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Cinema de l’Amour


Active Member
May 31, 2018
I share your views about this. That place sounds totally un-hygienic. It sounds like a cesspool for bedbugs & other forms of bacteria if you ask me!

If someone really wants to try the experience i’d recommend renting a hotel room & invite others to attend while watching porn on a big screen tv. They could jerk off as much as they’d want to & a couple could maybe even up having sex in front of them for their pure entertainment & masturbation pleasure!
It just seems so filthy to me, if I feel like I have to wear a hazmat suit for a good time, and no way way will I sit on a seat with layered old cum gross, count me out, and as you mentioned a hotel room suite for an orgy is the best way to go. I have been to a few private parties at the W, Ritz, Doubletree etc. these parties usually require an organized vetting process as not just anyone is accepted and with hygiene at the forefront.


Active Member
May 31, 2018
Never been to L'orage. Ever been on a Saturday? Seems like it is for couples and single females? How many people would there be would you say the times you have been?
Also I forgot to mention usually there is a crowd anywhere between 40 to 80 people, rough guess
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