You can have it both ways, as long as you can keep the real reasons clear in your mind : SPs are for sexual advenures, fantasies fulfilled, experimentation, stress relief. Spouses/GFs are for long-term stability, sharing, romance, families, and of course sex (in an ideal world!)
I suspect most normal, mildly perverted merbites can distinguish the two "relationships" without blurring the line. Just don't fall into any illusions about a "perfect" GFE SP becoming a perfect GF
At the end of the day, it is still about the money for "perfect" GFE SPs. 
You can have it both ways, as long as you can keep the real reasons clear in your mind : SPs are for sexual advenures, fantasies fulfilled, experimentation, stress relief. Spouses/GFs are for long-term stability, sharing, romance, families, and of course sex (in an ideal world!)
I suspect most normal, mildly perverted merbites can distinguish the two "relationships" without blurring the line. Just don't fall into any illusions about a "perfect" GFE SP becoming a perfect GF