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Barack Obama: A Historic President

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New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I dont know why you waste your time with him anyways, the peace and love era has had it's effects, long term it seems. Chalk one up for DD, anytime a lib cannot take the heat, they ignore, so typical here.

To bad Huntsman got a late start and is not putting himself out there as much, he seems like a quality individual and i could get used to seeing ABBY (man i love that name) on a regular basis. Oh well, maybe in 2016.
Really, Rumps? How many tea party (use the correct term) members have been arrested for violence or disorderly conduct? None.

How many tea party members have been arrested for assaulting police officers? None.
What signs were violent, Rumps?
How many Occupy Wall Streeters and Occupy whatever have been arrested? Thousands.
How many OWS spewed anti-Semetic crap Rumps? Lots.
It's your Bizzaro world Rumps. You are king of it.

Everything I say is rational.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Right you are and Newt would have my vote anyday as well, time for change folks, four years is enuf, things are worse than ever and lets get someone who will do something besides taking 4 million dollar vacations and stick the american people with the bill, nice Christmas present he gave everyone. :rolleyes:

Haha Lovemaker, I'd vote for Gingrich over Obama any time, because of the damage the moron is doing to my nation and Gingrich is far more honest and credible than Obama (aka Jimmy Carter II).


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Feb 9, 2004
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Trump would either get us back on track financially or get us all killed.

Trump would get us killed. His first move would be to tell baby faced Kim Jong Un son of Kim Jong Dead (ex-Ill), Putin, and the Premier of China, that they are fired.

Obama apologizes and bows down to them (like an idiot), which is probably just as bad, but they somehow take him seriously and continue to plot against us.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Oh, right. Your post about Obama's vacation was a love piece. Do you know what hypocrisy is?
Current poll:
Obama favorability: 49%
Democrats in congress: 27%
Republicans in congress: 20%
The teapartiers will be flushed out in 2012.

Obama beats all comers in current polls. The only one he beats by less than 10 points is Romney. The teapartiers will be flushed out in 2012.

According to the attached average totals for presidential approval ratings, Obama now has an average rating of A LITTLE WORSE THAN G.W. Bush. Quite an accomplishment on his part considering his original polling numbers post 2008 election.

According to one poll OBAMA has a 82% approval rating among blacks. Taking out this ethnic portion of his electorate, his approval ratings drop to an embarrassing 37%. On a regional basis, OBAMA enjoys his best approval numbers in the Northeast at 40%, while most other areas of the US show somewhere in the 20-30% percentile.

Pew, Rasmussen, NBC :)eyebrows:Oh no say it ain't so NBC!! Otherwise known as the personal publicist of the Obama Administration), Politico all show Obama either dead even or losing to a GENERIC REPUBLICAN oponent. The overwhelming message being, "Give us anyone except OBAMA".

Gallup does provide a bit of relief to Obama Libs with a 1% edge over a GENERIC REPUBLICAN.

All of the above does not alter my prediction that Obama WILL WIN a close election in 2012.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
It is too bad Herman Cain is out. I had a bumper sticker that said my guy's blacker than yours.

Trump is right about one thing. we go over there and get our boys killed and we don't expect some kind of a payoff in oil???


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Feb 9, 2004
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According to the attached average totals for presidential approval ratings, Obama now has an average rating of A LITTLE WORSE THAN G.W. Bush. Quite an accomplishment on his part considering his original polling numbers post election.

According to one poll OBAMA has a 82% approval rating among blacks. Taking out this ethnic portion of his electorate his approval ratings drop to an embarrassing 37%. On a regional basis, OBAMA enjoys his best approval numbers in the Northeast at 40%, while most other areas of the US show somewhere in the 20-30% percentile.

Pew, Rasmussen, NBC :)eyebrows:Oh no say it ain't so NBC), Politico all show Obama either dead even or losing to a GENERIC REPUBLICAN oponent. The overwhelming message being, "Give us anyone except OBAMA".

Gallup does provide a bit of relief to Obama Libs with a 1% edge over a GENERIC REPUBLICAN.

All of the above does not alter my prediction that Obama WILL WIN a close election in 2012.

Obama will lose in a near landslide. Obama will be made to look like a fool in the 2 debates between the Republican and Obama.

Obama gets NY, CA, MA, IL, HI, DE, NM and VT. The Republican candidate gets everything else.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
It is too bad Herman Cain is out. I had a bumper sticker that said my guy's blacker than yours.

Herman is doing the "Sarah Palin" thing, selling his book & speeches to the highest bidder......more recently he's got a twice a week gig on Fox!! You gotta love it, 15 minutes of fame is turned into $150,000,000!!

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Obama will lose in a near landslide. Obama will be made to look like a fool in the 2 debates between the Republican and Obama.

Obama gets NY, CA, MA, IL, HI, DE, NM and VT. The Republican candidate gets everything else.

I wish, I wish upon a little ACORN Let me get this straight, you think PA goes red for the first time since 1984??? Demographics of North Philly say otherwise:


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Feb 9, 2004
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Acorn is out of business. True, Occupy took its place, but it is rather disorganized. Middle America, which is the average American from Truck driver to successful business owner or large company middle management to the millions of unemployed (couinted and uncounted) and underemployed, is pretty disillusioned with Mr. Hope and Change. It would take a lot more than all of Mr. Soros's money for B.O. to win a second term. But we shall see in the next 6 months, July, a lot clearer picture of how the election will go.

CS Martin

Apr 21, 2007
Remember that movie WAG THE DOG? You have to wonder, is Obama's team cooking things up: or is this just another example of the Obama's Administration's appeasement politics boiling over? Wouldn't it be ironic if the Noble Peace Prize President Obama got the US started in yet another war? The most ironic thing is Obama's lack of support for the State of Israel has emboldened Iran's Facist tendancies. Diplomacy has rarely worked with the Arab States, especially when they smell a weakened opponent.

For those of you that don't remember Wag the Dog:


Nov 4, 2009
The most ironic thing is Obama's lack of support for the State of Israel has emboldened Iran's Facist tendancies. Diplomacy has rarely worked with the Arab States, especially when they smell a weakened opponent.

Even Ron Paul said fuck you to Israel. The American people are fed up of spending billions of dollars on Israel. America has its own worries to deal with, Israel will have to learn to survive on its own, it's not a baby anymore.

Paul Findley, who served as a Republican congressman from Illinois for 22 years said the same thing;


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Even Ron Paul said fuck you to Israel. The American people are fed up of spending billions of dollars on Israel. America has its own worries to deal with, Israel will have to learn to survive on its own, it's not a baby anymore.

Paul Findley, who served as a Republican congressman from Illinois for 22 years said the same thing;

Even Ron Paul said fuck you to Israel? In those exact words. And why do you use the word "Even"? Have other Republican candidates said it also? I don't think so. Gingrich, Romney and Santorum certainly have not.

I think CS Martin was talking about the Iranian threat, not foreign aid. Iran is vigilant in its verbal threats against Israel. When you have a population whose people have suffered 1/3 of its people being eradicated during World War II, you can't take those threats with a grain of salt, unfortunately. Israel wants to use its own military to take out the Nuclear reactor sites. The Obama administration doesn't want Israel to do so.

As far as foreign aid goes, most of the money comes in Miltary aid to Israel, about 2.775 Billion last year. 400 Million was in economic aid. Egypt 1.2 Billion and Jordan 500 Million get less. The US has adopted Israeli technology in that of the unmanned flight drones. The US has used those drones in killing many terrorists. The drones were used in the first Gulf war.

Interestingly, Benjamin Netanyahu stated after his first term but before his second term that he thought Israel should be weaned off of American aid. He said it would make Israel more independent of the US. Israel has about 7 million people, 5.8 million Jews and 1.2 million Arabs. The aid comes to about 443 USD per person in Israel.


Born again punter
Nov 13, 2005
is Obama's team cooking things up: or is this just another example of the Obama's Administration's appeasement politics boiling over?
Well, I clicked the link, but maybe I watched a different video than you did :confused:: KT McFarland, National Security Analyst for Fox seemed pretty clear that for now, sanctions and covert operations were the way to go. She indicated that an Iranian oil embargo might strangle the regime enough to start an "Arab Spring" over there and convince the citizens of Iran to take back control of their country.

As far as Benji's comments, hahaha: that man will buy peace with the Palestinians the moment public opinions polls show him it's the way to cling to power. He tried it in the mid 90's when support for his gov't faltered. He failed. He then ran to the U.S to live there until he was back in power. What a wretched excuse for a human being, never mind a leader...


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Feb 9, 2004
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Remember that movie WAG THE DOG? You have to wonder, is Obama's team cooking things up: or is this just another example of the Obama's Administration's appeasement politics boiling over? Wouldn't it be ironic if the Noble Peace Prize President Obama got the US started in yet another war? The most ironic thing is Obama's lack of support for the State of Israel has emboldened Iran's Facist tendancies. Diplomacy has rarely worked with the Arab States, especially when they smell a weakened opponent.

For those of you that don't remember Wag the Dog:

Donald Trump said on the Sean Hannity radio program that he thought that the Obama Administration has a plan to attack Iran a few months before the November election. Trump said he wouldn't put it past Obama to use the tatic if he was seriously behind in the polls.

But on a more practical note, pushing aside conspiracy theories, it is well known that Israel wants to perform a miltary strike and several Arab states, like Saudi Arabia, Oman, Kuwait, privately back Israel in a strike. With Iran threatening the closure of the straits of Hormuz, it is probably prudent to plan what if scenarios. The sanctions are taking some toll on the Iranian economy. The Iranian currency has dropped around 30 percent of its value agaisnt most currencies.
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