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Anti-trust policy???


New Member
Nov 15, 2004
Is it just me or someone is trying to control the Montreal market?

* Tom owns one of the most well known escort independents and agencies advertising site (
* Tom has recently launched a discussion board just like this one .
* Tom is now taking care of the Montreal Spreadsheet, and will share it directly from is own new website. See this sticky thread on his review board.

Where are we going to get objective and unbiased information if it' s all going to be controled by the same guy? We still have this board, but are we sure it' s that clean?

Scarry thoughts, no?
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New Member
Jul 15, 2003
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That does indeed pose a concern regarding the future objectivity of the spreadsheet. Personally, I have never really used the spreadsheet as reference, except perhaps twice in the past, but for newbies who don't know any better, they may end up paying more for talent than necessary.

You never have an intelligent response to questions being posed. Rather, you spend too much time and wasting too much bandwidth on useless posts. Perhaps you could go on over to the other board and hang with the rest of your buddies.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Legit Info

Every Board is the sum of what the posters make of it. If the Board does not provide reliable information, people will stop reading and people will stop posting. It's that simple.
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New Member
Nov 28, 2003
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You never have an intelligent response to questions being posed. Rather, you spend too much time and wasting too much bandwidth on useless posts. Perhaps you could go on over to the other board and hang with the rest of your buddies.

Yeah, but he's cute. Let's keep him. ;)

Fred Zed

Mar 11, 2003
Reviews by Elf

Elf has posted one review as far as I can determine, not good enough for a guy who claims to be the resident MERB stud.

moliere said:

I kind of agree with donnyb`s comments. You have almost 1000 posts here on this board but probably not a single review !!!

ElfGoneBad said:
This happened a while back... only now I find enough words to describe this experience.

Christina walked in a few minutes early after a call was placed by the one and only elf (not the imposter out there) around 9 on a weekday evening. Yves told me he had a few girls available, too bad Melina or Karine were not working that night. So, here comes Christina. 5`9`` young girl with a few extra lbs, around 20 extra I would say. Nevertheless, nice voluptuous body, nice outgoing personality, and oh! those 38DDs. All usual JDM services were provided. Christina is a master kisser. No kidding, she just wouldn`t let go of my lips. Daty was super nice with all the sound effects and movements of her hips. (not to completion as I was warned) was pretty good also. Doggy... my God! I can`t even describe the experience. The right size (not skinny!) ass for the right size elf :D

In between 4 rounds of back to back shots on goal career topics came up and elf, as usual, was nice enough to give some advice to her about what to do. We even spent some time surfing merb together on my cell phone. Of course I had no idea what merb was until she mentioned it to me (lol), and I was all curious to see what this ```` from the US was!!! For those who speak French, all English words end with an ``s``, and and all English hobbyists come from the US... elf no exception :D

Now, after meeting with Christina and being told that all the girls at the JDM crew know about us writting about them here... well, thanks for a wonderfull time Christina, hope to see you again soon ;)

Red Paul

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Jun 6, 2003
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Man, that Elf. He keeps his posts short, means no harm, does no harm. And most of us here post about 85 random comments for every review we bother to get together. So what's the big deal?

Unless, God forbid, I have just stumbled into murky insider doings tied to the great MERB-MERC war.

Special K

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May 3, 2003
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Thumbs down icon's?

ElfGoneBad said:

Hey Elf,

Since you pulled up all those reviews could you change all the thumbs downs to thumbs ups? I think it would be beneficial to the gals reviewed.

Still a chance you`ll make it Friday?

To Fred,

When`s the Thumbs glitch going to be fixed? It`s been a few months now.

Take care,

Toronto Escorts