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Asking girls for BBFS


Well-Known Member
Sep 8, 2003
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That is true people are naturally attracted by the unknown ,the undiscovered ,the illegal , and the risk .

I heard someone on the radio stating that Boys are raised being rewarded to taking risks, while girls are raised being rewarded by being perfect. Hence the praise of the bad boy and the good girl, while the good boy and bad girl is not so hot....

But there comes a moment when the bad boy has sex with the good girl... what happens then? BB or safe?


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Hello Curly

Would that be in reference to the Great Curly Neal?
On the topic do you discriminate ?Lol
What about the reform bad boy and the Good Girl Gone Bad ?Lol !What happens then ?



Active Member
Mar 1, 2012
Hello everyone,

It seems to have become a recent phenomenon for clients to be either asking the girls, for an extra, for Bare Back, or even just trying "in the heat of the moment". I had 2 more reports from girls this week about that, and these are clients that have booked 10-15 times. I also caught another client from out of town, that has booked 4-5 times.

It is going too far and I want to take a lead on this. I will tell you all right now that it happens much more than you think and Merb clients are the vast majority of the culprits. We easily have 40% non-Merb clients for comparison.

I am saying right now, that any future client who even brings up BBFS will be banned permanently and I will look into permission to either post their phone numbers publicly or privately to all other agencies. We have a lot of debutante type girls here, who often don't know how to handle these type of insistent requests and it is a very dangerous practice. I will not accept anyone putting these young girls in a tough position and will not tread lightly on this. Even If it is our best client who books 4-5 hours a week, there will be no tolerance. I implore all other agencies to follow the same policies. Any girl I hear have accepted this, will be fired immediately as well.

It really irks me that some of these guys are regular clients, who act like the nicest guys on the phone, and then pull this kind of stuff.

Best Regards,

Glad you did this! Congrats! and Thanks!
I hope all follow.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
The kind of loser that only sees right now and not tomorrow. We all know we play a risky game but we hedge our bets with protection. Sleeping with different women is awesome but it's not worth my life. 20-30 minutes of fun isn't worth a lifetime of regret.

Carmine Falcone

Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2017
And it doesn't help saying ok then we'll use protection just asking is enough to get refused a meeting...

Excellent. That's the way it should be. I've read other boards where X lady does BBFS. I usually go look up the lady not just to stay away but to stay the fuck away. To each his own but to me there's no other way to put it: it is fucking retarded beyond all belief.


I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
Interesting to learn that it's old gent that actually ask for this. I would have thought it would be young jerk. I am mid 40s and ashamed by these old ass hole.



Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
If you really think about it BBFS is pretty much the same as BBBJ. What's the difference? You shoot inside the vagina or shoot inside the mouth, either way your load goes inside. Why is BBBJ accepted?


Well-Known Member
Sep 11, 2015
Is this really a serious question? Are you fuckin kidding me? BBFS is much riskier than BBBJ..there's no question about it. Just because the SP does BBBJ doesn't mean she offers CIM which is what you're talking about. Even if you take into account pre-cum, vaginal penetration without protection has a much greater chance of transmitting something than BBBJ.


Well-Known Member
Mar 23, 2010
Of course I'm talking about CIM...What I'm saying is that both have secretions going inside the orally and one vaginally...both risky and both dangerous. No provider should offer either.


Active Member
Aug 3, 2016
TigerWould, I'll let you study up on the biology and physiology of the mouth and genetals. I offer you this analogy: the difference is between sticking a fully loaded handgun into a dude's Greek Island (aka tailpipe) and a water pistol filled with sperm and sticking that loaded water pistol into the same dude's mouth and pulling the triggers on both instruments. Even if the dude swallows the sperms, all the germs and viruses will be cooked, digested by enzymes in the digestive system and excreted through the tail pipe. A BBFS is akin to pulling the trigger on the fully loaded handgun that was stuck up the dude's tailpipe. You draw the conclusions. If you can't then I'd suggest you consult with your medical doctors. No doubt, a lady can contract STD while giving BBBJ. BBFS can lead to her death; it's called HIV/AIDS!

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Not only diseases, TigerWood, but for some girls there's also the pregnancy factor. It's completely twisted from anyone to want to give diseases or get a girl pregnant, and the latter is even more creepy when the guy is 3x the girl's age... I just don't get it it freaks me out and as Lily said earlier, just asking for it is a sure way to be blacklisted and never meet me...


Sexual Deviant
Sep 1, 2014
Montreal, Ottawa
Of course I'm talking about CIM...What I'm saying is that both have secretions going inside the orally and one vaginally...both risky and both dangerous. No provider should offer either.

The risk factor is not even close to being the same. Educate yourself before continuing to have sex please.
Jun 15, 2015
Who knows
Interesting to learn that it's old gent that actually ask for this. I would have thought it would be young jerk. I am mid 40s and ashamed by these old ass hole.


Hey, hey, I'm old enough to be put down, and while it is true that I'm an old ass hole, I've never asked for bbfs.



Active Member
Jul 20, 2010
Oh wow is that really happening? Some guys are really asking for that stuff? That's so dangerous omg.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2004
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The risk factor is not even close to being the same. Educate yourself before continuing to have sex please.

The amount of information available on the internet is so plentiful, you would think before asking such a stupid question he would at the very least inform himself.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
Of course I'm talking about CIM...What I'm saying is that both have secretions going inside the orally and one vaginally...both risky and both dangerous. No provider should offer either.

The difference is the chemicals involved are of different natures since like mentioned one ends up a bacterial bucket mixed in a whole hell of a lot of other chemicals where the other way is introduced to a whole other section of the inner parts that are not as protected as the stomach. Someone may get an upset stomach from partaking in the cim/w/swallow and i don't care what you were told as a child, you can not get pregnant from a bbbj if you swallow.. I have at times been introduced to MY OWN fluids one way or another, whether by licking some off a ladies breasts and then some DFK is involved or even had a woman let my fluids just sit on her tongue and she would give me a big fat kiss with surprise.

And i was going to start a new thread about a topic as close as can be to this one, but, lets put the shoe on the other foot here, has any client ever been asked by an SP if he would like to partake in a BBFS in their sessions?

Just think we can address topic this also at the same time here.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Sometimes i wonder how many of those idiots requesting bbfs are married. Imagine getting an std and passing it to your wife. Or even worse, imagine getting an sp pregnant (it's happened before) and then having to explain this to your wife and kids.

The way i see it, if getting bbfs is that important to them, they should seriously consider getting a girlfriend or mistress and make damn sure they're on the pill.

Thor Jr

Wǎnshàng hǎo tiānshǐ
Jul 24, 2008
As much as i loved BB when i was with an ex, i can think of a few reasons to refrain from engaging in this practice here and the number 3 reason is that i last 5 times longer with a condom and since i am dishes out for this service, i want to last as long as i can.

I believe we are all taking a risk just being in this hobby, both SP and client, are at risk, health wise and personally, we are all jumping out of an airplane with a chute but no back up.
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