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A Disgusting Lack of Patriotism

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Mar 31, 2005
You did not understand what I meant.

He has the right to live where ever he chooses to!! What I was trying to say is that if it is that important for him to be amongst proud Canadians, he has picked the wrong area.

If, for example, I want to be surrounded by French people (which, for the secord, I personally don't care about) I will not go live in Westmount and then complain about it.

I have absolutely nothing against anglophones. In fact, I usually prefer anglo men to French Canadians.

I see your point! So if your a French Canadian , you are not proud to be a Canadian ??? I disagree, many French Canadians are proud to be Canadians!

The fact remains that Canada is one if not the best place in the world! Its citizens need to appreciate what they have! The problem is that in Canada, we are a very spoiled and complacent!


New Member
Apr 18, 2009
Ok now... what the hell do you NOT understand in Arianne's post(s) ?

Sh*t english is my 2nd language and yet I understand very clearly what she is writing in english !

As for the ban of the english band... purely BS to me.
Same sh*t as the english people singing the O'Canada without knowing where the hell it's coming from...

You want a break ? take a f*king one if it may please !

That's what I am saying !
New generations don't give a f*ck about english vs. french !
It's all boguss and stupid on both sides !

What will it take to get it once and for all !

Here the majority is french, in a country which the majority speaks english within a continent where the majority speaks english !

It has been over 400 years like that and all this BS of english vs. french is not even taking in consideration about the people which were here way before any europeen landed.

Why stir sh*t about that again and again if it isn't just to show how closed minded you are ?

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
10-19 said:
It's ''dumb fucking bitches'' :D

Maybe you'd like to tell me where I ever said the above quote??? Ummmm?? Care to give that a another try 10-19?? Or does your nerve just extend to bluer areas of the net? LOL

Same for you Miss for my patriotism, I'm not the one extolling my patriotism here. I believe that was you.
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Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
Porter said:
I see your point! So if your a French Canadian , you are not proud to be a Canadian ??? I disagree, many French Canadians are proud to be Canadians!

The fact remains that Canada is one if not the best place in the world! Its citizens need to appreciate what they have! The problem is that in Canada, we are a very spoiled and complacent!

hihi... That's not what I meant either. ;)

I was refering to the specific context of the Plateau. As I said, most people there are souverainists, which means most of them are proud Québécois rather than being proud Canadians. See the nuance?

Almost all the souverainists I know could not care less about Canada Day. I am not saying this is right. I am just sharing with you my observations.
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New Member
Apr 18, 2009

There are many reasons to be proud of Quebec and Canada as there is.. to be ashamed. I don't care how thin you slice it, there will always be two sides in everything and yet it's the 2 of them together that's the best.

In everything !

Why stir sh*t again about french or english ?
Can't you people get it ?

As if the native didn't exist themselves or any of the other people that came here from other countries !

There are many festivities to go from different cultures in Montreal and the surroundings and one of them is the Pow Wow !
Any of you forgot ?
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Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
CS Martin said:
Same for you Miss for my patriotism, I'm not the one extolling my patriotism here. I believe that was you.

I said from the start that I do not consider myself to be a patriot, nor do I wish to become one.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
10-19 said:
Is ''where?'' your only question, like your only concern is location? Well thanks then for admitting you are the author of the quote. :rolleyes: (damn you're easy...)

Nope, I never admitted it. Sorry, I can't help you there. Any "where" used is strictly a generalization. Do excuse my grammar.


Jul 4, 2003
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Protagaras- Latin for ingrate?

Protagaras you wanted to know what all Canadians had in common?

Free health care
Freedom of speech
Free elections
Freedom of movement from one end of the country to the other
Freedom of religion
Tim Horton's... Not everything can be free!

All of the above, except Tim Horton's, were paid for, IN BLOOD!!!, by Canadian soldiers so that we can all enjoy the ultimate freedom....

The right to leave this country and live somewhere else. Feel free to exercise your right at any time.
Apr 16, 2005
Miss Athana said:
RG... god, I love your posts and the way you express yourself in writing! Keep it coming, I'm a fast learner!! ;)

Buzz!! Wrong!!... it's "dumb fucking lying bitches" :D
Well thank you Athana. I feel very humble with such praise. And I do appreciate it.:)


New Member
Apr 18, 2009
Isn't this King the one who felt we didn't have to do anything about Hitler from the start since he felt Hitler was such a nice guy ???

Somewhow I think I will puke again !!!

If you want to celebrate go ahead ! and have fun !!!


Mar 31, 2005
The younger crowd does not care about French or English ??

So why the Not Withstanding clause ?? Why the persecution of the Anglos in Quebec?

Give me a break, Anglos are treated like scum in Quebec.

No I get it all too well!

From Social Services to Health Care from Road signs to Advertisment English is banned !

We have a language police that equals or rivals any Secret Service of any nation! With the powers of persecution without hearing, with the capability to seize and foreclose assets, they do what ever they want as long as they can ban English from Quebec.

I guess that my freedoms are not as important as the freedoms of the others!


Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2004
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Save the queen?

An anglo acquaintance of mine who was raised here started giggling at a banquet in Toronto when someone bellowed "God save the queen". He was quite embarrassed when everyone else actually did rise to solemnly toast her.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Porter said:
Why the persecution of the Anglos in Quebec?

Give me a break, Anglos are treated like scum in Quebec.

We have a language police that equals or rivals any Secret Service of any nation!

I guess that my freedoms are not as important as the freedoms of the others!

Can you use more exaggeration and hyperbole?

Stuff like this cracks me up. Obviously, the plight of the poor oppressed Anglos in Quebec is worse than that of the Palestinians. You should alert Amnesty International immediately...


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
As to "patriotism", I find it's a terribly silly concept considering that where you are born is entirely a chance event.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
JustBob said:
As to "patriotism", I find it's a terribly silly concept considering that where you are born is entirely a chance event.

I'm not talking about 'blind patriotism'. I believe that Canada has always been a leading country in the world when it comes to protecting freedom and especially in our peacekeeping efforts. This is something to be proud of and I am proud of it.

As for you bobody1965, I'm sure that you would have been perfectly happy speaking German if Canada had stayed out of WW2 and Hitler had ended up ruling the world just as I'm sure that those in Quebec who voted against conscription would have been happy to sit back and let others take the risks and just accept the benefits in the end. The more things change, the more they stay the same. :rolleyes:

My ancestors fought in both World Wars and some died there. They did that so that we could enjoy the freedoms we now have. Including your freedom to be a separatist. Think about that before you open your mouth. :mad:


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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I have to agree with you on that one, Tecman. I do believe that Canada is probably the best country in the world (in fact, I'm quite sure it is) in terms of freedom and human rights. If this is what patriotism is all about, I'm with you guys.

However when it comes to different symbolic ties (such as the flag, hockey, sports in general, international artistic success of a Canadian performer) I don't feel the need to be patriotic. In what sense should I be proud of Celine Dion, Glen Gould, Mark Tewksberry, Wayne Gretsky, Ferguson Jenkins, Nelly Furtado, Maurice Richard, Maynard Ferguson (all famous Canadians). I can used some of them as role models but pride as nothing to do with them. If they have succeeded it was because they were exceptional individuals and the fact that they were born here change nothing (and in fact, I even think that the fact that they were born here was an obstacle because here (when you are young) there's a reluctance to help the elite.)

I may be wrong but as I said elsewhere you can only be proud of what you do yourself. This being said, to sum it up. I agree with all of you on this one: Canada is a great country, I feel happy about it, if I had to I would evben die for that country...but unfortunately I cannot be proud of it. It's only a question of duty and the necessity of being a good citizen.
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Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
Techman said:
I believe that Canada has always been a leading country in the world when it comes to protecting freedom and especially in our peacekeeping efforts. This is something to be proud of and I am proud of it.

Absolutely, it is something to be proud of.

Unfortunately, it seems Canada is losing ground in that matter. I was just watching a conference with Jean-François Lépine and he was explaning how Harper is concentrating on offensive missions instead of peace keeping missions (he gave statistics but I can't remember. I should have wrote them down!). The number of peace keepers sent away has drastically lowered in the last few years. From what I understand, it had started before Harper came into play but has quickly got worst with him as our Prime Minister.

Most Canadians used to be appalled at the way the Bush administration handled foreign affairs. Well guess who is following in their footsteps?


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Jan 13, 2004
The Da of the Dasein
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The same thing with the Osaka agreement. And what about the isotope scandal. Now, with the Harper gvt, we begin to have a bad reputation around the world. Just too sad....
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Ariane Valmont

New Member
Mar 17, 2009
protagoras said:
The same thing with the Osaka agreement. And what about the isotope scandal. Now, with the Harper gvt, we begin to have a bad reputation around the world. Just too sad....

For a minute there, I thought you meant Kyoto. Because Harper did also harm our reputation (again!) with his lack of commitment towards the Kyoto protocol.

I googled "Osaka agreement" but did not find much. What is it about?

I confess : I do not always follow the news as much as I should. :eek:
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