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American Politics and Government -- the never-ending struggle

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Dec 1, 2011
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More from a nutcase...for our nutcase out here !

The douche actually said that the gov. is waging a chemical warfare against its citizens to make them more 'gay' ! :rolleyes:

BTW aside from paranoia... this guy must have serious brain damage !
And he's exactly the exemple of the guy who's background should have been checked b4 he was able to get guns.

I do hope this will be put up front (since even the NRA is asking for it) and he will actually loose his privilege to buy and keep guns !
I know if I was in the USA I would start a petition for this guy to be stripped of any rights to bear, buy and keep arms.
He's actually the living exemple of why too many individual rights is dangerous for the community !

As for bringing back this Obama's fake ID paranoia ? my GAWD ! Talk about goof balls ! :lol:
May 28, 2012
On the brighter side, it's nice when the interests of hunting enthusiasts coincide with those of environmentalists.

Florida's 'Python Challenge' draws adrenaline junkies, eco-warriors

The chance to traipse through Florida's Everglades in search of wild pythons up to 15 feet long has attracted nearly 700 thrill-seekers from throughout the county.

The Sunshine State is offering cash prizes in the month-long “Python Challenge,” which begins tomorrow and is aimed at helping to control the exploding population of the non-native Burmese pythons, which have devastated Florida's eco-system. Anyone is eligible for the hunt, so long as they participated in a 30 minute course and paid a $25 fee - barriers which did not deter Ron Powell..

“The truth, I’m entering out of boredom," said Powell, 58, a retired firefighter who lives in Bradenton. "I’m a 40-year-old adrenaline junkie and I just retired. You can only fish and play golf so often. I’m looking forward to being down in the glades.”

Andres Schabelman, a 28-year-old Harvard graduate living in San Francisco, is making the trip out of a desire to help Florida's ecology.

“We were motivated by helping with the sustainability of the ecosystem,” said Schabelman, who will make his way down to Florida next weekend with three-like minded friends. “We are going in with excitement, but also caution. We have been working on a plan of attack.

“I’m fairly aware of the dangers that exist in the wild," he added. "We will be doing things the proper way.”

Carli Segelson, spokeswoman for the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission, which is sponsoring the contest, said cash prizes of up to $1,500 will be given to hunters who catch the largest and most pythons. The pythons that have nearly eradicated entire native species such as deer, bobcats and rabbits are believed to be traceable to abandoned pets and pythons released from a breeding facility destroyed during Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

The U.S. Geological Survey has estimated that as many as 100,000 exist in the Everglades. Although the snakes are not venomous, experts say they could potentially pose a deadly threat to small children. They kill by squeezing, then swallowing, their prey.

“Aside from the obvious goal of reducing the Burmese python population in the Everglades, we also hope to educate the public about Burmese pythons in Florida and how people can help limit the impact of this and other invasive species in Florida,” Segelson said. “We are also using the Challenge to gauge the effectiveness of using an incentive-based model as one tool to address a challenging invasive species management problem."

The online tutorial recommends that hunters use machetes to decapitate their quarry, or dispatch them with bullets.

Some critics, mainly People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, have spoken out against the hunt saying that decapitation of the snakes—which is considered a valid form of euthanization for the hunt—is borderline barbaric and sent a letter to Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission earlier this week.

"This bounty hunt is misguided in the first place, but allowing hunters to decapitate pythons—who remain alive and in agony and who will writhe for an hour even after their heads have been cut off—is despicably cruel," PETA President Ingrid E. Newkirk in a released statement. "Many of these animals were once someone's 'pets,' who have since been thrown out like garbage, and the FWC has an obligation to ensure that they don't suffer any more than they already have."

Officials for PETA urged the wildlife commission to curb the recommended method to kill pythons to “immediate destruction of the brain by gunshot or captive-bolt gun.”

Although PETA is concerned about the methods being used. I happen to agree:

Seems to me that bounties are unnessary, as true hunters do it for the sport. I also happen to disagree with the decapitation of these beasts from two perspectives: 1) It's just plain cruel and barbaric 2) Seems to me that shooting or bolting would add more sport to the hunt.
May 28, 2012
May I ask what the python thing have to do in this thread? Something to do with the sneaky ways of a certain former US administration?

Well, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (is a political organization) that is engaging in "Conservation of the Everglades" (the subject of much political activity)by virtue of this "Python Program". The Everglades was the subject of quite a bit of conservation efforts by various parts of both the Federal Government and private Political Groups ( ). These efforts have to date been considered quite a success and the various parties seem to be following through on their commitments. In fact, I think that these governmental efforts have been quite a national showcase for something done right in creating Everglades National Park ( ). The Python problem has grown to be quite an environmental problem that threatens the ecosystem. PETA, A Political Origanization to some and a terrorist organization to others, has written a letter (writing a letter to a government agency is considered to be Politics) to the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission objecting to the methods being used to handle this issue.

The letter is here: Thus we have twopolitical issues (1. The wisdom of the program in general 2. Methods of the Progam), but I was only commenting on #2.

The title of this thread is: "American Politics and Government-- the never-ending struggle". I've highlighted the words that the above mentioned explanation has in common with this title. I stated the issue I was concerned about at the end of my orginal post. Have I explained my reasons for posting this story to your satisfaction. Let me know if you need any further explanation.

Your post seems to indicate that you might not understand that Politics don't have to directly address any adminsitration. We do have other politicians and political matters. I'll admit that it could be appended to the discussion on guns and the use of guns in our society, but frankly the method of chopping a snake's head off seemed barbaric.

Here's a list of National & International Political Organizations that deem this project to be of National Significance:


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It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
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Al Gore is Richer than Mitt Romney
He certainly is. Just goes to show that you don't have to outsource tens of thousands of jobs to China and put tens of thousands of Americans out of work in order to get rich.

Did the article say anything about Gore stashing his money in the Cayman Islands?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Hello Rumps,

It didn't say anything about cheating on taxes like Romney.

Congratulations to Al Gore. In one fell swoop he teaches Romney how to make a fortune cleanly. So the Romney business model of leveraging companies into bankruptcy and outsourcing jobs to other countries isn't necessary to make a fortune. One can do it honestly after all. Dayd reamer and the Republicans should be proud of a man like Gore who succeeded in the American Dream and didn't step on anyone to do it.


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Aug 26, 2005
And now that Susan Rice has been effectively pummeled out of contention for the job of Secretary of State by the disingenuously outraged (by disingenuous, read that as faking it like his life depended on it!!) John McCain, lo and behold: John Kerry has clinched the deal and will be appointed just in time for the inauguration.

And not one more word out of McCain and his sycophants about Bengazi in the last few weeks...just like I had predicted... Now shall we go for broke and place a ton of money that the recently-defeated Scott Brown, beaten so handily by Elizabeth Warren in Massachussets just a few months ago, will make a go for Kerry's seat when it becomes up for grabs. And I'll just bet you McCain will be stumping hard for his re-instatement, and that ''an unprecedented'' amount of campaign funds will help secure his return to the Mass. senate?

AAAAAANNNNNDDDDD.... that you and I won't hear about Bengazi in the media, and listen to McCain whipping the crowd into a frenzy with fake concern for what happened to the four doomed people... (yet at the same time, forgetting to do the same for the 20 dead children from just before X-mas, for the murdered congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, and for ALL the other occuring tragedies that appear in the news)...

I guess it's too easy for the rubes to fall for a bunch of hokum and blarney when it's packaged just so... I guess P.T. Barnum did get it right!!


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Hello Rumps,

It didn't say anything about cheating on taxes like Romney.


Come on, Merlot. Romney didn't cheat on his taxes. Do you really believe that LEFT WING PROPAGANDA, even though you are from the Lefty state of MA? :noidea:


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CS Martin caught on tape!!!
Don't miss this.

CS was returned to his padded cell immediately after the taping, so we should be safe for a little while longer.

Oh, wow, rumps, is this your sad attempt of humor?

It's not too funny, as always. You're guilty of character assassination, rumps. The guy in the video seems to be a bit of a skin head. CS is nothing like that. CS is a good guy. He can't help it if you can't comprehend's his common sense.


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He certainly is. Just goes to show that you don't have to outsource tens of thousands of jobs to China and put tens of thousands of Americans out of work in order to get rich.

Did the article say anything about Gore stashing his money in the Cayman Islands?

Well, rumps, Gore got his money by making up JUNK SCIENCE and profiting by it. I guess you admire frauds like Gore.


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth

Come on, Merlot. Romney didn't cheat on his taxes. Do you really believe that LEFT WING PROPAGANDA, even though you are from the Lefty state of MA? :noidea:

Your election perceptions and guaranteed election predictions proved once and for all you have NO CLUE what you are talking about. Also, I've never seen even one second of and never listen to MSNBC, which would be the closest "Left Wing" equivalent of the atrocious Fox News. Look in the mirror DD, you're a Fox parrot, nothing more. Try answering without the cracker in your beak.

And not one more word out of McCain and his sycophants about Bengazi in the last few weeks...just like I had predicted... Now shall we go for broke and place a ton of money that the recently-defeated Scott Brown, beaten so handily by Elizabeth Warren in Massachusetts just a few months ago, will make a go for Kerry's seat when it becomes up for grabs. And I'll just bet you McCain will be stumping hard for his re-instatement, and that ''an unprecedented'' amount of campaign funds will help secure his return to the Mass. senate?

Well, it was a solid win, but I sure wouldn't characterize the Warren v Brown result as a landslide. It was not so comfortable just a week to 10 days before the election. It only became fairly clear very late. But yeah, there is no name that jumps to the front of the list for Democrats and Brown is a very well known entity. Brown's big problem was the close association with the Tea Party. If he were to dump the extremist slant and run more like a moderate he would be more acceptable to voters. That would not mean an automatic win since it would depend on the opponent and the character of each campaign.

Apart from the blind hyperbole and divisiveness of Conservative extremists who see Massachusetts as a Communist haven, people forget Massachusetts has been open to Republican Senators and Governors. Republican Senator Ed Brooke got elected in the "Hey Day" of the Kennedy clan and stayed in office for 12 years. Republican William Weld won two terms as Governor, winning the second with 71% in the most lopsided gubernatorial election in state history and only left office to challenge John Kerry for his Senate seat. They are not rare examples.

It is funny how the crisis in Benghazi has quieted so much now that Susan Rice has been ejected from the scene and a Democratic Senate seat is being vacated to fill in the seat as U.S. Secretary of State. Maybe if the slaughter of 20 young children had created the opportunity to open up more government seats the Republicans could try to gain then they might take an interest in those dead kids.

CS Martin caught on tape!!!
Don't miss this.

CS was returned to his padded cell immediately after the taping, so we should be safe for a little while longer.

It's always interesting how people like James Yeager cling so devotedly to the Constitution word for word in the 2nd Amendment then resolve their disputes by junking other Constitutional protections and guarantees like due process. Like CS he conjures up boogie men specters coming to seize their guns like ghouls in the night, when the worst the government could legally do is stop sales...NOT seize their guns. Does he really not get it that "I will shoot you" is not different than the actions of those crazed killers who created this issue.

However, just like Alex Jones who made such a threatening and psychologically unbalanced performance on national television on Piers Morgan that other Conservative government conspiracy theorists rushed to disown him as a government plant, the kind of approach and attitude displayed by Yeager is so threatening and so psychologically unstable that his defense style is his own worst enemy...a justification for doing exactly what he fears. The so-called Left doesn't have to do a darn thing to argue for tougher guns restriction when these guys are inadvertently and ironically making such a great case to push results that way. Even their pals are worried about their effect on the outcome.




It's a whole new ballgame
Jan 20, 2007
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I suppose it is possible to be a good guy and unhinged at the same time. Look at you. (Except for the good guy part, natch.)

Personal attacks? Huh, rumps? I guess you can't expect anything else from someone like you.
May 28, 2012
Oh, wow, rumps, is this your sad attempt of humor?

It's not too funny, as always. You're guilty of character assassination, rumps. The guy in the video seems to be a bit of a skin head. CS is nothing like that. CS is a good guy. He can't help it if you can't comprehend's his common sense.

Thanks for the nice words DD. I guess that even though I've put him on ignore, Rumps seems to be continuing his personal attacks on not only myself but some others. Apparently this attack has not caught the eye of the Moderators. Seems to me that this particular post breaks at least two rules. The one about posting lies & misinformation; the one about personal attacks. I didn't publish the names of those I've put on ignore as this makes Mod 11 mad, even though it doesn't seem breach any of the rules. Apparently he believes this is a violation of the "spirit" of the rules.

Based upon Mod 11's persistant questioning of many of my posts that he's unclear about, I wouldn't want to make him work any harder in interpeting the rules.

Apparently Mod 8 is not going to take any action either despite my last ban which was due to what he interpeted as a "personal attack" also in a "poliitical thread". Funny how that works.......LOL

You know what the Conservatives say, "If the Libs can't beat you they simply seek to wipe you out by any & all means".

Again, thank you!! Coming from someone as well informed and logical as you, I deem it to be a high compliment.


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Dec 1, 2011
Montreal & Toronto
Yet another add from the NRA that shoot itself in the foot.
More and more, these people looks like the kind of 'radicals' we find in some religious group in other parts of the world.

There will come a time when they will have to be put on a 'terrorist list' if it goes on like that !
I sure ain't doin' any business anymore with any member of the NRA or the like of members of "Gun owners of America".

I will implement a system to impose a contract statement on anyone making business with me same as everyone on the FTO (list of designated terrorist organizations).

It's over ! I had enough of that sh!t !

My campaign ad to all my customers will use the same acronym as the Republican party but will be "Guns Or Pussy" !
Can't have both !


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007

So here is a report from MSNBC that says that Adam Lanza never used what leftists refer to as an assault rifle. His AR-15 never left the trunk of his car. WTF? Can this be true? Why were we led to believe that these murders were committed with an AR-15? Is this just another war on responsible gun owners by the left wing American Media? Oh well, As the President says, maybe banning AR's will save just one life. If that is true lets ban subway cars, autos, knives, wine, cigarettes, big rocks and really big sticks and gasoline (maybe we can limit gas cans to 1 gallon only).

Let us not forget what George Mason said about the 2nd amendment. He said "I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."

This is the purpose of the 2nd amendment. It is just as important as the first amendment. These laws that Obama proposes is nothing but feel good legislation that will take guns away from the wrong people. Do you want to make people more safe? Do away with gun free zones and stop making celebrities out of mad gunmen.

If you leftists in the North East where allive 235 years ago there would have never been a revolution. Those who would give up liberty for security deserve neither.


New Member
Aug 26, 2005
I love how you're equating 11 000 deaths per year in the US as the quest for americans to preserve their liberty!!

It's funny how in Canada we feel just as free as you do, yet a minuscule fraction of our population dies in comparison (don't know about recently, but there were 800 in 2002)...
Explain why don't you why guns should be exempt from legislation and control, yet cars are not, alcool is not, drugs are not...

Oh that's right, you must get ready for the day that your government will come and herd you into trucks on your way to concentration camps...
Do me a favour, read that out loud to yourself a few times, then try to convince yourself you don't sound like a paranoid looney tune, 'kay?


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
Oh crap,

So here is a report from MSNBC that says that Adam Lanza never used what leftists refer to as an assault rifle.

Let us not forget what George Mason said about the 2nd amendment. He said "I ask, Sir, what is the militia? It is the whole people. To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them."

This is the purpose of the 2nd amendment. It is just as important as the first amendment. These laws that Obama proposes is nothing but feel good legislation that will take guns away from the wrong people. Do you want to make people more safe? Do away with gun free zones and stop making celebrities out of mad gunmen.

If you leftists in the North East where allive 235 years ago there would have never been a revolution. Those who would give up liberty for security deserve neither.

Hello Hungry,

I have never seen a minute of MSNBC. From everything I read it's too slanted to the Left,'s got an obvious agenda.

I don't give a damn what the monster used. It was a gun, pure and simple. The argument that "Guns don't kill people, people kill people" is contradictorily self-defeating baloney in first place. If people kill people then it's idiotic to arm those who are the problem, according to the NRA's own favorite excuse line. The idea that the report of which gun was used makes a difference is nuts. They're dead and it was done with a gun. Even if everyone was just wounded it wouldn't change how horrendous that attack was.

Why is it pro-gun people have never posted one word of sympathy for the 20 children and 8 teachers who are DEAD!!! All you do is worry about how the bloodily massacred bodies might result in the loss of your guns. It's people like you who don't relate to the loss of human life, very young life, don't seem to care about the deaths after a horrendous tragedy, that are scary, who should not have guns. Those hyper-reactionary kooks who create conspiracy fantasies and threaten to kill people to keep their guns are exactly the paranoid unstable kind who should never have a gun.

So who are the "wrong people". You mean the honest, hard working, never committed a crime mother who avidly trained her son to handle the weapons properly and mean the mother of the monster. Doesn't work does it. Once the gun is sold it could fall into anyone's hands and that's the problem.

The idea that the Founding Fathers always knew what they were talking about is a fallacy. Creating a Democracy was an experiment which the Founding Fathers could not know would work, or what were the best laws to have. If your argument is that Founding Fathers were infallible and every law is sacrosanct then we should still have slavery, there would be no equal protection under the law, women should not vote, indeed any man who does not own land should not vote. Obviously, there were critical flaws created by our Fathers like Mason in the Constitution or there would not have been 17 new Amendments added after it as written.

Besides that, militias have been a very consistent failure as I have described in accurate detail. You guys get a hard-on owning a gun, but let someone point one at you and you go limp, and turn YELLOW.

You're absolutely right that the laws proposed are little more than "feel good legislation". But since confiscation of assault rifles is impossible the idea of ending production of such ammunition would be more effective.

The Northeast was the engine that started the American Revolution, and that Revolution was fought for the right of self-government, NOT so anyone could own guns, 300,000,000 guns. BTW - Romney lost the entire west coast, nearly all of the midwest, and a number of interior western states. These blanket statements about Liberals are "feel good" nonsense that don't deal with reality. I know plenty of lifelong Democrats who own guns...I did once.

There are those who feel that the second amendment is written in stone...

It's not. It could be altered by another amendment through a long and tough process requiring 38 states to agree/ratify before it passed. This would NEVER happen in this case.


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