Sweet Angle Smile
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Buying investment properties ?Or stock Market?


Jun 13, 2012
Le sujet est intéressant mais me semble un peu confus...

Faudrait partager le fait de détenir de la propriété pour se loger et/ou pour investissement

Avec une propriété qui vous sert de logement vous ne ferez normalement pas de profit à la revente avant 5 ou 6 ans si les conditions du marché sont bonnes lors de la revente, si non il faut attendre un meilleur moment (encore plus longtemps) . La raison de ce délai pour entrer dans son argent et faire un gain,est que les frais d'aquisition incluant les taxes notaires etc. , les frais d'aménagement et souvent de courtages à la revente demandent ce délai pour être compensés par le profit possible.
D'un autre côté il n'y a pas eu de loyer pendant ce temps. À long terme, c'est certain que c'est payant d'être propriétaire surtout qu'il n'y a pas d'impôtà la revente...
Faut donc faire des calculs et projection avant et pas prendre pour acquis que ce sera payant. Normalement le profit se fait à plus long terme (ce n'est pas du casino)

Pour ce qui est de l'investissemen dans l'immeuble à logement , une chose très importante à se rappeler C'est qu'en immobilier le profit se fait généralement à l'achat (il faut bien acheter et à bon prix C'est à dire un prix qu'un initié peut certifié comme étant OK)
Mais quand bien acheté, L'immobilier est normalement assez payant.

Pour que ce soit payant, if faut acheter avec le moins de comptant possible et le plus gros possible:nod: En immobilier on fait se l'argent avec l'argent des autres (banque pour hypothèque)
remboursé par les autres et les dépenses aussi payés par les autres (c'est à dire les locataires):smile: et encore une fois à moins d'être chanceux pour fliper rapidement avec profit, c'est un investissement long terme
Bien fait il est possible de faire du 15 à 20 % sur capital investi par année au bout de 7 à 10 ans.

Faut pas oublier que la grande majorité des grandes fortunes dans le monde se sont faites dans l'immobilier:nod:

C'est d'ailleurs ma principale activité

Pour ce qui est du Stock market, j'y suis aussi assez actif et c'est la même chose achetez des entreprises connues qui ont augmenté leur profit et dividende année après année et que vous conservez pour le très long terme c'est à dire plusieurs années Le profit se fait aussi à l'achat) une fois achetés oubliez vos stocks pour 1 ou 2 années et souvent plus , ça vaut même pas la peine de suivre le marché. toutes les autres stratégies sont aussi bonne qu'aller jouer à la roulette ou black jack au casino. And as Woolfie7 said, Yes to buy the right investment, it takes a lot of hard work and investigation, You need to know well what you invest in.

C'était mon grin de sel mais Ça m'a été profitable


Jul 21, 2005

Real Estate is a cycle business, based on Interest rate cycles that are about one generation long. The Russian Kondratiev discovered this going back hundreds of years. In other words, once or at most twice in your life you will get the chance to buy real estate a great prices. The last low in housing was in 1980, and assuming a generation of 65 years today, you can expect the next low in housing to be near 2045. This is great for our kids, but probably not for us. Canada and a few other countries are the only ones who have not seen their peak in Real Estate yet. This means that the Canadian market still has its big drop ahead of it, but it could start this year or a decade from now.

Trading Stocks is very difficult, since you are now trading against algo computers. Even the Grandmasters of chess got beaten by computers eventually, and the algo computers get smarter each quarter, and make it tougher and tougher to trade stocks with a profit. It can still be done but requires a lot of technical analysis knowledge. Most people either lack the motivation to properly learn this craft, or lack the brains to reach a level that generates consistent profit.

I agree with others, the best strategy for most people is to buy very low, and just wait. This means that you must do fundamental analysis to make sure you are getting a good company. An easier approach is to buy an index ETF like SPY and QQQ, but they take 0.5% of your profits each year. Another option is to let someone else do the hard work, and piggy back on their love of that work. Most people like to brag and will share a lot for free, all you need is someone with a proven track record.

Here are two for the USA and TSX:



There are others and do your research.

Remember this:

There are no Billionaire Day Traders, just Millionaires, but there are plenty of Billionaire Swing Traders and Investors.

Patience is what will get you rich.

Good Luck


Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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Sur la liste de Forbes, seuls 3 des 50 plus grandes fortunes sont dans l'immobilier... La majorité est dans les technos et les médias. Plusieurs sont dans la vente au détail.

Fait de l'argent ça signifie pas être dans les 50 plus riches dans le monde.
Faire la liste des gens qui ont plus de 50$ millions, tu vas voir que beaucoup d'entre eux sont dans l'immobilier.


Jun 13, 2012

Sur la liste de Forbes, seuls 3 des 50 plus grandes fortunes sont dans l'immobilier... La majorité est dans les technos et les médias. Plusieurs sont dans la vente au détail.

Oh la la
Les 50 entreprises de Forbes: histoire moderne des entreprises surtout en Techno!!! C'est pas l'histoire ça mais les temps modernes et ça comprend une petite poignée de miliardaire dans le monde. Encore il y a beaucoup plus de fortunes crées par l'immobilier
Historiquement à travers le monde le vieil argent a toujours été proche de l'immobilier principalement en Europe ainsi que dans l'histoite contemporaine aux Etats Unis et même au Canadfa ...

Qiui étaient les Seigneurs? les propriétaires de terres et Châteaux qui ne travaillaient pas et faisaintt travailler le bon peuple. Partout si tu fouilles un peu les fortunes sont et étaiten en majorité reliées à l'immobilier. Une fortune ce n'est pas nécessairement être milliardaire mais $50 millions ou $500 millions c'est dans mon livre à moi une fortune intéressante. Et il y en a pas mal plus que la liste de Forbes!

Beaucoup plus de chances et possibilités de faire et bâtir une fortune en immobilier que de commencer un Apple, Microsoft ou un IBM



Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Salut a tous

Les avantages d'opéré dans l'immobilier .
Compagnie de "Holding" seulement bénéficie de financement "premium rates " sur les prêts jusqu'à concurrence de 4 prêts ( Cela varie selon les institutions )

Impôt corporatif ,l'argent envoyé au actionnaire a titre de dividende (Taux moins élevé que personnelle )
Beaucoup plus prés de son investissement .

La durer des baux est décidé par les locateurs avec entente avec le candidat potentiel (plusieurs baux de 3 ans )

Au Plaisir



Active Member
Jun 27, 2003
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La durer des baux est décidé par les locateurs avec entente avec le candidat potentiel (plusieurs baux de 3 ans )

Au Plaisir


Je ne comprend pas ce point.
Dans le résidentiel les bails sont souvent durée de 1 ans et renouvelable.
Commerciale: souvent bail de 5 ans ou 10 ans ou 15 ans.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Je ne comprend pas ce point.
Dans le résidentiel les bails sont souvent durée de 1 ans et renouvelable.
Commerciale: souvent bail de 5 ans ou 10 ans ou 15 ans.

1880. La durée du bail ne peut excéder
cent ans. Si elle excède cent ans, elle est
réduite à cette durée.

Les baux résidentiel peuvent être de plus d'un ans ,il ne sont pas interdit par loi

Au Plaisir



Dec 7, 2012
Il n'est pas plus intéressant d'investir sur le marché des options que sur celui des actions ? Les taux de rendement court-terme sont beaucoup plus intéressant à mon avis. Naturellement tout dépend de l'aversion au risque de l'investisseur.

Au plaisir


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Do you know how they calculate the economic value? Conventional down-payment is 25%, but today we need more down-payment (35-40%) since banks cannot lend us at the amount we purchase, but at the economic value, which is much lower than the purchase one, especially in multiplex cases.

Hello tonyw

Obviously I know how they calculate economic value ,I have been investing in real estate and managing real estate for close to 40 years now .

I only by properties that is covering ,its expenses or have the possibility to do so in a short term .

However real estate investment it is not for everyone

Good Luck




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
Vancouver's hot real estate market won't cool any time soon

Hello all


The real estate market in Vancouver is going through the roof, and this is expected to continue through 2018, according to a Central 1 forecast released April 19.

So far this year, Central 1 said, sales in Metro Vancouver alone have outperformed the credit union’s previous forecast, released in late 2015. Central 1 senior economist Bryan Yu said sales will likely increase 22 per cent across the region this year, while the median price grows 13 per cent to $668,000. For detached homes, the median price is forecast to grow 23 per cent to over $1.1 million.

“The dream of a single-family detached home in Metro Vancouver is going to remain just a dream for most buyers,” Yu said.

A lack of land and soaring prices are leading to increased density, and the number of detached homes is dropping.

“Detached homes make up a shrinking share of the housing stock and increasingly are no longer single-family dwellings as many now have rental units, legal or otherwise,” Yu said.

The report said the impact of foreign ownership will stay concentrated in the luxury market, but “does have ripple effects on the rest of the housing market as high-income households move down-market, lifting prices.”

Last week, the British Columbia Real Estate Association announced a record 12,560 homes were sold across British Columbia in March, shattering the province’s previous record of 11,683 units.

Throughout B.C., both unit sales and home prices are expected to increase over the next couple years, the forecast said. In 2016, resale transactions are set to climb 17 per cent to 109,500 units, while the median price is expected to rise 10 per cent to $473,000. The number of units sold in 2017 is expected to stay around the same, at about 109,000 homes, but prices are expected to grow 4.7 per cent.

In 2018, the median home price in B.C. is forecast to increase a further 3 per cent to reach $508,000.

“Red-hot housing demand in Metro Vancouver and an up cycle on Vancouver Island will continue to underpin provincial housing momentum,” said Yu.

Sales in northern parts of the province will remain slow as a result of low oil and commodity prices hurting local economies.

- See more at: http://www.vancourier.com/news/vanc...-any-time-soon-1.2235692#sthash.Ev4vVUsj.dpuf

I have multiple detach homes :cool:




Veteran of Misadventures
Jul 11, 2003
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I had a chance to speak to a condo owner at a very new downtown complex in Montreal. He told me the investors/owners are 100% foreign money, no locals, it's mostly Chinese and Middle Eastern money, and those condos are being bought for their kids going to college in Montreal and then kept as investment properties or for the kids if they decide to stay in Montreal.

In case you are wondering who is buying that glut of condos being built in downtown Montreal.


Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere
I had a chance to speak to a condo owner at a very new downtown complex in Montreal. He told me the investors/owners are 100% foreign money, no locals, it's mostly Chinese and Middle Eastern money, and those condos are being bought for their kids going to college in Montreal and then kept as investment properties or for the kids if they decide to stay in Montreal.

In case you are wondering who is buying that glut of condos being built in downtown Montreal.

Good insight EB




Gorgeous ladies Fanatic
Apr 29, 2014
Northern emisphere

B.C.’s roaring real estate market is helping the province balance the budget – but some wealthy buyers are using a loophole to avoid paying up to millions of dollars on the property transfer tax.
The property transfer tax is one per cent on the first $200,000, two per cent up to $2 million and three per cent on the remainder. Most first-time homebuyer are exempt.
The tax is expected to bring in $1.5-billion of revenue in 2015/2016 alone.
Investors buy Vancouver property, resell next month for $8M more
Nelson Street
A low-rise building on Nelson Street sold for $68 million.
But there’s a catch: some property owners are using bare trusts to avoid paying the tax. The property is owned by a corporation and the owners may change, but the company’s name remains the same on the title - meaning tax isn’t owed.
This was the case with the recent sale of 1065 Nelson Street in Vancouver, purchased by a company called Nelson Street Residence from Suncom for $68-million.
The company’s director Shan Gao avoided paying the property transfer tax of more than $2-million because the name on the title was left the same.
This practice is common in commercial real estate – and perfectly legal. Sources have told CTV News that the strategy of avoiding the tax is being used with high-end residential sales as well.
Green Party MLA Andrew Weaver has been concerned about the bare trust for the last two years, highlighting the need to fix the loophole.
He says people who are very wealthy or investing from abroad would be recommended by astute accountants to purchase their house using the loophole.
“Every time most people buy and sell a house, they’re paying property transfer tax. It’s only the wealthy and the wise who would actually buy in bare trust,” said Weaver.
“As a society, if every single person created a bare trust and bought every property in a bare trust there would be no more property transfer tax collected in British Columbia… there’s no reason not to change it.”
But saving money may not be the only reason a buyer would choose to set up a bare trust.
Accountant Arthur Azana says bare trusts could become more common with foreign buyers as B.C. plans legislation requiring property purchasers to disclose whether or not they are Canadian citizens.
“I can [see] such arrangements becoming more prevalent,” Azana said in an email to CTV News. “Especially if the next step is something like an extra tax, higher property taxes on non-resident and non-citizen owned properties.”
Finance Minister Mike de Jong says the government is working on closing the loophole but it could take months.
“We're working to ensure a reliable data in case of bare trusts, a better sense of the degree to which it is used as a mechanism for avoiding taxation,” de Jong said. “It’s something we have to be alive to, particularly as we make shifts in other forms of taxation policies.”




I am addicted member
Dec 28, 2015
I had a chance to speak to a condo owner at a very new downtown complex in Montreal. He told me the investors/owners are 100% foreign money, no locals, it's mostly Chinese and Middle Eastern money, and those condos are being bought for their kids going to college in Montreal and then kept as investment properties or for the kids if they decide to stay in Montreal.

In case you are wondering who is buying that glut of condos being built in downtown Montreal.
I can confirm that is happening a lot but still does not represent the majority of condo buyers in Montreal. It often seems like only foreigners are buying condos because they all buy in the same area, often the same building. But this is still a minority if you look at the greater Montreal area.

I can confirm you that the Mont-Tremblant property market is becoming hot again, and that the major proportion of buyers (condo and property in the 500k up to 2 million) are buyers from Quebec, which was not the case in the first early 2000 boom.

I myself have half my saving in properties and half in the stock market (mostly quite secure stocks with iShare or banking companies, long term stuff at low risk).

My only advise to anyone about money is that if you do not have at least a million minimum to invest, do everything fucking yourself!! DO NOT trust anyone, ask many question and learn by yourself! That is true for either buying properties or the stock market.

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