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Any Experiences with Viagra?


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
For the record, I tried caverta and it's just as effective as viagra. Even cheaper if you buy the 100mg pills but they are a pain to split up (in 4 in my case). 20-25 mg is all you need if you don't suffer from erectile dysfunction in the first place. For quicker effect, place under tongue and let it dissolve instead of swallowing. Tastes like shit but 20 min later you're good to go. :)

And if someone has a reliable website I can order from please let me know. For the life of me I can't remember where I had bought that caverta from the first time and the last two sites I tried (even after some research) screwed me and I never got my orders, and had to dispute the CC charges...


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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Moreover I had clients who had taken Viagra and alcohol, then giving me a visite and the result was disgracefull and scared the hell of me. I thought someone was dying right in front of me. I began imaginning the front page of news papers, the next day saying, ''Gentil et bom client mort apres avoir baiser belle bresilienne'' The guy was sweating profusely and his heart beating so fast I could hear. That was something I never want to experience again, thanks.

I think your client may have been on a little more than just Viagra and alcohol, probably had a little "E" and speed mixed in for good measure. Bye the way Julianna I realize that it must have been scary to see someone in that condition, BUT as a client there is nothing better than a highly erotic massage given by a very sexy masseuse while enjoying the end of a 12 hour extacy buzz.... :D

I have also used Viagra in the past (very similar to Wilko26) usually combined with E and speed - as those drugs make you want sex but at the same time make it almost impossible to perform...

Anyway I have to admit I was a little disappointed, I geuss I was expecting too much it did help but not as much as I hoped for.


Nov 22, 2005
Internet Sites?

If one wants to order from an internet site for Viagra or generic Viagra, does one need a prescription?


Nov 15, 2005
spin said:
............... BUT as a client there is nothing better than a highly erotic massage given by a very sexy masseuse while enjoying the end of a 12 hour extacy buzz.... :D ................

Maybe, but it's bloody unfair to the masseuse, who does not know what is going on and what to expect. It is irresponsible. :mad:


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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Hey chefplus relax, whats with the little angry face???

We've all had SP's at one time or another who were a little high on something, so this poor guy was tripping a little hard give him a break, she could have just refused to massage him if he looked that bad.

Don't even start with it being irresponsible, this entire industy would disappear if we all decided to only act responsibly.

There :mad: right back at you.
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Nov 15, 2005
spin said:
Hey chefplus relax, whats with the little angry face???

We've all had SP's at one time or another who were a little high on something, so this poor guy was tripping a little hard give him a break, she could have just refused to massage him if he looked that bad.

Don't even start with it being irresponsible, this entire industy would disappear if we all decided to only act responsibly.

There :mad: right back at you.

Sorry....moment of insanity...I don't normally use angry faces. :)

My concern is that if you want to do drugs that's up to you, but when you put a massage therapist in a state of anxiety it's unfair to the therapist..massage triggers a lot within the nervous system, so the therapist could well be faced with a stiff....and I'm not talking about a happy Mr. Happy here.

Does that put a different spin on my response ? I hope so !:p


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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My concern is that if you want to do drugs that's up to you, but when you put a massage therapist in a state of anxiety it's unfair to the therapist..massage triggers a lot within the nervous system, so the therapist could well be faced with a stiff....and I'm not talking about a happy Mr. Happy here.

Does that put a different spin on my response ? I hope so !

Ok I do get your point (moment of insanity accepted), but here's a little spin of my own :p

I know a lot of people (myself included) who tend to use MP's and SP's more often because of drug use, as being high tends to impair your better judgement :D So while I won't disagree that causing anxiety to an MP is unfair (I really don't disagree with that), I would argue that recreational drug use (by the client) is beneficial to the MP/SP.

Sorry for the hyjack -
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Nov 15, 2005
spin said:
..................I would argue that recreational drug use (by the client) is beneficial to the MP/SP.

Sorry for the hyjack -

And what specific benefit might that be ? :confused:

The only one I can think of is that under the influence the client could possibly be a "spindthrift", allowing a lot of money to migrate from his wallet into the SP/MP's hands. ;)


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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The only one I can think of is that under the influence the client could possibly be a "spindthrift", allowing a lot of money to migrate from his wallet into the SP/MP's hands.

That would be the benefit I was refering to :D

Not only will the client allow more money to migrate from his wallet once he is there, being under the influence gets him there in the first place.

Please note that I am not trying to convey the message that all clients are drug users, I know that is very far from the truth. What I am saying is recreational drug use does turn some people into clients (who would not normally be) and also increases the amount of times other clients may go.

One quick example: This weekend I am not planning any visits to any MP's or SP's, BUT on Saturday night I will be attending a dinner party and there is a good possibility that after said dinner party I will end up out a club somewhere. If at that point I run into someone who convinces me to stay out untill Sunday morning (very possible I may add, I tend to be easy to convince at times :eek: ) then you can bet your life that on my way home on Sunday morning (sometime around noon) my bloodshot, dilluted eyes will be searching every paper I can get my hands on for an available MP.

In summary, Spin on drugs = $100.00 (give or take) in an MP's pocket.
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New Member
Feb 11, 2005
All I could think of was the headlines the next day....

Spin, I understand what you mean some drugs can be too much fun !

Sure the buzz of been high might be fun when we are with people whom we fell attracted.

But in this situation, the client in question, was not having fun at all. He was shaking and swetaing profusely and his heart beat was loud and frightenning. I could see the next day Head lines:''SP gets 20 without parole''
Nice and regular client dies after getting a brazilian HJ, her boobs suffocated him. She blamed on Viagra mixed with alcohol but the judge does not believe her, he thinks her boobs are to be blamed, and most merb guys agree. Apparentely he had offered her extra cash for the joy of sufocation by brazilian boobs.

ChiefPlus and Zaphyr testified in her behave but the anti-Juliana merb guys out number the duo.
At the funeral home, the dead guy had a smille on his face. His handle at merb, was LastTime.

Spin darling this can be a comedy now, but I was scared the hell then.
I never want to experience that again, never ever never. Lets say that in his mind really liked and respected me. Will he speak and defend me in court ?

Can you make phone calls in heaven ? Maybe in hell you can.

Now when guys asks me: Juliana, can I come in high, my answer is no.
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Nov 15, 2005
spin said:
...........What I am saying is recreational drug use does turn some people into clients (who would not normally be) and also increases the amount of times other clients may go...........................

Spindoctor: I am always amused by the phrase "recreational drug use", i.e. the word "recreational" is supposed to make it alright. My view is that drug use is drug (ab)use; period. how can I be so high :)D ) and mighty? I have never touched any drugs or smoked a cigarette. That said, I can understand how people can get hooked on drugs just from my experience with being given Demerol twice: the first time I was high as a kite, whereas the second time the pain went away but there was no flight.

I think Juliana is saying in her post that she is not interested in any amount of money you care to give her if you are high. Very understandable.

Juliana: as for testifying on your behalf that your boobs did not suffocate the client.....I will gladly do it, despite the fact that I have no medical credentials (unless playing doctor as a kid (and as a grown-up) counts). Let's see, from an engineering perspective: the angle of the dangle is equal to ........:D ....I had better stop before the mods come after me !


Getting wood daily
Nov 27, 2003
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Dee said:
I was wondering... wouldn't taking tylenol or aspirin at the same time as Viagra counter the desirable effects of the Vuagra? Anyone know?


Aspirin is an antiplatelet agent. Platelets are responsible for clot formation in the arteries leading to chest pain/heart attacks. Viagra has a different mechanism of action. It blocks an enzyme (PDE-5) resulting in greater blood flow to the penis. So taking one does not counter the efficacy of the other. One of the first tests a drug goes through before entering large clinical trials is for drug-drug interactions. Aspirin and tylenol are such common drugs that I'm sure if there were any adverse drug-drug interactions it would have been detected well before Viagra was allowed to go into large scale human testing. The only class of drugs that patients on Viagra, Levitra and Cialis are not supposed to be on are nitrates.


Dazed & Confused
Dec 30, 2003
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Spin, I understand what you mean some drugs can be too much fun !

I'm glad you undestood my point Juliana, that was really all I meant.

Spin darling this can be a comedy now, but I was scared the hell then.
I never want to experience that again, never ever never. Lets say that in his mind really liked and respected me. Will he speak and defend me in court ?

I can imagine how scared you were, I've been with people over the years who have also reacted to whatever drugs they were on in the same way. It is terrifying! I can remember thinking "How the hell am I going to explain this dead girl in the car to the cops" - But at least she wasn't naked in my appartment!

I promise when I come to see you Juliana I will be drug free, as long as you keep calling me "darling" - I kind of like that...

Spindoctor: I am always amused by the phrase "recreational drug use", i.e. the word "recreational" is supposed to make it alright. My view is that drug use is drug (ab)use; period. how can I be so high ( ) and mighty? I have never touched any drugs or smoked a cigarette. That said, I can understand how people can get hooked on drugs just from my experience with being given Demerol twice: the first time I was high as a kite, whereas the second time the pain went away but there was no flight.

Chefplus, Spin's definition of a recreational drug:

A drug that is taken for fun only (pot, hash, E, speed, etc...) and not because you require it to function. Please note, one mans recreational drug habit is another mans drug addiction - I do not promote the use of drugs on any level, any and all comments I've made about drug use in this thread were simply to make a point.

For every 5 stories I could tell you about great times being had while under the influence of drugs, there are at least 5 stories I could tell about things going terribly wrong...
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New Member
Feb 11, 2005
Being-on-drugs, it is a form of High Culture Nietzsche said........

I'm glad you undestood my point Juliana, that was really all I
I can imagine how scared you were, I've been with people over the years who have also reacted to whatever drugs they were on in the same way. It is terrifying! I can remember thinking "How the hell am I going to explain this dead girl in the car to the cops" - But at least she wasn't naked in my appartment!
I promise when I come to see you Juliana I will be drug free, as long as you keep calling me "darling" - I kind of like that...
darling lots of people here acuses me of self-promotion because the way I express myself. I use darling because I am from a latin culture where been affectionate with people, it is just normal and everyday part of the culture. I am in fact a reflection of my posts. I love showing off, I am performatic, and dramatic and adventurous. Plus I got very strong intellectual and artistic inclinations. Any of you who knows drama or dance students knows how exibitionist most of us can be.

Now, Spin, you are right drugs can be fun or not at all. The only reason I dont do drugs everyday it is because I am way too far from good quality drugs. Places like Colonbia or Peru. Medical students are so fortunated because they have access to the sources and the best of all drugs.

I think it also umportant ( to me ) to know that I can have fun without drugs. Although after you experience this type of altered form of consciousness and you know how to bring pleasure to a higher level, it is very hard not to go there again. Simply because it just much more fun to have an altered perception, it brings you to have much more desire and the sex becomes amazing !!!!!!!

As Friedrich Nietzsche said: Who will ever relate the whole history of narcotica ?...It is almost the history of ''Culture'', of so called High culture. The Gay Science

Moreover there are so many addictions, TV, Merb, The Internet, Me, SPs, coffe, love and sex, some people are even addicted to bad relatiuonships who have the same patttern years after years.
Spin darling I have never had a bad drug experience but I try not to do too much. I know people who cannot stop calling the drug dealer all night long. Me if I am lucky I'll have good sex , or read a book or just go to sleep after while.
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Humonguous Member
Aug 13, 2005
I've never tried, but this guy...

..Zug...decided to order some online, to see if he could really.

Then as the Ultimate Test, he took some, and, he went to church!!! Quite funny. Phone cam pics.


Mar 3, 2006
A very scientific testing method ...

CantSeeMrHappy said:
..Zug...decided to order some online, to see if he could really.

Then as the Ultimate Test, he took some, and, he went to church!!! Quite funny. Phone cam pics.

LOL ... that's the way to test if it'll work for you ... Viagra in church - you gotta love it.

OK ... Want to hear a funny story?

A friend of mine had gotten a prescription of Viagra for his wife from a doctor friend of his. (Yes, there are some women who have reported increased arousal while taking Viagra - unfortunately only anecdotal testimony without medical research to back it up, tough.)

He says that of course he had to try it, too. And my friend is the kind of guy who would stick it in the knothole of a fencepost if nothing else was available. So he's telling me how amazing it is ... he says just half a pill kept him going for hours. And he gives me one to try it out.

Being that I'm single & unnattached I don't have anyone to try it with. I'm not going to go out at night & try to hook-up with a girl just so I can see if it works. Besides - if I'm going home with a girl I just met I'm going to be excited. So how do I know if the pill is doing anything?

So I decide I have to do it sometime when I'm by myself and there is nothing else around. The next Saturday morning I got up early even though I had no plans for the day. I plan on just sitting around having a leisurely day at home getting stuff done around the house. Put some coffee on, sit down at my desk, check out that weeks mail, sort through the bills. As I open my desk drawer to get something, I see the little blue pill sitting there.

Now that the coffee has kicked in and my creative mind is in full gear, I decide "Aha, this would be the perfect time for the experiment!" I mean what could be less of a turn-on than paying bills & balancing the checkbook? (As an aside : this is why the church thing isn't an empirical experiment - the whole "I'm a naughty boy" thing could be a turn-on to some people, right? You have to approach this purely scientifically with no outside influences in a controlled environment.)

So I swallow the pill, not just half, and start doing paperwork. About 15 minutes later I notice that I'm sitting there with a pup-tent in my bathrobe. Well I'll be. I guess this stuff really does work after all. And I go back to work. But after awhile it's getting difficult to concentrate. My bathrobe keeps rubbing up against the head of my cock and it's very distracting. OK, so I just open the bathrobe, problem solved. No, not really. Now I swear that I'm so hard I can feel the air brushing against it.

This is not going to work. I am not going to get anything accomplished until I take care of the situation. I stand up, let the robe fall on the floor, fall back onto my bed and grab hold. I could have been fantasizing about the fat Russian babushka cleaning woman for all I cared. Anything would have gotten me off. It didn't take long.

OK - now I'm sitting at my desk again. Fifteen minutes later, it's back. And not any less potent than before, either. How could there be any ammo left? It just took me ten minutes to clean up. There's more? Apparently so. This time I don't even bother to leave the desk. After I take another round out of myself I'm drained and decide the paperwork can wait and go out to the kitchen for munchies and a cold drink.

I'm sitting on my couch watching TV and it's like this kind of weird "beer goggle" effect has come over me. I guess being really horny will do that to you. Anything female that appears on the screen is somehow the most erotic creature ever to walk the earth. There just seems to be sexy women everywhere. And you can't avoid commercials - and we all know sex sells.

I forget what the commercial was even for. I just saw a hot girl, scantily clad, and skin. It was all over. Nothing is getting done today. I suppose I could have changed channels. Put on something un-sexy like cable news. But FOX News channel (excuse the pun) does have some really hot women on air so that's not going to work. I could always resort to religious programming. But I don't want to.

No, actually, what I want, is more skin. I find some porn DVD's I had gotten recently and pop one in. I lost count after awhile. It's funny - the gun still shoots even after there's no more bullets. But it was a long day. No work got done and boy was my hand tired ;)

So the lesson to be learned here is : as with any recreational drug you try for the first time, always start with a small dose.


New Member
Nov 26, 2005

I read this post from another Board:

"I have used Viagra and Levitra for the last 4-5 years. I may not need them but having them in me is definite that I will perform. I usually like to bed 2-3 girls a day .I usually spend 9 days in Montreal so I need to keep on drilling. In the past I had some dry drills when I could not cum due to too much sex so I usually will prime with Androgel for 3 weeks prior to Montreal visit. This sensitizes the receptors and assures there will be enough juice for every sex act. Some sps have called me a machine and porno actor ( I took them as compliment) but I like to have a prolonged sex with definite ejaculation at the end. Cialis is probably good but I have not tried it yet. I have plenty of pills of all these kinds. For Viagra to work well take 100 mg on EMPTY stomach ( no food for 6 hrs).Levitra can work even with food unless it is too fatty. I believe a singleminded pursuit makes it a very worhtwhile thing. Hope this helps folks who want to keep on drilling!"

Although I do not aspire to be a sex machine, I've always been curious about these enhancers. So, I got a friend of mine to give me a 20mg Cialis to try out....which I did yesterday.

After taking it, I went to see Borissa and had a most intense release! 30 minutes later, I visited my favorite Marie at Absolut. At first, I was apprehensive as I did not know whether I could get another intense release. Well, I did!

At home, later that night, my SO was in the mood, so we went at it. I'm not a spring chicken, so 3 times in a day is not normal for me. In fact, I usually do not perform as well on the third on any given day. But this time I did.

These things work!! God bless pharmaceuticals.

Lusty Pig

New Member
Mar 18, 2005
Tried Cialis , once a full pill and the second time I split it in half. For 2 fucking days I thought my head was going to explode. Like a perpetual migraine. Not worth it.


Getting wood daily
Nov 27, 2003
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Joe_ said:
Was it a generic or the real thing? Have you tried V or L as well?

If it wasn't the real thing, he wouldn't have experienced those hallmark symptoms for 2 days. Cialis has a much longer duration of action (36h) than either Viagra or Levitra. By the way, generic Cialis if it's authentic should work just like Cialis. Cialis is currently under patent protection in the US, and most of the world. You'd have to be either naive and/or stupid to buy into these claims of generic Cialis being the authentic product.
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