Montreal Escorts

A Very Bad Experience At A Stripclub

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
thebitchelor said:
i aint sure he will like that if a stripper tell him "yeah ill dance for you.." but go dance for some different other men and left the bar without saying "bye" or explain why she didnt dance for him

LOL.... cause that never happens!!

This line is classic "don't move an inch honey. I will be right back for you in 5 minutes" Half an hour later she's still in the booth with another guy, because he's paying and you are a secondary concern, which will only become the main concern when he stops paying, assuming she doesn't bump into another willing customer on her way to you! Broken promises are definitely not just the specialty of the client in an SC. Let's not kid ourselves PLEASE!!!

thebitchelor said:
My mother always told me:"Don't do to others what you wouldn't like done to you"

I think your mother could teach most dancers and clients a valuable lesson.

However this rule doesn't always work... Many clients will reach for the Y because they would be happy if that same reciprocal behavior was bestowed on them!


Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Here's one good trick to not be harrassed by ladies in SC : Always bring a woman with you (preferably a good looking one). Strippers don't usually harrass couples. :D

(btw, that will often also give you better lap dances!) :D :D :D
Apr 16, 2005
Strip Club 101

There is no question that strippers can become very aggressive with clients. For me it is a complete turnoff especially if it is accompanied by some plastic insincere come-on. Making a regular out of a dancer can be a recipe for abusive behaviour.
First, dancers can become so territorial over "regulars" that I have seen fights break out between them. Totally stupid but it happens.
Second you are just breeding a sense of ownership or entitlement in that dancer. Make no mistake about it; 9 times out of 10
, her possessiveness is not born out of a desire for you. In most cases you are hamburger with a wallet. Sounds unfeeling? Well, drop dead in there and see how fast many will just step over the body. Now there is about 10 percent of them who are great girls. They respect you enough to allow that you actually understand the realities of the game, even if you don't. But the chances of them arriving at your side first are very slim. You will have to screen them.
First get rid of the ones who look at you like a butcher reading a "cuts" chart. Do not be flattered by the come-ons. Most often there is nothing personal - just business.

Some ploys you might use:

"I usually like to have a few beers before I look around!"

" Had a rough day and I'd like to unwind a bit before I
think about taking a dance."

" Got a bit of thinking to do about something personal.
Maybe later!" (Don't explain if asked).

These answers are completely judgement neutral. They should not cause offense.

As for the girls giving you the cold shoulder. Well the damage is done. Only time will gain you a new ball game with different dancers. Don't get too upset about it. Chances are that you are already ancient history to the girls and new dancers are always showing up.:(
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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You know it is funny you mention this. But I cannot remember the amount of times this happened. But it happened often enough. I usually take around two-three dances per girl so I am usually a second concern for most of the girls or some of the girls because I am a regular they take me for granted. A few classic lines:"I am gonna go to the washroom..." or "Give me a sec I am gonna get something to drink..." etc... and then when she reappears she goes with another client. Some girls I ask them for dances and I never meet her and she makes some excuse and goes and dances another client. So should I be mad at her and take it personal?

Once at I was at Cleopatra and I am not gonna mention any names but I dance her on a regular basis and we usually talk but that night I said "hi" to her and she hold on I will be back in a few minutes. She goes and gets a drink then goes to another client and sits with him. So should I be pissed at her and ignore her? I let it go because she is not my girlfriend nor is she even a friend. She is a dancer looking to make money which I understand. In the same respect the girls should understand the clients also that we are not just walking ATM machines and treat us like humans like you would also like to be. So hence this saying you mentioned->
thebitchelor said:
My mother always told me:"Don't do to others what you wouldn't like done to you"
I forget about it and find other fish.

You are right it sucks when a guy says yes then does not want to. But there is still no reason to take it personal after all there is no emotional commitment except the financial gain. I am by no means saying you do that but some girls do that. But this is what happens when regulars pressure you and you enjoyed their company whenever I am in the club and they simply do not understand even when you bring this up to them that "I want to dance the other girls in the club" if she had some sense she would back off with the pressure. But I was trying to avoid saying "no" and know she will be pissed but it back fired and by no way I never knew she would take it so personal.

At the end with so many regulars someone is gonna get pissed. I cannot make everyone happy and I cannot dance all of them as it would be very expensive. Had I known this would happen I would have never done things this way. I would have said from the beginning "NO". I do not want to be an insensitive jerk but I really did not know she would be sensitive about this.

P.S.:From one of your posts you seem to be ok with regulars who say "NO" and you still talk to them or at least say "HI" out of respect. Had I meet you this would have never happened with you as I doubt you seem to be the aggressive pressure type girl.

thebitchelor said:
well, if he expect her to be isnt the best way

But if he try 5 seconds to be at her place..i aint sure he will like that if a stripper tell him "yeah ill dance for you.." but go dance for some different other men and left the bar without saying "bye" or explain why she didnt dance for him..

Don't tell me he would like to be treat the same way he treated her[/QUOTE]

Ben Dover

Jun 25, 2006
Regular Guy said:
Now there is about 10 percent of them who are great girls. They respect you enough to allow that you actually understand the realities of the game, even if you don't. But the chances of them arriving at your side first are very slim. You will have to screen them.
First get rid of the ones who look at you like a butcher reading a "cuts" chart. Do not be flattered by the come-ons. Most often there is nothing personal - just business.

Can't disagree with much of anything in your entire post except that I would probably say 20% instead of 10%... at least on a good day.

Apr 16, 2005
Ben Dover said:
Can't disagree with much of anything in your entire post except that I would probably say 20% instead of 10%... at least on a good day.

Yeah I agree but thought it wouldn't hurt to instill an extra measure of caution into the lad. Anything that will promote a greater sense of astuteness just can't hurt. Otherwise you're just walking around with a bullseye painted on your shirt.

Lilly Lombard

Sinful Angel
Jan 7, 2007
Ben Dover said:
Cloud -- I think you have a date request :)

Those girls won't mess with you now!!


I was more thinking along the lines of brigning a friend along... altough I could go but it will be more expensive than just 2-3 lapdances. :cool:


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Regular Guy said:
First get rid of the ones who look at you like a butcher reading a "cuts" chart. Do not be flattered by the come-ons. Most often there is nothing personal - just business.

Some ploys you might use:

"I usually like to have a few beers before I look around!"

" Had a rough day and I'd like to unwind a bit before I
think about taking a dance."

" Got a bit of thinking to do about something personal.
Maybe later!" (Don't explain if asked).

These answers are completely judgement neutral. They should not cause offense.

Hello Regular Guy,

Try these:

I just has a serious accident climbing over a high picket fence and I'm
hear to cry to someone about my loss.

If you have gotten your inoculations for the Ebola virus please take a

Hello, I'm here recruiting for a fraternity gangbang. Interested?

Sorry sweetie, I'm the owner's bitch and I don't think you have the right
equipment anyway.

Have you ever considered the fringe benefits of working for the Russian
mafia? Free travel...lots and lots of temporary friends.

Sure you can join me for a drink honey. That will be $25 for the first
20 minutes and $13.55 for our first two drinks. And keep em coming.

Have you seen the news reports of an alert about a sadistic killer who
preys on prostitutes and strippers? I swear it's not me.

You know, I've been looking for a new sugar mama who will take care of
me and satisfy my kinky sexual needs. You with anyone these

What do you think about the cult of sexual vampires? It's so arousing.

Don't you think the Marquis de Sade had a deeper understanding of
women than anyone in history? He's my idol.

Once you go legless you'll never go back.

ba dump da, :D

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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
You are right about that. I agree with this. The one thing is I never ask any girl to sit with me and chat because I know her time is money. Even the girls I want to dance I will not ask them to sit with and chat. But with some regulars they come by and why not if i like their company. But I do not like the girl who gave me her time expects me to dance her. I have to say I have some regulars who always say "hi" to me and we chat a little bit WITHOUT the pressure or "want a dance" routine. They understand and know when I want to dancer her I will ask her and she talks to me out of respect. Also these same girls do not try to sell me BS and are straight up like you are now that it is all about the money ;) . But believe me I learned my lesson the hard way regardless of the girl if I have any doubt to dance her I am gonna say "NO"! Because you never know if this person is overlysensitive or not :cool: .

P.S. I appreciate the professional type girls. No BS with them. These are also the types of girls in my experience to be the least aggressive ;) .

thebitchelor said:
fortunately, I'm more proud of myself and professionnal than that;) cleo its happened once (the guy never promissed me something..but i was sit with him for an hour (usually he was very i aint talking about the money because its the only thing that matter..but i mean i wouldnt stay there an hour if i wasnt sure)..he didnt make me dance that night but he did with 2 others...i never let him know i was mad at him, he isnt my pocket dog..but i never sit with him again (i danced for him several time after...but i never do the same mistake i said, fool me once shame on you..fool me twice, shame on me;) ). But i saw some very agressive girls and i found it (still find it) so (humm..searching my words..) i would never EVER make a fool of me like that..i even dont do it with my man (my boyfriend), do you think ill do it with a client?;)...

This is why you should say politly no..and if she is starting to freak out..tell her" you know what? this is exactly why i dont wanna you to dance for me...if you dont understand what i mean, come with me see the manager, he will make you understand my point of view"


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Your post is as usual bang on and from a neutral perspective. I appreciate your comments :) .

Regular Guy said:
There is no question that strippers can become very aggressive with clients. For me it is a complete turnoff especially if it is accompanied by some plastic insincere come-on. Making a regular out of a dancer can be a recipe for abusive behaviour.
First, dancers can become so territorial over "regulars" that I have seen fights break out between them. Totally stupid but it happens.
Second you are just breeding a sense of ownership or entitlement in that dancer. Make no mistake about it; 9 times out of 10
, her possessiveness is not born out of a desire for you. In most cases you are hamburger with a wallet. Sounds unfeeling? Well, drop dead in there and see how fast many will just step over the body. Now there is about 10 percent of them who are great girls. They respect you enough to allow that you actually understand the realities of the game, even if you don't. But the chances of them arriving at your side first are very slim. You will have to screen them.
First get rid of the ones who look at you like a butcher reading a "cuts" chart. Do not be flattered by the come-ons. Most often there is nothing personal - just business.

Some ploys you might use:

"I usually like to have a few beers before I look around!"

" Had a rough day and I'd like to unwind a bit before I
think about taking a dance."

" Got a bit of thinking to do about something personal.
Maybe later!" (Don't explain if asked).

These answers are completely judgement neutral. They should not cause offense.

As for the girls giving you the cold shoulder. Well the damage is done. Only time will gain you a new ball game with different dancers. Don't get too upset about it. Chances are that you are already ancient history to the girls and new dancers are always showing up.:(


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
And yea...I took your advice and am writing in paragraphs or at least trying to :D .

Dee said:
PS - for Gawd's sake write in paragraphs; they're free you know.
Apr 16, 2005
fortunately, I'm more proud of myself and professionnal than cleo its happened once (the guy never promissed me something..but i was sit with him for an hour (usually he was very i aint talking about the money because its the only thing that matter..but i mean i wouldnt stay there an hour if i wasnt sure)..he didnt make me dance that night but he did with 2 others...i never let him know i was mad at him, he isnt my pocket dog..but i never sit with him again (i danced for him several time after...but i never do the same mistake i said, fool me once shame on you..fool me twice, shame on me )
Just to qualify here, Malika does make a good point. Aside from the business end of it there is a bit of the human element. On a busy night with lots of activity I have noticed girls tending to pick and choose. I can't say why. Perhaps it is just that they may find one guy more interesting than the other. That is a good thing if it is you and the conversation flows easily. In that case you should be sensitive to this. Oddly enough, though dancers are there to make money they can still be sensitive to rejection especially if they approached a customer with a sense that they would be well received. In conversations with dancers this has slipped out once or twice. I don't pretend to understand the thinking behind it completely but I am convinced that it is so just as I may be attracted more to one dancer than another. And there is a sense of pride about getting and keeping guys interested. To this end it is probably a good idea to avoid any doubt about one's intentions in situations such as this.
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Apr 16, 2005
How's that again?

Merlot said:
Hello Regular Guy,

Try these:

I just has a serious accident climbing over a high picket fence and I'm
hear to cry to someone about my loss.

If you have gotten your inoculations for the Ebola virus please take a

Hello, I'm here recruiting for a fraternity gangbang. Interested?

Sorry sweetie, I'm the owner's bitch and I don't think you have the right
equipment anyway.

Have you ever considered the fringe benefits of working for the Russian
mafia? Free travel...lots and lots of temporary friends.

Sure you can join me for a drink honey. That will be $25 for the first
20 minutes and $13.55 for our first two drinks. And keep em coming.

Have you seen the news reports of an alert about a sadistic killer who
preys on prostitutes and strippers? I swear it's not me.

You know, I've been looking for a new sugar mama who will take care of
me and satisfy my kinky sexual needs. You with anyone these

What do you think about the cult of sexual vampires? It's so arousing.

Don't you think the Marquis de Sade had a deeper understanding of
women than anyone in history? He's my idol.

Once you go legless you'll never go back.

ba dump da, :D

Just letting my imagination run wild and I can just hear the replies. I can just see my hair blown back into a lifetime straight perm.:D

GTA refugee

New Member
Feb 29, 2008
Times are getting hard, dancers are getting aggressive.

A while back I went to Cleopatras. That afternoon ther were more girls than there were clients. I later learned that there were quite a few more girls that were not on the floor but were in the club at the time. I took some dances with a lady that was much older than the other girls ( 45 years old ) After 2 dances I got board and tried to give her $20. She demanded $80. I said to her: Oh, maybe I got the price wrong 2 dances for $80, but just to make sure lets ask the manager ! She snatched the $20 out of my hand and said thank you and left. Times are hard for everyone, even the strip clubs are suffering. These girls will try to get your bucks by hook or by crook.


Be aware that these girls may try to ruin your reputation with the other dancers. There are other clubs, and I hope this info makes it back to the owners of Gentlemens Kindom


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
Never got the appeal of strip clubs. You're surrounded by a bunch of naked, semi naked or scantily clad women, you spend a bunch of $$$ on booze and lap dances, and then you go home horny as hell, masturbate and go to bed. Might as well watch porn or call an SP (or both).


Mar 26, 2004
Visit site
Techman said:
I don't see where the girl is being immature. Cloud told her 'yes, I will get you to dance' and then he left! And from his post, it's not the first time he does this. The girl had every right to be pissed off the next time she saw him. If you don't want to get a girl to dance, just say no! Why play games?

Some girls get the impression they 'own' a client because the client lets them feel this way. This is what happens when you always get the same girl to dance every time you see her to the exclusion of all other dancers. Usually when you decide to move on to another favorite there is no real problem. The girl will be a little ticked that you have moved on but she will accept it, it's the nature of the business. But if you promise dances to a girl, especially a regular, and then walk out on her without at least telling her some kind of excuse, tell her don't feel very good, you got an emergency cell phone call and you have to leave...but tell her something. Don't just slink out the door when she's not looking and expect to be welcomed back with open arms the next time.

And don't forget was Valentine's Day. Maybe the girl was feeling a little down to be working and alone. When you walked in she felt that at least there was someone who gave a damn and came to see her. Then you promised to dance her and walked out on her. On Valentine's Day. Real smooth move. Consider yourself lucky she didn't dump your drink in your lap.

Techman's observations are not without some value.

(Parenthetically it was nice to see his usual harshness towards a poster attenuated somewhat by a demonstration of his tender side in his remarks about it being Valentine's Day for the lady in question. I think if we all reflect on it we'll come to the conclusion that Cloud was likely alone, in the same time zone, in a club where women will interact with you for money, and on St Valentine's day. We may be able to spare him a kind thought too.)

In any event, what we should keep in mind in considering Techman's points is that Cloud was reacting to a problem. He's likely a somewhat guileless, gutless guy like many of us. One can criticize his methods of dealing with the problem, but any inadequacies in that regard arise because of the original the manipulation and his attempt (perhaps clumsy) to deal with it without hurt. He didn't start out, ab initio, to hurt anyone or cause the ladies in question any problems.

I wish we all had the toughness and strip club smarts of Techman, but we don't.

Who do you think has suffered more over the situation, the lady or Cloud?


Active Member
May 23, 2005
To answer Dee's above post its Cloud

The girl is just doing her job and if she cant take rejection she's in the

wrong field!

You arent forced to dance any girl at the club, even if she is your regular,

Wow you got ignored my stripper, who cares man, plenty of other girls that

want your business, dont dwell on just that 1.
Apr 16, 2005
In any event, what we should keep in mind in considering Techman's points is that Cloud was reacting to a problem. He's likely a somewhat guileless, gutless guy like many of us. One can criticize his methods of dealing with the problem, but any inadequacies in that regard arise because of the original the manipulation and his attempt (perhaps clumsy) to deal with it without hurt. He didn't start out, ab initio, to hurt anyone or cause the ladies in question any problems.
That does seem to be the case. I am sure that with time, experience and the generosity of spirit of the members here, he will learn the ropes, er pole, so to speak, develop a measured approach to his responses both here and in the clubs and make a welcome addition to the forum.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Dee said:
Techman's observations are not without some value.

(Parenthetically it was nice to see his usual harshness towards a poster attenuated somewhat by a demonstration of his tender side in his remarks about it being Valentine's Day for the lady in question. I think if we all reflect on it we'll come to the conclusion that Cloud was likely alone, in the same time zone, in a club where women will interact with you for money, and on St Valentine's day. We may be able to spare him a kind thought too.)

In any event, what we should keep in mind in considering Techman's points is that Cloud was reacting to a problem. He's likely a somewhat guileless, gutless guy like many of us. One can criticize his methods of dealing with the problem, but any inadequacies in that regard arise because of the original the manipulation and his attempt (perhaps clumsy) to deal with it without hurt. He didn't start out, ab initio, to hurt anyone or cause the ladies in question any problems.

I wish we all had the toughness and strip club smarts of Techman, but we don't.

Who do you think has suffered more over the situation, the lady or Cloud?

Hey Dee!

Look...I'll try to be really sensitive so that I don't offend any metrosexuals who may be reading...If someone can't say no to a dancer in a strip club, then they really have to grow a spine. It must be really hard walking around without one!

Seriously, if you don't want a girl to dance for you just say "No, thanks", or "I'm not really looking for a dance right now" or "I'm really just relaxing right now and haven't decided whether I will get dances or not" or any of the almost infinite ways to say no. The absolute last thing you do is say "Yes" and then slink out the door before she comes back!

Would you order a drink from a waitress in the bar and leave before she comes back?

What does it have to do with toughness or SC smarts to actually be a man? Do some guys check their balls at the coat check along with their coat when they walk into the club? Cloud is no newbie to strip clubs or to dancers. He should know how to say no when he doesn't want a dance.

GTA refugee said:
Be aware that these girls may try to ruin your reputation with the other dancers. There are other clubs, and I hope this info makes it back to the owners of Gentlemens Kindom

What reputation? The reputation of saying yes to dances and then sneaking out? If he was to tell a doorman at Kingdom that he asked a girl to dance and then left and because of that she won't talk to him anymore, they would toss him down the stairs.:cool:

As far as girls who are always hassling clients for dances goes, well they usually aren't the hottest girls in the club or the best in the booth. If they were, they wouldn't be hassling every client all night because they would be in a booth with someone. If they keep bothering you just tell them in no uncertain terms that they aren't your type and you aren't interested. Trust me, she won't come back. It isn't that difficult to do, people!

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