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Ad-lib exchanges - July 2007


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
traveller_76 said:
Probably as efficient as logging onto youporn... :D

rumpleforeskiin said:
Works for some. Well, one. Well, ok, maybe it doesn't even work for him.
Here's a way to cure sex addiction. The patient is locked in a room with a loaded gun. He looks back at his life, thinks of what he has accomplished, how close he came to realize his dreams. If after an hour he doesn't blow his brains out, he's cured. On the other hand, if he shoots himself, there's nothing left to cure, so he's cured. Infallible method.
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
GG's "Hypocrisy of Hobbying"

The deafening noise you hear comes from the entire community of hobbyists banging their heads in concert against the wall of exasperation. :rolleyes:

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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uNiQu3 said:
good idea and this from a client point of vue,i meen its not that bad to raise to 200$ if they guarantee a good service i was in vancouver, calgary,edmonton and ontario and they all charge over 250$ and don't have the same service as MTL agencies or girls for that matter , so i don't thing it will hurt the market in MTL.

.Now if i think 160$ a call,minus the girl,adds,driver,receptionist equals not that much in your pockets....And to be fair the point of girl working is to make money so by you guys raising to prise well you know who girls will go see for work..I meen to me i rather payd 200$ to guarantee a real good looking girl and service,i meen we always get that guy that answers the phone that says she is the boom she is this and that, next thing you know she looks like sherk

...So if it guarantee real good GFE service wit some fine ass girls for 40$ more hell why not....Hey if they don't want to raise there prise well like i sayd girls do it for the money so they will move were it pays more...I really find it funny when ppl say it will kill MTL business because every where else in canda is more expensive and worse service...

ether way this is my 2 cent,and like i sayd im a client,calld about most agencies and wont stop calling for 40$ more if the service increases that you? :p


New Member
Jul 20, 2007
Special K said: that you? :p

no actually im a client from some agencies i wont name ,i just dont see why ppl will bash thi9s guy went it does make SOME sence


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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uNiQu3 said:
good idea and this from a client point of vue,i meen its not that bad to raise to 200$ if they guarantee a good service i was in vancouver, calgary,edmonton and ontario and they all charge over 250$ and don't have the same service as MTL agencies or girls for that matter , so i don't thing it will hurt the market in MTL.

.Now if i think 160$ a call,minus the girl,adds,driver,receptionist equals not that much in your pockets....And to be fair the point of girl working is to make money so by you guys raising to prise well you know who girls will go see for work..I meen to me i rather payd 200$ to guarantee a real good looking girl and service,i meen we always get that guy that answers the phone that says she is the boom she is this and that, next thing you know she looks like sherk

...So if it guarantee real good GFE service wit some fine ass girls for 40$ more hell why not....Hey if they don't want to raise there prise well like i sayd girls do it for the money so they will move were it pays more...I really find it funny when ppl say it will kill MTL business because every where else in canda is more expensive and worse service...

ether way this is my 2 cent,and like i sayd im a client,calld about most agencies and wont stop calling for 40$ more if the service increases

Hey Sunny boy, you stick out like a sore thumb, you could have made yourself less obvious by using this site

Special K

‹^› ‹(•¿•)› ‹^›
May 3, 2003
Red Sox Nation
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jackyo8193 said:
There is something to be said for being able to book a chick with FKS, for example, and know you are going to be with someone who is not some random chick who would otherwise be working on a farm milking cows if she weren't servicing you. This is why their premium pricing model works.

Don't knock the farm girls Jackyo, how do you think these gals hone their handjob skills? :p
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Mar 26, 2004
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naughtylady said:
If you really want to save some cash talk to Oliver ;)

How do we know my good friend Oliver isn't really just a shill for the chocolate bar industry??? Maybe this member sells advertising space on his member! :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes: In Quebec they are changing the name of the "Oh! Henry!" bar to "Oh! Oliver!"
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Jul 5, 2004
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martinhemi said:
Pour ceux qui ne le savent pas dans le milieu du commerce légal il est interdit de faire de la spéculation dans le but de faire monter les prix. Si vous pensez que parce que c'est un milieu illégal que vous pouvez le faire et j'espère que vos clients vont aller voir ailleur. Pour ma pare avec les agences que je faisais affaire et qui on augmenter je ne fait plus affaire et j'ai demandé que mon adresse soit retirer de

La ceule chose que je peux dire de bien est que tu nous as averti de la spéculation pour faire monter les prix.

Martinhemi doit probablement avoir eu le même prof de français que Sunny à l'école :D :D :D


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
STD Pandemonium

People have no fear! Our friendly General took charge of the situation like he's on a mission or something: "you might want to get tested for HSV-2. Also, inform all the SPs you have been with since this trio"...

Thanks, my General, we couldn't do it without you. :rolleyes:
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New Member
Feb 28, 2007
À mesure que les fils de discussion disparaissent au moindre accrochage, emportant chaque fois avec eux des renseignements valables, croît en moi l'impression de perdre un temps précieux à mettre à contribution les deux ou trois choses que je sais de l'industrie du sexe et l'expérience de vie acquise tout à la fois à l'université, dans le milieu des affaires et, surtout, directement sur le terrain des plus démunis, des sans-voix et des laissés-pour-compte de cette planète.

Aussi, je prends aujourd'hui le parti de dédier mes prochaines contributions à la gloire de nul autre que le bien-nommé General Gonad, un grand humaniste qui, s'il avait vécu pendant la période de l'entre-deux guerres, aurait certainement fait verdir de gêne un Jean-Paul Sartre voire un Alberrt Camus!

Oyez le messager GOnaD! La foi qu'il professe vous sauvera du marasme; jamais, avant et ailleurs, sermont n'aura atteint avec autant de puissance le plus profond de vos âmes!

Mon Général, j'ai longtemps cherché la façon propice de vous remercier. Aussi, après mûre réflexion - attendez que je prenne la pose de circonstances, c'est fait - j'offre, à vous et à l'ensemble de votre oeuvre, cette oblation de pets, en témoignade de reconnaissance.



New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Had a full scale GFE session with none of anyone's business which cost me $5 worth of iced espresso (top that!). Light kissing, bareback hands-holding (BBHH) and covered foot-rubbing (CFR) were on the menu. Perfect 10's across the board. I pity the rest of you.


Mar 28, 2007
Ziggy Montana said:
Had a full scale GFE session with none of anyone's business which cost me $5 worth of iced espresso (top that!). Light kissing, bareback hands-holding (BBHH) and covered foot-rubbing (CFR) were on the menu. Perfect 10's across the board. I pity the rest of you.
Does she slurp. That's so sexy!


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
traveller_76 said:
And look on the Italian old men's faces trying to watch their soccer game: priceless.

It's the "Forza Juve" tattoo on my date's right shoulder blade that got the Napoli tifosi's attention.
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