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Carry price ((you are not serious)) Mrrrrr Gainey


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Nov 3, 2003
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When they sell the team they are going to move it to the Phillipines and rename them the Manilla Folders!!


Irish Luck!!!!!!
Jan 29, 2007
Doc Holliday said:
Huh? Chloe=Go Habs Go ?? :confused:

Go golfing!!!!
Dont be confused, We have all summer to train for next season!!!
Hopefully they come back stronger.

Time to Punt

Mar 25, 2009
An opposite point of view:

1. Lost personnel -
Souray is way overpaid, missed most of last year when the Habs finished first in the division and did not help Edmonton even make the playoffs this year. No big loss.

Ryder. You couldn't give Ryder away last year ( which Gainey tried to do before the trade deadline). He was a healthy scratch for most of the last part of the year. This was a guy that needed a change of scenery. When Tanguay was healthy ( Ryder's replacement) his performance this year was better than Ryder's.

Streit- should have kept him, needed on the power play. Versatile player.

Huet - lost the starter's job in Chicago, no big loss

2. Injuries - their number 1 centre (Lang), number 1 defenceman (Markov), number 2 defencemen (Schneider) and number 2 winger (Tanguay). You give those players back to Montreal and take away Boston's 2 best defensemen, best centre and 2nd best winger and I wonder how the series would have turned out ?

3. Gainey isn't going anywhere until Habs are sold. The fact that there are so many free agents this year is a good thing as you can clean house in a year where other teams will have huge problems with the salary cap which will really drop. Habs will have a lot more freedom than most. I think he has managed this well.

Injuries and sub-par performances by Kovalev, the Russian K-kids and Plecanis (sp?) were the main reason the Habs are now playing golf in my humble opinion.

The fans have now f*cked with Price's head and he needs a different place to play.

One of the big problems in Montreal if you want to get rid of Gainey is that both the GM and Coach have to speak French don't they? This limits the choice a lot doesn't it ? Particularly since Lacroix is taking back the GM job in Colorado. Who else is there ?
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Jan 14, 2008
Give him a chance

hi all
first of all i'm not a habs fans
give him a chance
all you habs fans are bitchen about Price's play
let;s see how fast you all change your tune next year when he does a great job for your team.
you all know how hard it is to play here
alot different then most cities
alot of teams in small market cities would love to have him
cut him some slack


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Actually, I'm not complaining about the way Price played at all. I just don't like the pressure that has been put on him by Gainey or the way he was used in the playoffs. He was in a no win situation. There was no way the Habs could realistically win against the Bruins. The fans and the media were all over Price...he had been playing poorly for a couple of months with the occasional good game, he dropped the first two in Boston and was pulled in the second game and even with the media and fans dumping on him, Gainey put him back into the net to lose again. What the hell was Gainey thinking? He had to know what the resulting outcry would be but he did it anyways. It would have meant nothing if Halak had lost the third game but I feel that Gainey was actually afraid the Halak might actually pull of a win and that would make his golden boy look bad.

So Price went down in four and everyone dumped on him. What did Gainey expect? And the fact that he is 'only 21' just doesn't cut it because there are other young goalies in the league also. The problem is that the Habs and Gainey in particular have taken this 21 year old kid and basically hung the title of franchise player and team saviour on him and there is nothing that this kid can do to live up to that kind of pressure. Don't blame the media and don't blame the fans for being pissed off that the team was swept in four. Blame Gainey and the Habs organization for not taking care of him and for putting him in a situation that he had absolutely no chance of coming out of unscathed.

And 21 years old or not, Price has one hell of a lot of growing up to do if he wants to survive in this league and he needs more guidance than the Habs have been giving him the last two years. In his press conference Gainey blamed injuries, off ice problems, the fans, the media and even the GM of Tampa for his team's problems. The only thing he didn't do is assume any of the responsibility himself. I think it's time he takes a long hard look in the mirror.



New Member
Oct 3, 2008
EXACTLY! i couldnt of said it better!

tell you what all you SPOILED Habs fans, i wish Brian
Burke would make a reasonable trade right now for Price, not give away alot (cause it wouldnt take much right now) but something to take Price off your hands since you think he's never gonna amount to anything, truth is he needs to get away from all the ungratefull and S P O I L E D Montreal fans/media, the kid has potential to be great, but your stupid media is gonna ruin him if he stays there, and YES i no the Toronto media is tough also, BUT unlike Boring Bob (thanks Doc, couldnt think of a more fitting name for Gainey) Burke would protect this kid to no ends ..... and i think you'd see Carey turn into a Huge Star

whitesoxs said:
hi all
first of all i'm not a habs fans
give him a chance
all you habs fans are bitchen about Price's play
let;s see how fast you all change your tune next year when he does a great job for your team.
you all know how hard it is to play here
alot different then most cities
alot of teams in small market cities would love to have him
cut him some slack


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
I totally agree, let Boring BOB (thanks DOC!) continue to do as he has been doing, NOT delivering a Stanley Cup to the city of Montreal :D

toonster said:
Opions are like assholes, everyone has one!!!!!!!

Let Gainey do his job.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
(quote)Huet - lost the starter's job in Chicago, no big loss

are you kidding? Huet was the BEGINNING of the decline

(quote) The fans have now f*cked with Price's head and he needs a different place to play.

totally agree, and add the MEDIA to that, not just the fans

(quote) One of the big problems in Montreal if you want to get rid of Gainey is that both the GM and Coach have to speak French don't they?

this is WHY Montreal will not win and also why they could of won cups possibly since their last one ........ theres tradition, then there STUPID tradition


Mar 31, 2005

I disagree, if you want your goaler to gain confidence, you do this by making him play!

The "real" problem is with the coaching staff! They did a piss poor job with Price..

Now lets see if they can rebuild and they do need a drill sargeant as a coach ;)

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Time to Punt said:
Injuries - their number 1 centre (Lang), number 1 defenceman (Markov), number 2 defencemen (Schneider) and number 2 winger (Tanguay). You give those players back to Montreal and take away Boston's 2 best defensemen, best centre and 2nd best winger and I wonder how the series would have turned out ?

And there lies the problem. Lang shouldn't be a number 1 center. On most of the teams in the NHL, he's a number 2 'at best'. Never a number 1 on a 'supposed' contending team like the Habe were thought to be.

Another problem? Schneider as a number 2 defenceman. Again, on most teams, this 50-year injury prone has-been is a number 4 'at best'.

Finally......Tanguay as number 2 winger? Come on!!! They got rid of him in Calgary!!! He's a number 4 winger 'at best'.

And there lies the problems with the Blue, Blanc, Rouge.


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Porter said:

I disagree, if you want your goaler to gain confidence, you do this by making him play!

The "real" problem is with the coaching staff! They did a piss poor job with Price..

Now lets see if they can rebuild and they do need a drill sargeant as a coach ;)

He can't gain confidence when his confidence is already shakey and the fans are booing him from the start. He lost his confidence in the All Star game when he was destroyed in the young guns game and he never got it back. And feeding him to the wolves is not the way to help him get it back.

As far as the coaching staff is concerned, I have never liked Melancon as a goalie coach. Huet was going pretty good when he started with the team but once Rollie got hold of him, he started to slide. And yes, I do realize that Huet was never the greatest goalie to begin with, but he got worse, not better. With Price, he turned a kid with a lot of talent into a goalie who drops to the ice as soon as an opposing player hits the blue line. Price has had two years of this useless training and it will take a long time and a really good coach to get him back where he belongs.

But I will never change my mind that he didn't belong in the playoffs this year. He sure as hell hadn't earned the start with the way he had been playing and Halak most certainly did. Last time I checked, the idea was to win games, not to use the playoffs as a training tool to help your young 'goalie of the future' get his confidence back. As Gainey is so fond of saying...he is only 21 and he has a lot of years ahead of him. If not starting him in game three would have been so detrimental to his developement, then he isn't tough enough to be in the NHL to begin with. And as it turned out, Gainey's decision has probably caused more damage to his confidence than sitting him out ever would have. In fact Gainey should give a big thank you to the Bruins for not running up the score in the last game because they could probably have scored another three or four goals in the third period if they had really wanted to. And that would have really done a number on Price's confidence.

What Gainey did was like tossing a young boxer into the ring with Mike Tyson in his prime. Sure, losing to the best may build character. If you survive the beating.:cool:


The Grim Reaper
Dec 23, 2004
Don't worry Doc. Next year I've heard that they will do everything possible to get Chelios, Claude Lemieux and Joe Sakic. Then they'll convince Roy to come out of retirement and they will have the best oldtimers team in the NHL.

Then again, it would probably be an improvement over this year.

And they will still finish above the Leafs in the standings.


New Member
Nov 19, 2004
You can play that "numbers game" (#1, 2, 3...) in a number of ways but it's mostly irrelevant. The relevant part is the impact the players you lose to injury have on your team. So it it mostly comes down to depth. Heck, Boston have a #1 defencemen but they don't have a #1 anything else (except in goal). They are good because of balance throughout the lineup.


Mar 31, 2005
He can't gain confidence when his confidence is already shakey and the fans are booing him from the start. He lost his confidence in the All Star game when he was destroyed in the young guns game and he never got it back. And feeding him to the wolves is not the way to help him get it back.

As far as the coaching staff is concerned, I have never liked Melancon as a goalie coach. Huet was going pretty good when he started with the team but once Rollie got hold of him, he started to slide. And yes, I do realize that Huet was never the greatest goalie to begin with, but he got worse, not better. With Price, he turned a kid with a lot of talent into a goalie who drops to the ice as soon as an opposing player hits the blue line. Price has had two years of this useless training and it will take a long time and a really good coach to get him back where he belongs.

But I will never change my mind that he didn't belong in the playoffs this year. He sure as hell hadn't earned the start with the way he had been playing and Halak most certainly did. Last time I checked, the idea was to win games, not to use the playoffs as a training tool to help your young 'goalie of the future' get his confidence back. As Gainey is so fond of saying...he is only 21 and he has a lot of years ahead of him. If not starting him in game three would have been so detrimental to his developement, then he isn't tough enough to be in the NHL to begin with. And as it turned out, Gainey's decision has probably caused more damage to his confidence than sitting him out ever would have. In fact Gainey should give a big thank you to the Bruins for not running up the score in the last game because they could probably have scored another three or four goals in the third period if they had really wanted to. And that would have really done a number on Price's confidence.

What Gainey did was like tossing a young boxer into the ring with Mike Tyson in his prime. Sure, losing to the best may build character. If you survive the beating.

You sure raise some interesting points! But Price was pretty good in the last game!!

The real point is that most fans, think somewhere that they have god's gift in managing a hockey team! Now do not take this the wrong way. The media is to blame for alot of this!

I do not want to blame the media for Montreal's disaster, they earned that on their own!! But Gainey's choice of playing Price was right!

You go with your number one. Every goalie will let in a stupid goal once in a while. You do not yank your number one at the drop of the hat!
The fans want quick results, while not really understanding the game. Well some do!

Price needs to play and not play sheltered games, he needs to face the big boys!

Now Montreal's pitfall was not just the goalie's fault, its was a team that fell flat! The D was porous at best, the attack could not score on a regular basis. The Power play team was not even close and give up a goal!


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
That's for damn sure! Just look at that no-class cowardly thug Komisarek. Gets his ass kicked by Lucic and has to use his stick to try to get revenge. Zero guts and zero class. Komisarek doesn't deserve to be in the NHL - one of the most cowardly acts I've seen.

Quoted for the record from April 2009 when Komi was still a Hab. Just to show the board's two resident leaflovers yet again that what they write is always total BS.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Quoted for the record from April 2009 when Komi was still a Hab. Just to show the board's two resident leaflovers yet again that what they write is always total BS.

You are truly DEMENTED, my dear friend. You really should go & seek some help. I feel sorry for you. This board is definitely NOT good for you. You have absolutely no life. I mean it.


New Member
Jul 26, 2005
You are truly DEMENTED, my dear friend. You really should go & seek some help. I feel sorry for you. This board is definitely NOT good for you. You have absolutely no life. I mean it.

If by "life" you mean watching figure skating, "hanging out" with a dimwitted sexually cinfused lapdog, rooting for the most feeble organization in all of professional sports (namely the pathetic leafs) and deleting over 5000 posts (while still retaining another 5705), you would be correct. However, there are no intelligent life forms that would consider the aforementioned activities as being anything like "life" - but rather the pastimes of a lifelong loser. You have my pity.
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