Montreal Escorts

A Very Bad Experience At A Stripclub


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Techman said:
Hey Dee!

Look...I'll try to be really sensitive so that I don't offend any metrosexuals who may be reading...If someone can't say no to a dancer in a strip club, then they really have to grow a spine. It must be really hard walking around without one!

Seriously, if you don't want a girl to dance for you just say "No, thanks", or "I'm not really looking for a dance right now" or "I'm really just relaxing right now and haven't decided whether I will get dances or not" or any of the almost infinite ways to say no. The absolute last thing you do is say "Yes" and then slink out the door before she comes back!

It has nothing to do with spine I would rather be polite then be blunt. But in this case I was gonna loose both ways and there was no way out except to dance her. And you are right I am not new to stripclubs and have been doing things like this for years saying stuff like "maybe" or "later" and some rare instances "yes" but only because I changed my mind later which was the case with that night. I never had any problems and the girls never really cared? And why should they? Am I a high roller in the club that I spend lots of money on her? No. Why would she wait specifically for me just to dance? Is it because I hold a special place in her heart? No. I do not know what crime I committed except said a "White Lie". I never intended to hurt anyone. Honestly if I said that to the club they really would not give a shit. As long as I spend money in the club they will welcome me back with open hands. But believe me I learned an important lesson from this. You learn something knew everyday. This is what I learned->Unless I am not absolutely certain that I am gonna dance the given girl then my answer to all advances of the dancers will be "NO"!

Techman said:
Would you order a drink from a waitress in the bar and leave before she comes back?

What does it have to do with toughness or SC smarts to actually be a man? Do some guys check their balls at the coat check along with their coat when they walk into the club? Cloud is no newbie to strip clubs or to dancers. He should know how to say no when he doesn't want a dance.

Correction. The comparison is not valid as I never asked for dances or showed any interest that I wanted one.

Techman said:
What reputation? The reputation of saying yes to dances and then sneaking out? If he was to tell a doorman at Kingdom that he asked a girl to dance and then left and because of that she won't talk to him anymore, they would toss him down the stairs.:cool:


Again the comparison is not valid as I never said I asked for a dance. Man if I asked her for dances then changed my mind and I left, I would be the biggest retard :cool: .
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The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
But this time was different last Saturday which was Valentine's Day i spoke with one of them and she is very nice I decided to talk to her then she asked me if I will be dancing her. Now I am thinking I should have just said no but I said ok and thought I would sneak out of there the way I usually do.

You did write that, right? She asked if you would be getting her to dance for you and you said 'ok'. Am I right so far?

Then you write that you would 'sneak out of there the way I usually do'.

Does that indicate in any way the presence of a pair of cojones? 'Sneak out of there'? Just so that you can avoid having to say that you changed your mind? C'mon man! Damn! Grow a set for a change!

Then you're surprised that she doesn't want to talk to you after that? I'm not surprised at all! You showed her no respect at all and you expect her to show you some?

But I will say that you have balls to come here and post about it. I sure as hell wouldn't have the balls to come on MERB and admit that I don't have the balls to say no to a girl in a strip club.:eek:


New Member
Feb 6, 2004
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Techman....can you please leave CLOUD alone for once!!!
I think you are being too harsh....and you come across as being so judgmental for no reason at all!!!!

Why can't CLOUD just be who he is man!!!!>>>>>Do you only think you are the only manly man with a spine....check your tail man;) .....LOL Does everyone have to think and take decisions like you???....why cant others just take their own decisions without you labeling them as metrosexuals without spines??.....I think this is a typical Freudian projection on your part!!

Techman said:
Look...I'll try to be really sensitive so that I don't offend any metrosexuals who may be reading...If someone can't say no to a dancer in a strip club, then they really have to grow a spine. It must be really hard walking around without one!

Why is it not OK for CLOUD to change his mind if he chooses so without justifying it to anyone....let alone you!!! After all in the Club he did not sign any contract for his yes to be binding!!

Techman said:
Seriously, if you don't want a girl to dance for you just say "No, thanks", or "I'm not really looking for a dance right now" or "I'm really just relaxing right now and haven't decided whether I will get dances or not" or any of the almost infinite ways to say no. The absolute last thing you do is say "Yes" and then slink out the door before she comes back!

Different people has their own ways of behaving......whether good or bad...CLOUD is no are not his father or mother to teach him how he should or should not react in any situation....he reacts the way he sees it fit at the time....LET HIM BE MAN!!

Techman said:
Would you order a drink from a waitress in the bar and leave before she comes back?
As CLOUD said, this does not apply at all.....its one of your out of place examples just to back your erroneous judgemental thinking!!

Techman....Men have a right to choose as well....including changing their minds....without defending or justifying why the do so!!!

Techman said:
What does it have to do with toughness or SC smarts to actually be a man? Do some guys check their balls at the coat check along with their coat when they walk into the club?

Check your tail man;) LOL....let CLOUD be who he is without you questioning his motives or the way he makes decisions.....let alone in a strip club!!


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Why is it not OK for CLOUD to change his mind if he chooses so without justifying it to anyone....let alone you!!! After all in the Club he did not sign any contract for his yes to be binding!!

I never said he had to justify it. I don't care what his reasons were. It would have been nice though, if he had told the girl that he had changed his mind instead of sneaking out of the club. And those are his words, not mine.

Let him behave whatever way he wants to, I really don't give a shit. But then don't come here and cry about how badly the girl treated him after he stiffed her because he didn't have the guts to tell her he changed his mind.

Then you have another guy telling him he should complain about her treatment of him to the owner of the club! What world do you people live in?

You know what? Let the girls overcount and rip you off because you don't have the guts to say anything about it. You deserve it.


New Member
Feb 6, 2004
Visit site he does not have guts in your what????....why do you care?????
I do not think he comes here to cry....thats your way of interpreting it....I just see it as like all others..he is sharing what happened to him!!.....Do you ever cry Techman....I guess not :rolleyes: ....LOL....
I do not think he stiffed her...he just changed his mind without telling her and gave his business to somebody else! It is not gutless or as bad as you make it appear for someone to change their mind without telling you know!
Techman said:
Let him behave whatever way he wants to, I really don't give a shit. But then don't come here and cry about how badly the girl treated him after he stiffed her because he didn't have the guts to tell her he changed his mind.
CLOUD can come here and write whatever he wants just like everybody else....who are you to censor he should only write what you think is worth telling in your eyes??? Drop your judgemental attitude man!!

LOL.....Never been ripped off......or over counted!!.....and I still live on planet earth like you do...eeehhh.....where do you live gain?:rolleyes: .......LOL
Techman said:
You know what? Let the girls overcount and rip you off because you don't have the guts to say anything about it.
No one deserves to be ripped off.....dancer or client!
You seem not partial......nor have any compassion to your fellow man....only for the ladies:D what is a metrosexual again???:confused: .....LOL
Techman said:
You deserve it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I might I have missed a few things in my initial post. I typed it all so fast and left out some important parts. But after this I think you need to take it easy. Like our last argument I really do not care to hear your comments. You are very judgmental and harsh. It is as I said before if you do not like it then do not bother to RESPOND! Not sure what part of that you do not understand?

So I will fill in the missing blanks just for that night. I came into the club. I sat at the bar and saw the girl sitting at the corner so I said and we talked. Then she asked will I be dancing her. I said yes we will but with an uncertain tone. Then I said I am gonna go to the washroom then I came back and sat a few chairs away from her. That should have been a hint right there for her that I was not interested. Another girl approached me one that she has told me earlier that she does not like was talking bad about her. We chatted and she seemed nice and accepted her invitation for dances. I came back out of the booths and sat on one of the couches. I was sitting there for roughly 45mins. Then this guy in the club approached me and started a conversation was asking me what do I think of the waitress, etc.. The guy was talking to me then she came right in front of us and asked will I be dancing her. READ THIS CAREFULLY! I told her at that point "NO"!!! I have the right to change my mind. Nothing is written in stone. If she wants to be pissed about that...that is her business.

Like I said before I would rather be polite. There is a polite way to say something and then a blunt way. It is like as if you ask a girl out and she makes an excuse chances are she is not interested. You can try again just to be sure and if she makes another excuse then you know for sure. But does that mean you keep on asking her out when obviously she is not interested to the point she has to be rude to you? What if the girl said yes then changed her mind and said no? Should you be angry at her?

I hope this is the last I hear of you. STOP RESPONDING! I do not care to hear your judgmental comments anymore who seems to think that this board revolves around your opinion and everyone must agree with you. I posted on this board to hear the unbiased opinions of other merbites NOT YOURS. You and I do not see things face to face and will never will. We both have developed a hatred for each other and I do not think it is doing anyone any good to be feuding like this constantly. Try to be mature about it and quit while your ahead. Set an example for all us young inexperienced merbites :D . Show us your the big man like you claim you said you are.

Techman said:
I never said he had to justify it. I don't care what his reasons were. It would have been nice though, if he had told the girl that he had changed his mind instead of sneaking out of the club. And those are his words, not mine.

I do not think I ever said that. The post had some poor choice of words and was not specific. I read that first post a few times just to be sure for any errors. I need to start reviewing my posts before I post them so that they are completely accurate and avoid confusion and attacks from you. So I edited my first post and my reasons for editing it are stated in the first post. In my post I mentioned and I have not modified this quote and it was the sentence before the sentence that you quoted in Post #50 I stated what I usually do is I usually say "maybe" or later" and then try to sneak out of there. Where did I say I always say yes then sneak out of the club?? The sentence you quoted is the sentence after the one I quoted to you because it is missing details it can be very easily misinterpreted. But I never made any promises except this last time and at which point later in the night when she asked me again I said "no" then vacated the club. But I would have rather not have said no then vacate the club. I thought she was a smart girl and would have got the hint especially since I danced another girl and she saw that and also since she did not approach me from when I went to the washroom till I left which was approximately 2 hours. You are twisting the meaning of my first original post so that you can antagonize me as usual.

Techman said:
Let him behave whatever way he wants to, I really don't give a shit. But then don't come here and cry about how badly the girl treated him after he stiffed her because he didn't have the guts to tell her he changed his mind.

Like I said and will say it again I will post whatever I want on the board. If you do not like stop responding. Come on man? Get over it! You got nothing better to do then constantly attack what you disagree with.

Then you have another guy telling him he should complain about her treatment of him to the owner of the club! What world do you people live in?

Techman said:
You know what? Let the girls overcount and rip you off because you don't have the guts to say anything about it. You deserve it.

You will be surprised at how many girls attempted to rip me off and pull off other tricks but I have to say it never worked only once in this Modernic when the doorman did not side with me and that was because that was my first time in that club. As for me to deserve it? Well...what can I say. That is your opinion but not the all mighty truth. You seem very bitter. I think the years might have taken a toll on you :rolleyes: . But remember this board does not revolve around you and your opinion is not the righteous one. Remember it is an opinion.

As usual you turn this into a heated argument but this has gotten personal with you. This is really getting old and tiresome :mad: . Oh wonder you were against me and a few other posters in the last two threads "about strippers right to refuse a client" and "not enough racial variety in stripclubs." You are the king at judging and you judge everything by your own standards as if they are the only one.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
First of all, my comment about deserving overcounting was directed at anyone who doesn't stand up for themselves, not any one person in particular. If you don't stand up for yourself, in a SC or elsewhere, you deserve what happens to you.

Now Cloud, that is quite some revision of your experience you just posted.

Then this guy in the club approached me and started a conversation was asking me what do I think of the waitress, etc.. The guy was talking to me then she came right in front of us and asked will I be dancing her. READ THIS CAREFULLY! I told her at that point "NO"!!!

Compared to this from your (modified) original post:

Now I am thinking I should have just said no but I said ok and try to make myself scarce so she would get the hint that I was not interested in dancing her and then leave the club and this is what I have been doing this all the time when there is an aggressive dancer that is also nice at the same time and I also intended to dance her again and none of them ever got mad or took it personal. I would rather refuse her in a polite way then be blunt.

Totally different take on the story where you state that you should have said no but didn't.

I do not think I ever said that.

Yes, you did. This is your quote before you edited it...

Now I am thinking I should have just said no but I said ok and thought I would sneak out of there the way I usually do.

You want to know why your original, and in my opinion true version of events, post and some of your others piss me off? It's because I have a lot of dancers, both ex and current, as friends. I know what they deal with every day at work. It's a hard life normally and even more so in these days of quiet clubs and contact clubs. They have to put up with a lot of shit from clients, many of whom treat them like crap and think that the fact they pay them 10 bucks for a dance gives them the right to do what ever they want. So yeah, I am a little biased on their side.

That being said, if a girl tries to rip you off - turn her in to the doorman if she refuses to back off. And never get that girl to dance again. If a girl continues to hassle you for dances, tell her NO! IF you don't want to get a girl to dance, say NO! Clients don't like getting led on by dancers, well dancers don't like getting led on by clients either. Don't say 'maybe later' or 'ok' when you have no intention of having her dance. If you do, she will be coming back expecting you to have her dance until you tell her NO. There is nothing impolite in telling a dancer that you do not want her to dance. It isn't a children's game where you can drop hints until the girl happens to realize what you are getting at. Be upfront about things and say no if the answer is no!

If your 'revised history' version is really what did happen, I would have been 100% on your side, Cloud. Because in that version you actually did say NO. But seeing as how it took you so long to 'correct' the events of the evening, somehow I have my doubts.

But basically if you want to be treated with a bit of respect by the dancers you see it would be nice to show them some respect in return. They are human beings with feelings, just like you are.

As far as responding to your posts...well I think I will make you happy and stop. Not because it pisses you off but because I will never know if what you post is the entire story or acccurate in any way. Your revision of this event is like a totally different story of a totally different evening. So what will be the point of responding to a post that will probably turn into a totally different story as the thread goes on? I'll give it some thought. Besides, you could always just put me on your ignore list. I really won't mind.;)

As far as being bitter is concerned...sorry to disappoint you but nope, no bitterness here. I spend a lot of my time with some of the most beautiful dancers Montreal has ever had and have only set foot in a sc once in the past year. Why would I be bitter?:p

And it's nothing personal, Cloud. My posts would be the same no matter who started the threads you mention or made the posts that you did. It just happened to be you. I guess I just find it aggravating when I see anyone trying to shift the blame for their own problems onto someone else instead of accepting responsibility for their actions.:cool:



New Member
May 2, 2007
Techman said:
First of all, my comment about deserving overcounting was directed at anyone who doesn't stand up for themselves, not any one person in particular. If you don't stand up for yourself, in a SC or elsewhere, you deserve what happens to you.

Now Cloud, that is quite some revision of your experience you just posted.

Compared to this from your (modified) original post:

Totally different take on the story where you state that you should have said no but didn't.

Yes, you did. This is your quote before you edited it...

You want to know why your original, and in my opinion true version of events, post and some of your others piss me off? It's because I have a lot of dancers, both ex and current, as friends. I know what they deal with every day at work. It's a hard life normally and even more so in these days of quiet clubs and contact clubs. They have to put up with a lot of shit from clients, many of whom treat them like crap and think that the fact they pay them 10 bucks for a dance gives them the right to do what ever they want. So yeah, I am a little biased on their side.

That being said, if a girl tries to rip you off - turn her in to the doorman if she refuses to back off. And never get that girl to dance again. If a girl continues to hassle you for dances, tell her NO! IF you don't want to get a girl to dance, say NO! Clients don't like getting led on by dancers, well dancers don't like getting led on by clients either. Don't say 'maybe later' or 'ok' when you have no intention of having her dance. If you do, she will be coming back expecting you to have her dance until you tell her NO. There is nothing impolite in telling a dancer that you do not want her to dance. It isn't a children's game where you can drop hints until the girl happens to realize what you are getting at. Be upfront about things and say no if the answer is no!

If your 'revised history' version is really what did happen, I would have been 100% on your side, Cloud. Because in that version you actually did say NO. But seeing as how it took you so long to 'correct' the events of the evening, somehow I have my doubts.

But basically if you want to be treated with a bit of respect by the dancers you see it would be nice to show them some respect in return. They are human beings with feelings, just like you are.

As far as responding to your posts...well I think I will make you happy and stop. Not because it pisses you off but because I will never know if what you post is the entire story or acccurate in any way. Your revision of this event is like a totally different story of a totally different evening. So what will be the point of responding to a post that will probably turn into a totally different story as the thread goes on? I'll give it some thought. Besides, you could always just put me on your ignore list. I really won't mind.;)

As far as being bitter is concerned...sorry to disappoint you but nope, no bitterness here. I spend a lot of my time with some of the most beautiful dancers Montreal has ever had and have only set foot in a sc once in the past year. Why would I be bitter?:p

And it's nothing personal, Cloud. My posts would be the same no matter who started the threads you mention or made the posts that you did. It just happened to be you. I guess I just find it aggravating when I see anyone trying to shift the blame for their own problems onto someone else instead of accepting responsibility for their actions.:cool:


Crisse lache un peu le morceau, tu est une des personnes les plus hypocrites du forum ici, tous les faits prouvent le contraire quand tu dit que tu as rien contre Cloud ou tu dont give a shit MAIS tu lui répond pendant 5-6 pages mais tu te fout de la situation c'est assuré lol

Retiens ton immense égo juste deux minutes et si cloud se tire dans le pied écrit pas 4085686 répliques et laisse le faire

Encore une crise d'égo sur merb quel surprise


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I think that was the problem how I worded the that statement you commented. When I said "sneak out of the club" I actually meant I would say "maybe" or "later" and leave the club(sneak out of the club) before she had the chance to come back. Poor choice of words on my part. You said both group of words are different but essentially mean the same thing. You always have to choose your words carefully because it can be subject to misinterpretation which is why i reworded it. But that particular night I was there long enough for her to ask me again then I said "no" because the fact she is asking again means she still assumed I wanted dances. But you are right you were not there so it is very difficult for you know the actual events but when I was at the bar chatting with and she first asked if I wanted dances I made myself scarce which should have gave her the hint. But she choose to be aggressive. I did not know she would take it so personal I was shocked by her reaction. Had I known I would have never went to the club. It is interesting to note also she told me she would not be working that Saturday which is the reason I passed by that night and she turned out to be there :eek: . It took me long to correct the post because when you quoted the sentence in post #50 it got me thinking how misleading that statement could be. So I read the post a few times and filled in the missing links.

You do not know me and we only meet once but you assume I treat all dancers like crap? At least you accepted that you are biased which is the reason it does not make you a valid judge on this and also why I am not interested to hear your opinions. Again here is the problem you are assuming. I have a very good understanding of what the dancers go through believe me. I know it is a difficult life but the dancer choose this way of life and this profession and needs to deal with it and part of the profession is handling rejection whether it be direct or indirect. Accept it a lot of clients are indirect and it is up to the dancer to understand that(they all have their own way to deal with it) and also you cannot control all the clients and their actions. It seems like you are going on a crusade. I am not gonna feel any pity as she was not forced into this way of life. There are a lot of professions that require shift work, danger on the job such as the military, law enforcement, firefighter, etc. but does that mean we excuse them for not being able to deal with their job or pity them? I heard of many crazy stories from some of them. But I will always be neutral. I will not favor one for the other but you admitted that you do. Just for the record to say "maybe" or "later" is not leading on the dancer as it just means that. I never made any promises to her. "Yes" is a definite lead on.

Oh yea...This post was not about blame. It was to get some opinions. I know I brought this upon myself but from how the girl dealt with it, I am very sure even if I told her "no" upfront she would have been pissed off anyway because that was the first week that I did not dance her or her cousin.

As for you spending your time with the most beautiful dancers? I will never know if that is true or not but if it is good for you ;) . You must have some special skill or are so suave to have all these beautiful dancers around and only being in a stripclub once. Maybe I can get some pointers :D . But from your posts you come out as bitter and very egotistical. Just by the fact you tell us so many times at how many stripper friends you have.

The moral in all of this is that I am not gonna put myself in this situation again. I am gonna be very careful with regulars. I will explain to the ones that come by every time I am there that I want to dance the other girls and they should let me ask them for dances if I want to dance her. It is always tricky with regulars I had some that got territorial over me :( .

P.S.: I think my posts piss you off more then your responses to me.

Techman said:
First of all, my comment about deserving overcounting was directed at anyone who doesn't stand up for themselves, not any one person in particular. If you don't stand up for yourself, in a SC or elsewhere, you deserve what happens to you.

Now Cloud, that is quite some revision of your experience you just posted.

Compared to this from your (modified) original post:

Totally different take on the story where you state that you should have said no but didn't.

Yes, you did. This is your quote before you edited it...

You want to know why your original, and in my opinion true version of events, post and some of your others piss me off? It's because I have a lot of dancers, both ex and current, as friends. I know what they deal with every day at work. It's a hard life normally and even more so in these days of quiet clubs and contact clubs. They have to put up with a lot of shit from clients, many of whom treat them like crap and think that the fact they pay them 10 bucks for a dance gives them the right to do what ever they want. So yeah, I am a little biased on their side.

That being said, if a girl tries to rip you off - turn her in to the doorman if she refuses to back off. And never get that girl to dance again. If a girl continues to hassle you for dances, tell her NO! IF you don't want to get a girl to dance, say NO! Clients don't like getting led on by dancers, well dancers don't like getting led on by clients either. Don't say 'maybe later' or 'ok' when you have no intention of having her dance. If you do, she will be coming back expecting you to have her dance until you tell her NO. There is nothing impolite in telling a dancer that you do not want her to dance. It isn't a children's game where you can drop hints until the girl happens to realize what you are getting at. Be upfront about things and say no if the answer is no!

If your 'revised history' version is really what did happen, I would have been 100% on your side, Cloud. Because in that version you actually did say NO. But seeing as how it took you so long to 'correct' the events of the evening, somehow I have my doubts.

But basically if you want to be treated with a bit of respect by the dancers you see it would be nice to show them some respect in return. They are human beings with feelings, just like you are.

As far as responding to your posts...well I think I will make you happy and stop. Not because it pisses you off but because I will never know if what you post is the entire story or acccurate in any way. Your revision of this event is like a totally different story of a totally different evening. So what will be the point of responding to a post that will probably turn into a totally different story as the thread goes on? I'll give it some thought. Besides, you could always just put me on your ignore list. I really won't mind.;)

As far as being bitter is concerned...sorry to disappoint you but nope, no bitterness here. I spend a lot of my time with some of the most beautiful dancers Montreal has ever had and have only set foot in a sc once in the past year. Why would I be bitter?:p

And it's nothing personal, Cloud. My posts would be the same no matter who started the threads you mention or made the posts that you did. It just happened to be you. I guess I just find it aggravating when I see anyone trying to shift the blame for their own problems onto someone else instead of accepting responsibility for their actions.:cool:

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New Member
Jul 28, 2005
If I can interject into this exchange to comment that I find Techmen’s criticism correct, in that Cloud had made the faux pas of engaging in conversation with a stripper, mislead her into believing that money will be paid for services later and then give her the slip while she’s not looking.

But I think Cloud is no more guilty as so many of us who make the mistake of believing that a hot babe in skimpy underwear would be seemingly into us so much that she wants nothing more than a free chat. A stripclub is afterall a place built on false illusions that even I would almost believe that a girl would be happy to meet me after regular business hours for sandwiches and coffee somewhere, but I don’t, and inform her politely that I will not be taking any dances with her that evening.

There must be a way of striking a polite balance between they wanting to rape our wallets dry and our desiring a half-naked hottie all over us.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Your observation is so true. It is very easy to not see the reality. In a stripclub especially with regulars we get surrounded with a lot of manipulation. I thought I would be polite and chat with her in her corner as she looked so depressed. I guess my soft side back fired. But I should have said no to begin with but did not as you said it in not so many words. I enjoyed her company whenever I was in the club.

Gotsome said:
If I can interject into this exchange to comment that I find Techmen’s criticism correct, in that Cloud had made the faux pas of engaging in conversation with a stripper, mislead her into believing that money will be paid for services later and then give her the slip while she’s not looking.

But I think Cloud is no more guilty as so many of us who make the mistake of believing that a hot babe in skimpy underwear would be seemingly into us so much that she wants nothing more than a free chat. A stripclub is afterall a place built on false illusions that even I would almost believe that a girl would be happy to meet me after regular business hours for sandwiches and coffee somewhere, but I don’t, and inform her politely that I will not be taking any dances with her that evening.

There must be a way of striking a polite balance between they wanting to rape our wallets dry and our desiring a half-naked hottie all over us.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Hey Cloud...where did I say you treated dancers like crap? I said that many men treated dancers like crap and that is an accurate statement. I never insinuated that you were one of those men.

And yeah, I happen to have a lot of dancers as friends. The only reason I make that statement is to show that I do know what I am talking about. I have seen both sides of the business. And I'm just a normal guy who happens to treat dancers the same way as I treat any other woman I meet in my life. I treat them like ladies, with respect, not like commodities or toys which is probably the reason I've gotten to know so many of them away from their work.

And dancers have no problems accepting rejection, at least they have a much easier time of it than you seem to have. But there are a lot of different types of women who do this job. Maybe you are just meeting the wrong ones. And as far as you being aware of anything a dancer goes through in her job...unless you have lived with a dancer or had a dancer as a very close friend, you don't know a damn thing. If you believe what a dancer tells you as a client in a club, regular or not, you are listening to fairy tales. She will tell you what will get the best reaction from you so that she can make the most money. Because you are still just a client. Nothing more, nothing less. Yes, there are exceptions but for the majority of dancers I stand by this statement.

And as a client, you have the right to accept or refuse a dancer's offer of dances. If she is not professional enough to accept your decision, then move on to someone else because that one will lead to problems in the future. If a girl gets territorial over you, it's usually because you are a big spender, which you always say you are not and I believe you, or she has trouble making money and sees you as a sure thing. In which case you have made yourself out to be an easy mark and that is never a good thing.

As far as your posts pissing me off...the only thing that does that is the fact that you try to pass yourself off as an insider when you are the prototypical client. You refuse to even try to learn from those who do actually know a hell of a lot more about the business than you do or probably ever will. But that bothers you to think that you might actually have something to learn, expecially from me, so you just keep making the same mistakes.

And regular girls or not, you are the client, you have the money to spend and you make the decision of whether to spend it or not and on which dancer. Once you give up that power, you're lost and have become just one more wallet with legs.

I'll give you one little tip, Cloud. If a girl in a sc really does happen to grow to like you, she won't dance for you anymore. Until that happens, you are just the way she makes money to pay her bills. It's just her job and you are just her customer. When you aren't there, someone else is and when you leave, someone else will take your place. Strip clubs, like MERB, are supposed to be a fantasy world. Save the drama and your energy for your real life where things really matter.



Mar 26, 2004
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Techman said:
You know what? Let the girls overcount and rip you off because you don't have the guts to say anything about it. You deserve it.
Well said!

Gutless trusting widows who get ripped off deserve it too. Gutless stupid charities who get ripped off deserve it too. Gutless people stupid enough not to have vault doors on their houses and get invaded and beat to the point that they are quadriplegics deserve it too.

Gutless stupid people who get royally ripped off in home renovation scams deserve it too. Gutless stupid people who lose money loaned to friends deserve it too. Gutless stupid unsuspecting people who trust their children to coaches, teachers religious leaders who are sexual predators deserve it too.

Who doesn't deserve it? A manipulating dancer who doesn't get a dance she thinks she was owed.... no way man... dump a drink on the offending guy and have the bouncer heave him down the stairs.


If I had a friend who hung around with beautiful women and seemed constantly frustrated and angry and who saw the world in black and white terms .... I'd be tempted to say to him, as politically incorrect as it may be:

"Why don't you boink a few of these beautiful women. I can practically guarantee you'll feel better, the world will appear to be a sunnier place and you won't think you are the only perfect person in the world."

If he responded:

"Dee you spineless, stupid, gutless, loser, misogynistic pedophile, these beautiful women love having a eunuch around. You'd deprive them of that you depraved racist! You deserve any and all bad things that happen to you and more! Stop pretending you know anything about anything!"

I'd let it drop.


Sorry got to run to pick up a lady from her work who tonight, out of the goodness of her heart, will be kind enough to massage me, give me a pedicure, cook supper for me and also, well ... fully relax me....
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Techman said:
And yeah, I happen to have a lot of dancers as friends. The only reason I make that statement is to show that I do know what I am talking about. I have seen both sides of the business. And I'm just a normal guy who happens to treat dancers the same way as I treat any other woman I meet in my life. I treat them like ladies, with respect, not like commodities or toys which is probably the reason I've gotten to know so many of them away from their work.

I do. But these are close friends of mine that I have known for a long time and a few of them decided to start dancing. So yea I somewhat understand.

Techman said:
And dancers have no problems accepting rejection, at least they have a much easier time of it than you seem to have. But there are a lot of different types of women who do this job. Maybe you are just meeting the wrong ones. And as far as you being aware of anything a dancer goes through in her job...unless you have lived with a dancer or had a dancer as a very close friend, you don't know a damn thing. If you believe what a dancer tells you as a client in a club, regular or not, you are listening to fairy tales. She will tell you what will get the best reaction from you so that she can make the most money. Because you are still just a client. Nothing more, nothing less. Yes, there are exceptions but for the majority of dancers I stand by this statement.

And as a client, you have the right to accept or refuse a dancer's offer of dances. If she is not professional enough to accept your decision, then move on to someone else because that one will lead to problems in the future. If a girl gets territorial over you, it's usually because you are a big spender, which you always say you are not and I believe you, or she has trouble making money and sees you as a sure thing. In which case you have made yourself out to be an easy mark and that is never a good thing.

That does seem to be the case. I suppose the thing to do is to stop dancing these types of girls.

Techman said:
As far as your posts pissing me off...the only thing that does that is the fact that you try to pass yourself off as an insider when you are the prototypical client. You refuse to even try to learn from those who do actually know a hell of a lot more about the business than you do or probably ever will. But that bothers you to think that you might actually have something to learn, expecially from me, so you just keep making the same mistakes.

I never passed off to be an insider but to say I know nothing...I have a problem with that because I do know something although my knowledge is not as deep as yours. I have no problem learning from you as long as you state them in a neutral way without the judgmental and superiority attitude. After all you admitted that you are biased for the girls. Besides all of us can learn a few things. There are several other posters that disagreed with me and stated my errors and other viewpoints but it was done from a neutral standpoint without the judgment and egotistical attitude and some other posters pointed that out to you. As long as you can avoid that I will have no problem listening to what you have to say :cool: . Besides I think this is too much drama for me in the past couple of weeks. I think I will take a break from stripclubs.

Techman said:
And regular girls or not, you are the client, you have the money to spend and you make the decision of whether to spend it or not and on which dancer. Once you give up that power, you're lost and have become just one more wallet with legs.

I'll give you one little tip, Cloud. If a girl in a sc really does happen to grow to like you, she won't dance for you anymore. Until that happens, you are just the way she makes money to pay her bills. It's just her job and you are just her customer. When you aren't there, someone else is and when you leave, someone else will take your place. Strip clubs, like MERB, are supposed to be a fantasy world. Save the drama and your energy for your real life where things really matter.


Is this not the most obvious thing. But this is the fantasy when I go there girls like this make my visit enjoyable but it came with its bad side. When I am gone there is another guy she is doing the same thing to. If she really did like me she would not ask me for dances actually things would be very different. But the odds of that are next to none. In this environment I will always be a client and the dancer my service provider. I guess the prospect to loose dancers that made my visit fun was what I feared :( . Dancers like this make it worthwhile to go. But I cannot have both. I got to choose. But ultimately this was bound to happen either way.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Damn, Dee! I think you really miss having Oliver around. I love the way you take what I say out of the SC arena and try to twist my words to imply that I intend them to apply to everything in life, including the most vulnerable members of society and those who are taken advantage of by organized and professional shysters. You know what? If you really enjoy being taken advantage by the women you meet in this business, who am I to say that it's wrong. Carry on, big guy.:rolleyes:

"Why don't you boink a few of these beautiful women. I can practically guarantee you'll feel better, the world will appear to be a sunnier place and you won't think you are the only perfect person in the world."

Ummm, when did I say that I didn't? Do you expect me to post reviews of my personal sex life on the board? What happens between myself and the ladies in my life is not the business of anyone on MERB. But just between you and me, Dee...actually I do them two or three at a time, sometimes on a trapeze. :cool:

Now that I've answered the peanut gallery...on to more important things.

Cloud, we always get off on the wrong foot and I apologize. There is always a risk of falling into a routine when frequenting a regular hangout. It's happened to all of us and sometimes the best thing to do is take a step back and take a break. Going to clubs alone is a dangerous thing and it makes it easy to get attached to a particular girl or two. That's why I almost always used to go out with a friend. We could watch each other's back and keep each other out of trouble. After a period of time you get to know the waitresses as well as the dancers and can enjoy your time in the club just watching the show and chatting with the girls you know instead of spending all your money on dances. There's more to a strip club than just getting dances. Go with a friend, catch up on things, chat with the people in the club that you know, enjoy the music and the stage shows. Most of all...relax! Try going to a club for a month and getting no dances from anyone. Just take in the atmosphere. People watch. Chat with the girls who want to do so. If they ask for dances, tell them that you have decided to take a break from dancing anyone for awhile but don't give them any time frame. Get to know the people who work in the bar, the doormen, servers, the bartenders. Sit at the bar sometimes instead of always at a table. Remember the girls that keep coming back to say hi once they know you aren't dancing anyone. After a month goes by, those are the girls you want to get to dance.

You can't get caught up in the fantasy, that way lies madness.



Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Techman said:
If you really enjoy being taken advantage by the women you meet in this business, who am I to say that it's wrong. Carry on, big guy.

"There you go again."

Ronald Reagan

Techman said:
But just between you and me, Dee...actually I do them two or three at a time, sometimes on a trapeze. :cool:

I hadn't thought about it, but it does make perfect sense. The certain droit du seigneur exercised by club owners and managers with respect to receiving free (in the sense of "no cost", not "will") sex from dancers desperate to find or maintain employment and who these guys fancy, extends to those who are tight with these owners and managers.

Let's make a deal my testy little superannuated bouncer buddy (recommended reading: To an Athlete Dying Young by A. E. Housman - no Techie, I'm not a pedophile just because "young" appears in the title, and no I don't hate athletes, and yes I know they are human... sigh). if you stop posting your tiresome preachy posts, I'll stop posting my devilishly clever responses.

'umbly yours,

Uriah Deep


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Sorry to ruin your little theory Dee, but the ladies I am most involved with today no longer have anything to do with the business, haven't had in years actually, and have all started their own careers and in a few cases their own companies. And the fact that I have known club owners, managers, what have you...never had anything to do with the ladies I became friends with. In fact, I have never spent that much time in clubs where I have known the owners or managers on a personal basis or had relationships with ladies that worked in those clubs.

As far as your deal goes...well if you actually ever come up with a 'devilishly clever' response maybe I'll consider it. You keep on trying now. :cool:

Techman :D
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