Korbel said:
Hello Centaurus,
I missed you buddy. Ever think of writing for SNL? What a character. Hey thanks for keeping an open mind and voting several hours early on the debate polls...every time.
Great vid,
Comrade Korbel,
Get used to be called comrade as of Wednesday, since sadly, it looks like comrade barak hussein osama would be Selected chief of the communist democratic party and head of the people union of America.
I would most definitely loose my job due to comrade hussein distribution of wealth red philosophy, which is basically overtaxing the rich- i.e. small business owners like my employer who’s been contemplating retirement for a long time. Therefore, I will be crashing in your house-sorry the people house-since all properties belong to the people in red regimes-until I get shipped to Siberia or Alaska to hunt moose where I would live in the people public housing projects until I expire.
On a serious note, I urge you to read some history books about the great success communism enjoyed in USSR, Vietnam, China, and Cuba before you cast your vote.
p.s.: I missed you too