En general quand Mike "perd"
Reste dans le topic mec . 2 + 2 = 4
C'est ca point a la ligne. Ceci tres rapidement.
Ceci est la question.
En general quand Mike "perd"
Reste dans le topic mec . 2 + 2 = 4
C'est ca point a la ligne. Ceci tres rapidement.
Ceci est la question.
Salut à tousComprend pas trop ton analogy, mais j'suis content que tu me donne la reponse a 2+2, sa fait 10 ans je cherchais la reponse.......:eyebrows:
Booker : Verso ou recto? coudonc
Salut HMJe peut pas dire pour Christina,
Dans ce cas si le retour de Kate la GFE de l'année 2013 avait été annoncée en grande pompe au moment du GGsex la réinvention des GG ca aussi c'est très révélateurs recto verso !Enfin bref... En general quand Mike "perd" une fille ya une raison... Je dirais que Kate et Brooke sont des rares exeption ou il est dommage que sa ne marche pas/pus avec elle, car ces 2 filles vraiment cool
Hello all
Is still leading
Sexy Nadyas second
Gents,Hmmmmm, both agencies are led by women. Is it because they would be more sensitive to the needs and concerns of the hobby, less likely to impose special treatment for clients. I don't think women are necessarily above insensitivity or taking advantage, but both of these agency owners are or have been escorts and hopefully they feel more sympathy about everything...and are fairer.
Not every one are getting along ,just glad we do nowKind of made me laugh reading this, guessing you know which of the 2 I am talking about.
It's definitely very sweet from the ladies to say this about their agency operator !Many ladies I have met from MSC told me that Jessy always took care of them, like a mother would. Something they couldn't say about previous agencies they've work for.
Kind of made me laugh reading this, guessing you know which of the 2 I am talking about.
Also, many agencies will keep up girls pics long after they are gone. So you would have to go by the Who's on tonight thread but it could be done.Hello H101
Yes it would be a interesting exercise,but it would be for almost
all peoples perceptions and opinions.
A forum like this one is about perception and opinions and it is a great tool to use to improve our encounters with the gorgeous ladies of Montreal ,sometimes perception might lead us in the right way sometimes not !
Warmest Regards
Also, many agencies will keep up girls pics long after they are gone. So you would have to go by the Who's on tonight thread but it could be done.
Then we could look at perception vs reality.