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BBFS and Requests for Same

Apr 16, 2005
Athana said:
Yes, RG.... completely screened out!! BANNED! Because if "he" has tried it with me "he" sure has tried with others, so.... OUT!

To be honest... don't care of the loss of income!!

Thank you Athana. I didn't mean to put you in the hot seat. Now you realize that some may say that you are merely paying lip service to this because it sounds good when you post it in this thread. But whether you actually follow up on it will be highly suspect because all you care about is the money. And to these skeptics I can only say that a nice case of aids would really result in a loss of income for you. I think we can count on you to make sure the guys "put it on and keep it on". As for my own position on that one: In the end we are all responsible to ourselves to put it on and keep it on and you can bet the rent money that I will.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Regular Guy said:
If you feel there is absolutely zero incentive for owners to address this issue, if only in their own interests, then so be it. You suggest that this is so because there is a total lack of integrity among agency owners. Fair enough. They will have to come on this thread and defend themselves if they take exception to this I suppose. If you feel that this board is totally irrelevant to influencing any aspect whatsoever of this "hobby" then we will have to agree to disagree. If only in their own self-interest owners have posted to threads defending this or that charge. As you implied yourself, cash is the lowest common denominator. They seem to act quickly enough on any issue where it hits them in the pocketbook. BBFS would seem to be , for you at least, a serious enough issue to start this thread. If it is an activity totally beyond any influence here then why is it an issue even worthy of a thread? :
I'm actually more skeptical than what you're describing. If boards were irrelevant or, let's say, neutral in that these wouldn't have any significant impact, positive or negative, I wouldn't worry. But that's not how it works. Boards have a fairly open structure where information can be posted quite freely. Conversely, boards don't dispose of reliable mechanisms to validate the information that is being posted. An example (a real and recent one) that comes to mind is this agency making publicity for itself over the escorts they represent being - quote unquote - "tested".

It took the vigilance of a handful of posters to challenge this claim: "At which frequency were the said tests performed? What kind of tests? Who pays for the tests, the agency or the escorts? Does it mean that your escorts have agreed to show a clean bill of health when they meet clients? Questions like that...

But the debate didn't fly long. The next think you knew, it was put to rest and the agency went on with that same publicity ploy.

Another prominent example came from another agency owner and his newly recruited spokesperson who shed their crocodile tears on a thread. They woke up one morning with the idea of blaming clients for GFE service, how such liberal service, allegedly imposed by the clients, put public health in great danger, blahblahblah.

Well, what do you know! That same agency owner was pushing the idea through the back channels that GFE service ought to be charged extra. While some agencies agreed to the principle, others didn't and a few others, who supposedly agreed to raise the prices, secretly opened new agencies offering standard GFE service for the current rates.

Tell me where's the positive in providing prospective clients with a false sense of security?

I don't think that nothing positive can ever come out from these boards, that's really not my point. I'm sure that a few eyes just opened following Anik's post on this thread.

But my sense is the negative easily outweighs the positive because the incentive to produce bullshit is the dominant force.

Regular Guy said:
Well you started a thread on BBFS and I went "hiss, hush, boom, and pow." So where would you like to go from here?
Public policies. Wrong forum.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Athana said:
OH... RG.. I love to sit on Hot Stuff!! ;)

If that is what "they" are thinking... well to bad for "them"!

The only thing I know is that I will absolutely take NO chances with this matter.

I don't care only about the money... even if I will never deny that the money is the "main" reason why I'm doing this... but from there to put my LIFE in danger, there is a big gap.

BBFS is a very serious matter!! Nothing to be playing with!!

I only want to get my message out there... I will not accept any offer (like I said don't care of the $$$) of this kind!!

Thanks for addressing these issues with straight answers. You appear to be quite an intelligent and self-assured woman. Now if you look back when you were - say - 18 and picture yourself being an escort having to deal with a client pressuring you to offer BBFS.

Honestly, would you have been as assertive back then as you would be nowadays?
Apr 16, 2005
The right bullshit!

I'm actually more skeptical than what you're describing. If boards were irrelevant or, let's say, neutral in that these wouldn't have any significant impact, positive or negative, I wouldn't worry. But that's not how it works. Boards have a fairly open structure where information can be posted quite freely. Conversely, boards don't dispose of reliable mechanisms to validate the information that is being posted. An example (a real and recent one) that comes to mind is this agency making publicity for itself over the escorts they represent being - quote unquote - "tested".

It's not about that at all. Maybe you aren't skeptical enough. You are totally right in one sense. In terms of this board being able to enforce anything of a definitive nature is completely impossible. Yes information can be posted freely here. If I were an agency owner , yeah I could say all my girls were tested. So what. This is totally irrelevant. This board is a social environment period. It operates on a totally different premise. It is all about reputations and opinions. There is a strong political element here. The entire structure including the rules which all members must adhere to are not based on law or science.

When members see a claim such as the "tested" one you mention it means about as much to them as claims meant for the new K-Tel slicer and dicer. I'll believe it when I see it. When the agency owner came on disputing the health risks of GFE I would be willing to bet he was looked upon as a whiner. The members just want what they want. Do these guys think we all just fell off the turnip truck?

So what impact does the board have? What got rumpleforeskin banned? What prompted Anik to say,
But what about these guys who gave up such stupid information in the first place... how is it that they are not to blame?
It was all about that intangible called a reputation. Reputations are often the children of gossip, opinion and innuendo. And in that lies the power of this board. When a member complains about the poor service he got was there anyone there to corroborate it? Really? No. Agency owners are offering some form of compensation as damage control. Period. Don't read anything more into it.

Well, what do you know! That same agency owner was pushing the idea through the back channels that GFE service ought to be charged extra. While some agencies agreed to the principle, others didn't and a few others, who supposedly agreed to raise the prices, secretly opened new agencies offering standard GFE service for the current rates.

Now you can postulate any conspiracy theory that you like as to what went on. Were members manipulated? I don't know. Who gives a damn about what agency owners may have thought or what game plan they had going. You don't think any one of them wouldn't have broken ranks if there was a dollar involved? You betcha. Market forces prevail here as anywhere else.
Who cares what they thought about it. There are ten more ready to make a better offer.

You see that for agency owners the members of this board represent a viable market. And it is a fickle market. It can turn on you anytime. You have painted it without any particular cause to engender loyalty and I agree 100%.

Because this board is a viable market. Because it operates on reputation, opinion and the like agencies are vulnerable. Anik called it: The idiots who tout such claims about sp's who may offer such services are creating the problem. Reputations are made and broken this way. Do you think the mods will be able to put the clamps on anyone saying , "Hey guys! The girls over here at agency XYZ have been caving in and providing BBFS. This is the place to go!" They might be able to within the body of this forum but not on the pm's or with other forms of communication.

Now, all that said, I don't know about you. But if I were an agency owner I just might be inclined to spread the word among my girls that " I don't want it to be spread around that in this agency we can be relied upon, more than the other agencies, to allow BBFS." Not if I was concerned about this market. I just might be inclined to tell the girls that if I find that you are f**king things up for this agency, you are gone. I want to know who these guys are. And I don't want any of you giving BBFS" You see I truly believe as Anik does that the guys who "gave such stupid information in the first place" are true knuckle walkers then I can see the aforementioned scenario unfolding. They don't give a damn about us or the agencies or the girls. This is all about highballing the rest of us no matter what the cost. So you see, in the end analysis, it is not just about producing bullshit for the agency owners but about making sure that the right bullshit is produced. Giving a damn about the clients or the girls wont deter them but getting blackballed by a significant element of the clientele who are scared shitless to get AIDS just might. Condoms break. Would you want one to break inside a girl from an agency with a rep for allowing BBFS? I wouldn't.


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Re: Your post #31


I understand the notion of the boards functioning as social environments. Yet, I still haven't seen a single case showing that this forum, one of reputations and opinions, the former often being "the children of gossip, opinion and innuendo", has actually had a significant and durable impact on issues of concern, let alone on matters of public health.

If I understood well, the seminal question was: can members of this board exert some kind of influence on agency owners on the issue of BBFS?

In short, and with no real consideration to theoretical possibilities, my response to that was: "as far as I know, it hasn't". I explained the possible reasons (short term incentives and self-serving forgetfulness) and provided two examples.

Whether the stratagems deployed by the two agency owners fooled or didn't fool anyone is irrelevant the moment it is demonstrated that the said owners, not only showed no concern toward certain health issues, but actually addressed the questions in ways that were purposely misleading.

So - ok -such SP of such agency has the reputation of offering BBFS, the total outrage! The pimp jumps in to patch up things, promises a full scale investigation (lol). Meanwhile White Knights are raising the possibility that the source of information might be corrupted. Flame wars erupt. Mod jumps in, distributes warnings, issues bans, closes the thread, sometimes deletes it. Sorry but scandals in hobbyland last the time to fill a few KB's of bandwidth and then it's back to business as usual.

Broken reputations are quickly fixed. Why? Because it's convenient to forget. Have we, members of the board, exerted any significant and durable influence
on agency owners in regards to the issue of BBFS?

No, we've at best urged them to put a plaster where we saw blood and went back to our routines.

For crying out loud, maybe one day a certain Sp will come out of the shadow to reveal how she was asked by her ex pimp not to make waves over a regular and well-off client who would abuse her and her colleagues.

The details were known by several people, members of this board. You think anyone lift a finger? And you think the reputations that were distributed at the time hurt in any way the cash cow?
Apr 16, 2005
Okay. Well fair enough! I think we have just about beaten this one to death. So let's see how it all plays out over time. I do hope this fad, if that's what it is, doesn't escalate. Not a pretty thought at all. As far as the agency owners taking action, they have been silent on this issue. Would have been fun though to see some of the BBFS boys coming on here and crying the blues because they had been banned by, for example, Eleganza or Xxxtase for asking for BBFS or trying to yank the condom off. Well let's put a tourniquet in those condoms.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 2, 2007

as much as i wish this were a world where we could all go bare back willy nilly it isnt,, allways use protection

basic statement tests dont mean shit!!!

a girl can say i had a test 24 hours ago and show you actual documentation,, does that mean after she took that test later that night she didnt fuck her bf or othet clients bareback and they had the monster full blown???? (monster=aids) or anything else?


New Member
Feb 28, 2007
Regular Guy said:
Okay. Well fair enough! I think we have just about beaten this one to death. So let's see how it all plays out over time. I do hope this fad, if that's what it is, doesn't escalate. Not a pretty thought at all. As far as the agency owners taking action, they have been silent on this issue. Would have been fun though to see some of the BBFS boys coming on here and crying the blues because they had been banned by, for example, Eleganza or Xxxtase for asking for BBFS or trying to yank the condom off. Well let's put a tourniquet in those condoms.
Since, unfortunately, the discussion was pushed to the point where it became somewhat of a tarbaby..., as you said it on the other board, it's best, I think, to leave it at that.:rolleyes:

Hope your hopes to see pimps take position on this issue on discussion boards will be fulfilled. (lol)
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Mar 31, 2005
well with the instance of Tamara appearing in porn vids doing BBFS and for sure we can quantify alot more SP's who have done such deeds.

The appropriate question is why is it safer to do BBFS in a porn Vid vs a Regular safe client.

While I am not trying to promote the practice, I am a bit perplexed at the double standard!!


Aug 17, 2007
Porter said:
The appropriate question is why is it safer to do BBFS in a porn Vid vs a Regular safe client.

While I am not trying to promote the practice, I am a bit perplexed at the double standard!!

In the Porn world, the performers are required to have very current STD tests before they go on film....... even most of the web Am stuff like "bang bus" or "milf hunter" is scripted and staged with tests & release forms signed before shooting starts.

What would you guess is the last time the average client had a STD test? If he is a decent guy, 1 year at the longest.......... if he is young or reckless: 5+ years. Neither of this matters, there is no such thing as "SAFE" sex..... it always has some risk, but so does everything else you do. The main reason SP's/Pornstars do BBFS or BB Greek is they get paid way more than your normal $180 a hour. If they are also strippers, being a Pornstar, instantly bumps you up to "Feature" dancer status & even more money. For the most part, people get into porn to make money. If this is true, why don't all SP's become Pornstars? because then everyone including her family & friends would know she is a Pornstar.......... as a once or twice a week SP, traveling to Montreal, who is going to find out she is a SP? Sure it happens, but like I mentioned earlier everything has some risk invovled.


Oct 30, 2003
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chercherfemmes said:
I've had offers for bbfs in Costa Rica and at a German FKK

That should have been reported to the management of the FKK, and on the various forums dealing with FKKs.
A large part of their customers are regulars, and I'm not sure girls offering bb would be seen very kindly.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I just remembered this tidbit now:

Several years ago, back in the days when i was seeing sps named Sarah, Jenny & Angelique, one of them told me that one of the newer girls at their agency was extremely naive. When i asked the girl who told me this "how naive is she?", she replied that recently, the girl arrived in the car & told them that she had forgot her condoms at home prior to going to work. She told the girls that when she told this to the client she had just seen, he simply told her "okay then....we'll have anal sex instead", and she agreed. The girls gasped & said "are you crazy?" The girl, bewildered, told them "why, i wasn't supposed to do that? I thought it was okay since you can't get pregnant that way. Can you?" :D

True story!
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not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
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I guess britney's sisters didn't know that!

On a more serious note, it's amazing the lack of information and knowledge young people have regarding unprotected sex. So many of them are so naive and lack experience and it should be the responsibality of the agency to give them the info. I believe that Stella does provided such info but does it reach the working girls in agencies?


not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
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Doc Holliday said:
You're kidding, right? Most agencies don't give a crap as long as the money is coming in.
Off course I'm kidding DH. Otherwise I would have said IT IS the responsability of agencies.


not going there anymore
Jan 17, 2004
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Karma said:
No it doesn't, which is the saddest. At first, I thought STELLA was only for street workers...
I'll react like DH....You're kidding right!!!!!!

You see I always thought that Stella was mainly for street workers. I guess they have to rethink their way and approach agencies to help the girl have more infos.

I wonder if merb would open a free window for stella to help them transmit information to working girls and customers of the sex industry.

Does anyone know the name of the organisation that tests all the porn sarts in LA ?
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