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Classé XXX


Jul 23, 2011
J'y vais en français compte tenu que l'émission est en français, est-ce que certains d'entres vous ont regardé Classé XXX sur Z a la télé sur le monde du porno?

Très intéressant je trouvé c'est grand public et assez friendly l'animatrice (la fille de dans une galaxie près de chez vous!!) pose des bonnes questions j'ai trouvé sans être trop bêtes ni trop pointu.
L'intéret est aussi qu'on reconnait plusieurs filles présentes sur le forum et c'est évident qu'on en parle pas, sauf Jessie Storm. Ça prend du guts pour en parler ouvertement.

Les épisodes sont disponibles ztele.

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
Moi je regarde, sa m'interesse de savoir comment sa se passe et tout. Oui j'aime bien l'emission a date. Je dois avouer que celle sur Gabriel Clark et son pere ma un peu fait dire wtf , spa sa que je veut voir, lol mais en meme temps ces juste une emission. J'ai bien aimer celle sur Jessie Storm en particulier, et une des derniere sur Vandall etait cool puisque on montrais le club de sherbrooke aussi.

Si ya de quoi sa montre bien cette emission que la porno quebecoise est fuck all pas glamour pour 2 cent :p Mais j'suis content d'etre au courant quoi. Mais sa me fait toujours rire de voir Melanie Maynard animé sa... elle qui jouais comme tu dit dans une emission pour enfant... :p


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
J'aimerais revoir celui ou apparait GInger Red, qq1 sait dans quel episode c'était, et si il y a un endroit ou voir le replay ? Impossible de trouver le replay pls de 2emission avant sur le site de ztele... Merci

Halloween Mike

Original Dude
Apr 19, 2009
J'aimerais revoir celui ou apparait GInger Red, qq1 sait dans quel episode c'était, et si il y a un endroit ou voir le replay ? Impossible de trouver le replay pls de 2emission avant sur le site de ztele... Merci

S etait l episode 2 je crois


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2011
A ton avis Laila, pourquoi cette attirance dans le milieu du sexe Québecois pour les couleurs dans les cheveux, les piercing et tatouages ? Le dénominateur commun serait il l'extravagance ?

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
I've watched a few installments & i must admit i find it very boring & depressing.

I don't find any of the actors (both male and female) to be very attractive. Actually when i think of it, the Quebec porn industry is in bad shape as compared to its US & European counterparts. I wouldn't pay a single dollar to be with most of the women portrayed in that series. The most attractive person in that series was Ginger Red, but we barely saw her & she admitted to simply be considering entering the business. She was there mostly for curisosity purposes only.

I spoke in lenght about this to a current porn actress last week & told her that something must change especially when it comes to the male actors they employ. Like many american actors, they look like someone who just walked out of a long prison term. People who watch porn often want to identify with the characters they are watching and the last person i want to identify with is a tatoo-filled unattractive ex-convict.

She admitted that a lot of what i was saying was very true & added that the industry was likely aware of this since lately they had been heavily recruiting better-looking male strippers to act in their films. However, as i told her, the problem with recruitment of male actors is that it only pays peanuts since they believe that many males would agree to perform for free.

She also added that another problem with the Quebec industry is that it's all about making a quick buck. They film as many scenes as possible and release them a.s.a.p. without putting much emphasis on the quality of the scenes and the actors. It's basically a porn free-for-all.

This is why my porn preference is still porn from Europe. The women are hotter (and most don't have fake boobs and look more natural) and the men as attractive as women are. They are not covered from head to toe with tatoos and piercings. They look classy & the type of guys normal women would fall for.

I miss the earlier days of Quebec porn with the likes of Lanny Barbie, Kimberly Franklin, Zeina Heart, Judy Starr, Barbie Belle, Diamond4Ever, Christine Young & Jade, who also happened to work for AllissaMontreal back in my hobbying heyday.

Cherry Lipps, whom i met at a couple of stripclubs back in the 90's, was also quite a hottie. But she only did lesbian scenes back then.


New Member
Aug 17, 2012

I was in that one, was a great experience to shoot with them.. an other season is on casting right now...

They lost (Ztele) some contracts after the series come out... some ppl don't want to be associated with this industry at all...

Je n'ai pas vu les premiers épisodes: étais-tu dans un de ceux-là? Dommage que ZTélé ait perdu des contrats à cause de la fausse pudeur de certaines compagnies


Active Member
May 15, 2013
Judy Young & Asia, who also happened to work for AllissaMontreal .

Judy Young ???? Maybe you meant to say Christine Young ?
and for Asia, the only asian that i know in Québec porn is Jade, the tall vietnamese who was a stripper at the Hill Top for a while.

Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
Judy Young ???? Maybe you meant to say Christine Young ?
and for Asia, the only asian that i know in Québec porn is Jade, the tall vietnamese who was a stripper at the Hill Top for a while.

You're correct, i meant to say Christine Young. I suppose the former sp known as 'Judy' whom i saw again at the last gt was still on my mind when i made my post. ;)

And indeed you are correct, i meant to write "Jade" and not "Asia". I saw her in a few movies, including one with Barbie Belle & Rocco Siffredi when he visited Mtl. "Jade" also worked for a high-end escort service named "Allissa Mtl" as 'Jackie'. She wasn't shy about her 'other job' and one of her colleagues even told me that 'Jackie' would sometimes bring some of her movies on 'dates' and watch them with her clients.


Active Member
May 15, 2013
I saw her in a few movies, including one with Barbie Belle & Rocco Siffredi when he visited Mtl.
" Buttman and rocco go to Montreal ", a classic, filmed in a couple of places around Montreal including L'île Ste-Hélène, Beaver Hall Street, and even in a booth at the Downtown strip club.


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Jul 16, 2004
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Doc Holliday

The Horny Cowboy
Sep 27, 2003
" Buttman and rocco go to Montreal ", a classic, filmed in a couple of places around Montreal including L'île Ste-Hélène, Beaver Hall Street, and even in a booth at the Downtown strip club.

Yes indeed. I believe it was made around 2001 or 2002. The first scene, involving Barbie Belle & Jade, was filmed at the Delta Mtl. Less than 10 years later, i met Barbie Belle at Hotel de le Montagne, my favorite hotel at the time. A buddy of mine met 'Jade' when we stayed at the Vogue in 2004 or 2005. Ah, great times.

The stripclub scene with Tangerine Dreams and Kimberley Franklin & the threesome with Judy Starr & Diamond4Ever was also a classic. It also happened to be Judy's first try at anal. Ouch!


Active Member
Aug 29, 2011
ahhh bin je met un visage a laila maintenant lol, je me demandais qui etait derriere le paravant a lappart
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