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Asking girls for BBFS


Active Member
Oct 29, 2013
Sex Prison USA
I fully agree with all the fulminating outrage in this thread. Ban them! I wonder, though, how different it is to request cim, which is not only a common request but a relatively familiar "menu item." Putting aside the obvious danger of pregnancy, which is real and important, does anyone know how much greater the risk of STD is for a woman who does bbfs as opposed to cim? I'm curious and ignorant, not making a point. The risk may be entirely different. Still, I would assume that cim also presents a risk. Are we talking degrees here, or is bbfs really a completely different risk for the provider?

Too me it is pointless to quantify the actual risk. I don't think there are reliable studies to begin with. Whatever number comes up is just a number. You can have published risk of 99% of not catching a <fill_in_the_blank_STD> but if you are that 1%, you're fucked. Best way to prevent is to abstain from <fill_in_the_blank_act_you_want_to_perform>. Backup plan is to obtain regular testing so that if you do catch something, you can treat it early.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
There are degrees of risk.
Kissing, sex with a condom, and oral sex all have STI risks but highly unlikely for HIV.
BBFS is a different animal and that`s where the line should be drawn.
Oral sex is Russian Roulette with 1 bullet in the chamber. While BBFS has 5 bullets in a chamber of 6.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Just my opinion but these members should have their names posted now.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
If offender is MERB, call them out. But if not merb, not sure how sharing phone numbers would really work. Offender can easily get a new burner phone#.

Most Merb handles are anonymous are like burners.
This is only thé tip of the iceberg.
The Booker only knows the ones the girls talk about .
In crimes the police only knows of 10 % of crimes if so ?
If BBFS is the crime in escorting does the same statistic apply?




I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
There are degrees of risk.
Kissing, sex with a condom, and oral sex all have STI risks but highly unlikely for HIV.
BBFS is a different animal and that`s where the line should be drawn.
Oral sex is Russian Roulette with 1 bullet in the chamber. While BBFS has 5 bullets in a chamber of 6.

Cloudsurf, Oral sex is much much safer then 1 bullet in the chamber. There is some risk like everything in life. If a problem do arise because of oral sex, the consequence are on a very different scale then BBFS.

As for BBFS lets just say that for gay guys, sex without condoms is considered a pathological deviation. We should think the same.



Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2013
Even living in devolped country, with lot of information, do we need to get more education in this subject? Or we learned fron South African President Jacob Zuma, who believes that he cannot catch any disease if he takes shower after the sex. Even third world peoples knows about STI and HIV.
How we believe those people who are asking for BBFS to the agencies girs and Indys. These girls have better working conditions and paid reasonabley for their service. What about if the people with same mentality find some girls working on the streets or drug addicts, who may do it for Money. So scary and alarming for both of seeking and providing escort services. The thread is growing so fast, which shows that most of the people on this board are very much concerned. Thanks James for bringing up this subject to the attention of this board members.
In my openion it should be appropriate to pass the phone numbers to other agencies and Indys.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
A girl once tried to slip me in uncovered, I was like, I would love that but thats a no no, give me 5seconds to put one on.

If it was an agency girl did you report her? Guaranteed that you were not the first and probably a few accepted the offer.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Maybe James should have a discussion with each individual before sharing phone numbers and handles? I think that there should be some form of due process. Sounds like that are a lot of girls selling it these days. This sounds like it is a bit of a problem. More than I imagined.


Active Member
Jul 16, 2004
Visit site
Bbfs..bare back sex..if acronyms are right..sorry for asking ..but is it sex without condom?...If soooooo..guys you are disgusting. ..POINT FINAL.
James and ALL other agency you should stop that in a heart beat and post their names..
Also James i am really happy you did post that thread..Good job..btw somedayy i hope we will do business lolll

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Maybe James should have a discussion with each individual before sharing phone numbers and handles? .

Really? Sorry but no compassion from me, handles and ph numbers should be given out, members should know better than that.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
It's been a problem for more than a decade. But publishing private numbers makes you open to a lawsuit. What if the number published was once someone else's cell number and doing a search leads you to that person although they have nothing to do with it? The same for whomever might wind up with that phone number in the future. And what if a girl would lie about it? And what if whichever girl says is actually true, the phone number is published and it eventually leads to the guy's family finding out and destroying that family?? Is it worth it?? And you think there won't be retaliation?? So many of today's providers are on social media today and they'd be (and are) huge targets for harassment & retaliation.

I don't have any clear answers to remedy the problem. I think James making the community aware of it is a good thing. But two wrongs don't make a right. Following up with threats usually makes things even worse.

One problem about this, as i've mentioned many times in the past, is that over the years i've been made aware that many girls offer it (bbfs) to favorite clients. Even clients who barely knew the girl they saw have been offered it (for free even!) in the past. I even knew an sp once who did bbfs with several clients, got pregnant, and then told at least 3 of her clients that they were the father of her yet-to-be-born baby. Some of those clients were married with children. They felt they got conned. It wasn't a pretty situation. They weren't totally innocent, but the girl in question was as much to blame in that situation.

Years ago there was one prominent agency owner who told the community that a well-known 'hobbyist' had tried to get bbfs with one or two of his girls and wanted him banned. Okay, fine. But i later found out from some of his other girls that the same agency owner would regularly bang 3-4 girls in the agency and the girls told other girls that they weren't using protection. What a fucking hypocrite he was!! Some other time, a female agency owner told me that one of her drivers (who happened to be married with kids) was banging her most popular girl and she found out from him that they hadn't been using protection. She nearly lost her mind over this.

At one time i knew of a few very popular girls who had no problem with bbfs. I even knew another who told me to 'put it in right away!' I stopped and replied "Don't you want me to put on a condom first?" Her reply was "Do whatever you want." I put on the condom. My worry wasn't necessarily getting an std, but more i didn't want to have my life changed nine months later. I realized many guys in my situation wouldn't be able to resist. Way too many guys think with their little heads and not their bigger one.

It's a complicated situation with no easy answers. I feel for the girls and the agency, but threatening clients will only make things worse in my opinion. I also don't buy the argument that they make it more risky for all of us. Way too many of the girls we see have boyfriends....often more than one....and many don't even use protection when they have sex with their boyfriends and fuck-friends.

One thing a girl could reply to a client asking if bbfs is on the menu: "You want bbfs? Get yourself a girlfriend."

Euphoria Girls

Supporting Member
May 10, 2015
My intention was to open up a conversation and make people aware that this is going on and at an alarming rate. Also, hopefully some of these clients will read this thread and realize it is really not a good idea, at Euphoria, or in general. If my tone in the original post scares clients away from Euphoria, so be it. I believe it is an important issue that has to be stopped as much as possible. All of our girls are educated and informed on how to handle this kind of situation and to contact Matt or I immediately, if it does occur.

Being reckless and asking is one thing, but to actually try to secretly do it, is completely unacceptable. It is a form of rape in my opinion. There have been multiple clients immediately banned for this, including previously regular clients. That is why, despite complaints, we don't take bookings from text applications, in case these banned clients try to anonymously rebook.

I don't ask clients' handles (so don't know them), but will put together a phone number list and share it privately with all other agencies and Independents. Hopefully this will stem this kind of behavior and everyone can get back to having fun, in a positive and safer way.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
My intention was to open up a conversation and make people aware that this is going on and at an alarming rate. Also, hopefully some of these clients will read this thread and realize it is really not a good idea, at Euphoria, or in general. If my tone in the original post scares clients away from Euphoria, so be it. I believe it is an important issue that has to be stopped as much as possible. All of our girls are educated and informed on how to handle this kind of situation and to contact Matt or I immediately, if it does occur.

I totally agree with you and support you in that regard.

Being reckless and asking is one thing, but to actually try to secretly do it, is completely unacceptable. It is a form of rape in my opinion. There have been multiple clients immediately banned for this, including previously regular clients.

Wow. Those guys are fucking scumbags!!! It is indeed a form of sexual assault. I have no tolerance or respect for these idiots! It's one thing for a girl to get asked for bbfs or for both parties to mutually agree to it, but for one creep to do this kind of crap?? Troubling!


Active Member
Apr 27, 2016
I don't ask clients' handles (so don't know them), but will put together a phone number list and share it privately with all other agencies and Independents. Hopefully this will stem this kind of behavior and everyone can get back to having fun, in a positive and safer way.
Totally agree, They should be banned in this community..!


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I read somewhere else one of the people posting in this very thread does it on a blue moon... they said your handle...the info was erased not long after, but there is no mistaken the person is in this very thread pretending to be outraged.

That is more common then anyone would think a sheep in the posting a Devil in the rooms with the ladies.

A regular practice from those guys ,they use oversized condoms which eventually fall off .

I always told my girls tout make sure the condom was the right fit.

A common strategy when they are cought or they feel they are close of being cought they their patronage elsewhere with à différent number.

They are repeat offenders experienced in it .




New Member
Aug 17, 2012
Dans un épisode de Sexplora, on parlait du retour de plusieurs MTS. Alors que dans les années 1980, plusieurs personnalités publiques mourraient du sida, les gens faisaient plus attention, avaient peur. Comme le sida est contrôlé, les gens se pensent immunisés contre toutes formes de MTS.


Mar 26, 2006
I was going to type out exactly what Doc says but then he saved me the trouble... doing something like this opens the huge possibility of abuse. A girl who simply does not like a client for whatever reason could easily lie to the booker to get a member banned or black listed. It's one thing to discuss this problem but some of the members asking for immediate posting of handles and numbers have not thought this through properly. Luckily, there are some sensible people like Doc to speak up.
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