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A reason to watch the Olympics...Now with Video!


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
LeGuy said:

It doesn't matter how you got the pic. You posted the pic after looking at it. I find it embarrassing this pic is listed as "hot" on an adult board and ypu spend time defending it writing yes but now she is 20 ....
Well LeGuy,

I didn't know your psychology was so focused on such trash. I guess there is some issue in your life that affected your perspective. But, it's very sad to see how you really are.


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New Member
Jun 6, 2005
Three Important Issues

Techman said:
You know, there is a thread that some one started about BBFS on the board, not to mention many other serious threads here on the board. But instead of those you decide to come in this one and stir up shit that no one else cares about. I just don't get it as you are usually a pretty fair guy.

And by the way...when I look at the pic in question, from the body angle to the look on her face, she doesn't look 16. She looks at least 18 or 19.

And who cares??? She is a gymnast, not a SP, MP or a stripper. And no one is talking about paying her for sex. You have problems with the way she looks why don't you start a thread asking if the Olympic games sexualizes underage girls and get the hell out of this one.

And if you have never looked at a 16 or 17 year old girl in a sexy outfit and found her hot without knowing her age you are lying to yourself as well as everyone else on the board.


Techman and others,

There are at least three important issues raised by this thread:

1.) Err on the Side of Caution: Going back to the old days when I had to check IDs for potential dancers / strippers in SCs the rule was if in doubt err on the side of caution. Likewise members in various threads have indicated that if they are in doubt about the age or underage factor re a provider the best option is to simply walk away. In context - if there is any doubt that the photo subject is under 18 it should not be posted.

2.) The Slippery Slope: Effectively you are saying that gymnastic type poses override the under 18 criteria. The age issue has been manipulated with the school girl look, the spinner or waif look NOW we have managed to further lower the bar by approving the GYMNAST or ATHLETIC images regardless of age.

3.) The Local Element: Local sports that cater to our youth include gymnastics, figure skating, track and field amongst others. Do you wish to attract such gawkers to events for local youngsters?
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
eastender said:
Techman and others,

There are at least three important issues raised by this thread:

1.) Err on the Side of Caution: Going back to the old days when I had to check IDs for potential dancers / strippers in SCs the rule was if in doubt err on the side of caution. Likewise members in various threads have indicated that if they are in doubt about the age or underage factor re a provider the best option is to simply walk away. In context - if there is any doubt that the photo subject is under 18 it should not be posted.

2.) The Slippery Slope: Effectively you are saying that gymnastic type poses
override the under 18 criteria. The age issue has been manipulated with the school girl look, the spinner or waif look NOW we have managed to further lower the bar by approving the GYMNAST or ATHLETIC images regardless of age.

3.) The Local Element: Local sports that cater to our youth include gymnastics, figure skating, track and field amongst others. Do you wish to attract such gawkers to events for local youngsters?
Hello Eastender,

Techman intended this thread to be simply for fun. It isn't right that it be made into something else. You can easily create your own thread as Techman suggested where you, LeGuy, and anyone else interested in your implied subject can participate in your intended subject matter. Since you are often wary about hijacking threads I am surprised you want to do this here. And, since you will point to my posts to LeGuy, I was simply surprised that anyone would make the implications he did. That was about the difficulty of identifying photo dates, not the sexuality of athletes under 18. That is not what this thread is about. Now, how about opening your own thread on this subject if you wish. That is not the subject here.


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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
10-19 said:
The best and simplest solution would be to remove the picture.
Hello 10-19,

Yes, and all the pics of Sacramone in my posts are now gone, even the ones where she is definitely adult and "adult looking." It's nuts that some insist on injecting inuendo that is more about their hangups than the ones they go after. Now someone wants to turn this thread into a totally different subject than was intended. Can't anyone anyone just have fun anywhere without creating false issues. Boys go and take your new issues to new threads WHERE THEY BELONG! I promise you...I won't be there.

Move on,

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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Korbel, I am not going to remove any images I posted or any comments I've made. Why should I feel ashamed or guilty of admiring a beautiful young lady's beauty? If someone else feels guilty about it then that's their problem. Just because I find a young lady beautiful and yes, even sexy in some cases, it doesn't make me a pedophile any more than admiring the physique of a male athlete means that I'm gay.

I've been noticing a bad trend lately of certain posters who used to post 'elsewhere' coming here and hijacking threads and stirring up crap. Well it's just too bad if you have guys have lost your old audience and your old hangout is deserted, but you won't find a replacement for it here.



I am me, too!
Mar 27, 2004
If only I knew...
Come on guys! How old she is or was is irrelevant in this thread. The pic was posted without any assumption of age. The pic is a legal one, without any explicit content, in a pose who's totally natural for a gymnast. Personally, i would find almost any woman, no matter the age, to look quite hot in this pose. Hey, it's possible to find a girl hot without trying to find ways to bang her! Damn, I find one of my sister-in-law hot but I know she's off-limits so, that's where it stop. Same for a 14 or 16yo who on top of all, isn't even emotionally mature enough! I saw 2 young cuties last year dt Montreal and, the way they were dressed and all, you couldn't say anything else than "they're hot" but I would have never went farther than that. That's what I understand most guys are saying here.
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Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Techman said:
Korbel, I am not going to remove any images I posted or any comments I've made. Why should I feel ashamed or guilty of admiring a beautiful young lady's beauty? If someone else feels guilty about it then that's their problem. Just because I find a young lady beautiful and yes, even sexy in some cases, it doesn't make me a pedophile any more than admiring the physique of a male athlete means that I'm gay.

I've been noticing a bad trend lately of certain posters who used to post 'elsewhere' coming here and hijacking threads and stirring up crap. Well it's just too bad if you have guys have lost your old audience and your old hangout is deserted, but you won't find a replacement for it here.

Hello Tech,

A couple elements were very disturbing. The simple obvious unwillingness to accept that the posting might just be from lack of information and that any explanation must be a lie, as if the accuser could read anyone's mind. Then the accuser ignores the well known rule that the "gymnastics age limit is 16", while trying to impose slanderous numbers such as 14 and 12 in the minds of the audience. If that might not show malicious intent then at least such slimy innuendo certainly shows the accuser is "No Gentleman."

As for the rest of what you said, I have to agree completely. Looking at the other board it's clear the bottom feeders have lost their prey and are bored with nipping at each other, so they come here to create some sludge to feed their appetites on. Sad really. Well...enough.

Techman said:
Back on topic: Volleyball anyone?

Here's Kerri Walsh and she is advertising for a cause that should be close to the hearts of all board members.

And she has a great ass. :D

Hey Tech,

I was going to ask: Kerri Walsh or Misti May??? (All photos are "age safe"


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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Hey Korbi! Misty wins hands down for me. That Maxim shot you posted is just so inviting. And that is really saying something because I usually prefer blondes!

By the way...was that the correct video of the swimming that I found?



Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Techman said:
Hey Korbi! Misty wins hands down for me. That Maxim shot you posted is just so inviting. And that is really saying something because I usually prefer blondes!

By the way...was that the correct video of the swimming that I found?

Hell Tech,

Yes, the second one worked for me. I had seen the graphic explanation before without the real video. So it was great to finally see the real action as it happened. What a super closing effort by Lezak...BRAVO!.

Many thanks,



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I figure that once the volleyballers, most female athletes really, retire from active competition and put on a few pounds, they will look a lot better. I tend to prefer women that are cuddly over those who are rock hard.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Rhythmic gymnastics is where borderline, or older gymnasts go to compete.

Kinda the Cleo's of the Olympics. :D


Name Retired.
Aug 16, 2003
Her Hot Dreams
Techman said:
I would bet money that any photogs who got a shot from directly behind her couldn't find any reputable mags to publish them.

Unfortunately. :p


Hey Tech,

So you are definitely going to the black market for those shots

Yeah...I know,



The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
I always considered rhythmic gymnastics to be one of the most useless Olympic sports ever. But I might be changing my opinion.

A lot of their routines make me think of strippers in training, right down to the music they use. Just check this vid of Canada's Alexandra Orlando...
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