Hi Techman..
The Glen would be great, as I have gone to an IMSA race there in the past...
But for any F1 venue to succeed, you must have 1 thing- lodging infrastructure..
Montreal has it..the Glen does not...that's why you only have minor races there..nothing major. I know they have " Bud at the Glen "..but you must have to drive very far to get there, and I know that there is really knowwhere to go partying in downtown WG...most people buy the " camping package " which allows you to bring your car, set up a tent..Blah Blah.
But , they have a lock-down period..if you leave with your car, and they shut the gates...you are screwed until the morning.
Because of the lodging predicament, that's why the US race was based out of Indy...they already had years of hotels set up for Indy car....
Years ago, we were supposed to have the race in downtown NYC, with Philip Morris as the major backer ( 'la Molson )...the anti smoking jerkoffs killed that idea...
We have the hotels, let's bring it on !!
I do agree that Bernie is probably jerking Canada's chain, forcing Montreal to make track improvements ( like repaving the hairpin which falls apart every year the night before the race )
Best Regards