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Asking girls for BBFS


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
That is interesting, any quick know hows on how to improve performance?

This is a topic for another thread. Performance means different things to different people, and as we all know, all hobbyists and SP's are different. And capturing the "experience" on video adds a different dimension altogether. In porn sex, looking good becomes more important than feeling good. In reality, SP-PSE is really an illusion, lol. I'll take regular sex any day...

There is some crossover, but again, another thread...


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Mr. P,

You are an atrocious board historian. You have been here since September 2017. A number of BBFS threads were deleted. One in particular featured an outing of a senior poster by John Eleganza. You don’t see that thread, you didn’t read that thread and you were not here. I am not some Johnny Come Lately who started posting in 2017 and has it all figured out. I have been here under the same handle since Day 1, including a prior account of mine with over 1,000 posts which had to be deleted. Due to a software problem. I know the history because I was actually here for it. I was also here for the Robertpal threads. Do you even know who Robertpal is? His threads were all deleted. Many other threads were deleted due to board glitches that occurred over time. So your prior post is completely wrong and inaccurate. Please do not profess to be a board historian until you answer the following questions:

1. What handle was outed by John eleganza publicly as seeking BBFS from his ladies?

2. Who is/was Robertpal?

3. Was there ever a sticky thread on BBFS?

Answer my questions if you want to play board historian dude.


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Oh Wow I'm so impress! :hail:

Thanks EagerBeaver to share with us some history on merb! We really appreciate it! :D

It's just a shame that you can't share your good practice of the hobby for the benefit of all here!

And me too I would like to set a like to Sam21! :thumb:


Mr. P.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Mr. P,

Great job with the MERB History 101 quiz. It's refreshing to know that someone who has been on this board for 3 months has become such a veritable scholar of MERB history. Keep up the good work, and never, ever, ever let any actual historical facts get in the way of your posts Mr. P!!!!!!!

Perhaps now you can work towards your Ph.D in history at MERB University, writing your thesis on the history of BBFS threads on MERB and Mod interventions in same. This would be a most interesting reading.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
I was off MERB a couple days but nice to see this thread is going strong with posters who, perhaps later in life, have discovered the miracle of the birds and the bees and how STD’s might be spread. Congratulations. At the risk of playing board psychologist I am left to wonder if there might not be some psychological projection at play here where those posters railing against BBFS may be the ones most inclined to seek it out. I’m not saying that’s the case but it gives me pause. I haven’t seen one person in this thread step forward and say BBFS is a good idea. Escorts control their body and are adults, thus they can certainly firmly say NO to questions involving risky sexual behavior, drug availability, giving out their private # etc. This thread has gone off the rails to the degree that it seems many posters think escorts are little cream puffs. I’ve never done BBFS with an escort, nor am I the type to engage in any risky behavior. For me, it’s just common sense. But if I woke up one day and started making BBFS my hot button issue to rail against on an escort message board, it wouldn’t in the least surprise me if my fellow posters believed I was that particular guy seeking out the activity. Something just seems amiss here. The thread could have ended with. “Don’t play with your life or anyone else’s. Avoid BBFS, ladies and gents.” See how simple? How we got to #291 posts is a bit concerning. The politicians and religious leaders who rail the most against vices like pornography, illicit sex, etc are those who ....well, you get my drift


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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Since you brought the topic up, the senior MERB poster who was outed by John Eleganza around 7-8 years ago as seeking BBFS from his ladies was someone who not only lobbied on this board for good manners, but actually made a lot of friends and organized a MERB party in around 2007 or so. He later admitted on MERB that the accusations made by Eleganza were true. John only outed him because he had traumatized one of his ladies and she either quit or John thought she would. From the story John told in the now deleted thread, it was a sneak attack kind of thing, the ole sudden thrust with no condom on. The girls did not see it coming nor were they asked. Pearl Harbor type of thing: sneak attack of BBFS.

Frankly he has not posted in around 7 years (MERB banned him after he admitted he was a BBFS aficionado) and it would not surprise me one bit if he was one of the posters in this thread purporting to bemoan the horrors of BBFS. I might even go so far as to put money on it.

Of course our resident historian Mr. P will tell you none of this ever happened. Go talk to John Eleganza and you will get a different story.


Respect & pleasure!
Sep 6, 2017
Thanks Sam21! :)

Don't worry It's definitely not my goal to get a place for the hall of fame of Merb and generate too much "noise" on any thread! ;)

I'm maybe a rookie here but so far I reviewed more ladies that deserve it to help them with their booking than "others" here that rarely to say never review any ladies but always have an opinion to not say complains about everything!!!!

This is "Montreal" Escort Review Board, It's happening here and I'm living here too! So I feel concern and have the right to express myself here!

Like you said Sam, if people don't like what I have to say, they just have to move on and go see another thread!




Apr 9, 2017
I don't know how true is this, but there is a Chinese idiom: [FONT=&amp]one who is unaccountably solicitous is hiding evil intentions [/FONT]

The Nature Boy

Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2017
Kinda like he who smells it dealt it....


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
EB, excellent perspective as always. Some of the hardline and emotional posts make me wonder whether these posters are not looking for approval or hoping someone steps up to say the BBFS risks aren’t severe anymore, which prudently no one has suggested. Nobody on the board has argued the virtues of BBFS and suggested it is a risk worth taking, thank God. It’s not like there is an ongoing debate at play in the thread. You can’t know for sure whether it’s their guilt coming to the surface or not but their passionate posts make one wonder. Grown men don’t behave these irrationally in my life experience without something being under the surface. Great perspective EB on the Eleganza poster.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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There are actually threads that have been started on the virtues of BBFS, most notoriously by the now banned poster Robertpal. I happened to meet both Robertpal and the other now banned poster outed by John Eleganza, at MERB parties in the distant past 10 plus years ago. Although Robertpal never had much standing in this community and was banned by multiple agencies before being banned by MERB, the other guy used his status on MERB and as a MERB party organizer too ingratiate himself with a number of agencies before ultimately being exposed. It would be totally unrealistic to not expect these kinds of things to recur with a new wave of posters, and for all we know one or both of the handles in this thread could be these banned individuals. THis is the internet, anyone can and will say anything.

I think James had a legitimate objective in starting this thread but we have gone way past what James originally started this thread for. I do not disagree with Sam 21's contention that there is an interest in knowing solid information about BBFS clients like the two I mentioned. However, the history is that these threads have not typically been used to post solid information. This is the Internet, where anyone can say anything, hence one of the aforementioned posters duping this entire fucking community (including me) until he went too far and was exposed by John E. The history of these threads on this board is that the BBFS threads do not go in the direction mentioned by Sam21 but rather on one of two other directions, (1) posting hearsay and other information to discredit specific SPs, (2) posting misinformation on health risks, usually in the form of studies whose scientific validity is questionable because said studies were bought and paid for by pharmaceutical companies who want to drain your wallet buying unnecessary or ineffective medications.

I have no problem with these threads if they were meaningful and informative but in the past, by and large, they were neither.

As far as some SPs alluding to the fact that newbie posters may need to be told that they shouldn't ask for or practice BBFS, there may actually be such newbies but do you really want them as your clients anyway? I mean if I was an SP I would not want as a client someone who needs to be told these kinds of things. And regardless of that these threads are not game changers in this industry, they are read by a tiny fraction of the people out there who will ask for BBFS.

So pardon me for my cynicism or for having been here for 14 plus years, but it's based on the facts that I am aware of from having been here over time and I cannot divorce that reality from my mind.
May 23, 2016
[FONT=&amp]I just went thru this thread this is my two cents about it.
Here is something I read.

Working on the Six Degrees of Separation theory – that we are all connected to each other through six other people – the tool was designed to warn people of STIs using the theory that if you sleep with someone without a condom, you’re also sleeping with everyone they’ve slept with, and everyone that they’ve slept with have slept with, etc, etc.

[FONT=&amp]The calculator shows that if the average number of people you’ve slept with is nine, you may have a total of 3,917,918 indirect sexual connections.
[FONT=&amp]While it's not a diagnostic tool, it can provide an estimate after looking at the ages and number of sexual partners you’ve had.[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]The researchers behind the tool surveyed 6,000 sexually active Brits in order to come up with the algorithm behind the calculator.

So wear fucken condom.BBFS is scary and the girls have all been asked or guys have tried and some have succeeded in doing it with out girls knowing it.If 9 is average sexual partners most hobbist and escorts is way higher than that.Some girls have told me they are up to a 1000 guys seen in a few years.So there indirect sexual partners is the millions.Now most of those relations were protected not all acts were (bbbj ,cim, ECT.).I 've had condoms break on me since I have been having sex.And getting tested and waiting for results is scary shit.But all results were negative. And if you really want to be safe wear one during bj.
Period be safe everyone.[/FONT]


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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James started the thread to warn particular posters they would be banned if they seek BBFS. He did not start the thread to discuss STD or BBFS health risks. There is no double standard except in your head. The history of these threads on this board is what it is. There was at one time a BBFS sticky thread, which was the one that John Eleganza used to out a senior poster. Such thread was deleted and no longer exists. I wonder why? I am only guessing but the reasons posted in my last post are a good bet on why. But this is admittedly speculation on my part.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Can I just point out that the people whining about this thread having too many pages are the ones who posted the most in it ? :)))


Active Member
Jun 17, 2010
This thread would be so much more fun if we could insert memes... :bounce:


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Sam, I’m truly not looking for an argument, and I hope I’m not coming across as being mean spirited. But I am trying to understand the passions and motivations of a frenzied board when not one freaking poster has suggested BBFS is a good idea. I haven’t checked my history so don’t know if I chimed in when James started the thread, but I do believe degree and proportionality are important. I think James was disturbed at some of the requests, provided a warning and was expecting the requests to cease and everybody moving on with their lives. Why day in and day out posters are railing against BBFS seems a bit crazy to me since nobody is disputing that. (And that fact that a previous sinister poster from before my time was Robertpal and I’m “RobertNYC” is equally amusing and disturbing. Lol.) EB brings up another insightful point. If someone is a newbie and thinks BBFS is a good idea does an agency want him as a client anyway? We’re all preaching to the choir here and I know I can’t control and am not privy to what goes on behind your hotel room doors. I can only control me and avoid deadly consequences through common sense. And I don’t give MERB one ounce of credit for my not engaging in risky behavior. It’s something I learned at age 15. If I didn’t learn it then, good old Sam on an escort review board is not changing my way of thinking


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Go talk to John Eleganza and you will get a different story.

The rumor on the street was that the former proprietor of the agency in question enjoyed and even pushed for BBFS on many of his ladies. BTW - maybe it was coincidence, but several of the ladies I met from that agency seemed to loathe the owner (I thought he did a great job of suggesting and providing SPs that provided a great service to me). Also, the rumor is that the accuser was sent up the river for having sex with under-aged women. So I doubt he has the moral high ground.

Now that I got that out of the way, allow me to say the following: I would rather have intercourse with a jar full of barbed wire and broken glass then have BBFS with one of these beautiful, fertile, sexy young girls from one of these agencies. Ughhhh, yukkkkk!!!!

For the newcomers, we all have to feign our revulsion of unprotected vaginal intercourse every so often in order to be a member in good standing on MERB. Seriously, as always, I bet the most vociferous in this thread are most likely to be the most serious offenders. I believed the technical term is projecting.

Before anyone asks, I have never been offered or asked for BB vaginal intercourse by or of any escort in Montreal or Quebec.


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2017
Thanks Hungry. The psychological projection was my point to the frenzied mob. I don’t know what goes on behind hotel room doors. Are some guys and ladies engaging in BBFS, or are girls having BBFS on their one night stands after a night of partying or with their boyfriends who may be cheating on them? I’m assuming so. Therefore I’m taking precautions to protect myself on appointments - or anywhere and anytime. I’m not going to be a lunatic and rail against BBFS with an alias on a message board as if I know what the fuck is going on.
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