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Beauty in the eye of the beholder, the rating system and confusion


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
First off I am not going to insult, put anyone on the spot, say bad comments etc, like last time, but bare with me I am really confused now.

I consider myself a middle age man at 52, I lost some weight and my physique is changing, smaller waist size, shoulder or broad, and i lost of fat on the face and double chin that was building up.

Today before work I went to Pharma Prix near my job, around 6pm, i was alone walking to the cashier, 2 women were there the cashier and the girl who worked at the makeup in front, both gave me a look and i heard one of them say he as beautiful eyes.

I froze, almost turn red (heu what who me) and looked around to make sure that remark was for me. Then the girl working at the makeup left and gave me a big smile. Even more confused.

When younger i got those compliments a lot I have blue eyes that sort of stick out, and back then I had what women said a great butt LOL. But now i am 52 ? a lot older i stop the hair dye like 2-3 years ago, so I have touches of grey and my natural brown is almost gone, of course i am tall.

Both of those women were beautiful in my eyes, and a lot better than the women I went on date when i was online dating or the people who insulted me. They were young women pretty sure not older than 25 so needless to say way to young for me but i got a boost of confidence from this.

Now i am puzzled how this rating thing goes how women view men and why most of the time the below average women are the ones being mean and pass harmful comments on your looks etc.

There is a women at my job who since she quite smoking ballooned up she must have gained like 70 pounds and she was on my case a lot before I lost some of the weight (no my journey is not over I still have lots of weight to lose but getting there), that women told me I was obese and that at my age I would never lose the weight, and the other day she had the guts to ask me how I did it LOL.

I am just having a hard time processing and understanding all this, sorry guys another one of those post I know, but still.


"Bond. James Bond" Obvio007
Jan 3, 2023
First of all, I'm not exactly shocked that you encounter compliments at a pharmacy. Are you familiar with that amusing French saying? "Jean Coutu, Jean Coutu, on trouve même un ami." Joke aside, It's great to hear about your journey and the positive changes you’ve made! It’s completely normal to feel a bit confused when compliments come your way, especially from those who seem significantly younger. Just remember, confidence can shine at any age, and not everyone subscribes to the negative outlook you’ve encountered.

Now, as someone in my early mid 40s, I can assure you I still receive compliments, perhaps even more than I did when I was younger. This is likely because I prioritize self care and indulge in beauty treatments; after all, feeling and looking good is priceless. I think young mature women are often drawn to older men because they appreciate a certain seriousness and maturity in life. Nowadays, the dating scene can be quite tricky, with many women falling victim to younger guys ( fuck boys ) who seem to treat dating as a game, leading to more toxic heartbreak than healthy relationships. This could definitely explain why some young women have more respect for, and thus are more attracted to, older men.

So, embrace those compliments and continue focusing on your progress. You're doing fantastic buddy.
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
First of all, I'm not exactly shocked that you encounter compliments at a pharmacy. Are you familiar with that amusing French saying? "Jean Coutu, Jean Coutu, on trouve même un ami." Joke aside, It's great to hear about your journey and the positive changes you’ve made! It’s completely normal to feel a bit confused when compliments come your way, especially from those who seem significantly younger. Just remember, confidence can shine at any age, and not everyone subscribes to the negative outlook you’ve encountered.

Now, as someone in my early mid 40s, I can assure you I still receive compliments, perhaps even more than I did when I was younger. This is likely because I prioritize self care and indulge in beauty treatments; after all, feeling and looking good is priceless. I think young mature women are often drawn to older men because they appreciate a certain seriousness and maturity in life. Nowadays, the dating scene can be quite tricky, with many women falling victim to younger guys ( fuck boys ) who seem to treat dating as a game, leading to more toxic heartbreak than healthy relationships. This could definitely explain why some young women have more respect for, and thus are more attracted to, older men.

So, embrace those compliments and continue focusing on your progress. You're doing fantastic buddy.
At 44 i had lost a lot of weight too, sport doc put me on things to heal my back like testosterone and GH and that did squat but made me gain weight also that MK677 crap. We went to Belle et boeuf in Anjou. There was rock playing all night we were sitting out on the terrasse, the waitress a young Hispanic was giving me a weird look, from out of the blue Wham Careless Wisper starts playing while she was at the table to make us pay. I ask her can you change the channel the song doesn't fit the rest of the music that night, she looks at me and says what you are not romantic? my friend sees the door open he tells her, that when i hear this song i want to slow dance. The waitress says get up i been waiting for this all night. Yes once again i froze, i take back my credit card from the machine she says you did not even let me see your name, do you have kids. I was like sorry but you realize i am 44 right older, she tells me you look like someone in the army are you? i said no i am an IT tech and why all those questions, she said you are interesting i want to get to know you. She was 23y old. She was a beautiful young women in university, but I told her at 44 i am not going to have kids.

At La cage place Versailles, me and 2 friends were walking from the parking to the front door of la cage, 2 girls come up to me and start talking, we get Infront of the door one says let me open the door i still believe in chivalry, once again both women were beautiful but in there 20.

Older women my age or in there 40 don't want older men, at least this is the feeling i got from online dating and now i realize that maybe online dating is not a great place to meet someone after all.

Obvio-0bvio thank you very much for your feedback really enjoy reading you post too, on a side note i watch James Bond Skyfall and specter tonight ahahhaah
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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2021
BTW also started some treatments got some anti aging face cream lol but collagen biotin shampoo (try to get the hair thicker i cannot shave my head), and i hate that buzz cut i have. For my age i don't have a lot of wrinkles but i won't start the hair dye again, i still have generation x at home gives you a more natural look but anyways.
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Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
You are asking on an escort review board for an honest answer to your question?
Asking to ladies whose entire marketing plan is to make you feel like a king.
And to guys who are mostly single, even though most say by choice the truth is because it is easy to get laid by paying and thus don’t want the trouble of a girlfriend. That is not a choice. That is taking the easy road.
You are asking these people to give you honest feedback about the looks rating?

If you want a real opinion. …but be prepared to feel shitty ….
Open up a tinder account.
Then you will have the real answer to your looks rating question.
You might get lucky. Bang a 20 year old with grand-daddy issues
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New Member
Sep 10, 2024
You are asking on an escort review board for an honest answer to your question?
Asking to ladies whose entire marketing plan is to make you feel like a king.
And to guys who are mostly single, even though most say by choice the truth is because it is easy to get laid by paying and thus don’t want the trouble of a girlfriend. That is not a choice. That is taking the easy road.
You are asking these people to give you honest feedback about the looks rating?

If you want a real opinion. …but be prepared to feel shitty ….
Open up a tinder account.
Then you will have the real answer to your looks rating question.
You might get lucky. Bang a 20 year old with grand-daddy issues
Are you for real, Tinder hahaha man sorry passing by but man why don't you go online and see what you attract. You know that online dating is based on pictures right you are judge by your photograph, who as not been online and failed miserably and yet we here it all the time, online does not work but going at it live does.

I got off a relationship of 3 years and been 6 months now I went online and got hit like, from the research studies that i read most women online find men ugly and nothing ever works out.

Consider that almost everyone man and women online uses picture filters and you have a bunch of fakes parading themselves for attention seeking purpose. No don't go on tinder.

So many people I know went on there for various purpose and ended up deceived.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
Are you for real, Tinder hahaha man sorry passing by but man why don't you go online and see what you attract. You know that online dating is based on pictures right you are judge by your photograph, who as not been online and failed miserably and yet we here it all the time, online does not work but going at it live does.

I got off a relationship of 3 years and been 6 months now I went online and got hit like, from the research studies that i read most women online find men ugly and nothing ever works out.

Consider that almost everyone man and women online uses picture filters and you have a bunch of fakes parading themselves for attention seeking purpose. No don't go on tinder.

So many people I know went on there for various purpose and ended up deceived.
I would probably be swiped left 99% of the time.
I have no problem with your rebuttle of my idea
But you don’t bring any ideas to the OP to help him out


New Member
Sep 10, 2024
I would probably be swiped left 99% of the time.
I have no problem with your rebuttle of my idea
But you don’t bring any ideas to the OP to help him out
You don't either buddy your post is arrogant, and a bit narcissist, i read a few post of what OP as gone through over the years and can understand the frustration and sadness he is feeling. Some people have been bless by luck for this life others have it much harder. My ex girlfriend never cheated on me the relationship was going on the rocks and she decided to leave, i can only imagine being cheated on after so long.

I went online paid sub for zoosk, cupid and sadly bumble where women approach you, did he get approached no not once. Do i ever get approach by women no never happened young mid and now at my current age. Then I spoke to many men that went online on various platforms and the end results was the same. From what i seen online and the few days i was on a free facebook single group 99% of people are average at best and none one as a model look. So online dating is not a good reference to find out if you have success or not with women.

We are in the era of aesthetics its sad but the world revolves around this right now.


Supreme leader
Jul 3, 2015
Up north
You don't either buddy your post is arrogant, and a bit narcissist, i read a few post of what OP as gone through over the years and can understand the frustration and sadness he is feeling. Some people have been bless by luck for this life others have it much harder. My ex girlfriend never cheated on me the relationship was going on the rocks and she decided to leave, i can only imagine being cheated on after so long.

I went online paid sub for zoosk, cupid and sadly bumble where women approach you, did he get approached no not once. Do i ever get approach by women no never happened young mid and now at my current age. Then I spoke to many men that went online on various platforms and the end results was the same. From what i seen online and the few days i was on a free facebook single group 99% of people are average at best and none one as a model look. So online dating is not a good reference to find out if you have success or not with women.

We are in the era of aesthetics its sad but the world revolves around this right now.
You seem to be pretty off topic
He asked how to rate himself and how the ratings system works
He did not say he was cheated on
Did you read his post?
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