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Apr 20, 2003
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Are you new to this board? If you are then welcome aboard.
This board is really easy to use and really easy to post on. With no censoring and instant posts.
It is full of usefull information, reviews and hotel recomendations. (check the lounge)
So enjoy.
Here are some of the threads / links that are quite usefull

for massage parlors addresses and phone numbers oli has quite a comprehensive list. Even though he rightly asks that you put the address and phone number in the thread when you review.

to find the massage parlor just use the find on this page.

for strip clubs
this thread contains instructions for getting addresses and directions to most of the strip clubs in the montreal area

for acronyms and abreviations.

are you looking for an old review or post?
your main page is set to see reviews from the last 30 days.
if you set for further back you can find the old pages you are looking for.

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New Member
May 1, 2003
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I just want to add this:

if you go to a strip club, visit an MP, or spend some time with an SP, consider posting your "results" in the various sections. We all profit from your experiences, as you will with everyone else's. This board works best when people report what is going on out there.

There are hundreds of SJ in Quebec, probably almost as many MPs, and a large number (unknown) of SPs in the area. Your experiences can help us all have a good time and avoid bad experiences!

Don't be shy, come on over and say hi! :)


dr torpedo

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May 6, 2003
The Bible Belt
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If you've ever been censored on TBD or ASPD, you'll quickly realize and appreciate that MERB is one of the most open and free discussion boards around. It's like a free speech kiosk at the university.

ROCK on Merb.


New Member
Feb 18, 2004
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Hello Mr. Crane

I am new to this board and see that you have numerous posts here. Would you have any knowledge about people wanting to shoot adult content on this board? It can be male or female, if i am posting in the wrong area let me know. Thank you.



New Member
Jul 4, 2004
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Yes I am Spartacus. Sorry for the delay i wasn't sure if you were talking to me or not. Ya this board is very cool i will try to post some stuff on it whenever i get the chance. i am oing to meet the legendary Sopia soon so i will let you all know about it.
I dont really know what i can and cannot write so I guess i will learn as I go. I beleive people should share mre of the good places with links or phone #.

There is enough for everyone



New Member
May 29, 2004
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It IS possible do to a search on words with fewer than 4 letters.

The trick is to add a * at the end to fill out the word up to "4" letters.


Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Thread for newbies: must read

In response to member: st-cum`s question:
Thanks to robin-x for suggesting this thread.. I will add many links here, to make this thread useful to new members..

Im ricky bonds, a newer member here on the board.
You can find some rather interesting posts.. And reviews started by me by going on my page.. And clicking on threads by this member..
Isnt there a place in quebec called `st-cum-sur-le-cap-de-bit` ??
Being in the sAme age bracket as you, i think i might be able to help?
I used to just randomly shoot off names according to my tastes and mood?.. But starting here i will do things differently, starting with you.
I`d like to ask you a few questions to get in your skin.. And then maybe i can point you in the right direction...

1) what type of client are you?

-Diamond cutter ( get along great with all ladies, even ones others dont get along with.. Having a gravitational pull.. You connect easily, and end up becoming friends with sp`s.. And find youself occasionaly on crescent street with sp`s on their off time.. You have yet to meet a heart you couldn`t conquer..)

-stone faced killer ( you dont care much for human interaction.. And just want to pay for fun.. No smalltalk.. Just stop-shop-pack-and-go....?*

-sensitive guy ( nice all around guy.. That needs a certain level of chemistry before the passion, or needs passion before getting wont just show up expecting to be out the door in 20, if youve payed for an hour?.. And instead of having 30 minutes, you`ll pay the hour so you can take your time and have some smalltalk before getting down to business.)

-sponge cake ( you fall in love when its too good to be true, and buy gifts that are un-necessary...
If an sp says casually that she likes how she looks in a louis vuitton bag? You go to ogilvys on your sick day and spend more that 5 sessions on a bag?)

2) what physical charecteristics appeal to you?

3) what do you expect to be paying? Does the cost relate more to beauty, and her physical?
Or does the cost relate more to services offered, and level of passion they are executed with?

4) do you do outcalls at home? Motel? Or do you rent a suite?... Or is it incalls you prefer..?

5) in you previous encounters.. What was your level of satisfaction if you could sum them up to an average..
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Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Before going any further ... You should read these rules, suggestions, and ideas in a thread started by member: evillethings..
Great stuff !

After reading that.. Read this as proof, to confirm its true
( if you really need proof you should have your hobby pass
But here is a darlIng of a lady confirming that a little effort on your behalf could go a long way..!

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Ok.. So you learned that ladys prefer a clean, good smelling gentleman..
Now you would like to book..?
Deciding if its better during the day or night?

Rule 1: always try to verify your provider on merb ( through reviews, or 411 )
Rule 2: if you call an agency? Try to stick to merb advertisers.. Or the agencys that are highly reviewed..
Beware of bait and switch.. They will sell you a dream, and deliver a nightmare..
here is an example among many of your classic b&s with an interesting twist:
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Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Introduction to merb:
So you are now a member? And you figured out the in's and out's of cleanliness, day/night booking, indy's, agency's.. Etc..

if you have received great, helpful, and money saving info from merb..?
Why not give back?
Start off by introducing yourself .. And share your experiences with others..

What about asking questions?.. sure, but remember... A polite introduction, and a bit of information shared.. will get you further than just asking a question that has probably been anwsered already..

Ricky bonds

the last of the mohicans
Feb 28, 2010
montreal or costa rica baby
Writing a review:
Be sure to document your encounter in the amount of detail you feel comfortable with?
Describe the physical, and sensual.. Mention if the pictures are real or not?.. Provide contact info?..
of course be ready for other members either agreeing, or dissagreeing.
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