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4 more years of Bush, OMG.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Fellas, McCain is not going to be the candidate in 2008. At 72 and lacking in the charisma department, it ain't happening.

Read my lips: Giuliani and Schwarznegger. That may be the ticket.


New Member
May 27, 2004

Obviously you are a Kerry Supporter. Concede, you lost the election, it's over.Where do you get your infomation since cable TV probabbly doesn't reach you? Upstate Vermont???? You must be kidding,your state has 300K population?



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Jun 2, 2003
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Some great posts here!

For 2008 I see Rudy making a strong run. His comments of late could easily be spun away by the GOP propaganda-meisters; they seem to be the best money can buy. Besides, the memory span of the American public is notoriously short.

I still don't see the Dems being able to bring out a contender in the next 48 months. I don't feel the populace will accept as woman as a viable candidate. Remember, Mondale ran with Ferraro and got chain whipped.

As far as a "fun" GOP ticket...how about Arnold and Jesse Ventura?

I really didn't think much of Arnold as a politician but I was extremely impressed with his stem-cell research initiative in direct defience of Bush's policies.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Valid Points

Regna D,

This last post of yours contains some valid points. But don't blame me. I did not vote for Bush either time.

Schwarznegger is getting battle tested curing the California budget deficit. If he can work some magic there, he'll definitely improve his chances to be viewed as a national deficit surgeon in 2008.

Eventually, Bush will have to raise taxes. There is no other option.

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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EagerBeaver said:
Kerry did flip flop and he admitted as much when he made the infamous (and perhaps foolish) statement that his seemingly contradictory positions were reflective of the fact that "there is complexity in the world." He never should have made that statement. I have an IQ somewhere north of above average and in my book it was an admission that he flipped and flopped like a bluefish trying to shake a popper on the deck of the local fishing pier. :rolleyes:

Saying the world is complex makes for an "infamous" statement? The world is complex. Paying attention to reality is a good thing, and admitting that you do so is not an admission of flip-flopping.

Oh man, this flip-flop shit. It's all garbage, you know. A lot of Republican talking points that get hammered into people's heads because there aren't any facts inside to compete for space.

Here's a flip-flop for you. In October 2002, Bush said that voting to give him war-making authority was a vote "to keep the peace." Then, thru all of 2004, he said that the vote was actually a vote in favor of having a war. Those are the two sides George Bush took on the fundemental issue of this election.

Poor old Kerry. He would have been a good president, I think -- intelligent, well informed, hard working, fair, responsible, principled. Not an exciting guy, but excitement can bite my ass. I voted for him because I'm a Democrat, and I gave money and did volunteer work for him because Bush has been (and is) so dangerous to the United States. But the reason I would have been not just relieved but happy to see Kerry win is that he would have done a good job.


Jul 16, 2004
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I think I said it before... expect Hillary vs. Jeff Bush in 4 years... or possibly Arnold? Oh My God Arnold! That would be just hilarious!

The only real issue I see with Bush back at the white house is the Canadian dollar hovering at around 80 cents US, or higher.

Who is Jeff Bush?

Do you mean Jed Bush the Govenor of Florida?

I heard he plans not to run in 2008. My father met him in Ottawa a few weeks ago at a big time health & Cancer talk & said he was a real prick.

I would love to see Hilary Clinton in the White House.

Oh change of subject, do any of you think that Hilary screws around with other young men while Bill is doing the same with younger women while still keeping their marriage "in tact"?

As for Arnold he can't run b/c he's not a US born citizen so until the laws are changed, we won't see him in the White House.

I was just one year away from being born in Boston being an American citizen as my Father was at MIT for several yrs with my Mother but took a 3yr contract in Sherbrooke b/c he felt he owed the Canadian Institute of Cancer Research for giving him a "$4,000/month" student funding. I was bornin 1977 & they left Boston in 1976.

Just one year away & Bill would've had my votes for both terms & so would John Kerry.

I personally think that John Kerry is much more intelligent & outspoken individual. He would've made a great president.

Anyone think he'll try to run again in 2008 for the Democrats as well?

I also heard that there is another new female Democratic senator (I forget which state) who may also run in 2008.

I'm on a bodybuilding forum that is in the US so there are many American members & most of them are Bush supporters.

They think that Kerry & Edwards are a couple of dumb assed homo buddies.

They also think that Bush really went into Iraq to save the ppl.

I don't want to start anything here, but I have many relatives in the United States who also believe that Bush went to Iraq for selfish reasons to get control of the oil & the land.

More than a year later they are still there. First Bush said he went in there to look for weapons of mass destruction, then he said he went in there to take out Sadaam Hussein, then he says he went in there to free the Iraqi ppl.

He is very inconsitent & there were no weapons of mass destruction, if there were they were shipped out of Iraq to another location long before the Americans went there.

I saw an interview that said during the election many reporters asked the voters who they voted for & why & many of the voters were Bush supporters & it was b/c they said they feel safer with Bush for terror.

IMO if something is or was going to happen, it was going to happen no matter who was president.

Some of the Bush supporters blame Clinton for 9/11 & that Bush was there just to clean it up.

But what ppl forget to realize is 9/11 was set in motion years back.

Anyway, sorry it was so long just wanted to say my piece.

I apologize if I've offended anybody but I'm also speakin from the point of view from family members who are American & live in the United States.

Thank you all.


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Sep 3, 2003
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I voted for Bush because America shouldn't have to get a permission slip from France before we pursue terrorists. America should lead, not follow.


Grab a brew
May 21, 2003
Fenway Park
Bladerunner said:
I voted for Bush because America shouldn't have to get a permission slip from France before we pursue terrorists. America should lead, not follow.

Hey doesn't France have WMDS? lets attack! :D

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Johnny said:

Who is Jeff Bush?

Do you mean Jed Bush the Govenor of Florida?

I heard he plans not to run in 2008. My father met him in Ottawa a few weeks ago at a big time health & Cancer talk & said he was a real prick.

That would be Jeb Bush, with a "b." And yeah, I bet he is a prick.
Last edited:

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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willyapd said:
Hey doesn't France have WMDS? lets attack! :D

We attack countries that have WMDs only if they don't really have WMDs. If they do have WMDs -- like, for example, nukes -- we stay away and try to blame everything on Clinton. For example, see Bush's handling of North Korea.

France has nukes, so your dreams will never come true.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Bush and Kerry both have impressive looking pairs of daughters. Of the 4 of them, the one whom I would most want to get between the sheets is the brunette Kerry daughter (forget her name). In fact I do believe she is single which is rather surprising given her looks and intelligence.


Resident Evil
Nov 25, 2003
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EagerBeaver said:
Bush and Kerry both have impressive looking pairs of daughters. Of the 4 of them, the one whom I would most want to get between the sheets is the brunette Kerry daughter (forget her name). In fact I do believe she is single which is rather surprising given her looks and intelligence.

I heard she is ymmv...
EagerBeaver said:
Regna D,

This last post of yours contains some valid points. But don't blame me. I did not vote for Bush either time.

Schwarznegger is getting battle tested curing the California budget deficit. If he can work some magic there, he'll definitely improve his chances to be viewed as a national deficit surgeon in 2008.

Eventually, Bush will have to raise taxes. There is no other option.

I agree he will have to raise taxes. I am saying this as as Bush supporter. Remember there is more than one way to raise taxes. It doesn't have to be income tax which is the most obvious one.

The budget surplus under Clinton was based on projections. Projections are like trying to predict the stock market. If it would work I would be not in my current job.
Arnold will not run in 2008. There is not enough time to put through an amendment. It will need a 2/3 majority in the senate, in comgress and 75% of the staaates have to sign on as well.
Does anyone think the D's have motivation to put Arnold on the ballot? I don't think so.
I hope Guilliani is not running. He has as much charisma as Kerry..zero.
McCain mght be too old? Not sure about that one.
Maybe Condolezza Rice for VP and Powell for President, an all black ticket? that would make for an interesting race.
The dark horse would be Frist gee I hope not.
Well there is four years let's wait and see.
The voice of doom

Bad news for everybody.
If anyone on this board thinks that an attack by Al Quaeda can be prevented is dreaming.
NO president, No goverment, No amount of security can ever prevent that. To think that either Kerry or Bush have the magic bullet to prevent a new attack is a dreamer. If you think I am full of it, look at Israel.
Israel has one of the most sophisticated terror prevention systems in the world, just take a flight on EL AL and you will see. To what result?open the newspaper.
Personally I have rather us fight them in Iraq then on our soil. If Americans have to die, and they will either way, at least give us a chance to kill some of them.
Some of your posts suggest that Bush has made terrorism worse.I don't think so, he was the first to response in an appropiate way.
You can't negotiate with OBL, he is nuts. To those who secretly support him and are gleeming over some of his victories I suggest you read some of his manifest.
Your personal freedoms are at stake. He thinks of us(the whole west..yeah you Canadians too) as scum and infidels. He despises our beliefs and thinks that islam is the ultimate religion. His idea of an SP is, that of an uneducated, vailed and submissive woman, that crawls in front of him on the floor.
I suggest any woman watching on this board, should pay attention to his agenda.If you are willing to give up all your gains in equality, that you have fought for so hard, then keep supporting him.
Were are all the civil rights people from the left? OBL is your greatest enemy.

Well I could go on for hours as well.
The threat of terror attacks has been ignored for years while Bush focused on the paper tiger that was Saddam which was certainly better for Halliburton's bottom line than bringing Al Qaeda under control. We are at a greater risk for attack than at any time in the past. Our ports, chemical plants, and more are sitting ducks. Better that Bush take the fall for this than Kerry.

I could go on like this for hours.[/QUOTE]

Does this include WTC one and the attack on the ship(can't hink of the name) too?
If you are blame somebody for ignoring a treath you have to put Clinton on your list.
While he was busy getting blowjobs( nothing wrong with blowjobs) Al Quaeda planned 9-11.
In OBL's words it took 2-3 years to plan it, where was the Clinton admin?


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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langeweile said:
Your personal freedoms are at stake. He thinks of us(the whole west..yeah you Canadians too) as scum and infidels.

In fact, as is demonstrated by the treatment received by the kidnapped Canadian journalist, al Qaeda holds the Canadians in even higher contempt than the Americans. This guy naively thought that because Canada was not involved in the coalition against Iraq, that they would treat him like a King. Wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!! They spat on him while beating and torturing him, and called him an "American lap dog." In the feeble mind of the al Qaeda terrorist, the Canadian infidel is actually more contemptible than the American breed.

Don't make the mistake of the Canadian journalist of trying to ascribe logic or reason to these diseased minds. To them, saying you are Canadian is simply saying that you are a second rate infidel/minion who exists to serve his American masters. That's how these fuckers think.
regnad said:
Where was Clinton? Clinton was defending himself from the Republicans who were too busy looking in his pants while accusing him of wagging the dog when he said that terrorism needed addressing.

No you can't prevent terrorist attacks entirely. Clinton did prevent an attack on LAX in 1999 and George probably would have prevented 9/11 if he'd been paying attention.

And if George wanted to prevent further attacks, he'd have paid more attention to Al Qaeda and the Islamic fundmentalist threat rather than going after Saddam and his oil. As has been well documented by David Kay, Bush's own man in Iraq, Saddam was quite well contained. Meanwhile, since Saddam was overthrown and we took over, 760,000 pounds of explosives that had been well guarded have disappeared and are now being used to blow up our troops who, sadly, are not well protected because George Bush felt it was more important to give Bill Gates a tax break than to properly outfit the military.

Your mind is clouded by hate...grasshopper


Jul 16, 2004
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Bush and Kerry both have impressive looking pairs of daughters. Of the 4 of them, the one whom I would most want to get between the sheets is the brunette Kerry daughter (forget her name). In fact I do believe she is single which is rather surprising given her looks and intelligence.

Can't argue with that, I wouldn't mind her either. :D


2-2 in bans... loser...
regnad, under your logic the West should never have gotten involved with Hitler in WWII. Japan bombed the US, not Germany so Hitler was a good guy in your eyes and should not have been touched by the US.

Also you seem to praise Clinton so much but under his 'leadership' the World Trade Center had already been bombed and he was unable to do anything about it. Also overseas there were major terrorist hits against US facilities so his great leadership and intel did nothing to stop that too.

Finally he sat around and did nothing about North Korea and now look at them. Of course you'll just say it's Bush's fault, right?
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