not everyone is you and many are answerable to wives, family, friends, employers who do not see things the same way and surely you must know this. It would be a wonderful world if sex work was universally legal and socially accepted by all, but that is not the world we are living in.

Using the kind of fakery described in your post on 5 or 6 trips to Montreal per year was not "exhausting". It was actually pretty easy to do with modern technology. I had an American friend and cohort who came with me to Canada. He is a tech guy and he participated in said activities with me. So it was actually pretty easy.
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Jan 15, 2022
I viewed it as a calculated risk, much like the astronauts probably do when they are sent up into space...
I really was being tongue-in-cheek when I posted the thread. The replies have been fun and enlightening. I totally agree with your point of using burners and maintaining alternate emails for security and privacy. But I have to ask, what kind of meetings were you looking for to make this an apt comparison? Those sound like particularly, say, "explosive" situations and women... :) High five man!!!
Jan 15, 2022
What I said is all basic economics but of course if Socialists understood economics they would not be Socialists. Scarp the CRTC, scarp supply management, and get rid of corporate welfare and subsidies. I stand by what I said, a true free market brings the best product at the best price. Economists understand what I wrote, but politicians implement the policies. Part of their mandate is to get reelected and it seems Canadians want supply management, so they will keep on doing it even though it is bad for consumers.

Since this is an escort board, I will give an example of what I mean. In 2021 at Les Deesses, many girls were charging over the price the club was asking, at that time it was $10 a song but many were asking for $20. I complained to the management and they went hard on the girls. They posted signs everywhere that it must be $10. The result? The girls left, on a Friday night I saw maybe four to five girls only but the week before there were over 15 girls. They reversed that policy and made it $15 a song.

I changed my mind.
I think socialists are socialists because they do understand economics. The truth is that the very rich are the biggest welfare babies out there. Take Elon for example. He never invented shit in his life. He was born wealthy, bought Tesla from the people who actually did the real innovation and sold himself as some sort of visionary inventor. Meanwhile, Tesla would not even exist if it hadn't been bailed out by the US govt in one of those "stupid socialist" decisions you decry. Now Elon is making over $8 mil dollars a day in US government contracts and attacking grandma's SS check as wasteful. Meanwhile, he's cancelling US government contracts with other companies and funneling them to his companies, all while his rockets keep blowing up.

You espouse free markets etc and I agree with you. But where I disagree is thinking that left unchecked, free markets and capitalism will work for the common good of everyone. There are no free markets. They are almost all already rigged. The evidence that this is true is everywhere around you every day. This is a class war. And if you aren't in the top 1% of the top 1% you are currently on the losing side. Defending these f'ers is just fighting against your own interests. Look up social mobility indexes. Strangely, the most "socialist" countries are the ones where being born poor isn't a life sentence and being born rich isn't a guarantee of future success... "socialism" often sounds like "capitalism" with an evened out playing field. Just pay more attention to who is complaining about levelling out the playing field....
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I think socialists are socialists because they do understand economics. The truth is that the very rich are the biggest welfare babies out there. Take Elon for example. He never invented shit in his life. He was born wealthy, bought Tesla from the people who actually did the real innovation and sold himself as some sort of visionary inventor. Meanwhile, Tesla would not even exist if it hadn't been bailed out by the US govt in one of those "stupid socialist" decisions you decry. Now Elon is making over $8 mil dollars a day in US government contracts and attacking grandma's SS check as wasteful. Meanwhile, he's cancelling US government contracts with other companies and funneling them to his companies, all while his rockets keep blowing up.
Do you not see? This is all a kind of Socialism. I am against this. I said this many times in my other posts. Any kind of welfare I am against. But government is the one giving the money for their own personal and political gain.
You espouse free markets etc and I agree with you. But where I disagree is thinking that left unchecked, free markets and capitalism will work for the common good of everyone. There are no free markets. They are almost all already rigged. The evidence that this is true is everywhere around you every day. This is a class war. And if you aren't in the top 1% of the top 1% you are currently on the losing side. Defending these f'ers is just fighting against your own interests. Look up social mobility indexes. Strangely, the most "socialist" countries are the ones where being born poor isn't a life sentence and being born rich isn't a guarantee of future success... "socialism" often sounds like "capitalism" with an evened out playing field. Just pay more attention to who is complaining about levelling out the playing field....
Corporations are the creation of the government. They would not exist if it were not for the government. They started limited liability and also treating corporations as people as in Canada they got the CBCA and in the USA the 14th amendment. I agree it is indeed rigged but by the government and there are no free markets because government is involved in everything, what we got is Crony Capitalism aka Corporatism. This is why government should never be so big and have so much power because when it does, the person with the most resources is able to get favors and policies that benefit them. Look at Canada, Trudeau is leading the Century Initiative which is a corporate lobby group getting donations from investors. Their goal is to increase the population which is to make the rich more richer while making the working class more poorer. If you want to see Socialism, check out Cuba and Venezuela. Socialism creates rich politicians and poor people.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Those sound like particularly, say, "explosive" situations and women...
No- it's all about the paper trail you are leaving and the information getting in a third party's hands and being used against you. You never heard of the Ashley Madison escort scandal? This led to several suicides, men who had to kill themselves because they were sloppy with their personal data and had carefree, "the world is a big daisy" attitudes like some of the posters in this thread.
Do I have to again remind everyone out there that we are living in 2025, cyber breaches are common in every industry and your privacy is just as good as that of the person(s) you are doing business with????? Many people behave like a Facebook is not a paper trail and they put loads of details on there that enable connection of dots.

I am really surprised by some of the posts in this thread.
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