Most escorts I know will go to a private residence if they can verify the address against a phone number on canada411 for example.
The problem is many people only have cell phones so it is impossible to determine whether the call is a prank.
The last thing I want to do is go to a place and either it doesn't exist, or no one answers the door, or you get someone else and it's clear
they didn't call or you get there and it's an apartment building, but they haven't told you the buzzer or apt. number.
If I get a bum call, I am on the hook to my driver to payment whether the call works out or not.
So, I do less and less out-calls to private residences. Out-calls to hotels are much better, because you can verify the person
is in the room, simply by calling the hotel and asking to be connected to their room (which I always do).
If you want to take the lady out for dinner first, it's best for her to meet you at your hotel room and then go from there simply
because you can't "take care of business" in a public place without breaking the law. Choose your companion wisely so she doesn't
"book it" once you hand over the cash and you're out in public. There are lots of back doors to restaurants.
Booking out-calls from cell phones is risky.
In the "old days", we used to look up the person's name and address in the phone book to confirm their number.