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American Politics and Government -- the never-ending struggle

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Nov 12, 2007
Much like how Rush Limbaugh and Micheal Moore are both characters created and played by America's greatest actor Fred Savage...
How much you all want to bet that Daydreamer and rumpleforskin are also characters created and played by Fred Savage.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
You are all out of your effing minds.

Read this article, you Obama drones:

You drones, like always, have it ass backwards.

Hey Gumby,

BTW Mr. God's Gift to misinformation, you guaranteed a huge Romney victory and a total Republican take over of the Congress based on your hah hah insights. The funny thing is I can't find the phrase "President Romney" or "Republican Sweep" on Google or Bing or anywhere. Obviously, you didn't know anything then and don't now. So this..."have it ass backwards" the definition of :crazy: you.

Daydreamer, did you have to get this crazy about losing the election. :nod: :thumb:

Cheers boy,



It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Obviously, you didn't know anything then and don't now.
It is nice, or not, to seem him come out of hibernation now that the thread in which he embarrassed himself so badly has been closed.
May 28, 2012
Facinating Article from PRAVDA:

Global warming, the tool of the West

By Stanislav Mishin

For years, the Elites of the West have cranked up the myth of Man Made Global Warming as a means first and foremost to control the lives and behaviors of their populations. Knowing full well that their produce in China and sell in the West model and its consequent spiral downward in wages and thus standards of living, was unsustainable, the elites moved to use this new "science" to guilt trip and scare monger their populations into smaller and more conservatives forms of living. In other words, they coasted them into the poverty that the greed and treason of those said same elites was already creating in their native lands.

What better way to staunch protests at worsening economic and life conditions than to make it feel like an honourable job/duty of the people to save "Gia". At the same time, they used this "science" as new pagan religion to further push out the Christianity they hate and despise and most of all, fear? Gia worship, the earth "mother", has been pushed in popular culture oozing out of the West for a better part of the past 1.5 decades. This is a religion replete with an army of priests, called Government Grant Scientists.

Various groups have fought back. This is including Russian hackers, who published a huge database of UK government, scientific and university emails depicting the fixing of data to sell Global Warming, er Climate Change (as if it never changed on its own). And while taking hit after hit, the beast, like Al Qaida, will not die. As a matter of fact, the beast is on a steady come back, as it is quite useful during the down times recession. The US alone spends $7 billion each year on warming "studies", which is, in truth, nothing but a huge money laundering operation, as no real science is conducted and vapid alarmist reports the only product generated.

Amongst the newest claims of pending disasters, is a cry that icepacks are now melting at three times the rate of the 1990s, even though there has not been any significant warming in the past 20 years. Greenland's icepack melt off, has been linked to volcanic activity under the ice, heating it. Must be the magmamen and their SUVs. These facts, however, do not faze the Gia crowd and their Elite/Governmental backers. The fact that a super storm hit the NE US is also being played as evidence of GW. Thank God that before GW no such things ever happened. How are they to explain that Russia and Eastern Europe are projected to have the coldest winter in 20 years? Oh, but I doubt my Western readers are even aware of that.

Now, with their economies in a spiral of debt laden, non-manufacturing recession (if not out and out depression), the Elites, who sense they are loosing their grip or toe hold on key economic regions outside their home regions, are once again calling out their inquisitors of Global Warming and sending them towards the developing world.

The first salvo has been fired by a British Warming dandy named Lord Nicholas Stern of Brantford, who as an academic at Whitehall, has made a career and quite a bit of money off of this scam. Lord Stern, a former World Bank chief economist and author of the landmark Stern review of the economics of climate change, was a close associate of Gordon Brown and the Leftists, who with the Tory counterparts and in parallel to the American Democrats/Republicans set up the grand and self destructive economic schemes that have plunged their own nations and many many others into the abyss of poverty.

The good Lord Stern, in commentary on why countries such as Russia, China, India and Brazil, in other words, the BRICs, have to pony up cash and depress their own growth, made this statement for the Guardian paper: "It's a brutal arithmetic - the changing structure of the world's economy has been dramatic. That is something developing countries will have to face up to,"

His premise is that even if you take out the deindustrialized West, run away Global Warming will not stop due to the industrialized world. Its now all the fault of those raising themselves up for the destruction of the world, from the phantom joke of GW. Lord Stern tried to assure that the opening salvo was not a salvo, by stating: "I am not pointing the finger at the developing world, just looking at what is necessary. I am not accusing or proposing, just calculating what is needed [to meet scientific estimates of the emissions cuts needed to avoid dangerous levels of climate change]". More like a calculated accusation. After all, this is not some light weight of the GIA cult, but the movement's chief economist who enjoyed the ear of the UK government: a perfect tool of the Western Elites.

Expect the cries to get louder and more shrill in the months to follow.
May 28, 2012
I like this guy Stanislav Mishin. Kind of the Neal Boorth of PRAVDA:

Americans never give up your guns


By Stanislav Mishin

These days, there are few things to admire about the socialist, bankrupt and culturally degenerating USA, but at least so far, one thing remains: the right to bear arms and use deadly force to defend one's self and possessions.

This will probably come as a total shock to most of my Western readers, but at one point, Russia was one of the most heavily armed societies on earth. This was, of course, when we were free under the Tsar. Weapons, from swords and spears to pistols, rifles and shotguns were everywhere, common items. People carried them concealed, they carried them holstered. Fighting knives were a prominent part of many traditional attires and those little tubes criss crossing on the costumes of Cossacks and various Caucasian peoples? Well those are bullet holders for rifles.

Various armies, such as the Poles, during the Смута (Times of Troubles), or Napoleon, or the Germans even as the Tsarist state collapsed under the weight of WW1 and Wall Street monies, found that holding Russian lands was much much harder than taking them and taking was no easy walk in the park but a blood bath all its own. In holding, one faced an extremely well armed and aggressive population Hell bent on exterminating or driving out the aggressor.

This well armed population was what allowed the various White factions to rise up, no matter how disorganized politically and militarily they were in 1918 and wage a savage civil war against the Reds. It should be noted that many of these armies were armed peasants, villagers, farmers and merchants, protecting their own. If it had not been for Washington's clandestine support of and for the Reds, history would have gone quite differently.

Moscow fell, for example, not from a lack of weapons to defend it, but from the lying guile of the Reds. Ten thousand Reds took Moscow and were opposed only by some few hundreds of officer cadets and their instructors. Even then the battle was fierce and losses high. However, in the city alone, at that time, lived over 30,000 military officers (both active and retired), all with their own issued weapons and ammunition, plus tens of thousands of other citizens who were armed. The Soviets promised to leave them all alone if they did not intervene. They did not and for that were asked afterwards to come register themselves and their weapons: where they were promptly shot.

Of course being savages, murderers and liars does not mean being stupid and the Reds learned from their Civil War experience. One of the first things they did was to disarm the population. From that point, mass repression, mass arrests, mass deportations, mass murder, mass starvation were all a safe game for the powers that were. The worst they had to fear was a pitchfork in the guts or a knife in the back or the occasional hunting rifle. Not much for soldiers.

To this day, with the Soviet Union now dead 21 years, with a whole generation born and raised to adulthood without the SU, we are still denied our basic and traditional rights to self defense. Why? We are told that everyone would just start shooting each other and crime would be everywhere....but criminals are still armed and still murdering and too often, especially in the far regions, those criminals wear the uniforms of the police. The fact that everyone would start shooting is also laughable when statistics are examined.

While President Putin pushes through reforms, the local authorities, especially in our vast hinterland, do not feel they need to act like they work for the people. They do as they please, a tyrannical class who knows they have absolutely nothing to fear from a relatively unarmed population. This in turn breeds not respect but absolute contempt and often enough, criminal abuse.

For those of us fighting for our traditional rights, the US 2nd Amendment is a rare light in an ever darkening room. Governments will use the excuse of trying to protect the people from maniacs and crime, but are in reality, it is the bureaucrats protecting their power and position. In all cases where guns are banned, gun crime continues and often increases. As for maniacs, be it nuts with cars (NYC, Chapel Hill NC), swords (Japan), knives (China) or home made bombs (everywhere), insane people strike. They throw acid (Pakistan, UK), they throw fire bombs (France), they attack. What is worse, is, that the best way to stop a maniac is not psychology or jail or "talking to them", it is a bullet in the head, that is why they are a maniac, because they are incapable of living in reality or stopping themselves.

The excuse that people will start shooting each other is also plain and silly. So it is our politicians saying that our society is full of incapable adolescents who can never be trusted? Then, please explain how we can trust them or the police, who themselves grew up and came from the same culture?

No it is about power and a total power over the people. There is a lot of desire to bad mouth the Tsar, particularly by the Communists, who claim he was a tyrant, and yet under him we were armed and under the progressives disarmed. Do not be fooled by a belief that progressives, leftists hate guns. Oh, no, they do not. What they hate is guns in the hands of those who are not marching in lock step of their ideology. They hate guns in the hands of those who think for themselves and do not obey without question. They hate guns in those whom they have slated for a barrel to the back of the ear.

So, do not fall for the false promises and do not extinguish the light that is left to allow humanity a measure of self respect.

Stanislav Mishin
May 28, 2012
Seems as though some of the girls and boys (Democrats) who Obama promised lollipops to are a little disappointed that they cost money:

Washington Times:
CURL: Obama supporters shocked, angry at new tax increases

Sometimes, watching a Democrat learn something is wonderful, like seeing the family dog finally sit and stay at your command.

With President Obama back in office and his life-saving “fiscal cliff” bill jammed through Congress, the new year has brought a surprising turn of events for his sycophantic supporters.

“What happened that my Social Security withholding’s in my paycheck just went up?” a poster wrote on the liberal site “My paycheck just went down by an amount that I don’t feel comfortable with. I guarantee this decrease is gonna’ hurt me more than the increase in income taxes will hurt those making over 400 grand. What happened?”

Shocker. Democrats who supported the president’s re-election just had NO idea that his steadfast pledge to raise taxes meant that he was really going to raise taxes. They thought he planned to just hit those filthy “1 percenters,” you know, the ones who earned fortunes through their inventiveness and hard work. They thought the free ride would continue forever.

So this week, as taxes went up for millions of Americans — which Republicans predicted throughout the campaign would happen — it was fun to watch the agoggery of the left.

“I know to expect between $93 and $94 less in my paycheck on the 15th,” wrote the ironically named “RomneyLies.”

“My boyfriend has had a lot of expenses and is feeling squeezed right now, and having his paycheck shrink really didn’t help,” wrote “DemocratToTheEnd.”

“BlueIndyBlue” added: “Many of my friends didn’t realize it, either. Our payroll department didn’t do a good job of explaining the coming changes.”

So let’s explain something to our ill-informed Democratic friends. In 2009, Mr. Obama enacted a “holiday” on the payroll tax deduction from employees’ paychecks, dropping the rate from 6.2 percent to 4.2 percent. But like the holidays, the drop ended, and like New Year‘s, the revelers woke up the next morning with a massive hangover and a pounding head.
“Bake,” who may have been trolling the site, jumped into the thread posted Friday. “My paycheck just went down. So did my wife’s. This hurts us. But everybody says it’s a good thing, so I guess we just suck it up and get used to it. I call it a tax increase on the middle class. I wonder what they call it. Somebody on this thread called it a ‘premium.’ Nope. It’s a tax, and it just went up.”
Some in the thread argued that the new tax — or the end of the “holiday,” which makes it a new tax — wouldn’t really amount to much. One calculated it would cost about $86 a month for most people. “Honeycombe8,” though, said that amount is nothing to sneeze at.
“$86 a month is a lot. That would pay for … Groceries for a week, as someone said. More than what I pay for parking every month, after my employer’s contribution to that. A new computer after a year. A new quality pair of shoes … every month. Months of my copay for my hormones. A new thick coat (on sale or at discount place). It would pay for what I spend on my dogs every month … food, vitamins, treats.”
The Twittersphere was even funnier.
“Really, how am I ever supposed to pay off my student loans if my already small paycheck keeps getting smaller? Help a sister out, Obama,” wrote “Meet Virginia.” “Nancy Thongkham” was much more furious. “F***ing Obama! F*** you! This taking out more taxes s*** better f***ing help me out!! Very upset to see my paycheck less today!”

Couldn't happen to a better bunch of folks!!


New Member
Jan 21, 2012
West Island
You can't quote China as a shining Example having been there corruption is rampant. There are more millionaires in Bejing and Shanghai than New York and Washington.
Private enterprize in China is thriving state controlled business are floundering.
If you buy a car ( Chinese citizens or Expats with a Residents permit only allowed to drive ) there is a 85% tax and gasoline is not much cheaper than in US.
OK China is an ecconomic power house just now same as Japan was in the 60(s) and 70(s) If USA wants to get back on its feet it will need another Civil war to do it.
So called American companies out sourcing the work world wide importing parts to USA assembling it in US and Canada and calling it American made is the biggest problem.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Facinating Article from PRAVDA:

Global warming, the tool of the West

Amongst the newest claims of pending disasters, is a cry that icepacks are now melting at three times the rate of the 1990s, even though there has not been any significant warming in the past 20 years.

I guess some can't even read a graph !

2012 gave us 327th consecutive months in which the temperature of the entire globe exceeded the 20th-century average, the odds of which occurring by simple chance were 3.7 x 10-99, a number considerably larger than the number of stars in the universe.

But then again, 2+2 can b difficult 4 some.


New Member
Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
The excuse that people will start shooting each other is also plain and silly.

April 12th 1861.

It's a 3rd grade education subject.
Kids are usually 8 – 9 years old when they learn about the civil war in school.

In mathematics, they are usually introduced to multiplication and division facts at this age.
It's in 3rd grade that kids learn about Weather and climate and the concept of atoms and molecule lik oxygen, hydrogen.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
Meanwhile, the President's approval rating continues to soar. Now at 56%, its highest level in almost four years.
May 28, 2012
Seem Nancy Pelosi didn't read the Obamacare Bill:

From Brieitbart Today:

Good news -- it has become known that hidden deep within the massive 2800-page bill called Obamacare there is a Senate Amendment protecting the right to keep and bear arms.

It seems that in their haste to cram socialized medicine down the throats of the American people, then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and Barack Obama overlooked Senate amendment 3276, Sec. 2716, part c.

According to reports, that amendment says the government cannot collect "any information relating to the lawful ownership or possession of a firearm or ammunition."

CNN is calling it "a gift to the nation's powerful gun lobby."

And according to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), that's exactly right. He says he added the provision in order to keep the NRA from getting involved in the legislative fight over Obamacare, which was so ubiquitous in 2010.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Hello Gentle,

I saw a very short clip of this interview in CNN this morning. It was too short to get a good fix on who or what kind of guy Alex Jones is. I'm sure those who favor guns loved his "approach" to the interview. But as a gun owner he sure came off as the poster boy for who NOT to have a gun. Sure he's angry as hell at Piers Morgans viewpoint, but when one goes on national television you are representing your cause and acting manically angry with a threatening temperament only held back by the sure presence of numerous security personnel can only be damaging to what he represented. Can anyone feel comfortable this guy has more than 50 guns when he makes nationally broadcast threats to fight and to make a revolution.

He was so bad that Conservative conspiracy theorist Henry Makow disowned him, calling him a deliberate "patsy" and an "agent" of the system trying to eliminate guns.

When someone watches the news, they expect certain things, usually - cool, calm, objective reporting. This is why they watch the news. People who like shouting will watch WWE, and we all know thats fake right? Imagine watching a political debate and Romney starts screaming in Obama's face. Obama of course just sits there, without fear, and takes it. This is taking the higher ground. Jones was there to look bad, and to make Piers look good. Jones was there to look like an idiot, a bully, and a psycho. Jones was there to be the patsy. Now whether or not what he said was true, it was the delivery that mattered. I cannot state this enough, Jones is an agent of the system, not of truth.

Makow admits in every detail that Jones was a total disaster as a gun proponent, but totally dodges his responsibility to represent the pro-gun side in any rational way that would help the gun cause by accusing everyone but Jones of another conspiracy. In so doing Makow continues to make the pro-gun side appear entirely irresponsible for their choices. In sum the pro-gun side has been made to look completely delusional in dealing with any reality. The way they unashamedly deny responsibility for their own actions you would think 6 and 7-year-olds brought in the monster and demanded to be killed. It's the same otherworldly failure in perspectives by hardline Conservatives that pushed the election to President Obama by looking them look like they've lost touch with reality and have nothing but fear to offer. The damage they do to themselves makes them their own worst problem.


May 28, 2012
Leave it to a Texas Conservative to be clear, concise and powerful in the face of Liberal Mass Mob Mentality Emotionalism when explaining why additional gun control is of little value:

This is the problem that Obama faces. You see he rules by emotionalism and the mob mentality. Not by common sense. The further away (timewise) that we get from Sandy Hook and the more Gun Advocates are allowed to make their case, the more people will stop thinking with their emotions and begin thinking rationally.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
Leave it to a Texas Conservative to be clear, concise and powerful in the face of Liberal Mass Mob Mentality Emotionalism when explaining why additional gun control is of little value:

This is the problem that Obama faces. You see he rules by emotionalism and the mob mentality. Not by common sense. The further away (timewise) that we get from Sandy Hook and the more Gun Advocates are allowed to make their case, the more people will stop thinking with their emotions and begin thinking rationally.

Back with the fucking blog, eh? Fine I'll bite CS...

I find you totally hilarious how you constantly and completely project your own state of mind upon those that are in opposition to your personal views.

Here you are saying how your ''opposition'', in this case people of a liberal bent, are succombing to emotionalism and a mob mentality. Isn't that exactly what the pro-gun side are doing right now, being completely emotional to the point of irrationality, where they are letting themselves be whipped into a frenzy out of the fear that the government is coming after them, will take away all of their rights and imprison them or kill them, will take away all of their guns thereby leaving them totally defenseless when finally the fascistic forces of their own government will come after them?

The mob mentality is stoked daily by the right-wing media which no doubt you listen to religiously, it appears...

So which side is actually proving to be using common sense more, I ask you? The one that is whipped into a panic out of the fear of having their phallic symbols, sorry I meant guns, confiscated despite the constant and overwhelming evidence that the US has too many guns in circulation (even last week on Piers Morgan's show, it is reiterated that the US has a gun mortality rate of 11 000 per year while the UK had about 35 per year).

emotionalism by the liberal side, right? So why is it the right wingers are completely going out of their minds with worry, despite the lack of any bill or law proposal on any judicial table remotely discussing gun control at this very moment?

Yes, Obama did a speech a couple of weeks ago just after the Sandy Hook massacre proposing a new look into gun laws...Would reinstating the old ban on assault weapons NOT be a good and sensible thing? Or are you completely satisfied with the current status quo which permits the average citizen to harbour over 50 guns inside of their home (as the total nutcase Alex Jones claims), to buy RPGs and fully-automatic Kalishnikovs and M-16s?

But no,. you are being sensible and rational, you are perfectly fine with having unlimited access to ANY and ALL weapons in rural and urban areas...


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
The thing is, spiffy, that Mr. Escapee-from-the-nutblogs, is so out to lunch that his dribble warrants no response. I've chosen to ignore him and let him blather on in the darkness, a lonely old man reminiscent of Krapp (see: Beckett). If you should choose to do the same, perhaps he'll just go away.

OK, I know it's hard to ignore his foolishness. His comment that Obama "rules" by emotionalism so far off base that it goes beyond the laughable. This man puts more thought and deliberation into his actions than any president in memory.

We want to see that they go into responsible hands, not freaking psychos.
Are you suggesting that they should take away CS Martin's guns? :lol:


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
i still don't know much about American government
True, but as your brain hasn't been polluted by a whole host of nutblogs, you still know more than CS.

Same old, same old.:rolleyes:

The White house HAS NOT called for a gun ban.
Nope and that's where the POTUS and I differ. I'd stop making the fucking things. Who needs a weapon anyway? Personally, I prefer peace, love and flowers. (Not to mention dope, sex and cheap thrills.)
May 28, 2012
You got to love it:

Since the major portion of Obamacare has gone into force the low wage earner moms have seen:
1) Their hours cut to 28 maximum in order not for the employer not to have to furnish health insurance
2) Social security tax increase of 2% over last year via the expiration of the SS Holiday which means a big hit to their net paycheck

Unfortunately the single mother in the above the video has seen her paycheck cut by $200 per week. But Obama doesn't have a War of Women does it??

Put that together with the above restrictions on gun registrations and wa-la instant supidity of Obamacare.....LOL
May 28, 2012
And the beat goes on:

Breaking news! Chief Justice of the Supreme Court John Roberts schedules a case by Attorney Taitz regarding Obama’s forged IDs to be heard in conference before the full Supreme Court

Posted on | January 9, 2013 | 226 Comments

Press release!

Law offices of Orly Taitz

Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States John Roberts scheduled a case by attorney Orly Taitz dealing with Barack Hussein Obama’s use of forged IDs to be heard in conference before the full Supreme Court. The case titled Noonan, Judd, MacLeran, Taitz v Bowen provides a mountain of evidence of Barack Obama using a last name not legally his, forged Selective Service application, forged long form and short form birth certificate and a Connecticut Social Security number 042-68-4425 which was never assigned to him according to E-Verify and SSNVS. Additionally, this case provides evidence of around one and a half million invalid voter registrations in the state of California alone.

Please, keep in mind, Richard Nixon was reelected and sworn in, but later was forced to resign as a result of Watergate. over 30 high ranking officials of Nixon administration including Attorney General of the United States and White HouseCcounsel were indicted, convicted and went to prison. ObamaForgery gate is a hundred times bigger then Watergate. More corrupt high ranking officials, US Attorneys, AGs and judges were complicit, committed high treason by allowing a citizen of Indonesia and possibly still a citizen of Kenya Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barack (Barry) Soebarkah, aka Barack (Barry) Soetoro to usurp the U.S. Presidency by use of forged IDs and a stolen Social security number is to immediately intervene at any violation of the US Constitution or the US laws. Your whistle blower duties of the Law and Constitution watchers obligate you to promptly react and stop progression of crimes brought to your attention.

A ruling should be made TODAY since most of this data has been out for many years and recent data shows conclusively that there have been failures in the checks and balances of our 3 branches of government.

It has been approximately 1424 days or more and the American Citizens can’t get another American citizen with a fiduciary duty to review grievances in a “timely manner”… To look at emergency data… To look at the reports in the judicial records about the crime threatening the national security!

TOTALLY AND UTTERLY Unacceptable to look at the data after the inauguration day.

From a nation of laws we turned into an illegal entity, a laughing stock, incapable to verify and expose the crimes being committed in the full light of the day. DO YOUR DUTY NOW!

Additional Info from my private news sources, but confirmed by myself personally: In other news, related or unrelated, at least one of Florida's Clerks of Courts had her entire staff (everyone from the lowest clerk to heads of departments) busily copying and certifying over 15,000 separate documents for an unnamed federal trial. All other work in that courthouse litterally came to a standstill during this time period.


It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
Where I belong.
And the beat goes on
It sure does!! You are the irony king!!

For those who are unfamiliar with Orly Taitz, she's an attorney and a dentist. She's almost as whacked out of her skull as Donald Trump and CS Martin. Here's what a reliable source has to say about the above:

"Birther queen Orly Taitz is celebrating a routine U.S. Supreme Court decision to refer her petition, which asks the court to overturn President Barack Obama's election, to a February conference of the justices.

Taitz posted on her website Wednesday afternoon that the Supreme Court will discuss a case she filed on behalf of three minor presidential candidates -- including a federal prison inmate -- at their conference Feb. 15. The court's website confirms that Taitz's case, which she submitted to Chief Justice John Roberts' office last month, has been placed on the Feb. 15 conference agenda and has been distributed to the nine justices for consideration.

The roughly 10,000 petitions that the court receives annually are referred to the regular conference meetings for discussion, then around 100 are picked by the justices for oral arguments and a final decision. The votes of four justices in the conference are needed to schedule arguments. The scheduling comes a week after another birther activist suggested impeaching Roberts if he attempted to swear-in Obama later this month."

Ms. Taitz will get approximately 14 seconds of the court's time, so 14 seconds more than CS Martin deserves of any of ours. Jeez.
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