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Backpage Seized by the FBI


Active Member
Jul 4, 2006
Well there might be a big problem and it might come to Canada also if the conservatives win in the next election. Scheer who is a bible fanatic might very well follow the lead of the US.

The left is just as extreme on these points. Feminists have long railed against sexwork and porn (for instance). All they did was shift the focus onto the John's rather than the providers.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
But honestly is it really bad? I mean it is in term of "its LE getting territory wich is not good" but the pure result of it may mean "less bullshit fake ads" ...

Yes it's really bad. I would rather stumble upon fake ads and have to go back home or find a plan B as a client, rather than lose my main source of income as a sex worker. You can't compare the two. The client may lose some time, us escorts may lose our homes and overall livelihood. A ton of marginalized sex workers are going to struggle. A lot. Not every city/country in the world has other advertising venues that bring as much business ad BP did, unfortunately...


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
The good news is that Canada has much better separation between legislation and law enforcement than the U.S. This is a good article about how the process works in the U.S.
On the other hand, France was brutal on dissembling Internet advertising of commercial sex, and its John message boards.

One big difference of Canada compared to US and France is that we have a supreme court ruling that says the law should not harm sex workers. Now they are allowed to advertise for themselves and it would be impossible to completely disassemble internet advertising in Canada. Unless they change again our prostitution laws and decide to also criminalize the sex workers that they said were victims. I really can't see them doing that in the social context.


Jan 16, 2008
About time this filthy scummy website got shut down.
It was the home for scammers, crooks, criminals, gang bangers, liars, and sex slaves

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Yes it's really bad. I would rather stumble upon fake ads and have to go back home or find a plan B as a client, rather than lose my main source of income as a sex worker. You can't compare the two. The client may lose some time, us escorts may lose our homes and overall livelihood. A ton of marginalized sex workers are going to struggle. A lot. Not every city/country in the world has other advertising venues that bring as much business ad BP did, unfortunately...

Thats sadly what i read on twitter yesterday. I didn't tough backpage had "that many" clients, that it was that big of a source of income. Its sad not more Montreal peoples know about merb or look into it. Personally i would had never book of backpage without the providers having been ad advertiser on a reputed website either before or during the time i would seen her. I even learned couple days ago a girl who have both a twitter and an eros ads is using fake pics... somebody did a review on terb, she even had a previous "fake review" by a guy with 2 years of subscription. Its crazy how much some peoples will go far to trick clients. The guy did mention she was cool and open mind, had a general similar look as on the pic but its still fake pics...

I know i see the business as a client first, so i have to put myself on the providers side, and i know it will hurt for the legit ones... :-(


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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The providers in the USA who get hammered the worst by this are the massage providers in NYC. They are all under the radar, do not have websites and the only way people know about them is through Backpage. I have no idea how they will advertise now. Most of them do business in apartment buildings. Unless you are an existing client and know them and how to contact them it’s going to be difficult or impossible for them to find new clients except by word of mouth from old clients. Networking among providers is now critical.


Sep 7, 2017
beside BP and, also went dark.
Looks like some web services providers in the US are smelling some smoke...

As for BP, honestly, it was only a matter of time before the LE take it down. The feds were at it for a few years now.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
No idea if it's related but Maryly also seems down... Out of all the sites I used to advertise, I only have 4 left including merb.


Sep 7, 2017
No idea if it's related but Maryly also seems down... Out of all the sites I used to advertise, I only have 4 left including merb.

Maryly and many other websites are juste mirroring contents from BP. So with BP down, they are all broke now.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Bill & HM

Yes there were a lots of questionnable people using BP.... but a lots of good people as well, i

HM: you have to realize that people using Merb and other boards are just a fraction of the entirety.
That's why we have to put ads to many places... I am sure people (clients & providers) will find other places to use, and I am not convinced they will turn to reviews boards necessarely.

Yes... it always surprise me tough. Maybe im too spoiled by it...

I will admit it was weird today as i woke up not having my daily look at BP. It became somehow of a "morning ritual" to go there and check the ads for fun as i wake up in my bed.


Active Member
Jul 4, 2006
Jeff Sessions, Trump’s pick to head the Department of Justice, said the law is badly designed. It has to be pretty bad for him to say that.


Feb 10, 2006
Yes it's really bad. I would rather stumble upon fake ads and have to go back home or find a plan B as a client, rather than lose my main source of income as a sex worker. You can't compare the two. The client may lose some time, us escorts may lose our homes and overall livelihood. A ton of marginalized sex workers are going to struggle. A lot. Not every city/country in the world has other advertising venues that bring as much business ad BP did, unfortunately...

My dear dont feel so bad, as humans there is always around such issues. Before you know it, new advertising avenues will appear.
Back in the day, sites like Napster got shut down, and many including myself went into panic thinking we will never get online music the same way again.... Today we are close to have nothing other then online music.
there will be new backpagess and hopefully good honest sex workers like yourself will continue to and be able to advertise


New Member
Jul 30, 2011
Patron, about the London case, I don't know. I have been out of touch for a while and just learn now about the new law in the US. I hope there's going to be a constitutional challenge someday but that could still take a long time. Also according to the bill, there should be an evaluation of the law in a few years (5 years after it was passed). The particularity of the Canadian nordic model is that selling is always a crime according to the wording of the law, but the seller has immunity from prosecution if it's her own services. This is perhaps the most blatantly unconstitutional part of the law as it goes against the separation of power where prosecution is a provincial matter. If I understand, the new US law makes internet websites responsible for the criminal content posted on their sites, but in Canada it's just not clear to what would be considered criminal.

Julia Sky

Supporting Member
Oct 29, 2016
Maryly and many other websites are juste mirroring contents from BP. So with BP down, they are all broke now.

What are you even saying ? I advertise on maryly lol..... You're wrong

On another note, it is possible that a lot of the sites currently shutting down are just moving their hosting somewhere else and we might see a few resurface.


New Member
Apr 6, 2016
Many indies here have their websites down. Don't know what they will do with that.


Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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It may be that they are spooked. It’s not a good time right now to be pushing the envelope with this law rather than waiting to see how it all shakes out and whether the constitutional law gurus come out of the blocks with a court challenge. I bet Backpage is talking to some top constitutional law litigators right now.


Sep 7, 2017
What are you even saying ? I advertise on maryly lol..... You're wrong

I might be wrong on Maryly (been a while since I went on that website), but my general point remains. They were quite a few ad listing website that were doubleway mirror for BP (if you posted an ad on the mirror website, it would have shown on BP and vice-versa).


Active Member
Mar 10, 2018
Maryly is in no way a mirror of Backpage. I think Maryly belongs to the same group that owns Annonce123.
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