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Bill Clinton comes through once again!!


Nov 13, 2008
Visiting Planet Earth
By the way, did Clinton really lie under oath? What he said was that he didn`t have `sexual relations` with Lewinsky. Since it is well known that all he got was a couple of blow jobs, does the terminology `sexual relations` apply in this case? There was no intercourse involved. I think that many would find this debatable. It`s possible that Clinton also knew very well what his words might imply & chose his wording carefully.

Hello Doc,

I agree generally with your post except on this. What burns me about the Clinton Presidency is the Republicans never gave him a fair chance. He was President for at least 4 years and they didn`t care how going after Clinton would affect the condition of the country. They decided to destroy his Presidency before he took office through White Water, then Paula Jones (the chaste Penthouse pin-up Paula), and the Lewinsky episode, and the Republicans didn`t care about any consequences. It was pure ugly manipulative politics by witch hunt.

Regarding Lewinski, of course the episode was distasteful (excuse the to Democrats too. But, any rational person without a personal agenda could understand pursuing a consensual indiscreet blow job from a White house staffer as if it was a conspiracy or capital crime was insane. And seeing as how Newt (so pure he had his own 3-year affair at the same time) Gingrich was so totally hypocritical in the first place, the witch hunt against Clinton was laughable. The tragedy of lying under oath was both in the character of the unfounded witch hunt, and the fact that by the time he testified about Lewinsky the truth would have gotten a national...well DUH! So I am with you there Doc.

But I don`t know how a guy can have an orgasm without calling it sex, especially when it was caused by another person. What is he? Old Faithful. He just goes off spontaneously. LOL. And isn`t one of the most in demand sexual acts by escorts on this board. C`mon Doc. Well, no matter how you label it, no one should have authorized spending millions of F%$@#&g tax payer dollars to investigate it. Besides, is this point really worth the bother. We do know she wasn`t taking

Isn`t it ironic that both Presidential impeachments in American history were brought by Republican power plays without real cause. This one was just more ridiculous.


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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
What also astonishes me today is that people fail to realize that many of the people behind the Clinton witch hunts back then were senators & congressmen that were later caught cheating themselves.....with both women & MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The biggest cheater of them all is none other than Newt Gingrich, who led the charge back in the day when he was leader of the House. The list is long......Craig, Foley, Ensign, Sanford, etc......what hypocrisy!!!!! :mad:
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May 7, 2006
What next to Slick Willy?

After saving two unknown pedestrian 'kao pao coochies' from the evil N/ Korea regime , Big Baba ought to negotiate with the administration to free the son of his supporter Michael Douglas , Cameron who is 'unjustly' imprisoned for dealing illegal drugs...

Bib Baba, worst president ever.

p.s.: I wonder how the two 'kao pao coochies' thanked his excellency on the long flight back home to their ADOPTED country? I guess that's another thread.


Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
The Republicans can only wish that they'd have someone of Clinton's stature & brilliance on their side. Meanwhile, all they can offer & look up to are the Sarah Palins, Rush Limbaughs, Sean Hannitys, Bill O'Leillys, Glenn Becks, etc. Sad.
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