Montreal Escorts

Any old timers can tell me how they calmly handle situations like this?


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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Hey merbies,

I recently had a pretty bad experience with a SP who tried to rip me off every step of the way. I wrote a review about it, just check my posts. I don't want to post links since I'm not sure whether or not this violate the rules.
How do you guys handle these bad apples w/o loosing your cool (verbally or otherwise)?


Your initial post says nothing about how the girl tried to rip you off. Was she not the girl in the ad ? If this was the case, turn and walk away ! Did she not provide the service she told you was included ? If so put this to a bad experience, yes post a review a then never see this one again. Was the service provided but she just didn't turn you on. Hey, this is a subjective world we live in, chalk it up to experience.

I worry about the last line of your post. " How do you guys handle these bad apples w/o loosing your cool (verbally or otherwise)? " What does this mean ? You would start yelling at the SP ? You would physically attack her ? Either is unacceptable !!!!!! If this is how you treat an SP I shudder to think how your treat your wife, girlfriend, mother, co-workers or strangers on the street. No matter who, man or woman, treat others with respect and you will get the same in return.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
XXxception is spotty at best. There are many agencies advertising here but I almost never read a review on any of their girls. There is agency Maxium and Godiva advertising here. A fellow Merbite told me how he booked Prascilla. She was available from the website but was kept waiting an hour. He had enough and they sent another girl. In those days she was on almost every night. There were other stories. But all of that is irrelevant. OP did not do his homework. If he read he would have quickly found out which agencies were providing the top service levels. He used a spotty agency with no proven track record. Just because an agency is bait and switch does not mean they cannot advertise here.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
There are so many professorial and amazing points being made in this thread from waloo, EB, Halloween Mike and others. Truth be told, I consider myself an experienced hobbyist who loves going to Montreal but I got ripped off this weekend because I acted impulsively and didn’t heed my own advice. I had a cancellation Saturday afternoon at one of the Top 3 agencies. After a night of drinking and steak st Houston’s I called one of the agencies specializing in overnight appointments. (I’m not going to mention which agency and I’d appreciate no one guess until I get approval from the moderators to reveal. I alerted some through PM). There were no photos of the new girl on the site but I was assured verbally she was super hot, 5’8”, 120!pounds and DD. The lady who showed up in my room might have been a NY Giants draft pick if the team was looking for a linebacker. Long story short, she took the money I had laid out next to the TV close to the hotel door and wouldn’t return it even though I didn’t want to follow through with the appointment. It’s my bad because I acted impulsively and was too trusting at 1:30am. The agency is slime and wouldn’t even engage me except to say “sometimes things don’t go as planned.” They’ve removed history of the girl on the site. It was her first night escorting. The point many of you reiterated is so true. Don’t stray from the reputable agencies, check reviews and get photos. And good things rarely happen at agencies overnight when there are slim pickings. I think there are a lot of scams out there. I also think Montreal is in a bit of a down cycle in terms of quality and service with more scams and inconsistency. I should have stayed in NYC/NNJ this weekend. Right now I’m typing this from an NYC bar after an amazing after-work appointment at Lear Talent ( with Lilian where I fired off two SOG’s including CIM on round 2. I got back last night pissed off about the weekend in Montreal but was determined to make it right this week here in NYC/NNJ. I got myself to blame for what happened to me up there but perhaps it’s a warning to others that even those of us who have been around the block could do dumb things sometimes. Check reviews guys, use PM and don’t stray from the tried and true.


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
Well said RobertNYC. Your points should be made into a sticky. Having said that as in your first sentence most often then not the clients need the sex more then the escorts need the money which leads to many impulsive and naive decisions on part of the clients.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Its quite funny to read all these post.

I am sorry for RobertNYC but as you pretty much said yourself your penis took over your brain as it's well known that Montreal is no magic when you end up at 1h30 am looking for an SP to end up booking at a so so agency. I mean come on why the rant? What the fuck did you expect? Do the same last minute at 1h30 am in NNJ will you get better? Sorry to say it like this but your post and mine are, I think, a good reminder that montreal is no magic past 9 or 10pm. Past that time go to strip club or anywhere you want, or jerk it out but do not try to call sp as the chances of getting anything good are pretty much non existent.

On the other hand. If you are here during the week. Between noon to 8-9 pm. Montreal is hard to beat ;)



Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
Hey RobertNYC, sorry about your recent experience. Anyone who implies that you deserved what happened to you is misguided. Glad you made up for it with a good session back home. You should post the name of the late-night agency. That should be part of the purpose of this board. The most credible posters on this board are those who post about both positive and negative experiences.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
I’ll concede that’s a fair point Jalimon. And good to have you back on these boards!! NNJ at 1:30am? Ha! Never!! The only place I know that’s consistently good at 130/2am is that brothel you and I discussed in Playa Del Carmen, if you’re okay with CBJs from some on the roster that is. Ya know I’ve actually lucked out with Asservissante in Montreal late at night but your point is still well taken. (And Asservissante was not the agency I was referring to in my post. They’re pretty good)


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I was in Playa in December and early march but still I have not been to your recommendation :( But I keep going there 3-4 times per year so it will happen one day for sure!

Your own knowledge of your local know how is really important. Like you know your way around in NNJ ;) This knowledge is priceless and hard to beat anywhere you will travel and thus... be a rookie ;)



Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Jalimon, still laughing to myself about any NNJ escort service operating about 1:30 or 2am. That’s like an invitation for Tony Soprano to walk through a girl’s hotel room door and demand the cash. Lol


Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
Can you explain? He said himself "because I acted impulsively and didn’t heed my own advice"...

I don't believe in blaming the victim. Were his actions advisable? No, probably not. Were they impulsive? According to him, yes. Does that mean that the actions of the crook were justified? Of course not. Did he deserve what happened? Clearly not. I've noticed that some members (and it's only a few) consistently blame the customer in encounters that go sour. Sometimes, they are arguably correct in doing so, but in many others, they clearly are not. In those cases, as in this one, they must have their own reasoning and/or motives. Either way, their judgement is misguided.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Did he deserve what happened? Clearly not.

This is where you get it wrong. I am sure Robert is an amazing guy so yes he did not deserved it as a human being. But look at the pictures. He was past midnight, a bit drunk I am sure and probably very horny... good guy or not, you are fucked. Just do not book past 9pm. Simple rule.



Active Member
Apr 16, 2017
This is where you get it wrong. ... yes he did not deserved it as a human being.

This is a contradiction.

Also, you're confusing a (perhaps) predictable outcome with a deserved one. Lastly, I can't comment, as you did, on whether Robert is a great guy since I've never met him. To do so on my part, would be transparently phony.


Active Member
Nov 11, 2017
Until RobertNYC reveals which agency he dealt with, kinda moot trying to assign blame

He seems to know the lay of the land judging by his posting history. Probably well aware of which agencies to avoid late at night. He even recently inquired about this

Speculating but doubtful he would have done business with an agency he didn't have confidence would be able to deliver the goods, horny or not


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2010
RobertNYC, I don't understand why you need mod's permission to write a review and tell the agency and girl's name?

No matter if it's an advertiser on merb or not (In your particular case, I think it's not a merb advertiser... anymore..., right? ;) ), you should warn your fellow hobbyist about them :)


Active Member
Jul 4, 2006

Are you suggesting that critical reviews are removed by the Mods at the behest of the agencies? Isn’t it also possible that the critical review is removed by the reviewer after the agency privately resolves the issue to his satisfaction? I am not saying that the latter is appropriate, but it’s also a possibility.

Happened to me. I politely commented on a surprising (and new) upsell at a premium agency I'd been to half a dozen times. The provider told me was a matter of policy at the organization. I didn't name the provider, but asked if anyone else has had that experience with the organization. Posted, received a PM from another hobbiest about it.... and then my post was gone. Since I hadn't violated any of the terms of service, there was no warning. The post just disappeared. There was no communication from the organization to me, so no opportunity to resolve the issue. So I stopped going there in part because of the post being removed.


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Jan 13, 2004
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Maybe I am not in the best position to comment on this post because my last experience in Montreal was in 2015. In fact, among the last two sessions I had a in Montréal were total disaster. The last one was with a Mojo gril and her serice was very very bad; she dind't stay a long time with this agency though. I didn't made a public complaint on Merb because I think it is worthless. The best thing you can do is not to call back the agency or the escort (if she is an indie). There is no need to treat orto be physically agressive with women in this business as in the normal life in general.

The golden rule is always to pay after the session. I'm a veteran on this board and no escort ever told me before to pay her before the session.
I agree with Julia Sky only a small part of the customers are merbites. And as an (well known) escort once told me most of the report on Merb are embelisshed by the posters. They don't lie but they (almost always) embellish reality. For this reason I don't trust reviews in general. I only trust reviews from respected merbites. How do I know them. Well, back then I was a regular at Merb get together.

I come from another background: hobbying in Brazil, especially in São Paulo, which it is probably the best place to hobby in the world : most beautiful women in the world, cosmopolitan city with all type of women : asian, european, black, indians from brazil, and a mix of different races. A real paradise. The girls enjoy what they are doing and they are fun and devoted to they job. I had fun too in Montreal but as far as I am concerned it went down since 2010... My two cents
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