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Anthony Bourdain RIP


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I also tend to believe this suicide was spontaneous and impulsive. It may have been that he had a real crappy day and acted out in an impulsive manner. For all that we know he may have decided to hang himself, changed his mind about it, and then accidentally slipped off a chair and hanged himself. He could have just been fooling around while drunk. It also could be autoerotic asphyxia resulting in an accident, which is how Michael Hutchence of INXS managed to kill himself. Not all acts of suicide are necessarily intentional.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
In the U.S. the federal agency that tracks suicides is the CDC (Centers for Disease Control & Prevention). The CDC publishes a newsletter called Vital Signs and coincidentally the current issue covers the topic of suicides.

One of the graphics that accompanies the article lists "major factors contributing to suicide." Number one on the list is "relationship problem" and the third factor is "crisis in the past or upcoming two weeks."

Based on what we know about Bourdain and his current and past life circumstances, it seems certain that he was going through a crisis with Argento, a woman with whom he was deeply in love. None of the other contributing factors seem to have been present in Bourdain's life at the time of his suicide (he had a drug problem in the past).

Many factors contribute to suicide among those with and without mental health conditions

Relationship problem (42%)
Problematic substance use (28%)
Crisis in the past or upcoming two weeks (29%)
Criminal legal problem (9%)
Physical health problem (22%)
Loss of housing (4%)
Job/Financial problem (16%)

Tomato Soup

New Member
Feb 3, 2011
Fame and fortune does not = happiness. Traveling around the world non stop to make his TV programs can be exhausting. He may not have been happy.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Bruce Elliott is an artist and the owner of a famous bar in Chicago called the Old Town Ale House. The bar was featured in an episode of one of Anthony Bourdain's TV show and Elliott got to know Bourdain as a friend. Elliott writes a blog and he made some interesting observation's about Bourdain suicide and his relationship with Argento:

... When I saw the 2016 show Anthony did in Italy with actress Asia Argento I was disturbed by the way Anthony fawned over the nicotine-voiced Argento. I was disgusted when she said in a cavalier manner, "Everyone's got a little fascist in them," and then later, with contempt, "I never vote. There's no reason to vote." At the time it seemed like Anthony looked at her with gentleness bordering on pity."
After the Italian show I asked someone who worked with Anthony, "Do you know Asia?"

"I know very little good of her. She's got Tony wrapped around her finger. It's sad, very sad."

In almost every photo you see of her she's got a cigarette in her hand. She also has a massive tattoo above her tits. The tattoo, whatever it's supposed to depict, is not the least becoming [I agree, it's ugly beyond description]. Before he hooked up with Argento, Anthony never struck me as a touchy-feely kind of guy. And then practically overnight there he was being photographed cavorting around with her like a pair of high school juniors.

Don't get me wrong, I've had more than my share of goofy, borderline insane relationships with the opposite sex; but even at my absolute teenage worst I never partook in unseemly, vulgar displays of public affection. I was embarrassed for 61 year old Anthony Bourdain when I saw this photo of him with the 42 year old Argento.

Argento was virtually unknown in the US before the Me Too Movement flexed it's muscles. Argento and Rose McGowan were featured in a New Yorker article written by Ronan Farrow about Harvey Weinstein. They described in graphic detail what Movie mogul Harvey Weinstein had done to them. The article sent shock waves through Hollywood. Soon a number of other prominent actresses stepped forward to describe more Weinstein sexual atrocities. Argento and McGown assumed leadership roles in theShow Harvey Weinstein No Mercy Movement.

Back in Italy things were not quite so sanguine. The Italian press was quick to point out"
"Asia that Weinstein performed oral sex on her, against her will, in a hotel room.
Argento goes on to say that she grew close to Weinstein after he assaulted her — accepting gifts, meeting his mother, and having consensual sex with him."

The fact that Argento had an on again, off again consensual sex with hirsute slob Weinstein after he allegedly raped her clearly didn't go over well in Italy. Nor did I find it even slightly reasonable. Had disgusting slob Weinstein tried to rape Ottavia Busie, she would have ripped his nuts off and stuffed them down his throat. Some of the Me Too extremists have attempted to defend Argento, "She was traumatized, she was young, she didn't know any better, etc. etc. ad nauseum." I think there's a much better explanation: The bitch was more interested in her career than seeking justice.
The day before Anthony killed himself, Argento, who was back in Italy after directing his second to last Parts Unknown show, posted the photo below on Twitter.

I have no idea who the figure on the T-shirt represents, but I'm pretty sure it's a man. An hour after the news of Anthony's suicide broke Argento took the "Fuck everyone - you know who you are , " photo of her down. I wonder why?

As you have probably gathered by now, I am not a big fan of Asia's or Rose McGowan. I am on Twitter with both of them, and they are narcissistic exhibitionists. Maybe that's just an occupational hazard for a professional thespian? But after observing their antics for six months I think they have taken their self-indulgent , "Look at me, look at me, aren't I wonderful, please love me, please, I'm the most extraordinary, misunderstood creature on the planet earth," to the absolute extreme of narcissism.

As expected McGowan, hours after Anthony's death, posted a picture of herself grieving. "Can't you see -- it's all about me." Yes Rose, it's all about you. Your grief is an extreme one; and it's intended to be so. You are the slave of your own greatness.

When I started fucking around with McGowan's fatuous arrogance on Twitter three months ago, Anthony made it clear that he'd appreciate it if I'd give her a pass. So I did. Well, things of changed.

Eric Ripert was with Anthony in France at the time of his suicide. I'm sure Ripert knows why Anthony succumbed with such a violent solution to his depression. And I doubt that Ripert will reveal much about the unhappy state of affairs that was causing Anthony so much pain. That said, I don't think it takes Sherlock Holmes to put two and two together given the trail of evidence Argento left behind two days before the suicide.

I've been on both ends of a woman's wrath. Neither end is fun. I've had girlfriends make sure I knew they were fucking around, and I've also had girlfriends of close friends try to seduce me. I fell for the latter once and I paid a heavy price for my stupidity. But at least I learned from it. Yes, I fucked a friends girlfriend after they ostensibly broke up, and of course the minute they got back together she told him. I still feel terrible about what I did. But I learned and never did it again.

Asia Argento must have really been pissed at Anthony. She intentionally paraded around Rome with the paparazzi trailing close behind, while throwing herself at a 28 year old French journalist named Hugo Clement.

Clement had covered Argento's mini-speech at the the recent Canne Film Festival. Standing next to brilliant-black-woman-film-director, Ava Duverney at the podium, Argento declared, "Harvey Weinstein raped me here in Canne twenty-years ago." She received a mixed reaction at the time. Duvernay remained dignified throughout the entire diatribe, and applauded afterward. Apparently that wasn't enough for Argento, because she later criticized Duvernay for not being more supportive.

Why did Argento feel the need to flaunt the 28 year boy-toy in Anthony's face? What did he do to piss her off to the point where'd she want to rub her infidelity in his face? In order to do this to someone you supposedly care for, you'd have to possess extreme haughtiness and a profound indifference for the feelings of others. Her injurious, insulting actions do not seem out of character.

These photos show not just an inconsiderate act of wanton aggression upon someone you supposedly love, it is conduct that is wrong, unnatural, and indefensible. If you want to fuck a young pretty boy, fine, just don't rub it in your boyfriends face. There are plenty of discreet hotel rooms in Rome.

Obviously seeing these photos threw Bourdain into an agony of despair. He left his wife and young daughter for this woman! I've experienced a state of violent emotion on more than one occasion, and I realize at such times it can be almost impossible to think clearly. There is little doubt that when he first met Argento, Anthony was perfectly convinced she was of of the most meritorious, misunderstood creatures on the face of the earth.

I can just see Anthony scrolling the photos of Argento and Clement on his computer with the sad remembrance of former and more happy times. I grudgingly have to admit I'm impressed by Argento's bold and daring assumption of importance, which has been derived by not much more than a series of petty enterprises. It must have thrilled her to exercise a temporary despotism over a famous, beloved figure like Anthony.

Why would Clement play along with a woman who possesses no recommendable quality other than she's the girlfriend of Anthony Bourdain? There's going to be payback for Clement. The only explanation I can come up with is the young reporter boy-toy has a coarse, and superficial mind. That or an uncontrollable lust for fame.

A couple of hours ago in a crudely written letter Rose McGowan, who has rushed to Argento's side, wrote: "First Asia has been brutally attacked for being raped by Harvey Weinstein, now she's being attacked by an equally brutal suicide.

I'm sure there will be a lot more of this vulgar, impudent shit to come.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
Despite my low opinion of Asia Argento, the trashy-looking, attention-seeking, tatted-up, nicotine-fiend former girlfriend of Anthony Bourdain, I don't blame her for Bourdain's suicide. Yes, I do think the photos of her two-timing Bourdain with her froggie boytoy contributed to Bourdain's decision to kill himself. However, ultimately it was solely his decision to do so. Given that he had a daughter who needs a father to love her and help her mature, suicide was a particularly cowardly and selfish choice for Bourdain.

It's unfortunate that Bourdain ever fell in with Argento, but he seemed to suffer from some fatal attraction to Argento's type of woman. On the universal hot crazy matrix, Argento at best falls into the Danger Zone and probably is in the No Go Zone. In looks she is at best a 6 and because of her circus-sideshow-lady tattoos, I would demote her to a 5 on the hot axis. That alone puts her into the No Go Zone. But add in her rating of something between 8-10 on the crazy axis and the red light flashes NO GO!


Active Member
Apr 19, 2009
par icitte
I once was in an unhealthy love/passion romance relationship with a young Italian woman from Sicily, she was beautiful and I was totally devoted to her, probably a bit like Bourdain to Argento.
The sex was the best I ever had...
She was hot, brilliant and very exiting...with her I felt very alive.
You guessed it, I was 13 years her senior...
It lasted 5 years...
I was faithful always, whenever she went back to her home country.
But she had the hots for every guy in town and all over the World and though she had warned me at the very beginning of our relationship that she did not believe in fidelity, I was in love and thought I could handle it.
Well I couldn't and when it got to the point that she was hooking up with one of my childhood friends. I called it quits, but it did drag on... until I just realized that it just had to end, she was not about to change and I was just hating, hurting myself in pursuing her.
She seamed to move-on with no difficulty at all, finding another lover and so-on.
The woman moved me and hurt me more than any other and yes the sting does go to the heart, literally.
I can understand that such an unbearable pain can push you to do the worst. I remember driving in the Laurentians and there was this restaurant advertisement on the side of the road with a beautiful Italian woman and having to stop the car completely before I lost my mind on many occasion.
But I learned from it, about myself...
I'm the one who gave her that power, that power over me, my low self-esteem permitted her to walk all over me without any remorse,
it has never happened since,
don't miss the lows and even don't miss the highs.
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A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
I once was in an unhealthy love/passion romance relationship with a young Italian woman from Sicily, she was beautiful and I was totally devoted to her, probably a bit like Bourdain to Argento.
The sex was the best I ever had...It lasted 5 years...The woman moved me and hurt me more than any other and yes the sting does go to the heart, literally...I'm the one who gave her that power, that power over me, my low self-esteem permitted her to walk all over me...

[SUB]Tiga, thanks for sharing your story. You did the right thing to walk away from her, but you probably should have done so much sooner than after 5 years. But I'm glad that you learned a good lesson. I think your story can provide a valuable lesson for some MERBites, especially the younger guys who might get caught in the same trap some day. If you ever do, remember this song:[/SUB]

You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone by Brooks & Dunn

I'm still hurtin' from the last time
You walked on this heart of mine
I can't find much to believe in
You let me down so many times

Heaven knows how I love you
But I'm tired of holding on
You better kiss me
'Cause you're gonna miss me when I'm gone

Not much chance we're gonna make it
If I'm the only one who's trying
You know I'm running out of reasons
We're running out of time

Someday, girl, you're gonna wake up
And wonder what went wrong
You better kiss me
'Cause you're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're good at going through the motions
All I hear are alibis
Now I get this empty feeling
When I look into your eyes
I don't see the love light shining
I don't know what's going on

You better kiss me
'Cause you're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You better kiss me
'Cause you're gonna miss me when I'm gone
Oh oh you're gonna miss me when I'm gone



Sep 24, 2009
Personally... I do not care. He said 'Vegans should kill themselves'. The irony when I found out he offed himself. :lol:


Active Member
Apr 19, 2009
par icitte
[SUB]Tiga, thanks for sharing your story. You did the right thing to walk away from her, but you probably should have done so much sooner than after 5 years. But I'm glad that you learned a good lesson. I think your story can provide a valuable lesson for some MERBites, especially the younger guys who might get caught in the same trap some day. If you ever do, remember this song:[/SUB]

You're Gonna Miss Me When I'm Gone by Brooks & Dunn

I'm still hurtin' from the last time
You walked on this heart of mine
I can't find much to believe in
You let me down so many times

Heaven knows how I love you
But I'm tired of holding on
You better kiss me
'Cause you're gonna miss me when I'm gone

Not much chance we're gonna make it
If I'm the only one who's trying
You know I'm running out of reasons
We're running out of time

Someday, girl, you're gonna wake up
And wonder what went wrong
You better kiss me
'Cause you're gonna miss me when I'm gone

You're good at going through the motions
All I hear are alibis
Now I get this empty feeling
When I look into your eyes
I don't see the love light shining
I don't know what's going on

You better kiss me
'Cause you're gonna miss me when I'm gone
You better kiss me
'Cause you're gonna miss me when I'm gone
Oh oh you're gonna miss me when I'm gone

Thank you for that sincerely CaptRenault.

One thing that really makes me think I will never commit suicide is a friend of mine did it and what I saw, at the funeral, in his mother's eyes is enough to never contemplate that type of exit.

Sometimes you don't realize the pain you create in your wake.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Everyone one is looking for rational explanations for a decidedly irrational act. It could be that Bourdain had a bad day which, coupled with the untreated depression, led to a spontaneous and impulsive decision that enough was enough and he needed to end it because he could not soldier on. There could have been a collective weight on his shoulders from many things, other relationships unknown to the media, perhaps even an undisclosed illness. We will never know.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I agree with you EB. An untreated depression or any untreated brain problem can lead to many different act. Some hang themselves some may go to corner gun store buy a semi-automatic and kill 20 kids in a school... Difference here it it happen to a very popular and admired person.



Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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He may have been happier a a cook in NYC.

If you read the foreword to Kitchen Confidential that was written a few years ago with the benefit of the hindsight of the success of the 2000 book, he basically says this in so many words. What he says very specifically is that he greatly misses his coworkers at Les Halles in NYC and mentions all of them by name. He was working at Les Halles when he wrote the book and got up every morning at 5 am and worked on the book for 2 hours before going in to Les Halles at 7 am. However he does also say he was “at the end of the line” for his job duties there due to some physical issues he had so he also says the success of the book may have been fortuitous as the physical issues may have made it difficult for him to continue. Clearly though, he deeply enjoyed both his work and his coworkers.


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Sep 9, 2015
First, let me preface my words by saying we will probably never know what was going on in Bourdain's life, his relationship with his wife and with Asia Argento.

CaptRenault, makes some interesting points. I was aware of Asia Argento before the Bourdain and Weinstein fame. She always seemed quite whacked to me. It might go with the territory of being an narcissistic actress, but for some reason it's harder for me to swallow when you are born into an directing/acting family. I can only imagine the drama in that household.

When Tony starting fawning over Asia, I thought it was a bit bizarre that he was breaking up with his wife who was a tough Italian woman only to take up with another tough Italian woman. I thought it was kind of cool when his wife threw herself into jiu-jitsu. It was sweet when Tony also threw himself into the sport. Nothing wrong with taking up new interests later in life especially one that involves physical activity.

Then came the break-up. Then came Asia. For some reason, I was also aware that Asia Argento is a boxing and martial arts aficionado. That seemed odd. His wife and new girlfriend seemed to have many things in common including their relative age.

This is besides the point, but the entire eating dinner at the boxing venue in Rome seemed entirely off. Bourdain did like quirky venues that didn't fit the common narrative of a place. Sometimes this is when the show would kind of go off the rails for me. We do, however, know it was probably his girlfriend's idea


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Jul 11, 2003
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I am reading Kitchen Confidential, and I must say that Bourdain is a very good storyteller. His book does mention some humiliating experiences early in his culinary career, and he seems to have dealt with them by becoming emboldened to do better. I personally do not believe the theory that Argento is responsible for the suicide, although we will never know. Very significant I think is that no drugs or alcohol were found in his system- Bourdain, if you read his book, is a self admitted heavy drinker and drug user, although he is also somewhat critical of other chefs whom he calls alcoholics. His DNA is that he should have been drinking and coking if he wanted Argento off his mind, but we know from the autopsy that he wasn't.


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Sep 9, 2015
EB, I not an addict or an expert on addiction, but I think you are right that this is how an addict would cope.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
As I stated before, I also don't blame Asia Argento for Bourdain's suicide. Well, at least not directly.

Bourdain had a fatal attraction for women of Argento's type (trashy, self-absorbed, weird, unfeminine, profane, bitchy...I could go on. :rolleyes: ). Just like Bourdain had a taste for dangerous drugs and unhealthy amounts of alcohol, he had a taste for dangerous, crazy women.

He fell madly in love with Argento, though I'm sure she did not return his love. When he fully realized that she didn't really care for him that much, as evidenced by her open fooling around with a 20-something boytoy, he impulsively killed himself.

As the Eagles put it in their song Peaceful Easy Feeling,

And I found out a long time ago
What a woman can do to your soul
Aw but she can't take you any way
You don't already know how to go


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Sep 9, 2015
If you get involved with a publicity-seeking actress, it goes with the territory. I always got the impression that he didn't relish the limelight. I know people who met him on the street and said he was nice, but I think he liked his privacy. That's why dating an actress seemed out of character and perhaps not healthy for him.
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