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BBC Reports And Send Child Abuse Images To Facebook As Proof, Facebook Reports BBC


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
We've been having a discussion about this on terb, and I realized that many board members don't know and understand the law on this issue.

Facebook reports the BBC to the police over child abuse images investigation

Facebook was compelled to report the BBC to the UK’s National Crime Agency (NCA) after the broadcaster flagged a crowd of child abuse material to the social media platform. The content included “sexualised images of children” obtained in groups where members had conversations about exchanging explicit content featuring minors.

The BBC said it used Facebook’s “report button” to flag up 100 photos on the website but 82 were not removed, with an automated response saying they did not breach “community standards”. The BBC also said Facebook failed to remove the profiles of five convicted paedophiles.

Facebook asked the whistleblowing journalist, Angus Crawford to send over the photographs he thought were problematic. However, the BBC was surprised when Facebook reported both the images and its organisation to the UK’s Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP).

“When the BBC approached Facebook with its findings, Facebook agreed to an interview on the condition the BBC provided examples of the remaining material which had been deemed acceptable by Facebook’s own moderation procedure,” a BBC spokesperson said. “The BBC provided that evidence to Facebook.”

Later, Facebook said it “carefully reviewed the content” and followed “industry’s standard practice” by reporting it to the authorities. “We also reported the child exploitation images that had been shared on our own platform. This matter is now in the hands of the authorities,” Simon Milner, the social network’s director of policy clarified.

“We have carefully reviewed the content referred to us and have now removed all items that were illegal or against our standards. This content is no longer on our platform. We take this matter extremely seriously and we continue to improve our reporting and take-down measures. Facebook has been recognised as one of the best platforms on the internet for child safety,” he said.

Damian Collins, chairman of the UK’s Culture, Media and Sport Committee, criticised the fact that the BBC had been reported for authorities while working to “help clean up the network.

“I find it very disturbing, I find that content unacceptable. I think it raises the question of how can users make effective complaints to Facebook about content that is disturbing, shouldn’t be on the site, and have confidence that that will be acted upon,” he said.

Anne Longfield, the Children’s Commissioner for England, said Facebook’s behaviour was “deeply disappointing and deeply disturbing.”

“I find it hard to believe that individuals at Facebook had seen these images and made a decision that they were okay and hadn’t breached their community rules,’ she said.

“They were very explicit, they were very sexualised photos of children and some of them clearly had been taken without the children knowing.”

In a statement, Milner later said Facebook has “now removed all items that were illegal or against our standards. This content is no longer on our platform. We take this matter extremely seriously and we continue to improve our reporting and take-down measures. Facebook has been recognized as one of the best platforms on the internet for child safety.”

It was a difficult task for the BBC to emphasise that all the images it sent to Facebook were pictures it had found on its own platform that were not taken down despite reports to site moderators, and that Facebook had specifically asked for the material to be sent across.


New Member
Mar 15, 2012

The Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection (ASACP) is a non-profit organization dedicated to eliminating child exploitation from the Internet. Founded in 1996, ASACP battles child exploitation by:

  • Providing an international reporting tipline.
  • Organizing the efforts of the online adult industry to combat the crime of child sexual abuse.
  • Working with parents to prevent children from viewing age-inappropriate material online.

ASACP educates members, the online adult industry, government policy makers, and the public about child protection, illegal online activities, and the efforts of the online adult industry to battle child sexual abuse.

ASACP provides an online tipline for web surfers and webmasters to report suspected child exploitation.

  • Investigate reports and determine the ownership of suspected CE sites and forwards Red Flag reports to international government agencies and associations including the FBI and the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, and International Tiplines.
  • Notify ISPs and payment processors when their hosting and billing services are hijacked by CE operators.
  • Create a Code of Ethics for our Membership program - a model of effective self-regulation for the online adult industry.
  • Establish Best Practices which are recommended for adult sites, search engines, billing and hosting companies, dating sites, adult sites and others.
  • ASACP created the RTA ("Restricted to Adults") label to better enable parental filtering and demonstrate the adult industry's commitment to help prevent children from viewing age-inappropriate content.
  • Inform members on current, new and pending laws and regulations pertaining to child exploitation and protection.

ASACP is a non-profit 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization.

Video instructions on how to report here:

Welcome to Canada’s tipline to report the online sexual exploitation of children.

Microsoft launches tool to rid Internet of child porn

QC Crime Stoppers

Info Crime Montreal


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
Posted by our new Admin on terb March 5/17

I would like to make it VERY CLEAR, that the mods and management of this review board do not condone or support the viewing of child porn or pedophilia in any manner whatsoever. Furthermore, if any member has proof that anybody they know is participating in the said activities, we strongly encourage them to contact Law enforcement immediately. The comments of the members in this thread are their opinions only and do not represent the beliefs and values of TERB management or the moderating team. It is for discussion purposes only.


Thank you Jess! :thumb:


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
Man allegedly posing as Justin Bieber charged with more than 900 child sex crimes
The 42-year-old Australian and university law lecturer allegedly posed as Justin Bieber online to solicit explicit images from children.

By The Associated Press
Thu., March 9, 2017
BRISBANE, AUSTRALIA—A 42-year-old Australian man who allegedly posed as Justin Bieber online to solicit explicit images from children has been charged with more than 900 child sex offences, police said Thursday.

Bieber, a 23-year-old Canadian pop singer, is currently in Australia performing his “Purpose World Tour.” Police have warned young fans and their parents to be extra vigilant when using the internet.

Gordon Douglas Chalmers, a law lecturer at the Queensland University of Technology in Brisbane, was charged in November with using Facebook and Skype to impersonate the star, after tip-offs from U.S. and German authorities. Chalmers was charged with using a carriage service to procure and groom children for sex and to access child pornography. He was also charged with possessing child porn.

As a result of warrants issued in November to search his social media and messaging accounts and cloud servers, Chalmers was charged this week with another 931 child sex offences dating back a decade, including rape and making child exploitation material, a police statement said.

“The fact that so many children could believe that they were communicating with this particular celebrity highlights the need for a serious rethink about the way that we as a society educate our children about online safety,” Police Detective Inspector Jon Rouse said in a statement.

“The breadth of offences committed in this instance is frankly horrendous,” Rouse added.

Police have not said how many children had become victims or in what countries they live. But Rouse said the investigation showed “the global reach and skill that child sex offenders have to groom and seduce victims.”

Chalmers has yet to enter pleas. It is not clear how long he could spend in prison if convicted.


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
Most Common Dangers that Children Face Online
Top threats that children face online and how to deal with them

We live in a world where Internet has become an integral part of our lives. It certainly has made our lives easier, but along with the good, Internet has brought some bad as well. The kids, in particular, have been on the receiving end of the bad and are constantly succumbing to online threats like the following.


Just when you thought bullying couldn’t get any worse, cyberbullying came to life, having the potential to scar a child for life. Instead of being bullied at a certain place, kids are now being targeted 24/7. They receive threatening or insulting messages on regular basis now, thanks to instant messaging apps and social networking platforms. They just can’t escape the bullying no matter how much they try.

Some kids were pushed to their absolute limits and because they couldn’t find a way to escape it, they took their own life. Cyberbullying was a nuisance, to begin with, but now with social media platforms and instant messaging apps, it’s in worst possible condition.

If you don’t want your kids to go through such ordeal, then we advise you to seek help from parental control apps because they are the only solution. With their help, you will be able to read their conversations, and if you see someone bullying them, you will be able to deal with them before they incur any serious damage.

Online Predators

Predators lurk online searching for complacent kids who are easy to manipulate. Since these predators are much experienced, they easily find gullible children online. They then make up stories that would interest them, and once they realize that the child is enamored by them, they lure them to their place. This kind of experience can literally ruin a kid’s life.

Porn Addiction

Another major online threat that’s plaguing the young generation is porn addiction. Due to easy access to the internet, children get acquainted with porn at a fairly young age which causes serious damage to their personality. They start watching explicit content on regular basis and even start sharing it with their friends. Soon, this becomes a part of their daily life which they cannot live without. They begin to watch it day in and day out and completely ruin themselves in the process. Porn addiction is a huge issue and can destroy kids if not treated at an early age.

So, What Should Parents Do?

We are not going to give you clichéd answers, which almost every website has given. Instead, we are just going to advise you to get help from a decent parental control app. They will help you keep an eye on your kid’s call logs, messaging activity, social media activity, pictures, videos, content they’ve shared, web browsing history, application list, and so much more. When you have all of this information at your disposal, you will be able to keep your kids safe from the online threats with ease. helps teens stop the spread of sexual pictures or videos and provides support along the way. If you or someone you know has been negatively impacted by a self/peer exploitation incident, we are here to help offer guidance on the steps you can take to get through it and #ChangeTheStory.

The Law and Reporting

Here you will find information on certain criminal offences in Canada to help give you a general understanding of the type of behaviour that could be illegal and result in charges by police, as well as the places to report these issues.

What Is The Cyber Risk Assessment?

This series of questions will help you to assess your digital decision making. Are you making responsible or risky decisions in the cyber world?

You can use the Cyber Risk Assessment to check your children's level of safety, not just your own.

(I did the Assessment and got a perfect low score of zero.)

Parenting Tools: Bring Public and Permanent™ To Your Home

The best free parental control software 2017

Keep your children safe online with the best free parental control software for Windows.

Please post any other good sites you know of ...


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
Laws in Canada

Illegal Pictures and Videos

Child Pornography: includes naked or semi-naked sexual picture or video of a person under 18, or of a person under 18 engaging in a sex act. It is illegal to view, keep, send, post or take such pictures or videos.

Acts that Violate Privacy
Non-Consensual Distribution of an Intimate Image: if someone has a sexual/intimate picture/video of you that was created in private circumstances, and that person knowingly posts it online or shares it with someone else knowing that you would not consent to that (or being reckless about whether you would consent to it), the person could be charged.

Voyeurism: secretly observing or recording a person who reasonably believes his/her actions are private and:

  • who is in a place where the person might be expected to change or remove clothing (e.g. bedroom, bathroom, change room, cabin, tent);
  • who is all or partially naked or engaged in sexual activity at the time; or
  • where the recording is done for sexual reasons.

Unwanted or Illegal Sexual Contact

Online Luring: a situation where one person (typically an adult but not always) communicates with a young person through technology (like texting, instant messaging, emailing) to make it easier to commit a specific sexual offence against that young person. An example of a communication that could qualify as online luring is if the person asks, hints at or tries to convince the young person to create or send naked or semi-naked sexual pictures or videos.

Making Sexually Explicit Material Available to a Person under 18
: showing or sending material like pornography to a child to make it easier to commit a sexual offence against the child.

Sexual Exploitation: When a 16- or 17-year-old is touched by or encouraged to touch themselves or any other person for a sexual purpose by a person who is:

  • in a position of trust or authority (e.g. parent, guardian, teacher, coach) over the young person
  • a person upon whom the 16 or 17 year old is dependent in some way
  • exploiting the young person in some way

Invitation to Sexual Touching
: encouraging a person under 16 to touch themselves or someone else for a sexual purpose (whether in person or online). It includes indirect touching (with an object, for example). When both people are close enough in age AND have lawfully consented, charges may not be laid.


New Member
Mar 15, 2012
B.C. teenager charged after 11-year-old Texas boy alleges cyberbullying, extortion

The Canadian Press
Published Wednesday, March 15, 2017 2:20PM EDT

ABBOTSFORD, B.C. -- A teenager in British Columbia has been charged with offences including luring a child, making child pornography, sexual interference and extortion involving an 11-year-old boy in the United States.

Abbotsford police says officers were contacted last October by investigators from Texas after the boy reported alleged cyberbullying and extortion, including threats of repercussions if he didn't supply naked or sexual images.

Const. Ian MacDonald says in a news release that officers in Abbotsford seized computers and a cellphone from a home in February.

Charges were laid against the teenaged boy this month.

Because of the ages of the accused and the alleged victim, MacDonald says no further details can be released.

Police say the case serves as a reminder to parents to monitor the online activity of their children.
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