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Castro is Dead


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2003
Le Chabrol, Saint - Jacques
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As much as I am a anti conservative and anti Capitalism I cannot agree with this. I would compare Castro more to the likes of Stalin or Mussolini. These were dictators that oppressed its citizens. Hitler was another one of them to the ultra-right wing. Extreme of either wing leads to the suppression of freedom.

I respectfully disagree, Castro did a lot of good things for the Cuban citizens, also Castro never created a lie to invade a country that caused the deaths of close to a million people, Bush and Cheney's coffin awaits them in hell right beside Hitler and Stalin.


How on God's green earth did this guy miss being so close to the mass murderer.



New Member
May 14, 2016
"And for Barack Obama, still president of the United States, he was a “singular figure” whose “enormous impact” would be recorded and judged by history."

It's interesting to see someone leave judgment as an open question, while others take very definite and opposite views. A "singular figure"...yes. An "enormous impact"...yes. In a positive way? Never. Not unless taken as a learning lesson on the risks of accepting the propaganda as a fact versus all the evidence we could see of what he was.

I doubt he ever changed, as said about his very early life. Could he have fooled himself into thinking he had the people's good intentions at heart? Or did he lie because he knew how to use the people's fears, anger, and desperation to serve himself. His methods and his life are now a vivid guide of what to beware of. But because of personal perspective...the same fears, anger, and desperation I doubt many will heed the warning they can see in the same kind because of the hopes they want to impose on the same kind of propaganda they want to believe in, no matter how contradicting and obvious the signs they are being used the same way.

I doubt the same kind of figures we see today are fooling themselves. They know what they are. It's the people who put faith in those like Castro who make the mistakes, not the Castros themselves. The lesson is beware. Believe your eyes and ears. Don't build another Castro and what he wants you to believe into what you want him to be.

Good luck


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
You are not alone Cloudy, I would bet anything a 4th screename has already been picked out :rolleyes:

You know Passionne that this is not the first time that you have miss understood what I had written or have misquoted me.
Show me where I wrote that I checked the ladies opinion on Castro before seeing them. Total nonsense.
I initially went to Cuba on business and while there I couldn`t believe how many women would approach me to offer their services, in exchange for a meal date or a few dollars....even for a marriage proposal. Most of the women who approached me told me how they hated life under Castro and wanted to leave. I didn`t ask them for their opinion on the government, They volunteered that information.... and begged me to help them out.

Now go away and don`t bother me. I really dislike you.


New Member
Oct 3, 2008
Those lefties in the media and in D.C. are still wondering why but to understand how they lost they first would need to have brains. They are a comical little group of losers though, that i will give them.
I thought it was the Clinton campaign and MSM were doing such things? They labelled everyone disagrees with them as racist, bigot, xenophobic.

Lefties still don't know why they lost the election.


New Member
May 14, 2016
I initially went to Cuba on business and while there I couldn`t believe how many women would approach me to offer their services, in exchange for a meal date or a few dollars....even for a marriage proposal. Most of the women who approached me told me how they hated life under Castro and wanted to leave. I didn`t ask them for their opinion on the government, They volunteered that information.... and begged me to help them out.

Now go away and don`t bother me. I really dislike you.

Great big humanitarian. The begged for help, you helped yourself. So you see the dislike is mutual.


A poor corrupt official
Jun 29, 2003
...People living here in North America have no idea what it is really like and how well off they really are...

We do know, thanks to people like you who have experienced communist oppression first hand. Thankfully I never had to experience it, but I got a glimpse of it when I spent a day in East Berlin during the height of the Cold War. Though I have traveled to many countries, I have never seen such a grim, soulless and depressing place anywhere else. A day in East Berlin gave me all the understanding I needed of what life is like in a communist dictatorship of the kind that liberals admire...as long as they're not actually living in such a place themselves.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
We do know, thanks to people like you who have experienced communist oppression first hand. Thankfully I never had to experience it, but I got a glimpse of it when I spent a day in East Berlin during the height of the Cold War. Though I have traveled to many countries, I have never seen such a grim, soulless and depressing place anywhere else. A day in East Berlin gave me all the understanding I needed of what life is like in a communist dictatorship of the kind that liberals admire...as long as they're not actually living in such a place themselves.

Yes, but what we do not hear are the voices from the mass graves. It just never ceases to amaze me of all the "useful idiots" that will post articles from underground magazines that are to the left of Mother Jones about what some former president did and try to compare them to this Jungle Stalin.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
You are not alone Cloudy, I would bet anything a 4th screename has already been picked out :rolleyes:

I already came up with good 4th name. "Ignore."


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2005
I m reading how Colin Kaepernick is morning the death of Castro. What is it with Hollywood and celebrity leftists and their love for the opposition of freedom that would enslave them? Why are left wing dictators so fashionable and in vogue with this set? If my kid came home wearing a Che Geuvara shirt I would put my foot up his or her ass. Somone explain why this is so appealing to the left in this country? I know how to get them. Go up to JZ and say "oh your still idolizng that guy? Hmm, My hero's are Stalin and Mao Tse Tung. They killed far more innocent people (collectively maybe 90 million+) than any of the Cuban communists."

Funny how you forget about right-wing dictators like King Abdullah. Last time I checked when this dictator of a monarchy country died former Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper had nothing but praises for that guy and the conservatives still support him up to this day. Saudi Arabia a monarchy country which is ultra conservative btw your type of people are also against freedom. The citizens live under Sharia law (religion and state have a strong relation in rightist governments) which mandates the amputation of hands as a punishment for theft and floggings for crimes like drunkenness. Execution by public beheading is common for murder, rape, drug trafficking and witchcraft. There was also no religious freedom religious persecution was the way also. Womens rights were oppressed they are treated as second class citizens. Saudi Arabia is notorious for human rights violations. At least in Cuba everyone has access to healthcare. This guy has a wealth of $21 billion making him the richest monarchs. Wealth inequality another rightist staple. I should also add this guy did not work or earn a dime it was all handed down to him. Another conservative moto if you are born rich you deserve to be rich. The conservatives have policies to keep the rich rich and the poor poor.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2007
Funny how you forget about right-wing dictators like King Abdullah. Last time I checked when this dictator of a monarchy country died former Conservative Prime Minister Stephen Harper had nothing but praises for that guy and the conservatives still support him up to this day. Saudi Arabia a monarchy country which is ultra conservative btw your type of people are also against freedom. The citizens live under Sharia law (religion and state have a strong relation in rightist governments) which mandates the amputation of hands as a punishment for theft and floggings for crimes like drunkenness. Execution by public beheading is common for murder, rape, drug trafficking and witchcraft. There was also no religious freedom religious persecution was the way also. Womens rights were oppressed they are treated as second class citizens. Saudi Arabia is notorious for human rights violations. At least in Cuba everyone has access to healthcare. This guy has a wealth of $21 billion making him the richest monarchs. Wealth inequality another rightist staple. I should also add this guy did not work or earn a dime it was all handed down to him. Another conservative moto if you are born rich you deserve to be rich. The conservatives have policies to keep the rich rich and the poor poor.

Yes but there is one big difference: They are not adversaries.

I do not like dictators but I like even less dictators that are plotting against us. Of course this is the home Wahhabism and they should answer to their support of this sect and their donations to it which is probably nothing more than a form of tribute.

I'm a conservative and I have no problem with poor people becoming rich. Look at the stats. Something like 80% of the millionaires in this country are new millionaires. I like my odds here under capitalism. Wanna sit home and smoke pot all day and drink and play video games? Then go fuck yourself your not going to have much and you shouldn't. I think Patron said that the hobby is the purest form of capitalism and I am glad I am part of this.

You forgot the pre-WWII Tories and PMs Neville Chamberlain and Baldwin before him that appeased Hitler and refused to fight until it was too late. I hate these conservatives.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
I'm a conservative and I have no problem with poor people becoming rich. Look at the stats. Something like 80% of the millionaires in this country are new millionaires. I like my odds here under capitalism. Wanna sit home and smoke pot all day and drink and play video games? Then go fuck yourself your not going to have much and you shouldn't. I think Patron said that the hobby is the purest form of capitalism and I am glad I am part of this.

Conservatives want to become rich due to hard work, Liberals want to become rich from others hard work. And before someone gets their panties in a knot, not " all " but a high majority.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
What makes you think he can't make up the definition of 'illegals' as he sees fit? Trump wants to be a dictator just like the many he idolizes. If he deems you an enemy, he will have you deported or worse. The Donald's reign-of-terror hasn't yet begun, but it'll happen. Beware, beware, beware!

Now back to Fidel Castro. The legend. The powerful leader. The brilliant mastermind. Love him or hate him, but give him credit: he changed history and left his mark. Hail El Presidente! :thumb:

You have to be high and laughing as you write this stuff, we can tell you do not follow politics that much or you dumb yourself down when you enter these conversations. Keep up the good work, you keep me amused.

Sol Tee Nutz

Well-Known Member
Apr 29, 2012
Look behind you.
Hum, honestly as much as I don't like him, Trudeau is well liked abroad, it's probably his first big mistake in that regards. Dont' you think?

Really, he is liked abroad because he gives billions of our tax dollars away while cutting tax breaks here, he is pictured dancing like a fool at gay pride and Muslim events ( I can name a few countries that would shake their head at that ), he misses the 9/11 event but the next day attends a Muslim event. You can see from pictures/videos at global events that world leaders that do not expect a handout are not paying attention to him.
The countries that are also planning to overtax due to climate change BS are clapping their hands.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
How is that different than the multitude of U.S. northeast posters on merb that go to Montreal from NYC, Boston and Philly to get 180-250 loonie sex instead of the equivalent 400-600 U.S. dollar sex in those big cities? The exact same thing is available in the U.S. if you research on TER, contrary to much of the nonsense posted on merb by guys who trash the U.S. market. Sure the price drop off is steeper from Canada to Cuba, but the same principle applies. Both parties benefit from the transaction, and neither party coerced the other party or forced them into the situation.

So true Patron and rarely truer than for that hypocrite Passionne who keeps changing his handle to hide from his past posts.

Back to Castro.
No one has taken more advantage of Cuban women than him. He boasted in an interview that he has a tribe of illegitimate kids.
Best estimates are that he has screwed 4000 women.
One could suppose that he tried his hardest to replace the 50,000 souls he murdered with his own kids.


May 3, 2010
Why dont you name the countries, im sure they are countries who still think its the 14 century.So big deal hes at muslim or a gay event this is the 21 century, welcome to it.
Really, he is liked abroad because he gives billions of our tax dollars away while cutting tax breaks here, he is pictured dancing like a fool at gay pride and Muslim events ( I can name a few countries that would shake their head at that ), he misses the 9/11 event but the next day attends a Muslim event. You can see from pictures/videos at global events that world leaders that do not expect a handout are not paying attention to him.
The countries that are also planning to overtax due to climate change BS are clapping their hands.


New Member
May 14, 2016
How is that different than the multitude of U.S. northeast posters on merb that go to Montreal from NYC, Boston and Philly to get 180-250 loonie sex instead of the equivalent 400-600 U.S. dollar sex in those big cities?

1. I'm not a hypocrite condemning a dictator then supporting his economy when I could avoid all that simply by going next door.

2. I'm not pretending I'm doing some begging desperate girls a favor when what is really going on is having sex as cheaply as possible.

Why not just say it like it is. The price is great. Nothing wrong with being honest about it.


Cuba completely messed with my head. I was only there a week and not really gaming but it was tough when half of the conversations I got into (men and women) resulted in an attempted scam or pleas for money to buy baby formula. And just knowing you can pick almost any girl for $20-30 seriously unbalances reality.

$100 for a top girl.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003
1. I'm not a hypocrite condemning a dictator then supporting his economy when I could avoid all that simply by going next door.


If I was going to Cuba just for pussy then that would be true.
But as I`ve stated, while you were too busy blabbing to listen, that I`ve gone there on business. Also on geographic and cultural travels.
I have many friends there including people in the government and Canadian tourists who return annually to partake in the cigar festival in mid Nov.
As I also said ..... you can hate the government and the way it treats their citizens, while you still love the country and its culture.
And yes I have visited surrounding countries more than once with my ex-wife and a couple of girlfriends.
Now I hope this is the end of your annoying and false posts about my choice of travels.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2003

Cuba completely messed with my head. I was only there a week and not really gaming but it was tough when half of the conversations I got into (men and women) resulted in an attempted scam or pleas for money to buy baby formula. And just knowing you can pick almost any girl for $20-30 seriously unbalances reality.

$100 for a top girl.

BTW thanks for the link....it just goes to show you how fucked up a communist government can get.
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